Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2008-2010, Squale Project - * * This file is part of Squale. * * Squale is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or any later version. * * Squale is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Squale. If not, see <>. */ /* * Cr le 25 juil. 05 * * Pour changer le modle de ce fichier gnr, allez : * Fentre>Prfrences>Java>Gnration de code>Code et commentaires */ package org.squale.welcom.addons.config; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet; import org.apache.struts.config.ModuleConfig; import org.squale.welcom.addons.access.WAddOnsAccessManager; import org.squale.welcom.addons.message.WAddOnsMessageManager; import org.squale.welcom.addons.spell.WAddOnsSpellManager; import org.squale.welcom.outils.Util; import org.squale.welcom.outils.WelcomConfigurator; import org.squale.welcom.outils.jdbc.WJdbc; import org.squale.welcom.outils.jdbc.WJdbcMagic; import org.squale.welcom.outils.jdbc.WStatement; import org.squale.welcom.outils.jdbc.wrapper.ResultSetUtils; import org.squale.welcom.struts.plugin.WelcomContext; /** * @author M327837 Pour changer le modle de ce commentaire de type gnr, allez : * Fentre>Prfrences>Java>Gnration de code>Code et commentaires */ public class AddonsConfig { /** logger */ private static Log logStartup = LogFactory.getLog("Welcom"); /** Sql code de table not found */ public final static int SQL_CODE_TABLE_NOT_FOUND = 942; /** Table pour la gestion des plugins */ public final static String WEL_ADDONS = WelcomConfigurator.getMessage(WelcomConfigurator.ADDONS_TABLE_NAME); /** Table de droits d'accs */ public final static String WEL_ACCESSKEY = WelcomConfigurator .getMessage(WelcomConfigurator.ADDONS_ACCESS_MANAGER_TABLE_ACCESSKEY); /** Table de profil */ public final static String WEL_PROFILE = WelcomConfigurator .getMessage(WelcomConfigurator.ADDONS_ACCESS_MANAGER_TABLE_PROFILE); /** Table de droits d'acces par profil (referentiel) */ public final static String WEL_PROFILE_ACCESSKEY_INT = WelcomConfigurator .getMessage(WelcomConfigurator.ADDONS_ACCESS_MANAGER_TABLE_PROFILEACCESSKEYINT); /** Table de droits d'acces par profil (utilisateur) */ public final static String WEL_PROFILE_ACCESSKEY = WelcomConfigurator .getMessage(WelcomConfigurator.ADDONS_ACCESS_MANAGER_TABLE_PROFILEACCESSKEY); /** Table de droits d'acces par profil (utilisateur) */ public final static String WEL_MSGLIBELLE = WelcomConfigurator .getMessage(WelcomConfigurator.ADDONS_MESSAGE_MANAGER_TABLE_LIBELLES); /** Liste des addons */ private final ArrayList listAddons = new ArrayList(); /** pseudo singleton pour le clonnage */ private static HashMap htSingleton = new HashMap(); /** * @return Pseudo Singleton /recupere sous la clef JNDI : java:comp/env/welcomConfContext */ public static AddonsConfig getInstance() { AddonsConfig ac; final String welcomContextName = WelcomContext.getWelcomContextName(); synchronized (htSingleton) { ac = (AddonsConfig) htSingleton.get(welcomContextName); if (ac == null) { ac = new AddonsConfig(); htSingleton.put(welcomContextName, ac); } } return ac; } /** * @return la liste des addons */ private ArrayList getListAddons() { return listAddons; } /** * @see org.squale.welcom.WIAddOns#init() */ public static void init(final ActionServlet servlet, final ModuleConfig config) { // Initialise les differents Addons final String accessManagerEnabled = WelcomConfigurator .getMessage(WelcomConfigurator.ADDONS_ACCESS_MANAGER_ENABLED); if (Util.isTrue(accessManagerEnabled)) { try { AddonsConfig.getInstance().initAddons(WAddOnsAccessManager.class, servlet, config); } catch (final AddonsException e) {"Erreur du le chargement de l'addons : " + e.getMessage()); } } final String messageManagerEnabled = WelcomConfigurator .getMessage(WelcomConfigurator.ADDONS_MESSAGE_MANAGER_ENABLED); if (Util.isTrue(messageManagerEnabled)) { try { AddonsConfig.getInstance().initAddons(WAddOnsMessageManager.class, servlet, config); } catch (final AddonsException e) {"Erreur du le chargement de l'addons : " + e.getMessage()); } } final String spellManagerEnabled = WelcomConfigurator .getMessage(WelcomConfigurator.ADDONS_SPELL_MANAGER_ENABLED); if (Util.isTrue(spellManagerEnabled)) { try { AddonsConfig.getInstance().initAddons(WAddOnsSpellManager.class, servlet, config); } catch (final AddonsException e) {"Erreur du le chargement de l'addons : " + e.getMessage()); } } } /** * Initialisation de l'addons * * @param addonsClass : Classe de l'addons * @param servlet : Servlet * @param config : Config * @throws AddonsException : Probleme de chargement */ public void initAddons(final Class addonsClass, final ActionServlet servlet, final ModuleConfig config) throws AddonsException { WIAddOns addons = null; try { addons = (WIAddOns) addonsClass.newInstance(); } catch (final InstantiationException e1) { throw new AddonsException(e1.getMessage()); } catch (final IllegalAccessException e1) { throw new AddonsException(e1.getMessage()); }"-> Init Addons : " + addons.getDisplayName()); saveAddons(addons); addons.init(servlet, config); listAddons.add(addons); } /** * ( * * @see org.squale.welcom.addons.config.WIAddOns#registredAddons(org.squale.welcom.outils.jdbc.WJdbc) */ public void registredAddons(final WJdbc jdbc, final WIAddOns addons) throws SQLException { final WStatement sta = jdbc.getWStatement(); sta.add("INSERT INTO " + WEL_ADDONS + " (NAME,DISPLAYNAME,VERSION)"); sta.add("values ("); sta.addParameter("?,", addons.getName()); sta.addParameter("?,", addons.getDisplayName()); sta.addParameter("?", addons.getVersion()); sta.add(")"); sta.executeUpdate(); sta.close(); } /** * Recupere la config d'un addons * * @param addons : Classe Addons * @throws AddonsException : Probleme de chargement */ public void saveAddons(final WIAddOns addons) throws AddonsException { WJdbcMagic jdbc = null; try { jdbc = new WJdbcMagic(); saveAddons(jdbc, addons); } catch (final SQLException sqle) { throw new AddonsException(sqle.getMessage()); } finally { if ((jdbc != null) && !jdbc.isClosed()) { jdbc.close(); } } } /** * Recupere la config d'un addons * * @param jdbc : connexion jdbc * @param addons : Classe Addons * @throws AddonsException : Probleme de chargement */ public void saveAddons(final WJdbc jdbc, final WIAddOns addons) throws AddonsException { try { final WStatement sta = jdbc.getWStatement(); /* * sta.add("drop table WEL_ADDONS"); sta.executeUpdate(); sta.close(); sta = jdbc.getWStatement(); */ sta.add("select * from " + WEL_ADDONS); sta.addParameter("where NAME=?", addons.getName()); final ResultSet rs = sta.executeQuery(); if ((rs != null) && { ResultSetUtils.populate(addons, rs); } else { registredAddons(jdbc, addons); jdbc.commit(); } sta.close(); } catch (final SQLException sqle) { // 1146 : MYSQL , 20000 : DERBY if ((sqle.getErrorCode() == SQL_CODE_TABLE_NOT_FOUND) || (sqle.getErrorCode() == 1146) || (sqle.getErrorCode() == 20000)) { try { createTablesAddons(jdbc); } catch (final SQLException e) { throw new AddonsException(e.getMessage()); } saveAddons(jdbc, addons); } else { throw new AddonsException(sqle.getMessage()); } } } /** * CREATE TABLE WEL_ADDONS ( NAME VARCHAR2 (30), DISPLAYNAME VARCHAR2 (255), VERSION VARCHAR2 (6), DATE DATETIME) ; * * @param jdbc : Connection JDBC * @throws SQLException : Probleme sql */ public void createTablesAddons(final WJdbc jdbc) throws SQLException { final WStatement sta = jdbc.getWStatement(); sta.add("CREATE TABLE " + WEL_ADDONS + " ("); sta.add("NAME VARCHAR (30),"); sta.add("DISPLAYNAME VARCHAR (255),"); sta.add("VERSION VARCHAR (6),"); sta.add("PARAMETERS VARCHAR (255))"); sta.executeUpdate(); sta.close(); } /** * Appelle la methode destroy sur tout les addons de welcom * * @see org.squale.welcom.WIAddOns#destroy() */ public static void destroy() { final Iterator iter = AddonsConfig.getInstance().getListAddons().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { final WIAddOns element = (WIAddOns);"-> Arret de l'addons '" + element.getDisplayName() + "'"); element.destroy(); } } }