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 * Copyright 2010-2013 Duplichien, Wicksell,
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springjutsu.validation;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapperImpl;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.MessageSource;
import org.springframework.context.MessageSourceResolvable;
import org.springjutsu.validation.rules.ValidationRule;
import org.springjutsu.validation.util.PathUtils;

 * Responsible for handling the resolution
 * of and logging of error messages against
 * an Errors object 
 * @author Clark Duplichien
public class ValidationErrorMessageHandler {

     * Configurable message code prefix for discovering error messages.
    private String errorMessagePrefix = "errors";

     * Configurable message code prefix for discovering field labels. 
    private String fieldLabelPrefix = null;

     * Whether or not to attempt to use the super class' class name
     * as part of a field label when looking up field labels for a child 
     * class when no label is found for the child class name and field name.
    private boolean enableSuperclassFieldLabelLookup = true;

     * We'll load error message definitions from
     * the spring message source.
     * @see MessageSource
    protected MessageSource messageSource;

     * In the event that a validation rule fails, this method is responsible
     * for recording an error message on the affected path of the Errors object.
     * The error message is gathered in three parts:
     * First the base message, if not provided is based on the rule executor class.
     * This is a message like "\{0} should be longer than \{1} chars."
     * Next, the first argument \{0} is the model descriptor. This will resolve to a 
     * label for the path that failed, based on second to last path subBean and the
     * field that failed. So, if "account.accountOwner.username" had an error, 
     * it would look for a message based on the class name of accountOwner, and the
     * field username: like "user.username". If the message files contained a 
     * "user.username=User name", then the message would now read something like
     * "User name should be longer than \{1} chars." 
     * Finally, the argument is resolved. 
     * If the argument is just a flat string, like "16", then you would get 
     * "User name should be longer than 16 chars."
     * If the argument contained EL that resolved on the model, it would perform
     * the same model lookup detailed above, so you could potentially have something 
     * like "User name should be longer than First name", which is a bit weird, but
     * has its uses.
     * For either the model or argument lookup, if EL is used in the path 
     * which resolves off the model, the literal value of the evaluated 
     * EL expression is used.
     * @param rule the rule which failed
     * @param rootModel the root model (not failed bean)
     * @param errors standard Errors object to record error on.
    protected void logError(ValidationEvaluationContext context, ValidationRule rule) {
        String localizedRulePath = context.localizePath(rule.getPath());
        String errorMessageKey = rule.getMessage();
        if (errorMessageKey == null || errorMessageKey.isEmpty()) {
            errorMessageKey = (errorMessagePrefix != null && !errorMessagePrefix.isEmpty()
                    ? errorMessagePrefix + "."
                    : "") + rule.getType();

        String defaultError = localizedRulePath + " " + rule.getType();
        String modelMessageKey = getMessageResolver(context, rule, true);
        String ruleArg = getMessageResolver(context, rule, false);

        MessageSourceResolvable modelMessageResolvable = new DefaultMessageSourceResolvable(
                new String[] { modelMessageKey }, modelMessageKey);
        MessageSourceResolvable argumentMessageResolvable = new DefaultMessageSourceResolvable(
                new String[] { ruleArg }, ruleArg);

        // get the local path to error, in case errors object is on nested path.
        String errorMessagePath = rule.getErrorPath();
        if (errorMessagePath != null && !errorMessagePath.isEmpty()) {
            errorMessagePath = context.localizePath(errorMessagePath);
        } else {
            errorMessagePath = localizedRulePath;

        if (PathUtils.containsEL(errorMessagePath)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Could not log error for rule: " + rule.toString()
                    + ". Rules with EL path should specify the errorPath attribute.");

        context.getErrors().rejectValue(errorMessagePath, errorMessageKey,
                new Object[] { modelMessageResolvable, argumentMessageResolvable }, defaultError);

     * This method is responsible for getting the the String used
     * to resolve the message that should be recorded as the error message.
     * This proceeds as described in the logError message:
     * If EL is utilized, and the EL path resolves on the bean, use a string 
     * like owningClassName.fieldName to resolve a message.
     * If EL is utilized, and the EL path does not resolve on the bean,
     * use the literal value of the evaluated EL.
     * IF EL is not utilized, and we're evaluating for the model, use the 
     * model field path like owningClassName.fieldName to resolve message.
     * If EL is not utilized, and we're evaluating for the argument, use the
     * literal string that's passed in as the argument.
     * @param model The root model on which the path describes the error location. 
     * @param rulePath The path which was given to the rule. The path that was 
     * validated using the rule and failed.
     * @param resolveAsModel if true, use the behavior to resolve the model. 
     *  Otherwise, use the behavior to resolve the argument.
     * @return A string used to look up the message to resolve as the model
     * or argument of a failed validation rule, as determined by resolveAsModel. 
    protected String getMessageResolver(ValidationEvaluationContext context, ValidationRule rule,
            boolean resolveAsModel) {
        String rulePath = resolveAsModel ? rule.getPath() : rule.getValue();
        // if there is no path, return.
        if (rulePath == null || rulePath.length() < 1) {
            return rulePath;
        } else if (PathUtils.isEL(rulePath)) {
            // If the path is actually an expression language statement
            // Need to check if it resolves to a path on the model.
            // trim off EL denotation #{}
            String expressionlessValue = rulePath.substring(2, rulePath.length() - 1);
            // trim off any possible model prefix e.g. model.path.field
            if (expressionlessValue.startsWith("model.")) {
                expressionlessValue = expressionlessValue.substring(6);
            // check if path matches a path on the model.
            if (new BeanWrapperImpl(context.getRootModel()).isReadableProperty(expressionlessValue)) {
                // Since this matched a model path, get the label 
                // for the resolved model.
                return getModelMessageKey(expressionlessValue, context.getRootModel());
            } else {
                // It's not a model object, so we don't need the label message key.
                // Instead, use the value of the expression as a label.
                // If the expression fails, just use the expression itself.
                return String.valueOf(context.resolveRuleModel(rule));
        } else {
            if (resolveAsModel) {
                // not an expression, just get the model message key.
                return getModelMessageKey(context.localizePath(rulePath), context.getRootModel());
            } else {
                // not an expression, return literal
                return rulePath;

     * If we're trying to resolve the message key for a path on the model,
     * this method will unwrap that message key.
     * For instance, consider our model is a Account instance, which has a 
     * field accountOwner of type User, and that User object has a 
     * username field of type String:
     * If rulePath was "accountOwner.username", then it would return a
     * message key of "user.username", which is the simple classname of the
     * owning object of the failed validation path, and the field name.
     * This is so we can display the label of the field that failed validation
     * in the error message. For instance "User Name must be 8 chars" instead
     * of something cryptic like "accountOwner.username must be 8 chars".
     * @param rulePath Validation rule path to the failed field.
     * @param rootModel The root model owning the field that failed.
     * @return A message key used to resolve a message describing the field
     * that failed.
    protected String getModelMessageKey(String rawRulePath, Object rootModel) {

        if (rawRulePath == null || rawRulePath.length() < 1) {
            return rawRulePath;

        // clean up any collection and/or map indexing paths from last path segment.
        String rulePath = rawRulePath.trim().replaceAll("\\[[^\\]]+\\]$", "");

        Class<?> parentType = null;
        String fieldPath = null;

        if (rulePath.contains(".")) {
            fieldPath = rulePath.substring(rulePath.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
            String parentPath = rulePath.substring(0, rulePath.lastIndexOf("."));
            BeanWrapperImpl beanWrapper = new BeanWrapperImpl(rootModel);
            parentType = beanWrapper.getPropertyType(parentPath);
        } else {
            fieldPath = rulePath;
            parentType = rootModel.getClass();

        if (enableSuperclassFieldLabelLookup) {
            MessageSourceAccessor messageSourceAccessor = new MessageSourceAccessor(messageSource);
            Class<?> messageBearingType = parentType;
            while (messageBearingType != null) {
                if (!messageSourceAccessor
                        .getMessage(buildMessageKey(messageBearingType, fieldPath), "MessageNotFound")
                        .equals("MessageNotFound")) {
                } else {
                    messageBearingType = messageBearingType.getSuperclass();
            if (messageBearingType != null) {
                parentType = messageBearingType;

        return buildMessageKey(parentType, fieldPath);

     * Constructs the actual model message key for a field label.
     * @param parentType the class of the bean on which the field path is found
     * @param fieldPath the path of the field for which a message is being resolved
     * @return the constructed message key, prefixed with a configured field label prefix
    protected String buildMessageKey(Class<?> parentType, String fieldPath) {
        return (fieldLabelPrefix != null && !fieldLabelPrefix.isEmpty() ? fieldLabelPrefix + "." : "")
                + StringUtils.uncapitalize(parentType.getSimpleName()) + "." + fieldPath;

     * @return The configured error message prefix
    public String getErrorMessagePrefix() {
        return errorMessagePrefix;

     * Sets the error message prefix.
     * Sets empty string if passed null.
     * @param errorMessagePrefix The message prefix for resolved error messages
    public void setErrorMessagePrefix(String errorMessagePrefix) {
        this.errorMessagePrefix = errorMessagePrefix == null ? "" : errorMessagePrefix;

     * @return the configured field label prefix
    public String getFieldLabelPrefix() {
        return fieldLabelPrefix;

     * Sets the field label prefix.
     * Sets empty string if passed null
     * @param fieldLabelPrefix The message prefix for resolved field labels
    public void setFieldLabelPrefix(String fieldLabelPrefix) {
        this.fieldLabelPrefix = fieldLabelPrefix == null ? "" : fieldLabelPrefix;

     * @return a boolean indicating whether or not super classes are searched
     * for a field on which an error occurs in the generation of field label message codes.
    public boolean getEnableSuperclassFieldLabelLookup() {
        return enableSuperclassFieldLabelLookup;

     * Sets whether or not super classes are searched
     * for a field on which an error occurs in the generation of field label message codes.
     * @param enableSuperclassFieldLabelLookup the boolean value to set
    public void setEnableSuperclassFieldLabelLookup(boolean enableSuperclassFieldLabelLookup) {
        this.enableSuperclassFieldLabelLookup = enableSuperclassFieldLabelLookup;
