Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.CommonConfigurationKeysPublic; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Container; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerId; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerLaunchContext; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.RackResolver; import org.springframework.batch.core.StepExecution; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.yarn.YarnSystemConstants; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.yarn.batch.event.PartitionedStepExecutionEvent; import org.springframework.yarn.batch.listener.CompositePartitionedStepExecutionStateListener; import org.springframework.yarn.batch.listener.PartitionedStepExecutionStateListener; import org.springframework.yarn.batch.listener.PartitionedStepExecutionStateListener.PartitionedStepExecutionState; import; /** * Base application master for running batch jobs. * * @author Janne Valkealahti * */ public abstract class AbstractBatchAppmaster extends AbstractEventingAppmaster implements BatchYarnAppmaster, ContainerLauncherInterceptor { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AbstractBatchAppmaster.class); /** Yarn specific job launcher */ private YarnJobLauncher yarnJobLauncher; /** Step executions as reported back from containers */ private List<StepExecution> stepExecutions = new ArrayList<StepExecution>(); /** Mapping parent to its child executions */ private Map<StepExecution, Set<StepExecution>> masterExecutions = new HashMap<StepExecution, Set<StepExecution>>(); /** Extra request data as hints */ private Map<StepExecution, ContainerRequestHint> requestData = new LinkedHashMap<StepExecution, ContainerRequestHint>(); /** Remote step names for step executions */ private Map<StepExecution, String> remoteStepNames = new HashMap<StepExecution, String>(); /** Mapping containers to assigned executions */ private Map<ContainerId, StepExecution> containerToStepMap = new HashMap<ContainerId, StepExecution>(); /** Listener for partitioned step execution statuses */ private CompositePartitionedStepExecutionStateListener stepExecutionStateListener = new CompositePartitionedStepExecutionStateListener(); @Override protected void onInit() throws Exception { super.onInit(); if (getLauncher() instanceof AbstractLauncher) { ((AbstractLauncher) getLauncher()).addInterceptor(this); } RackResolver.init(getConfiguration()); } @Override protected void onContainerAllocated(Container container) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Container allocated: " + container); } StepExecution stepExecution = null; String host = container.getNodeId().getHost(); String rack = RackResolver.resolve(host).getNetworkLocation(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Matching against host=" + host + " rack=" + rack); } Iterator<Entry<StepExecution, ContainerRequestHint>> iterator = requestData.entrySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext() && stepExecution == null) { Entry<StepExecution, ContainerRequestHint> entry =; if (entry.getValue() != null && entry.getValue().getHosts() != null) { for (String h : entry.getValue().getHosts()) { if (h.equals(host)) { stepExecution = entry.getKey(); break; } } } } log.debug("stepExecution after hosts match: " + stepExecution); iterator = requestData.entrySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext() && stepExecution == null) { Entry<StepExecution, ContainerRequestHint> entry =; if (entry.getValue() != null && entry.getValue().getRacks() != null) { for (String r : entry.getValue().getRacks()) { if (r.equals(rack)) { stepExecution = entry.getKey(); break; } } } } log.debug("stepExecution after racks match: " + stepExecution); iterator = requestData.entrySet().iterator(); if (stepExecution == null && iterator.hasNext()) { stepExecution =; } if (stepExecution != null) { requestData.remove(stepExecution); containerToStepMap.put(container.getId(), stepExecution); getLauncher().launchContainer(container, getCommands()); } else { getAllocator().releaseContainer(container.getId()); } } @Override protected void onContainerLaunched(Container container) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Container launched: " + container); } } @Override protected void onContainerCompleted(ContainerStatus status) { super.onContainerCompleted(status); // find assigned container for step execution ContainerId containerId = status.getContainerId(); StepExecution stepExecution = containerToStepMap.get(containerId); if (stepExecution != null) { for (Entry<StepExecution, Set<StepExecution>> entry : masterExecutions.entrySet()) { Set<StepExecution> set = entry.getValue(); if (set.remove(stepExecution)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("stepExecution=" + stepExecution + " removed"); } // modified, but it back masterExecutions.put(entry.getKey(), set); } if (set.size() == 0) { // we consumed all executions, send complete event // TODO: we could track failures getYarnEventPublisher().publishEvent(new PartitionedStepExecutionEvent(this, entry.getKey())); stepExecutionStateListener.state(PartitionedStepExecutionState.COMPLETED, entry.getKey()); } } } else { log.warn("No assigned step execution for containerId=" + containerId); } // finally notify allocator for release getAllocator().releaseContainer(containerId); } @Override public ContainerLaunchContext preLaunch(Container container, ContainerLaunchContext context) { AppmasterService service = getAppmasterService(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Intercept launch context: " + context); } StepExecution stepExecution = containerToStepMap.get(container.getId()); String jobName = remoteStepNames.get(stepExecution); if (service != null) { int port = service.getPort(); String address = service.getHost(); Map<String, String> env = new HashMap<String, String>(context.getEnvironment()); env.put(YarnSystemConstants.FS_ADDRESS, getConfiguration().get(CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.FS_DEFAULT_NAME_KEY)); env.put(YarnSystemConstants.AMSERVICE_PORT, Integer.toString(port)); env.put(YarnSystemConstants.AMSERVICE_HOST, address); env.put(YarnSystemConstants.AMSERVICE_BATCH_STEPNAME, jobName); env.put(YarnSystemConstants.AMSERVICE_BATCH_STEPNAME, jobName); env.put(YarnSystemConstants.AMSERVICE_BATCH_STEPEXECUTIONNAME, stepExecution.getStepName()); env.put(YarnSystemConstants.AMSERVICE_BATCH_JOBEXECUTIONID, Long.toString(stepExecution.getJobExecutionId())); env.put(YarnSystemConstants.AMSERVICE_BATCH_STEPEXECUTIONID, Long.toString(stepExecution.getId())); context.setEnvironment(env); return context; } else { return context; } } @Autowired(required = false) public void setYarnJobLauncher(YarnJobLauncher yarnJobLauncher) { this.yarnJobLauncher = yarnJobLauncher; } public YarnJobLauncher getYarnJobLauncher() { return yarnJobLauncher; } /** * Adds the partitioned step execution state listener. * * @param listener the listener */ public void addPartitionedStepExecutionStateListener(PartitionedStepExecutionStateListener listener) { stepExecutionStateListener.register(listener); } /** * Gets the step executions. * * @return the step executions */ public List<StepExecution> getStepExecutions() { return stepExecutions; } /** * Adds the step splits. * * @param masterStepExecution the partitioned steps parent step execution * @param remoteStepName the remote step name * @param stepExecutions the step executions splits * @param resourceRequests the request data for step executions */ public void addStepSplits(StepExecution masterStepExecution, String remoteStepName, Set<StepExecution> stepExecutions, Map<StepExecution, ContainerRequestHint> resourceRequests) { // from request data we get hints where container should be run. // find a well distributed union of hosts. ContainerAllocateData containerAllocateData = new ContainerAllocateData(); int countNeeded = 0; HashSet<String> hostUnion = new HashSet<String>(); for (Entry<StepExecution, ContainerRequestHint> entry : resourceRequests.entrySet()) { StepExecution se = entry.getKey(); ContainerRequestHint crd = entry.getValue(); requestData.put(se, crd); remoteStepNames.put(se, remoteStepName); countNeeded++; for (String host : crd.getHosts()) { hostUnion.add(host); } } while (countNeeded > 0) { Iterator<String> iterator = hostUnion.iterator(); while (countNeeded > 0 && iterator.hasNext()) { String host =; containerAllocateData.addHosts(host, 1); countNeeded--; } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Adding " + stepExecutions.size() + " split steps into masterStepExecution=" + masterStepExecution); } // Create new set due to SHDP-188 HashSet<StepExecution> set = new HashSet<StepExecution>(stepExecutions.size()); set.addAll(stepExecutions); masterExecutions.put(masterStepExecution, set); int remaining = stepExecutions.size() - resourceRequests.size(); for (StepExecution execution : set) { if (!requestData.containsKey(execution)) { requestData.put(execution, null); } if (!remoteStepNames.containsKey(execution)) { remoteStepNames.put(execution, remoteStepName); } } getAllocator().allocateContainers(remaining); getAllocator().allocateContainers(containerAllocateData); } }