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 * Copyright 2002-2019 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.web.util.pattern;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringJoiner;

import org.springframework.http.server.PathContainer;
import org.springframework.http.server.PathContainer.Element;
import org.springframework.http.server.PathContainer.Separator;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.util.CollectionUtils;
import org.springframework.util.MultiValueMap;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;

 * Representation of a parsed path pattern. Includes a chain of path elements
 * for fast matching and accumulates computed state for quick comparison of
 * patterns.
 * <p>{@code PathPattern} matches URL paths using the following rules:<br>
 * <ul>
 * <li>{@code ?} matches one character</li>
 * <li>{@code *} matches zero or more characters within a path segment</li>
 * <li>{@code **} matches zero or more <em>path segments</em> until the end of the path</li>
 * <li><code>{spring}</code> matches a <em>path segment</em> and captures it as a variable named "spring"</li>
 * <li><code>{spring:[a-z]+}</code> matches the regexp {@code [a-z]+} as a path variable named "spring"</li>
 * <li><code>{*spring}</code> matches zero or more <em>path segments</em> until the end of the path
 * and captures it as a variable named "spring"</li>
 * </ul>
 * <h3>Examples</h3>
 * <ul>
 * <li>{@code /pages/t?st.html} &mdash; matches {@code /pages/test.html} as well as
 * {@code /pages/tXst.html} but not {@code /pages/toast.html}</li>
 * <li>{@code /resources/*.png} &mdash; matches all {@code .png} files in the
 * {@code resources} directory</li>
 * <li><code>/resources/&#42;&#42;</code> &mdash; matches all files
 * underneath the {@code /resources/} path, including {@code /resources/image.png}
 * and {@code /resources/css/spring.css}</li>
 * <li><code>/resources/{&#42;path}</code> &mdash; matches all files
 * underneath the {@code /resources/} path and captures their relative path in
 * a variable named "path"; {@code /resources/image.png} will match with
 * "spring" &rarr; "/image.png", and {@code /resources/css/spring.css} will match
 * with "spring" &rarr; "/css/spring.css"</li>
 * <li><code>/resources/{filename:\\w+}.dat</code> will match {@code /resources/spring.dat}
 * and assign the value {@code "spring"} to the {@code filename} variable</li>
 * </ul>
 * @author Andy Clement
 * @author Rossen Stoyanchev
 * @since 5.0
 * @see PathContainer
public class PathPattern implements Comparable<PathPattern> {

    private static final PathContainer EMPTY_PATH = PathContainer.parsePath("");

     * Comparator that sorts patterns by specificity as follows:
     * <ol>
     * <li>Null instances are last.
     * <li>Catch-all patterns are last.
     * <li>If both patterns are catch-all, consider the length (longer wins).
     * <li>Compare wildcard and captured variable count (lower wins).
     * <li>Consider length (longer wins)
     * </ol>
    public static final Comparator<PathPattern> SPECIFICITY_COMPARATOR = Comparator.nullsLast(Comparator
            .<PathPattern>comparingInt(p -> p.isCatchAll() ? 1 : 0)
            .thenComparingInt(p -> p.isCatchAll() ? scoreByNormalizedLength(p) : 0)

    /** The text of the parsed pattern. */
    private final String patternString;

    /** The parser used to construct this pattern. */
    private final PathPatternParser parser;

    /** The options to use to parse a pattern. */
    private final PathContainer.Options pathOptions;

    /** If this pattern has no trailing slash, allow candidates to include one and still match successfully. */
    private final boolean matchOptionalTrailingSeparator;

    /** Will this match candidates in a case sensitive way? (case sensitivity  at parse time). */
    private final boolean caseSensitive;

    /** First path element in the parsed chain of path elements for this pattern. */
    private final PathElement head;

    /** How many variables are captured in this pattern. */
    private int capturedVariableCount;

     * The normalized length is trying to measure the 'active' part of the pattern. It is computed
     * by assuming all captured variables have a normalized length of 1. Effectively this means changing
     * your variable name lengths isn't going to change the length of the active part of the pattern.
     * Useful when comparing two patterns.
    private int normalizedLength;

     * Does the pattern end with '&lt;separator&gt;'.
    private boolean endsWithSeparatorWildcard = false;

     * Score is used to quickly compare patterns. Different pattern components are given different
     * weights. A 'lower score' is more specific. Current weights:
     * <ul>
     * <li>Captured variables are worth 1
     * <li>Wildcard is worth 100
     * </ul>
    private int score;

    /** Does the pattern end with {*...}. */
    private boolean catchAll = false;

    PathPattern(String patternText, PathPatternParser parser, @Nullable PathElement head) {
        this.patternString = patternText;
        this.parser = parser;
        this.pathOptions = parser.getPathOptions();
        this.matchOptionalTrailingSeparator = parser.isMatchOptionalTrailingSeparator();
        this.caseSensitive = parser.isCaseSensitive();
        this.head = head;

        // Compute fields for fast comparison
        PathElement elem = head;
        while (elem != null) {
            this.capturedVariableCount += elem.getCaptureCount();
            this.normalizedLength += elem.getNormalizedLength();
            this.score += elem.getScore();
            if (elem instanceof CaptureTheRestPathElement || elem instanceof WildcardTheRestPathElement) {
                this.catchAll = true;
            if (elem instanceof SeparatorPathElement && != null
                    && instanceof WildcardPathElement && == null) {
                this.endsWithSeparatorWildcard = true;
            elem =;

     * Return the original String that was parsed to create this PathPattern.
    public String getPatternString() {
        return this.patternString;

     * Whether the pattern string contains pattern syntax that would require
     * use of {@link #matches(PathContainer)}, or if it is a regular String that
     * could be compared directly to others.
     * @since 5.2
    public boolean hasPatternSyntax() {
        return this.score > 0 || this.patternString.indexOf('?') != -1;

     * Whether this pattern matches the given path.
     * @param pathContainer the candidate path to attempt to match against
     * @return {@code true} if the path matches this pattern
    public boolean matches(PathContainer pathContainer) {
        if (this.head == null) {
            return !hasLength(pathContainer)
                    || (this.matchOptionalTrailingSeparator && pathContainerIsJustSeparator(pathContainer));
        } else if (!hasLength(pathContainer)) {
            if (this.head instanceof WildcardTheRestPathElement || this.head instanceof CaptureTheRestPathElement) {
                pathContainer = EMPTY_PATH; // Will allow CaptureTheRest to bind the variable to empty
            } else {
                return false;
        MatchingContext matchingContext = new MatchingContext(pathContainer, false);
        return this.head.matches(0, matchingContext);

     * Match this pattern to the given URI path and return extracted URI template
     * variables as well as path parameters (matrix variables).
     * @param pathContainer the candidate path to attempt to match against
     * @return info object with the extracted variables, or {@code null} for no match
    public PathMatchInfo matchAndExtract(PathContainer pathContainer) {
        if (this.head == null) {
            return hasLength(pathContainer)
                    && !(this.matchOptionalTrailingSeparator && pathContainerIsJustSeparator(pathContainer)) ? null
                            : PathMatchInfo.EMPTY;
        } else if (!hasLength(pathContainer)) {
            if (this.head instanceof WildcardTheRestPathElement || this.head instanceof CaptureTheRestPathElement) {
                pathContainer = EMPTY_PATH; // Will allow CaptureTheRest to bind the variable to empty
            } else {
                return null;
        MatchingContext matchingContext = new MatchingContext(pathContainer, true);
        return this.head.matches(0, matchingContext) ? matchingContext.getPathMatchResult() : null;

     * Match the beginning of the given path and return the remaining portion
     * not covered by this pattern. This is useful for matching nested routes
     * where the path is matched incrementally at each level.
     * @param pathContainer the candidate path to attempt to match against
     * @return info object with the match result or {@code null} for no match
    public PathRemainingMatchInfo matchStartOfPath(PathContainer pathContainer) {
        if (this.head == null) {
            return new PathRemainingMatchInfo(pathContainer);
        } else if (!hasLength(pathContainer)) {
            return null;

        MatchingContext matchingContext = new MatchingContext(pathContainer, true);
        boolean matches = this.head.matches(0, matchingContext);
        if (!matches) {
            return null;
        } else {
            PathRemainingMatchInfo info;
            if (matchingContext.remainingPathIndex == pathContainer.elements().size()) {
                info = new PathRemainingMatchInfo(EMPTY_PATH, matchingContext.getPathMatchResult());
            } else {
                info = new PathRemainingMatchInfo(pathContainer.subPath(matchingContext.remainingPathIndex),
            return info;

     * Determine the pattern-mapped part for the given path.
     * <p>For example: <ul>
     * <li>'{@code /docs/cvs/commit.html}' and '{@code /docs/cvs/commit.html} &rarr; ''</li>
     * <li>'{@code /docs/*}' and '{@code /docs/cvs/commit}' &rarr; '{@code cvs/commit}'</li>
     * <li>'{@code /docs/cvs/*.html}' and '{@code /docs/cvs/commit.html} &rarr; '{@code commit.html}'</li>
     * <li>'{@code /docs/**}' and '{@code /docs/cvs/commit} &rarr; '{@code cvs/commit}'</li>
     * </ul>
     * <p><b>Notes:</b>
     * <ul>
     * <li>Assumes that {@link #matches} returns {@code true} for
     * the same path but does <strong>not</strong> enforce this.
     * <li>Duplicate occurrences of separators within the returned result are removed
     * <li>Leading and trailing separators are removed from the returned result
     * </ul>
     * @param path a path that matches this pattern
     * @return the subset of the path that is matched by pattern or "" if none
     * of it is matched by pattern elements
    public PathContainer extractPathWithinPattern(PathContainer path) {
        List<Element> pathElements = path.elements();
        int pathElementsCount = pathElements.size();

        int startIndex = 0;
        // Find first path element that is not a separator or a literal (i.e. the first pattern based element)
        PathElement elem = this.head;
        while (elem != null) {
            if (elem.getWildcardCount() != 0 || elem.getCaptureCount() != 0) {
            elem =;
        if (elem == null) {
            // There is no pattern piece
            return PathContainer.parsePath("");

        // Skip leading separators that would be in the result
        while (startIndex < pathElementsCount && (pathElements.get(startIndex) instanceof Separator)) {

        int endIndex = pathElements.size();
        // Skip trailing separators that would be in the result
        while (endIndex > 0 && (pathElements.get(endIndex - 1) instanceof Separator)) {

        boolean multipleAdjacentSeparators = false;
        for (int i = startIndex; i < (endIndex - 1); i++) {
            if ((pathElements.get(i) instanceof Separator) && (pathElements.get(i + 1) instanceof Separator)) {
                multipleAdjacentSeparators = true;

        PathContainer resultPath = null;
        if (multipleAdjacentSeparators) {
            // Need to rebuild the path without the duplicate adjacent separators
            StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
            int i = startIndex;
            while (i < endIndex) {
                Element e = pathElements.get(i++);
                if (e instanceof Separator) {
                    while (i < endIndex && (pathElements.get(i) instanceof Separator)) {
            resultPath = PathContainer.parsePath(buf.toString(), this.pathOptions);
        } else if (startIndex >= endIndex) {
            resultPath = PathContainer.parsePath("");
        } else {
            resultPath = path.subPath(startIndex, endIndex);
        return resultPath;

     * Compare this pattern with a supplied pattern: return -1,0,+1 if this pattern
     * is more specific, the same or less specific than the supplied pattern.
     * The aim is to sort more specific patterns first.
    public int compareTo(@Nullable PathPattern otherPattern) {
        int result =, otherPattern);
        return (result == 0 && otherPattern != null ? this.patternString.compareTo(otherPattern.patternString)
                : result);

     * Combine this pattern with another.
    public PathPattern combine(PathPattern pattern2string) {
        // If one of them is empty the result is the other. If both empty the result is ""
        if (!StringUtils.hasLength(this.patternString)) {
            if (!StringUtils.hasLength(pattern2string.patternString)) {
                return this.parser.parse("");
            } else {
                return pattern2string;
        } else if (!StringUtils.hasLength(pattern2string.patternString)) {
            return this;

        // /* + /hotel => /hotel
        // /*.* + /*.html => /*.html
        // However:
        // /usr + /user => /usr/user
        // /{foo} + /bar => /{foo}/bar
        if (!this.patternString.equals(pattern2string.patternString) && this.capturedVariableCount == 0
                && matches(PathContainer.parsePath(pattern2string.patternString))) {
            return pattern2string;

        // /hotels/* + /booking => /hotels/booking
        // /hotels/* + booking => /hotels/booking
        if (this.endsWithSeparatorWildcard) {
            return this.parser.parse(concat(this.patternString.substring(0, this.patternString.length() - 2),

        // /hotels + /booking => /hotels/booking
        // /hotels + booking => /hotels/booking
        int starDotPos1 = this.patternString.indexOf("*."); // Are there any file prefix/suffix things to consider?
        if (this.capturedVariableCount != 0 || starDotPos1 == -1 || getSeparator() == '.') {
            return this.parser.parse(concat(this.patternString, pattern2string.patternString));

        // /*.html + /hotel => /hotel.html
        // /*.html + /hotel.* => /hotel.html
        String firstExtension = this.patternString.substring(starDotPos1 + 1); // looking for the first extension
        String p2string = pattern2string.patternString;
        int dotPos2 = p2string.indexOf('.');
        String file2 = (dotPos2 == -1 ? p2string : p2string.substring(0, dotPos2));
        String secondExtension = (dotPos2 == -1 ? "" : p2string.substring(dotPos2));
        boolean firstExtensionWild = (firstExtension.equals(".*") || firstExtension.equals(""));
        boolean secondExtensionWild = (secondExtension.equals(".*") || secondExtension.equals(""));
        if (!firstExtensionWild && !secondExtensionWild) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Cannot combine patterns: " + this.patternString + " and " + pattern2string);
        return this.parser.parse(file2 + (firstExtensionWild ? secondExtension : firstExtension));

    public boolean equals(@Nullable Object other) {
        if (!(other instanceof PathPattern)) {
            return false;
        PathPattern otherPattern = (PathPattern) other;
        return (this.patternString.equals(otherPattern.getPatternString())
                && getSeparator() == otherPattern.getSeparator()
                && this.caseSensitive == otherPattern.caseSensitive);

    public int hashCode() {
        return (this.patternString.hashCode() + getSeparator()) * 17 + (this.caseSensitive ? 1 : 0);

    public String toString() {
        return this.patternString;

    int getScore() {
        return this.score;

    boolean isCatchAll() {
        return this.catchAll;

     * The normalized length is trying to measure the 'active' part of the pattern. It is computed
     * by assuming all capture variables have a normalized length of 1. Effectively this means changing
     * your variable name lengths isn't going to change the length of the active part of the pattern.
     * Useful when comparing two patterns.
    int getNormalizedLength() {
        return this.normalizedLength;

    char getSeparator() {
        return this.pathOptions.separator();

    int getCapturedVariableCount() {
        return this.capturedVariableCount;

    String toChainString() {
        StringJoiner stringJoiner = new StringJoiner(" ");
        PathElement pe = this.head;
        while (pe != null) {
            pe =;
        return stringJoiner.toString();

     * Return the string form of the pattern built from walking the path element chain.
     * @return the string form of the pattern
    String computePatternString() {
        StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
        PathElement pe = this.head;
        while (pe != null) {
            pe =;
        return buf.toString();

    PathElement getHeadSection() {
        return this.head;

     * Join two paths together including a separator if necessary.
     * Extraneous separators are removed (if the first path
     * ends with one and the second path starts with one).
     * @param path1 first path
     * @param path2 second path
     * @return joined path that may include separator if necessary
    private String concat(String path1, String path2) {
        boolean path1EndsWithSeparator = (path1.charAt(path1.length() - 1) == getSeparator());
        boolean path2StartsWithSeparator = (path2.charAt(0) == getSeparator());
        if (path1EndsWithSeparator && path2StartsWithSeparator) {
            return path1 + path2.substring(1);
        } else if (path1EndsWithSeparator || path2StartsWithSeparator) {
            return path1 + path2;
        } else {
            return path1 + getSeparator() + path2;

     * Return if the container is not null and has more than zero elements.
     * @param container a path container
     * @return {@code true} has more than zero elements
    private boolean hasLength(@Nullable PathContainer container) {
        return container != null && container.elements().size() > 0;

    private static int scoreByNormalizedLength(PathPattern pattern) {
        return -pattern.getNormalizedLength();

    private boolean pathContainerIsJustSeparator(PathContainer pathContainer) {
        return pathContainer.value().length() == 1 && pathContainer.value().charAt(0) == getSeparator();

     * Holder for URI variables and path parameters (matrix variables) extracted
     * based on the pattern for a given matched path.
    public static class PathMatchInfo {

        private static final PathMatchInfo EMPTY = new PathMatchInfo(Collections.emptyMap(),

        private final Map<String, String> uriVariables;

        private final Map<String, MultiValueMap<String, String>> matrixVariables;

        PathMatchInfo(Map<String, String> uriVars,
                @Nullable Map<String, MultiValueMap<String, String>> matrixVars) {

            this.uriVariables = Collections.unmodifiableMap(uriVars);
            this.matrixVariables = matrixVars != null ? Collections.unmodifiableMap(matrixVars)
                    : Collections.emptyMap();

         * Return the extracted URI variables.
        public Map<String, String> getUriVariables() {
            return this.uriVariables;

         * Return maps of matrix variables per path segment, keyed off by URI
         * variable name.
        public Map<String, MultiValueMap<String, String>> getMatrixVariables() {
            return this.matrixVariables;

        public String toString() {
            return "PathMatchInfo[uriVariables=" + this.uriVariables + ", " + "matrixVariables="
                    + this.matrixVariables + "]";

     * Holder for the result of a match on the start of a pattern.
     * Provides access to the remaining path not matched to the pattern as well
     * as any variables bound in that first part that was matched.
    public static class PathRemainingMatchInfo {

        private final PathContainer pathRemaining;

        private final PathMatchInfo pathMatchInfo;

        PathRemainingMatchInfo(PathContainer pathRemaining) {
            this(pathRemaining, PathMatchInfo.EMPTY);

        PathRemainingMatchInfo(PathContainer pathRemaining, PathMatchInfo pathMatchInfo) {
            this.pathRemaining = pathRemaining;
            this.pathMatchInfo = pathMatchInfo;

         * Return the part of a path that was not matched by a pattern.
        public PathContainer getPathRemaining() {
            return this.pathRemaining;

         * Return variables that were bound in the part of the path that was
         * successfully matched or an empty map.
        public Map<String, String> getUriVariables() {
            return this.pathMatchInfo.getUriVariables();

         * Return the path parameters for each bound variable.
        public Map<String, MultiValueMap<String, String>> getMatrixVariables() {
            return this.pathMatchInfo.getMatrixVariables();

     * Encapsulates context when attempting a match. Includes some fixed state like the
     * candidate currently being considered for a match but also some accumulators for
     * extracted variables.
    class MatchingContext {

        final PathContainer candidate;

        final List<Element> pathElements;

        final int pathLength;

        private Map<String, String> extractedUriVariables;

        private Map<String, MultiValueMap<String, String>> extractedMatrixVariables;

        boolean extractingVariables;

        boolean determineRemainingPath = false;

        // if determineRemaining is true, this is set to the position in
        // the candidate where the pattern finished matching - i.e. it
        // points to the remaining path that wasn't consumed
        int remainingPathIndex;

        public MatchingContext(PathContainer pathContainer, boolean extractVariables) {
            this.candidate = pathContainer;
            this.pathElements = pathContainer.elements();
            this.pathLength = this.pathElements.size();
            this.extractingVariables = extractVariables;

        public void setMatchAllowExtraPath() {
            this.determineRemainingPath = true;

        public boolean isMatchOptionalTrailingSeparator() {
            return matchOptionalTrailingSeparator;

        public void set(String key, String value, MultiValueMap<String, String> parameters) {
            if (this.extractedUriVariables == null) {
                this.extractedUriVariables = new HashMap<>();
            this.extractedUriVariables.put(key, value);

            if (!parameters.isEmpty()) {
                if (this.extractedMatrixVariables == null) {
                    this.extractedMatrixVariables = new HashMap<>();
                this.extractedMatrixVariables.put(key, CollectionUtils.unmodifiableMultiValueMap(parameters));

        public PathMatchInfo getPathMatchResult() {
            if (this.extractedUriVariables == null) {
                return PathMatchInfo.EMPTY;
            } else {
                return new PathMatchInfo(this.extractedUriVariables, this.extractedMatrixVariables);

         * Return if element at specified index is a separator.
         * @param pathIndex possible index of a separator
         * @return {@code true} if element is a separator
        boolean isSeparator(int pathIndex) {
            return this.pathElements.get(pathIndex) instanceof Separator;

         * Return the decoded value of the specified element.
         * @param pathIndex path element index
         * @return the decoded value
        String pathElementValue(int pathIndex) {
            Element element = (pathIndex < this.pathLength) ? this.pathElements.get(pathIndex) : null;
            if (element instanceof PathContainer.PathSegment) {
                return ((PathContainer.PathSegment) element).valueToMatch();
            return "";