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 * Copyright 2002-2019 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.web.servlet.handler;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;

import org.springframework.beans.BeansException;
import org.springframework.util.CollectionUtils;

 * Implementation of the {@link org.springframework.web.servlet.HandlerMapping}
 * interface that maps from URLs to request handler beans. Supports both mapping to bean
 * instances and mapping to bean names; the latter is required for non-singleton handlers.
 * <p>The "urlMap" property is suitable for populating the handler map with
 * bean references, e.g. via the map element in XML bean definitions.
 * <p>Mappings to bean names can be set via the "mappings" property, in a form
 * accepted by the {@code java.util.Properties} class, as follows:
 * <pre class="code">
 * /welcome.html=ticketController
 * /show.html=ticketController</pre>
 * <p>The syntax is {@code PATH=HANDLER_BEAN_NAME}. If the path doesn't begin
 * with a slash, one is prepended.
 * <p>Supports direct matches (given "/test" -&gt; registered "/test") and "*"
 * pattern matches (given "/test" -&gt; registered "/t*"). Note that the default
 * is to map within the current servlet mapping if applicable; see the
 * {@link #setAlwaysUseFullPath "alwaysUseFullPath"} property. For details on the
 * pattern options, see the {@link org.springframework.util.AntPathMatcher} javadoc.
 * @author Rod Johnson
 * @author Juergen Hoeller
 * @author Sam Brannen
 * @see #setMappings
 * @see #setUrlMap
 * @see BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping
public class SimpleUrlHandlerMapping extends AbstractUrlHandlerMapping {

    private final Map<String, Object> urlMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();

     * Create a {@code SimpleUrlHandlerMapping} with default settings.
     * @since 5.2
    public SimpleUrlHandlerMapping() {

     * Create a {@code SimpleUrlHandlerMapping} using the supplied URL map.
     * @param urlMap map with URL paths as keys and handler beans (or handler
     * bean names) as values
     * @since 5.2
     * @see #setUrlMap(Map)
    public SimpleUrlHandlerMapping(Map<String, ?> urlMap) {

     * Create a {@code SimpleUrlHandlerMapping} using the supplied URL map and order.
     * @param urlMap map with URL paths as keys and handler beans (or handler
     * bean names) as values
     * @param order the order value for this {@code SimpleUrlHandlerMapping}
     * @since 5.2
     * @see #setUrlMap(Map)
     * @see #setOrder(int)
    public SimpleUrlHandlerMapping(Map<String, ?> urlMap, int order) {

     * Map URL paths to handler bean names.
     * This is the typical way of configuring this HandlerMapping.
     * <p>Supports direct URL matches and Ant-style pattern matches. For syntax
     * details, see the {@link org.springframework.util.AntPathMatcher} javadoc.
     * @param mappings properties with URLs as keys and bean names as values
     * @see #setUrlMap
    public void setMappings(Properties mappings) {
        CollectionUtils.mergePropertiesIntoMap(mappings, this.urlMap);

     * Set a Map with URL paths as keys and handler beans (or handler bean names)
     * as values. Convenient for population with bean references.
     * <p>Supports direct URL matches and Ant-style pattern matches. For syntax
     * details, see the {@link org.springframework.util.AntPathMatcher} javadoc.
     * @param urlMap map with URLs as keys and beans as values
     * @see #setMappings
    public void setUrlMap(Map<String, ?> urlMap) {

     * Allow Map access to the URL path mappings, with the option to add or
     * override specific entries.
     * <p>Useful for specifying entries directly, for example via "urlMap[myKey]".
     * This is particularly useful for adding or overriding entries in child
     * bean definitions.
    public Map<String, ?> getUrlMap() {
        return this.urlMap;

     * Calls the {@link #registerHandlers} method in addition to the
     * superclass's initialization.
    public void initApplicationContext() throws BeansException {

     * Register all handlers specified in the URL map for the corresponding paths.
     * @param urlMap a Map with URL paths as keys and handler beans or bean names as values
     * @throws BeansException if a handler couldn't be registered
     * @throws IllegalStateException if there is a conflicting handler registered
    protected void registerHandlers(Map<String, Object> urlMap) throws BeansException {
        if (urlMap.isEmpty()) {
            logger.trace("No patterns in " + formatMappingName());
        } else {
            urlMap.forEach((url, handler) -> {
                // Prepend with slash if not already present.
                if (!url.startsWith("/")) {
                    url = "/" + url;
                // Remove whitespace from handler bean name.
                if (handler instanceof String) {
                    handler = ((String) handler).trim();
                registerHandler(url, handler);
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                List<String> patterns = new ArrayList<>();
                if (getRootHandler() != null) {
                if (getDefaultHandler() != null) {
                logger.debug("Patterns " + patterns + " in " + formatMappingName());
