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 * Copyright 2002-2018 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.web.context.request.async;

import java.util.concurrent.Callable;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactoryAware;
import org.springframework.core.task.AsyncTaskExecutor;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.web.context.request.NativeWebRequest;

 * Holder for a {@link Callable}, a timeout value, and a task executor.
 * @author Rossen Stoyanchev
 * @author Juergen Hoeller
 * @since 3.2
 * @param <V> the value type
public class WebAsyncTask<V> implements BeanFactoryAware {

    private final Callable<V> callable;

    private Long timeout;

    private AsyncTaskExecutor executor;

    private String executorName;

    private BeanFactory beanFactory;

    private Callable<V> timeoutCallback;

    private Callable<V> errorCallback;

    private Runnable completionCallback;

     * Create a {@code WebAsyncTask} wrapping the given {@link Callable}.
     * @param callable the callable for concurrent handling
    public WebAsyncTask(Callable<V> callable) {
        Assert.notNull(callable, "Callable must not be null");
        this.callable = callable;

     * Create a {@code WebAsyncTask} with a timeout value and a {@link Callable}.
     * @param timeout a timeout value in milliseconds
     * @param callable the callable for concurrent handling
    public WebAsyncTask(long timeout, Callable<V> callable) {
        this.timeout = timeout;

     * Create a {@code WebAsyncTask} with a timeout value, an executor name, and a {@link Callable}.
     * @param timeout timeout value in milliseconds; ignored if {@code null}
     * @param executorName the name of an executor bean to use
     * @param callable the callable for concurrent handling
    public WebAsyncTask(@Nullable Long timeout, String executorName, Callable<V> callable) {
        Assert.notNull(executorName, "Executor name must not be null");
        this.executorName = executorName;
        this.timeout = timeout;

     * Create a {@code WebAsyncTask} with a timeout value, an executor instance, and a Callable.
     * @param timeout timeout value in milliseconds; ignored if {@code null}
     * @param executor the executor to use
     * @param callable the callable for concurrent handling
    public WebAsyncTask(@Nullable Long timeout, AsyncTaskExecutor executor, Callable<V> callable) {
        Assert.notNull(executor, "Executor must not be null");
        this.executor = executor;
        this.timeout = timeout;

     * Return the {@link Callable} to use for concurrent handling (never {@code null}).
    public Callable<?> getCallable() {
        return this.callable;

     * Return the timeout value in milliseconds, or {@code null} if no timeout is set.
    public Long getTimeout() {
        return this.timeout;

     * A {@link BeanFactory} to use for resolving an executor name.
     * <p>This factory reference will automatically be set when
     * {@code WebAsyncTask} is used within a Spring MVC controller.
    public void setBeanFactory(BeanFactory beanFactory) {
        this.beanFactory = beanFactory;

     * Return the AsyncTaskExecutor to use for concurrent handling,
     * or {@code null} if none specified.
    public AsyncTaskExecutor getExecutor() {
        if (this.executor != null) {
            return this.executor;
        } else if (this.executorName != null) {
            Assert.state(this.beanFactory != null, "BeanFactory is required to look up an executor bean by name");
            return this.beanFactory.getBean(this.executorName, AsyncTaskExecutor.class);
        } else {
            return null;

     * Register code to invoke when the async request times out.
     * <p>This method is called from a container thread when an async request times
     * out before the {@code Callable} has completed. The callback is executed in
     * the same thread and therefore should return without blocking. It may return
     * an alternative value to use, including an {@link Exception} or return
     * {@link CallableProcessingInterceptor#RESULT_NONE RESULT_NONE}.
    public void onTimeout(Callable<V> callback) {
        this.timeoutCallback = callback;

     * Register code to invoke for an error during async request processing.
     * <p>This method is called from a container thread when an error occurred
     * while processing an async request before the {@code Callable} has
     * completed. The callback is executed in the same thread and therefore
     * should return without blocking. It may return an alternative value to
     * use, including an {@link Exception} or return
     * {@link CallableProcessingInterceptor#RESULT_NONE RESULT_NONE}.
     * @since 5.0
    public void onError(Callable<V> callback) {
        this.errorCallback = callback;

     * Register code to invoke when the async request completes.
     * <p>This method is called from a container thread when an async request
     * completed for any reason, including timeout and network error.
    public void onCompletion(Runnable callback) {
        this.completionCallback = callback;

    CallableProcessingInterceptor getInterceptor() {
        return new CallableProcessingInterceptor() {
            public <T> Object handleTimeout(NativeWebRequest request, Callable<T> task) throws Exception {
                return (timeoutCallback != null ?
                        : CallableProcessingInterceptor.RESULT_NONE);

            public <T> Object handleError(NativeWebRequest request, Callable<T> task, Throwable t)
                    throws Exception {
                return (errorCallback != null ? : CallableProcessingInterceptor.RESULT_NONE);

            public <T> void afterCompletion(NativeWebRequest request, Callable<T> task) throws Exception {
                if (completionCallback != null) {
