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 * Copyright 2019 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;

import org.apache.geode.cache.query.SelectResults;

import org.springframework.lang.NonNull;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.session.Session;
import org.springframework.session.SessionRepository;

 * The {@link GemFireOperationsSessionRepository} class is a Spring {@link SessionRepository} implementation
 * that interfaces with and uses Pivotal GemFire to back and store Spring Sessions.
 * @author John Blum
 * @see
 * @see org.springframework.session.Session
 * @see org.springframework.session.SessionRepository
 * @see
 * @since 1.1.0
public class GemFireOperationsSessionRepository extends AbstractGemFireOperationsSessionRepository {

    // Pivotal GemFire OQL query used to lookup Sessions by arbitrary attributes.
    protected static final String FIND_SESSIONS_BY_INDEX_NAME_AND_INDEX_VALUE_QUERY = "SELECT s FROM %1$s s WHERE s.attributes['%2$s'] = $1";

    // Pivotal GemFire OQL query used to look up Sessions by principal name.
    protected static final String FIND_SESSIONS_BY_PRINCIPAL_NAME_QUERY = "SELECT s FROM %1$s s WHERE s.principalName = $1";

     * Constructs a new instance of {@link GemFireOperationsSessionRepository} initialized with
     * the required {@link GemfireOperations} object used to perform data access operations
     * for managing (HTTP) {@link Session} state.
     * @param template {@link GemfireOperations} object used to access and manage {@link Session} state in GemFire.
     * @see
    public GemFireOperationsSessionRepository(GemfireOperations template) {

     * Constructs a new {@link Session} instance backed by GemFire.
     * @return an instance of {@link Session} backed by GemFire.
     * @see AbstractGemFireOperationsSessionRepository.GemFireSession#create()
     * @see org.springframework.session.Session
     * @see #configure(Session)
    public Session createSession() {
        return configure(GemFireSession.create());

     * Finds an existing, non-expired {@link Session} by ID.
     * If the {@link Session} is expired, then the {@link Session} is deleted and {@literal null} is returned.
     * @param sessionId {@link String} containing the {@link Session#getId() ID}} of the {@link Session} to get.
     * @return an existing {@link Session} by ID or {@literal null} if no {@link Session} exists
     * or the {@link Session} expired.
     * @see AbstractGemFireOperationsSessionRepository.GemFireSession#from(Session)
     * @see
     * @see org.springframework.session.Session
     * @see #getSessionsTemplate()
     * @see #prepare(Session)
     * @see #delete(Session)
    public Session findById(String sessionId) {

        Session storedSession = getSessionsTemplate().get(sessionId);

        if (storedSession != null) {
            storedSession = storedSession.isExpired() ? delete(storedSession)
                    : prepare(GemFireSession.from(storedSession));

        return storedSession;

     * Finds all available {@link Session Sessions} with the particular attribute indexed by {@link String name}
     * having the given {@link Object value}.
     * @param indexName {@link String name} of the indexed {@link Session} attribute.
     * (e.g. {@link org.springframework.session.FindByIndexNameSessionRepository#PRINCIPAL_NAME_INDEX_NAME}).
     * @param indexValue {@link Object value} of the indexed {@link Session} attribute to search on
     * (e.g. {@literal username}).
     * @return a mapping of {@link Session#getId()} Session IDs} to {@link Session} objects.
     * @see, Object...)
     * @see org.springframework.session.Session
     * @see java.util.Map
     * @see #getSessionsTemplate()
     * @see #prepareQuery(String)
     * @see #prepare(Session)
    public Map<String, Session> findByIndexNameAndIndexValue(String indexName, String indexValue) {

        SelectResults<Session> results = getSessionsTemplate().find(prepareQuery(indexName), indexValue);

        Map<String, Session> sessions = new HashMap<>(results.size());

        results.asList().forEach(session -> sessions.put(session.getId(), prepare(session)));

        return sessions;

     * Prepares the appropriate Pivotal GemFire OQL query based on the indexed Session attribute
     * name.
     * @param indexName a String indicating the name of the indexed Session attribute.
     * @return an appropriate Pivotal GemFire OQL statement for querying on a particular indexed
     * Session attribute.
     * @see #getSessionsRegionName()
    protected String prepareQuery(String indexName) {

        String fullyQualifiedRegionName = getSessionsRegionName();

        return PRINCIPAL_NAME_INDEX_NAME.equals(indexName)
                ? String.format(FIND_SESSIONS_BY_PRINCIPAL_NAME_QUERY, fullyQualifiedRegionName)
                : String.format(FIND_SESSIONS_BY_INDEX_NAME_AND_INDEX_VALUE_QUERY, fullyQualifiedRegionName,

     * Prepares the (loaded) {@link Session} for use.
     * @param session {@link Session} to prepare.
     * @return the prepared {@link Session}.
     * @see org.springframework.session.Session
     * @see #configure(Session)
     * @see #registerInterest(Session)
     * @see #commit(Session)
     * @see #touch(Session)
    private Session prepare(Session session) {
        return touch(commit(registerInterest(configure(session))));

     * Saves the specified {@link Session} to Apache Geode or Pivotal GemFire.
     * Warning, the save method should never be called asynchronously and concurrently, from a separate Thread,
     * while the caller continues to modify the given {@link Session} from the forking Thread
     * or data loss can occur!  There is a reason why this method is blocking!
     * @param session the {@link Session} to save.
     * @see, Object)
     * @see org.springframework.session.Session
     * @see #isNonNullAndDirty(Session)
     * @see #doSave(Session)
    public void save(@Nullable Session session) {

        if (isNonNullAndDirty(session)) {

     * Determines whether the given {@link Session} is dirty (i.e. has any changes).
     * @param session {@link Session} to evaluate.
     * @return a boolean value indicating whether the {@link Session} is dirty or not.
     * @see
     * @see org.springframework.session.Session
    private boolean isDirty(@NonNull Session session) {
        return !(session instanceof GemFireSession) || ((GemFireSession) session).hasDelta();

     * Determines whether the given {@link Session} is {@literal non-null} and {@link #isDirty(Session) dirty}.
     * @param session {@link Session} to evaluate.
     * @return a boolean value indicating whether the given {@link Session} is {@literal non-null}
     * and {@link #isDirty(Session) dirty}.
     * @see #isDirty(Session)
    private boolean isNonNullAndDirty(@Nullable Session session) {
        return Objects.nonNull(session) && isDirty(session);

     * Performs the actual {@link Session} save operation, persisting the {@link Session} state to eitehr Apache Geode
     * or Pivotal GemFire!
     * @param session {@link Session} to save.
     * @see, Object)
     * @see org.springframework.session.Session
     * @see #commit(Session)
    void doSave(@NonNull Session session) {

        // Save Session As GemFireSession
        getSessionsTemplate().put(session.getId(), GemFireSession.from(session));

        // Commit Session

     * Deletes (removes) any existing {@link Session} from GemFire. This operation
     * also results in a SessionDeletedEvent.
     * @param sessionId a String indicating the ID of the Session to remove from GemFire.
     * @see
     * @see #handleDeleted(String, Session)
    public void deleteById(String sessionId) {
        handleDeleted(sessionId, getSessionsTemplate().<Object, Session>remove(sessionId));