Source code

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 * Copyright 2002-2019 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;

 * Base class containing the logic used by strategies which handle redirection to a URL
 * and are passed an {@code Authentication} object as part of the contract. See
 * {@link AuthenticationSuccessHandler} and
 * {@link
 * LogoutSuccessHandler}, for example.
 * <p>
 * Uses the following logic sequence to determine how it should handle the
 * forward/redirect
 * <ul>
 * <li>
 * If the {@code alwaysUseDefaultTargetUrl} property is set to true, the
 * {@code defaultTargetUrl} property will be used for the destination.</li>
 * <li>
 * If a parameter matching the value of {@code targetUrlParameter} has been set on the
 * request, the value will be used as the destination. If you are enabling this
 * functionality, then you should ensure that the parameter cannot be used by an attacker
 * to redirect the user to a malicious site (by clicking on a URL with the parameter
 * included, for example). Typically it would be used when the parameter is included in
 * the login form and submitted with the username and password.</li>
 * <li>
 * If the {@code useReferer} property is set, the "Referer" HTTP header value will be
 * used, if present.</li>
 * <li>
 * As a fallback option, the {@code defaultTargetUrl} value will be used.</li>
 * </ul>
 * @author Luke Taylor
 * @since 3.0
public abstract class AbstractAuthenticationTargetUrlRequestHandler {

    protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass());
    private String targetUrlParameter = null;
    private String defaultTargetUrl = "/";
    private boolean alwaysUseDefaultTargetUrl = false;
    private boolean useReferer = false;
    private RedirectStrategy redirectStrategy = new DefaultRedirectStrategy();

    protected AbstractAuthenticationTargetUrlRequestHandler() {

     * Invokes the configured {@code RedirectStrategy} with the URL returned by the
     * {@code determineTargetUrl} method.
     * <p>
     * The redirect will not be performed if the response has already been committed.
    protected void handle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Authentication authentication)
            throws IOException, ServletException {
        String targetUrl = determineTargetUrl(request, response, authentication);

        if (response.isCommitted()) {
            logger.debug("Response has already been committed. Unable to redirect to " + targetUrl);

        redirectStrategy.sendRedirect(request, response, targetUrl);

     * Builds the target URL according to the logic defined in the main class Javadoc
     * @since 5.2
    protected String determineTargetUrl(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
            Authentication authentication) {
        return determineTargetUrl(request, response);

     * Builds the target URL according to the logic defined in the main class Javadoc.
    protected String determineTargetUrl(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
        if (isAlwaysUseDefaultTargetUrl()) {
            return defaultTargetUrl;

        // Check for the parameter and use that if available
        String targetUrl = null;

        if (targetUrlParameter != null) {
            targetUrl = request.getParameter(targetUrlParameter);

            if (StringUtils.hasText(targetUrl)) {
                logger.debug("Found targetUrlParameter in request: " + targetUrl);

                return targetUrl;

        if (useReferer && !StringUtils.hasLength(targetUrl)) {
            targetUrl = request.getHeader("Referer");
            logger.debug("Using Referer header: " + targetUrl);

        if (!StringUtils.hasText(targetUrl)) {
            targetUrl = defaultTargetUrl;
            logger.debug("Using default Url: " + targetUrl);

        return targetUrl;

     * Supplies the default target Url that will be used if no saved request is found or
     * the {@code alwaysUseDefaultTargetUrl} property is set to true. If not set, defaults
     * to {@code /}.
     * @return the defaultTargetUrl property
    protected final String getDefaultTargetUrl() {
        return defaultTargetUrl;

     * Supplies the default target Url that will be used if no saved request is found in
     * the session, or the {@code alwaysUseDefaultTargetUrl} property is set to true. If
     * not set, defaults to {@code /}. It will be treated as relative to the web-app's
     * context path, and should include the leading <code>/</code>. Alternatively,
     * inclusion of a scheme name (such as "http://" or "https://") as the prefix will
     * denote a fully-qualified URL and this is also supported.
     * @param defaultTargetUrl
    public void setDefaultTargetUrl(String defaultTargetUrl) {
                "defaultTarget must start with '/' or with 'http(s)'");
        this.defaultTargetUrl = defaultTargetUrl;

     * If <code>true</code>, will always redirect to the value of {@code defaultTargetUrl}
     * (defaults to <code>false</code>).
    public void setAlwaysUseDefaultTargetUrl(boolean alwaysUseDefaultTargetUrl) {
        this.alwaysUseDefaultTargetUrl = alwaysUseDefaultTargetUrl;

    protected boolean isAlwaysUseDefaultTargetUrl() {
        return alwaysUseDefaultTargetUrl;

     * If this property is set, the current request will be checked for this a parameter
     * with this name and the value used as the target URL if present.
     * @param targetUrlParameter the name of the parameter containing the encoded target
     * URL. Defaults to null.
    public void setTargetUrlParameter(String targetUrlParameter) {
        if (targetUrlParameter != null) {
            Assert.hasText(targetUrlParameter, "targetUrlParameter cannot be empty");
        this.targetUrlParameter = targetUrlParameter;

    protected String getTargetUrlParameter() {
        return targetUrlParameter;

     * Allows overriding of the behaviour when redirecting to a target URL.
    public void setRedirectStrategy(RedirectStrategy redirectStrategy) {
        this.redirectStrategy = redirectStrategy;

    protected RedirectStrategy getRedirectStrategy() {
        return redirectStrategy;

     * If set to {@code true} the {@code Referer} header will be used (if available).
     * Defaults to {@code false}.
    public void setUseReferer(boolean useReferer) {
        this.useReferer = useReferer;
