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 * Copyright 2014-2018 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package org.springframework.restdocs.operation.preprocess;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.springframework.restdocs.operation.Operation;
import org.springframework.restdocs.operation.OperationRequest;
import org.springframework.restdocs.operation.OperationResponse;

 * Static factory methods for creating {@link OperationPreprocessor
 * OperationPreprocessors} that can be applied to an {@link Operation Operation's}
 * {@link OperationRequest request} or {@link OperationResponse response} before it is
 * documented.
 * @author Andy Wilkinson
 * @author Roland Huss
public final class Preprocessors {

    private Preprocessors() {


     * Returns an {@link OperationRequestPreprocessor} that will preprocess the request by
     * applying the given {@code preprocessors} to it.
     * @param preprocessors the preprocessors
     * @return the request preprocessor
    public static OperationRequestPreprocessor preprocessRequest(OperationPreprocessor... preprocessors) {
        return new DelegatingOperationRequestPreprocessor(Arrays.asList(preprocessors));

     * Returns an {@link OperationResponsePreprocessor} that will preprocess the response
     * by applying the given {@code preprocessors} to it.
     * @param preprocessors the preprocessors
     * @return the response preprocessor
    public static OperationResponsePreprocessor preprocessResponse(OperationPreprocessor... preprocessors) {
        return new DelegatingOperationResponsePreprocessor(Arrays.asList(preprocessors));

     * Returns an {@code OperationPreprocessor} that will pretty print the content of the
     * request or response.
     * @return the preprocessor
    public static OperationPreprocessor prettyPrint() {
        return new ContentModifyingOperationPreprocessor(new PrettyPrintingContentModifier());

     * Returns an {@code OperationPreprocessor} that will remove any header from the
     * request or response with a name that is equal to one of the given
     * {@code headersToRemove}.
     * @param headerNames the header names
     * @return the preprocessor
     * @see String#equals(Object)
    public static OperationPreprocessor removeHeaders(String... headerNames) {
        return new HeaderRemovingOperationPreprocessor(new ExactMatchHeaderFilter(headerNames));

     * Returns an {@code OperationPreprocessor} that will remove any headers from the
     * request or response with a name that matches one of the given
     * {@code headerNamePatterns} regular expressions.
     * @param headerNamePatterns the header name patterns
     * @return the preprocessor
     * @see java.util.regex.Matcher#matches()
    public static OperationPreprocessor removeMatchingHeaders(String... headerNamePatterns) {
        return new HeaderRemovingOperationPreprocessor(new PatternMatchHeaderFilter(headerNamePatterns));

     * Returns an {@code OperationPreprocessor} that will mask the href of hypermedia
     * links in the request or response.
     * @return the preprocessor
    public static OperationPreprocessor maskLinks() {
        return new ContentModifyingOperationPreprocessor(new LinkMaskingContentModifier());

     * Returns an {@code OperationPreprocessor} that will mask the href of hypermedia
     * links in the request or response.
     * @param mask the link mask
     * @return the preprocessor
    public static OperationPreprocessor maskLinks(String mask) {
        return new ContentModifyingOperationPreprocessor(new LinkMaskingContentModifier(mask));

     * Returns an {@code OperationPreprocessor} that will modify the content of the
     * request or response by replacing occurrences of the given {@code pattern} with the
     * given {@code replacement}.
     * @param pattern the pattern
     * @param replacement the replacement
     * @return the preprocessor
    public static OperationPreprocessor replacePattern(Pattern pattern, String replacement) {
        return new ContentModifyingOperationPreprocessor(new PatternReplacingContentModifier(pattern, replacement));

     * Returns a {@code ParametersModifyingOperationPreprocessor} that can then be
     * configured to modify the parameters of the request.
     * @return the preprocessor
     * @since 1.1.0
    public static ParametersModifyingOperationPreprocessor modifyParameters() {
        return new ParametersModifyingOperationPreprocessor();

     * Returns a {@code UriModifyingOperationPreprocessor} that will modify URIs in the
     * request or response by changing one or more of their host, scheme, and port.
     * @return the preprocessor
     * @since 2.0.1
    public static UriModifyingOperationPreprocessor modifyUris() {
        return new UriModifyingOperationPreprocessor();
