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 * Copyright 2002-2017 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker;


import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor;
import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInvocation;

import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.remoting.RemoteAccessException;
import org.springframework.remoting.RemoteConnectFailureException;
import org.springframework.remoting.RemoteInvocationFailureException;

 * {@link org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor} for accessing an
 * HTTP invoker service. The service URL must be an HTTP URL exposing
 * an HTTP invoker service.
 * <p>Serializes remote invocation objects and deserializes remote invocation
 * result objects. Uses Java serialization just like RMI, but provides the
 * same ease of setup as Caucho's HTTP-based Hessian protocol.
 * <P>HTTP invoker is a very extensible and customizable protocol.
 * It supports the RemoteInvocationFactory mechanism, like RMI invoker,
 * allowing to include additional invocation attributes (for example,
 * a security context). Furthermore, it allows to customize request
 * execution via the {@link HttpInvokerRequestExecutor} strategy.
 * <p>Can use the JDK's {@link java.rmi.server.RMIClassLoader} to load classes
 * from a given {@link #setCodebaseUrl codebase}, performing on-demand dynamic
 * code download from a remote location. The codebase can consist of multiple
 * URLs, separated by spaces. Note that RMIClassLoader requires a SecurityManager
 * to be set, analogous to when using dynamic class download with standard RMI!
 * (See the RMI documentation for details.)
 * <p><b>WARNING: Be aware of vulnerabilities due to unsafe Java deserialization:
 * Manipulated input streams could lead to unwanted code execution on the server
 * during the deserialization step. As a consequence, do not expose HTTP invoker
 * endpoints to untrusted clients but rather just between your own services.</b>
 * In general, we strongly recommend any other message format (e.g. JSON) instead.
 * @author Juergen Hoeller
 * @since 1.1
 * @see #setServiceUrl
 * @see #setCodebaseUrl
 * @see #setRemoteInvocationFactory
 * @see #setHttpInvokerRequestExecutor
 * @see HttpInvokerServiceExporter
 * @see HttpInvokerProxyFactoryBean
 * @see java.rmi.server.RMIClassLoader
public class HttpInvokerClientInterceptor extends RemoteInvocationBasedAccessor
        implements MethodInterceptor, HttpInvokerClientConfiguration {

    private String codebaseUrl;

    private HttpInvokerRequestExecutor httpInvokerRequestExecutor;

     * Set the codebase URL to download classes from if not found locally.
     * Can consists of multiple URLs, separated by spaces.
     * <p>Follows RMI's codebase conventions for dynamic class download.
     * In contrast to RMI, where the server determines the URL for class download
     * (via the "java.rmi.server.codebase" system property), it's the client
     * that determines the codebase URL here. The server will usually be the
     * same as for the service URL, just pointing to a different path there.
     * @see #setServiceUrl
     * @see org.springframework.remoting.rmi.CodebaseAwareObjectInputStream
     * @see java.rmi.server.RMIClassLoader
    public void setCodebaseUrl(@Nullable String codebaseUrl) {
        this.codebaseUrl = codebaseUrl;

     * Return the codebase URL to download classes from if not found locally.
    public String getCodebaseUrl() {
        return this.codebaseUrl;

     * Set the HttpInvokerRequestExecutor implementation to use for executing
     * remote invocations.
     * <p>Default is {@link SimpleHttpInvokerRequestExecutor}. Alternatively,
     * consider using {@link HttpComponentsHttpInvokerRequestExecutor} for more
     * sophisticated needs.
     * @see SimpleHttpInvokerRequestExecutor
     * @see HttpComponentsHttpInvokerRequestExecutor
    public void setHttpInvokerRequestExecutor(HttpInvokerRequestExecutor httpInvokerRequestExecutor) {
        this.httpInvokerRequestExecutor = httpInvokerRequestExecutor;

     * Return the HttpInvokerRequestExecutor used by this remote accessor.
     * <p>Creates a default SimpleHttpInvokerRequestExecutor if no executor
     * has been initialized already.
    public HttpInvokerRequestExecutor getHttpInvokerRequestExecutor() {
        if (this.httpInvokerRequestExecutor == null) {
            SimpleHttpInvokerRequestExecutor executor = new SimpleHttpInvokerRequestExecutor();
            this.httpInvokerRequestExecutor = executor;
        return this.httpInvokerRequestExecutor;

    public void afterPropertiesSet() {

        // Eagerly initialize the default HttpInvokerRequestExecutor, if needed.

    public Object invoke(MethodInvocation methodInvocation) throws Throwable {
        if (AopUtils.isToStringMethod(methodInvocation.getMethod())) {
            return "HTTP invoker proxy for service URL [" + getServiceUrl() + "]";

        RemoteInvocation invocation = createRemoteInvocation(methodInvocation);
        RemoteInvocationResult result;

        try {
            result = executeRequest(invocation, methodInvocation);
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            RemoteAccessException rae = convertHttpInvokerAccessException(ex);
            throw (rae != null ? rae : ex);

        try {
            return recreateRemoteInvocationResult(result);
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            if (result.hasInvocationTargetException()) {
                throw ex;
            } else {
                throw new RemoteInvocationFailureException("Invocation of method [" + methodInvocation.getMethod()
                        + "] failed in HTTP invoker remote service at [" + getServiceUrl() + "]", ex);

     * Execute the given remote invocation via the {@link HttpInvokerRequestExecutor}.
     * <p>This implementation delegates to {@link #executeRequest(RemoteInvocation)}.
     * Can be overridden to react to the specific original MethodInvocation.
     * @param invocation the RemoteInvocation to execute
     * @param originalInvocation the original MethodInvocation (can e.g. be cast
     * to the ProxyMethodInvocation interface for accessing user attributes)
     * @return the RemoteInvocationResult object
     * @throws Exception in case of errors
    protected RemoteInvocationResult executeRequest(RemoteInvocation invocation,
            MethodInvocation originalInvocation) throws Exception {

        return executeRequest(invocation);

     * Execute the given remote invocation via the {@link HttpInvokerRequestExecutor}.
     * <p>Can be overridden in subclasses to pass a different configuration object
     * to the executor. Alternatively, add further configuration properties in a
     * subclass of this accessor: By default, the accessor passed itself as
     * configuration object to the executor.
     * @param invocation the RemoteInvocation to execute
     * @return the RemoteInvocationResult object
     * @throws IOException if thrown by I/O operations
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException if thrown during deserialization
     * @throws Exception in case of general errors
     * @see #getHttpInvokerRequestExecutor
     * @see HttpInvokerClientConfiguration
    protected RemoteInvocationResult executeRequest(RemoteInvocation invocation) throws Exception {
        return getHttpInvokerRequestExecutor().executeRequest(this, invocation);

     * Convert the given HTTP invoker access exception to an appropriate
     * Spring {@link RemoteAccessException}.
     * @param ex the exception to convert
     * @return the RemoteAccessException to throw, or {@code null} to have the
     * original exception propagated to the caller
    protected RemoteAccessException convertHttpInvokerAccessException(Throwable ex) {
        if (ex instanceof ConnectException) {
            return new RemoteConnectFailureException(
                    "Could not connect to HTTP invoker remote service at [" + getServiceUrl() + "]", ex);

        if (ex instanceof ClassNotFoundException || ex instanceof NoClassDefFoundError
                || ex instanceof InvalidClassException) {
            return new RemoteAccessException(
                    "Could not deserialize result from HTTP invoker remote service [" + getServiceUrl() + "]", ex);

        if (ex instanceof Exception) {
            return new RemoteAccessException(
                    "Could not access HTTP invoker remote service at [" + getServiceUrl() + "]", ex);

        // For any other Throwable, e.g. OutOfMemoryError: let it get propagated as-is.
        return null;
