Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2002-2013 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.springframework.integration.util; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.lang.reflect.Proxy; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.aop.framework.Advised; import; import org.springframework.core.LocalVariableTableParameterNameDiscoverer; import org.springframework.core.MethodParameter; import org.springframework.core.ParameterNameDiscoverer; import org.springframework.core.annotation.AnnotationUtils; import org.springframework.core.convert.TypeDescriptor; import org.springframework.expression.EvaluationException; import org.springframework.expression.Expression; import org.springframework.expression.TypeConverter; import org.springframework.expression.spel.standard.SpelExpressionParser; import; import org.springframework.integration.Message; import org.springframework.integration.MessageHandlingException; import org.springframework.integration.MessagingException; import org.springframework.integration.annotation.Header; import org.springframework.integration.annotation.Headers; import org.springframework.integration.annotation.Payload; import org.springframework.integration.annotation.Payloads; import org.springframework.integration.annotation.ServiceActivator; import org.springframework.util.Assert; import org.springframework.util.ReflectionUtils; import org.springframework.util.ReflectionUtils.MethodCallback; import org.springframework.util.ReflectionUtils.MethodFilter; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; /** * A helper class for processors that invoke a method on a target Object using a combination of message payload(s) and * headers as arguments. The Method instance or method name may be provided as a constructor argument. If a method name * is provided, and more than one declared method has that name, the method-selection will be dynamic, based on the * underlying SpEL method resolution. Alternatively, an annotation type may be provided so that the candidates for * SpEL's method resolution are determined by the presence of that annotation rather than the method name. * * @author Mark Fisher * @author Oleg Zhurakousky * @author Dave Syer * @author Gunnar Hillert * @author Soby Chacko * @author Gary Russell * * @since 2.0 */ public class MessagingMethodInvokerHelper<T> extends AbstractExpressionEvaluator { private final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass()); private final Object targetObject; private volatile String displayString; private volatile boolean requiresReply; private final Map<Class<?>, HandlerMethod> handlerMethods; private final Class<?> expectedType; private final boolean canProcessMessageList; public MessagingMethodInvokerHelper(Object targetObject, Method method, Class<?> expectedType, boolean canProcessMessageList) { this(targetObject, null, method, expectedType, canProcessMessageList); } public MessagingMethodInvokerHelper(Object targetObject, Method method, boolean canProcessMessageList) { this(targetObject, method, null, canProcessMessageList); } public MessagingMethodInvokerHelper(Object targetObject, String methodName, Class<?> expectedType, boolean canProcessMessageList) { this(targetObject, null, methodName, expectedType, canProcessMessageList); } public MessagingMethodInvokerHelper(Object targetObject, String methodName, boolean canProcessMessageList) { this(targetObject, methodName, null, canProcessMessageList); } public MessagingMethodInvokerHelper(Object targetObject, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType, boolean canProcessMessageList) { this(targetObject, annotationType, null, canProcessMessageList); } public MessagingMethodInvokerHelper(Object targetObject, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType, Class<?> expectedType, boolean canProcessMessageList) { this(targetObject, annotationType, (String) null, expectedType, canProcessMessageList); } public T process(Message<?> message) throws Exception { ParametersWrapper parameters = new ParametersWrapper(message); return processInternal(parameters); } public T process(Collection<Message<?>> messages, Map<String, ?> headers) throws Exception { ParametersWrapper parameters = new ParametersWrapper(messages, headers); return processInternal(parameters); } @Override public String toString() { return this.displayString; } /* * Private constructors for internal use */ private MessagingMethodInvokerHelper(Object targetObject, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType, Method method, Class<?> expectedType, boolean canProcessMessageList) { this.canProcessMessageList = canProcessMessageList; Assert.notNull(method, "method must not be null"); this.expectedType = expectedType; this.requiresReply = expectedType != null; if (expectedType != null) { Assert.isTrue(method.getReturnType() != Void.class && method.getReturnType() != Void.TYPE, "method must have a return type"); } HandlerMethod handlerMethod = new HandlerMethod(method, canProcessMessageList); Assert.notNull(targetObject, "targetObject must not be null"); this.targetObject = targetObject; this.handlerMethods = Collections.<Class<?>, HandlerMethod>singletonMap( handlerMethod.getTargetParameterType().getObjectType(), handlerMethod); this.prepareEvaluationContext(this.getEvaluationContext(false), method, annotationType); this.setDisplayString(targetObject, method); } private MessagingMethodInvokerHelper(Object targetObject, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType, String methodName, Class<?> expectedType, boolean canProcessMessageList) { this.canProcessMessageList = canProcessMessageList; Assert.notNull(targetObject, "targetObject must not be null"); this.expectedType = expectedType; this.targetObject = targetObject; this.requiresReply = expectedType != null; this.handlerMethods = this.findHandlerMethodsForTarget(targetObject, annotationType, methodName, requiresReply); this.prepareEvaluationContext(this.getEvaluationContext(false), methodName, annotationType); this.setDisplayString(targetObject, methodName); } private void setDisplayString(Object targetObject, Object targetMethod) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(targetObject.getClass().getName()); if (targetMethod instanceof Method) { sb.append("." + ((Method) targetMethod).getName()); } else if (targetMethod instanceof String) { sb.append("." + (String) targetMethod); } this.displayString = sb.toString() + "]"; } private void prepareEvaluationContext(StandardEvaluationContext context, Object method, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType) { Class<?> targetType = AopUtils.getTargetClass(this.targetObject); if (method instanceof Method) { context.registerMethodFilter(targetType, new FixedMethodFilter((Method) method)); if (expectedType != null) { Assert.state( context.getTypeConverter().canConvert( TypeDescriptor.valueOf(((Method) method).getReturnType()), TypeDescriptor.valueOf(expectedType)), "Cannot convert to expected type (" + expectedType + ") from " + method); } } else if (method == null || method instanceof String) { AnnotatedMethodFilter filter = new AnnotatedMethodFilter(annotationType, (String) method, this.requiresReply); Assert.state(canReturnExpectedType(filter, targetType, context.getTypeConverter()), "Cannot convert to expected type (" + expectedType + ") from " + method); context.registerMethodFilter(targetType, filter); } context.setVariable("target", targetObject); } private boolean canReturnExpectedType(AnnotatedMethodFilter filter, Class<?> targetType, TypeConverter typeConverter) { if (expectedType == null) { return true; } List<Method> methods = filter.filter(Arrays.asList(ReflectionUtils.getAllDeclaredMethods(targetType))); for (Method method : methods) { if (typeConverter.canConvert(TypeDescriptor.valueOf(method.getReturnType()), TypeDescriptor.valueOf(expectedType))) { return true; } } return false; } private T processInternal(ParametersWrapper parameters) throws Exception { Throwable evaluationException = null; List<HandlerMethod> candidates = this.findHandlerMethodsForParameters(parameters); Assert.state(!candidates.isEmpty(), "No candidate methods found for messages."); for (HandlerMethod candidate : candidates) { try { Expression expression = candidate.getExpression(); Class<?> expectedType = this.expectedType != null ? this.expectedType : candidate.method.getReturnType(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T result = (T) this.evaluateExpression(expression, parameters, expectedType); if (this.requiresReply) { Assert.notNull(result, "Expression evaluation result was null, but this processor requires a reply."); } return result; } // keep the first exception catch (EvaluationException e) { if (evaluationException == null) { evaluationException = e.getCause(); } if (evaluationException == null) { evaluationException = e; } } catch (MessageHandlingException e) { if (evaluationException == null) { evaluationException = e.getCause(); } if (evaluationException == null) { evaluationException = e; } } catch (Exception e) { if (evaluationException == null) { evaluationException = e; } } } if (evaluationException instanceof Exception) { throw (Exception) evaluationException; } else if (evaluationException instanceof Error) { throw (Error) evaluationException; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot process message", evaluationException); } } private Map<Class<?>, HandlerMethod> findHandlerMethodsForTarget(final Object targetObject, final Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType, final String methodName, final boolean requiresReply) { final Map<Class<?>, HandlerMethod> candidateMethods = new HashMap<Class<?>, HandlerMethod>(); final Map<Class<?>, HandlerMethod> fallbackMethods = new HashMap<Class<?>, HandlerMethod>(); final AtomicReference<Class<?>> ambiguousFallbackType = new AtomicReference<Class<?>>(); final Class<?> targetClass = this.getTargetClass(targetObject); MethodFilter methodFilter = new UniqueMethodFilter(targetClass); ReflectionUtils.doWithMethods(targetClass, new MethodCallback() { public void doWith(Method method) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException { boolean matchesAnnotation = false; if (method.isBridge()) { return; } if (isMethodDefinedOnObjectClass(method)) { return; } if (method.getDeclaringClass().equals(Proxy.class)) { return; } if (!Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers())) { return; } if (requiresReply && void.class.equals(method.getReturnType())) { return; } if (methodName != null && !methodName.equals(method.getName())) { return; } if (annotationType != null && AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(method, annotationType) != null) { matchesAnnotation = true; } HandlerMethod handlerMethod = null; try { handlerMethod = new HandlerMethod(method, canProcessMessageList); } catch (Exception e) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Method [" + method + "] is not eligible for Message handling.", e); } return; } Class<?> targetParameterType = handlerMethod.getTargetParameterType().getObjectType(); if (matchesAnnotation || annotationType == null) { Assert.isTrue(!candidateMethods.containsKey(targetParameterType), "Found more than one method match for type [" + targetParameterType + "]"); candidateMethods.put(targetParameterType, handlerMethod); } else { if (fallbackMethods.containsKey(targetParameterType)) { // we need to check for duplicate type matches, // but only if we end up falling back // and we'll only keep track of the first one ambiguousFallbackType.compareAndSet(null, targetParameterType); } fallbackMethods.put(targetParameterType, handlerMethod); } } }, methodFilter); if (!candidateMethods.isEmpty()) { return candidateMethods; } if ((fallbackMethods.isEmpty() || ambiguousFallbackType.get() != null) && ServiceActivator.class.equals(annotationType)) { // a Service Activator can fallback to either MessageHandler.handleMessage(m) or List<Method> frameworkMethods = new ArrayList<Method>(); Class<?>[] allInterfaces = org.springframework.util.ClassUtils.getAllInterfacesForClass(targetClass); for (Class<?> iface : allInterfaces) { try { if ("org.springframework.integration.gateway.RequestReplyExchanger".equals(iface.getName())) { frameworkMethods.add(targetClass.getMethod("exchange", Message.class)); } else if ("org.springframework.integration.core.MessageHandler".equals(iface.getName()) && !requiresReply) { frameworkMethods.add(targetClass.getMethod("handleMessage", Message.class)); } } catch (Exception e) { // should never happen (but would fall through to errors below) } } if (frameworkMethods.size() == 1) { HandlerMethod handlerMethod = new HandlerMethod(frameworkMethods.get(0), canProcessMessageList); return Collections.<Class<?>, HandlerMethod>singletonMap(Object.class, handlerMethod); } } Assert.notEmpty(fallbackMethods, "Target object of type [" + this.targetObject.getClass() + "] has no eligible methods for handling Messages."); Assert.isNull(ambiguousFallbackType.get(), "Found ambiguous parameter type [" + ambiguousFallbackType + "] for method match: " + fallbackMethods.values()); return fallbackMethods; } private Class<?> getTargetClass(Object targetObject) { Class<?> targetClass = targetObject.getClass(); if (AopUtils.isAopProxy(targetObject)) { targetClass = AopUtils.getTargetClass(targetObject); if (targetClass == targetObject.getClass()) { try { // Maybe a proxy with no target - e.g. gateway Class<?>[] interfaces = ((Advised) targetObject).getProxiedInterfaces(); if (interfaces != null && interfaces.length == 1) { targetClass = interfaces[0]; } } catch (Exception e) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Exception trying to extract interface", e); } } } } else if (org.springframework.util.ClassUtils.isCglibProxyClass(targetClass)) { Class<?> superClass = targetObject.getClass().getSuperclass(); if (!Object.class.equals(superClass)) { targetClass = superClass; } } return targetClass; } private List<HandlerMethod> findHandlerMethodsForParameters(ParametersWrapper parameters) { final Class<?> payloadType = parameters.getFirstParameterType(); HandlerMethod closestMatch = this.findClosestMatch(payloadType); if (closestMatch != null) { return Collections.singletonList(closestMatch); } return new ArrayList<HandlerMethod>(this.handlerMethods.values()); } private HandlerMethod findClosestMatch(Class<?> payloadType) { Set<Class<?>> candidates = this.handlerMethods.keySet(); Class<?> match = null; if (candidates != null && !candidates.isEmpty()) { match = ClassUtils.findClosestMatch(payloadType, candidates, true); } return (match != null) ? this.handlerMethods.get(match) : null; } private static boolean isMethodDefinedOnObjectClass(Method method) { if (method == null) { return false; } if (method.getDeclaringClass().equals(Object.class)) { return true; } if (ReflectionUtils.isEqualsMethod(method) || ReflectionUtils.isHashCodeMethod(method) || ReflectionUtils.isToStringMethod(method) || AopUtils.isFinalizeMethod(method)) { return true; } return (method.getName().equals("clone") && method.getParameterTypes().length == 0); } /** * Helper class for generating and exposing metadata for a candidate handler method. The metadata includes the SpEL * expression and the expected payload type. */ private static class HandlerMethod { private static final SpelExpressionParser EXPRESSION_PARSER = new SpelExpressionParser(); private static final ParameterNameDiscoverer PARAMETER_NAME_DISCOVERER = new LocalVariableTableParameterNameDiscoverer(); private static final TypeDescriptor messageTypeDescriptor = TypeDescriptor.valueOf(Message.class); private static final TypeDescriptor messageListTypeDescriptor = new TypeDescriptor( ReflectionUtils.findField(HandlerMethod.class, "dummyMessages")); private static final TypeDescriptor messageArrayTypeDescriptor = TypeDescriptor.valueOf(Message[].class); @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final Collection<Message<?>> dummyMessages = Collections.emptyList(); private final Method method; private final Expression expression; private volatile TypeDescriptor targetParameterType; private final boolean canProcessMessageList; HandlerMethod(Method method, boolean canProcessMessageList) { this.method = method; this.canProcessMessageList = canProcessMessageList; this.expression = this.generateExpression(method); } Expression getExpression() { return this.expression; } TypeDescriptor getTargetParameterType() { return this.targetParameterType; } @Override public String toString() { return this.method.toString(); } private Expression generateExpression(Method method) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("#target." + method.getName() + "("); Class<?>[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); Annotation[][] parameterAnnotations = method.getParameterAnnotations(); boolean hasUnqualifiedMapParameter = false; TypeDescriptor defaultParameterTypeDescriptor = TypeDescriptor.valueOf(List.class); for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) { if (i != 0) { sb.append(", "); } TypeDescriptor parameterTypeDescriptor = new TypeDescriptor(new MethodParameter(method, i)); defaultParameterTypeDescriptor = parameterTypeDescriptor; Class<?> parameterType = parameterTypeDescriptor.getObjectType(); Annotation mappingAnnotation = findMappingAnnotation(parameterAnnotations[i]); if (mappingAnnotation != null) { Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType = mappingAnnotation.annotationType(); if (annotationType.equals(Payload.class)) { sb.append("payload"); String qualifierExpression = ((Payload) mappingAnnotation).value(); if (StringUtils.hasText(qualifierExpression)) { sb.append("." + qualifierExpression); } if (!StringUtils.hasText(qualifierExpression)) { this.setExclusiveTargetParameterType(parameterTypeDescriptor); } } if (annotationType.equals(Payloads.class)) { sb.append("messages.![payload"); String qualifierExpression = ((Payloads) mappingAnnotation).value(); if (StringUtils.hasText(qualifierExpression)) { sb.append("." + qualifierExpression); } sb.append("]"); if (!StringUtils.hasText(qualifierExpression)) { this.setExclusiveTargetParameterType(parameterTypeDescriptor); } } else if (annotationType.equals(Headers.class)) { Assert.isTrue(Map.class.isAssignableFrom(parameterType), "The @Headers annotation can only be applied to a Map-typed parameter."); sb.append("headers"); } else if (annotationType.equals(Header.class)) { Header headerAnnotation = (Header) mappingAnnotation; sb.append(this.determineHeaderExpression(headerAnnotation, new MethodParameter(method, i))); } } else if (parameterTypeDescriptor.isAssignableTo(messageTypeDescriptor)) { sb.append("message"); this.setExclusiveTargetParameterType(parameterTypeDescriptor); } else if ((parameterTypeDescriptor.isAssignableTo(messageListTypeDescriptor) || parameterTypeDescriptor.isAssignableTo(messageArrayTypeDescriptor))) { sb.append("messages"); this.setExclusiveTargetParameterType(parameterTypeDescriptor); } else if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(parameterType) || parameterType.isArray()) { if (canProcessMessageList) { sb.append("messages.![payload]"); } else { sb.append("payload"); } this.setExclusiveTargetParameterType(parameterTypeDescriptor); } else if (Iterator.class.isAssignableFrom(parameterType)) { if (canProcessMessageList) { Type type = method.getGenericParameterTypes()[0]; Type parameterizedType = null; if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) { parameterizedType = ((ParameterizedType) type).getActualTypeArguments()[0]; if (parameterizedType instanceof ParameterizedType) { parameterizedType = ((ParameterizedType) parameterizedType).getRawType(); } } if (parameterizedType != null && Message.class.isAssignableFrom((Class<?>) parameterizedType)) { sb.append("messages.iterator()"); } else { sb.append("messages.![payload].iterator()"); } } else { sb.append("payload.iterator()"); } this.setExclusiveTargetParameterType(parameterTypeDescriptor); } else if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(parameterType)) { if (Properties.class.isAssignableFrom(parameterType)) { sb.append("payload instanceof T(java.util.Map) or " + "(payload instanceof T(String) and payload.contains('=')) ? payload : headers"); } else { sb.append("(payload instanceof T(java.util.Map) ? payload : headers)"); } Assert.isTrue(!hasUnqualifiedMapParameter, "Found more than one Map typed parameter without any qualification. " + "Consider using @Payload or @Headers on at least one of the parameters."); hasUnqualifiedMapParameter = true; } else { sb.append("payload"); this.setExclusiveTargetParameterType(parameterTypeDescriptor); } } if (hasUnqualifiedMapParameter) { if (targetParameterType != null && Map.class.isAssignableFrom(this.targetParameterType.getObjectType())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unable to determine payload matching parameter due to ambiguous Map typed parameters. " + "Consider adding the @Payload and or @Headers annotations as appropriate."); } } sb.append(")"); if (this.targetParameterType == null) { this.targetParameterType = defaultParameterTypeDescriptor; } return EXPRESSION_PARSER.parseExpression(sb.toString()); } private Annotation findMappingAnnotation(Annotation[] annotations) { if (annotations == null || annotations.length == 0) { return null; } Annotation match = null; for (Annotation annotation : annotations) { Class<? extends Annotation> type = annotation.annotationType(); if (type.equals(Payload.class) || type.equals(Payloads.class) || type.equals(Header.class) || type.equals(Headers.class)) { if (match != null) { throw new MessagingException( "At most one parameter annotation can be provided for message mapping, " + "but found two: [" + match.annotationType().getName() + "] and [" + annotation.annotationType().getName() + "]"); } match = annotation; } } return match; } private String determineHeaderExpression(Header headerAnnotation, MethodParameter methodParameter) { methodParameter.initParameterNameDiscovery(PARAMETER_NAME_DISCOVERER); String headerName = null; String relativeExpression = ""; String valueAttribute = headerAnnotation.value(); if (!StringUtils.hasText(valueAttribute)) { headerName = methodParameter.getParameterName(); } else if (valueAttribute.indexOf('.') != -1) { String tokens[] = valueAttribute.split("\\.", 2); headerName = tokens[0]; if (StringUtils.hasText(tokens[1])) { relativeExpression = "." + tokens[1]; } } else { headerName = valueAttribute; } Assert.notNull(headerName, "Cannot determine header name. Possible reasons: -debug is " + "disabled or header name is not explicitly provided via @Header annotation."); String headerRetrievalExpression = "headers['" + headerName + "']"; String fullHeaderExpression = headerRetrievalExpression + relativeExpression; String fallbackExpression = (headerAnnotation.required()) ? "T(org.springframework.util.Assert).isTrue(false, 'required header not available: " + headerName + "')" : "null"; return headerRetrievalExpression + " != null ? " + fullHeaderExpression + " : " + fallbackExpression; } private synchronized void setExclusiveTargetParameterType(TypeDescriptor targetParameterType) { Assert.isNull(this.targetParameterType, "Found more than one parameter type candidate: [" + this.targetParameterType + "] and [" + targetParameterType + "]"); this.targetParameterType = targetParameterType; } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static class ParametersWrapper { private final Object payload; private final Collection<Message<?>> messages; private final Map<String, ?> headers; private final Message<?> message; public ParametersWrapper(Message<?> message) { this.message = message; this.payload = message.getPayload(); this.headers = message.getHeaders(); this.messages = null; } public ParametersWrapper(Collection<Message<?>> messages, Map<String, ?> headers) { this.payload = null; this.messages = messages; this.headers = headers; this.message = null; } public Object getPayload() { Assert.state(payload != null, "Invalid method parameter for payload: was expecting collection."); return payload; } public Collection<Message<?>> getMessages() { Assert.state(messages != null, "Invalid method parameter for messages: was expecting a single payload."); return messages; } public Map<String, ?> getHeaders() { return headers; } public Message<?> getMessage() { return message; } public Class<?> getFirstParameterType() { if (payload != null) { return payload.getClass(); } return Collection.class; } } }