Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.springframework.integration.mongodb.metadata; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.integration.metadata.ConcurrentMetadataStore; import org.springframework.util.Assert; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DBCollection; import com.mongodb.MongoException; /** * MongoDbMetadataStore implementation of {@link ConcurrentMetadataStore}. * Use this {@link org.springframework.integration.metadata.MetadataStore} to * achieve meta-data persistence shared across application instances and * restarts. * * @author Senthil Arumugam, Samiraj Panneer Selvam * @author Artem Bilan * @since 4.2 * */ public class MongoDbMetadataStore implements ConcurrentMetadataStore { private static final String DEFAULT_COLLECTION_NAME = "metadataStore"; private static final String ID_FIELD = "_id"; private static final String VALUE = "value"; private static final String PUT_IF_ABSENT_FUNCTION = "function putIfAbsent(collection, key, value){ " + " var alreadyPresent = db[collection].findOne({\"_id\": key}, {\"_id\": 0}); " + " if(alreadyPresent == null){" + " db[collection].insert({\"_id\": key, \"value\": value}); " + " return null; " + " }" + " return alreadyPresent;" + "}"; private static final String PUT_IF_ABSENT_SCRIPT_NAME = "metadataStorePutIfAbsent"; private final MongoTemplate template; private final String collectionName; private final ScriptOperations scriptOperations; private volatile boolean scriptInitialized; /** * Configure the MongoDbMetadataStore by provided {@link MongoDbFactory} and * default collection name - {@link #DEFAULT_COLLECTION_NAME}. * @param factory the mongodb factory */ public MongoDbMetadataStore(MongoDbFactory factory) { this(factory, DEFAULT_COLLECTION_NAME); } /** * Configure the MongoDbMetadataStore by provided {@link MongoDbFactory} and * collection name * @param factory the mongodb factory * @param collectionName the collection name where it persists the data */ public MongoDbMetadataStore(MongoDbFactory factory, String collectionName) { this(new MongoTemplate(factory), collectionName); } /** * Configure the MongoDbMetadataStore by provided {@link MongoTemplate} and * default collection name - {@link #DEFAULT_COLLECTION_NAME}. * @param template the mongodb template */ public MongoDbMetadataStore(MongoTemplate template) { this(template, DEFAULT_COLLECTION_NAME); } /** * Configure the MongoDbMetadataStore by provided {@link MongoTemplate} and collection name. * @param template the mongodb template * @param collectionName the collection name where it persists the data */ public MongoDbMetadataStore(MongoTemplate template, String collectionName) { Assert.notNull(template, "'template' must not be null."); Assert.hasText(collectionName, "'collectionName' must not be empty."); this.template = template; this.collectionName = collectionName; this.scriptOperations = template.scriptOps(); } /** * Store a metadata {@code value} under provided {@code key} to the configured * {@link #collectionName}. * <p> * If a document does not exist with the specified {@code key}, the method performs an {@code insert}. * If a document exists with the specified {@code key}, the method performs an {@code update}. * @param key the metadata entry key * @param value the metadata entry value * @see MongoTemplate#execute(String, CollectionCallback) * @see DBCollection#save */ @Override public void put(String key, String value) { Assert.hasText(key, "'key' must not be empty."); Assert.hasText(value, "'value' must not be empty."); final Map<String, String> entry = new HashMap<String, String>(); entry.put(ID_FIELD, key); entry.put(VALUE, value); this.template.execute(this.collectionName, (CollectionCallback<Object>) new CollectionCallback<Object>() { @Override public Object doInCollection(DBCollection collection) throws MongoException, DataAccessException { return BasicDBObject(entry)); } }); } /** * Get the {@code value} for the provided {@code key} performing {@code findOne} MongoDB operation. * @param key the metadata entry key * @return the metadata entry value or null if doesn't exist. * @see MongoTemplate#findOne(Query, Class, String) */ @Override public String get(String key) { Assert.hasText(key, "'key' must not be empty."); Query query = new Query(Criteria.where(ID_FIELD).is(key)); query.fields().exclude(ID_FIELD); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, String> result = this.template.findOne(query, Map.class, this.collectionName); return result == null ? null : result.get(VALUE); } /** * Remove the metadata entry for the provided {@code key} and return its {@code value}, if any, * using {@code findAndRemove} MongoDB operation. * @param key the metadata entry key * @return the metadata entry value or null if doesn't exist. * @see MongoTemplate#findAndRemove(Query, Class, String) */ @Override public String remove(String key) { Assert.hasText(key, "'key' must not be empty."); Query query = new Query(Criteria.where(ID_FIELD).is(key)); query.fields().exclude(ID_FIELD); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, String> result = this.template.findAndRemove(query, Map.class, this.collectionName); return result == null ? null : result.get(VALUE); } /** * If the specified key is not already associated with a value, associate it with the given value. * This is equivalent to * <pre> {@code * if (!map.containsKey(key)) * return map.put(key, value); * else * return map.get(key); * }</pre> * except that the action is performed atomically. * <p> * Performs the {@code stored} JavaScript function. * @param key the metadata entry key * @param value the metadata entry value to store * @return null if successful, the old value otherwise. * @see java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap#putIfAbsent(Object, Object) * @see ScriptOperations#call(String, Object...) */ @Override public String putIfAbsent(String key, String value) { Assert.hasText(key, "'key' must not be empty."); Assert.hasText(value, "'value' must not be empty."); if (!this.scriptInitialized) { synchronized (this) { if (!this.scriptInitialized) { this.scriptOperations .register(new NamedMongoScript(PUT_IF_ABSENT_SCRIPT_NAME, PUT_IF_ABSENT_FUNCTION)); this.scriptInitialized = true; } } } BasicDBObject result = (BasicDBObject), this.collectionName, key, value); return (result == null) ? null : (String) result.get(VALUE); } /** * Replace an existing metadata entry {@code value} with a new one. Otherwise does nothing. * Performs {@code updateFirst} if a document for the provided {@code key} and {@code oldValue} * exists in the {@link #collectionName}. * @param key the metadata entry key * @param oldValue the metadata entry old value to replace * @param newValue the metadata entry new value to put * @return {@code true} if replace was successful, {@code false} otherwise. * @see MongoTemplate#updateFirst(Query, Update, String) */ @Override public boolean replace(String key, String oldValue, String newValue) { Assert.hasText(key, "'key' must not be empty."); Assert.hasText(oldValue, "'oldValue' must not be empty."); Assert.hasText(newValue, "'newValue' must not be empty."); Query query = new Query(Criteria.where(ID_FIELD).is(key).and(VALUE).is(oldValue)); return this.template.updateFirst(query, Update.update(VALUE, newValue), this.collectionName) .isUpdateOfExisting(); } }