Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of Spoutcraft ( * * Spoutcraft is licensed under the SpoutDev License Version 1. * * Spoutcraft is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * In addition, 180 days after any changes are published, you can use the * software, incorporating those changes, under the terms of the MIT license, * as described in the SpoutDev License Version 1. * * Spoutcraft is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License, * the MIT license and the SpoutDev license version 1 along with this program. * If not, see <> for the GNU Lesser General Public * License and see <> for the full license, * including the MIT license. */ package org.spoutcraft.client.gui.texturepacks; import; import; import; import org.lwjgl.Sys; import com.pclewis.mcpatcher.mod.TextureUtils; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.src.GuiMainMenu; import net.minecraft.src.GuiScreen; import net.minecraft.src.TexturePackBase; import net.minecraft.src.TexturePackCustom; import org.spoutcraft.client.SpoutClient; import org.spoutcraft.spoutcraftapi.Spoutcraft; import org.spoutcraft.spoutcraftapi.addon.Addon; import org.spoutcraft.spoutcraftapi.gui.Button; import org.spoutcraft.spoutcraftapi.gui.GenericButton; import org.spoutcraft.spoutcraftapi.gui.GenericLabel; import org.spoutcraft.spoutcraftapi.gui.GenericListView; import org.spoutcraft.spoutcraftapi.gui.Label; public class GuiTexturePacks extends GuiScreen { private GenericListView view; private Label screenTitle; private Button buttonDone, buttonOpenFolder, buttonSelect, buttonReservoir, buttonDelete, buttonInfo; private boolean instancesCreated = false; private TexturePacksModel model = SpoutClient.getInstance().getTexturePacksModel(); private void createInstances() { model.setCurrentGui(this); if (instancesCreated) return; model.update(); screenTitle = new GenericLabel("Texture Packs"); view = new GenericListView(model); buttonDone = new GenericButton("Main Menu"); buttonDone.setTooltip("Go back to Spoutcraft's flashy Main Menu!"); buttonOpenFolder = new GenericButton("Open Folder"); buttonOpenFolder.setTooltip("Place your Texture Packs here"); buttonSelect = new GenericButton("Select"); buttonSelect.setTooltip("You can also doubleclick on an item"); buttonReservoir = new GenericButton("Database"); buttonReservoir.setTooltip("Get awesome new textures here!"); buttonDelete = new DeleteTexturepackButton(this); buttonDelete.setTooltip("Deletes the Texture Pack."); buttonInfo = new GenericButton("Info"); buttonInfo.setTooltip("Go to the online database entry"); } public void initGui() { Addon spoutcraft = Spoutcraft.getAddonManager().getAddon("Spoutcraft"); createInstances(); int top = 10; int swidth = mc.fontRenderer.getStringWidth(screenTitle.getText()); screenTitle.setY(top).setX(width / 2 - swidth / 2).setHeight(11).setWidth(swidth); getScreen().attachWidget(spoutcraft, screenTitle); top += 15; view.setX(5).setY(top).setWidth(width - 10).setHeight(height - top - 55); getScreen().attachWidget(spoutcraft, view); top += 5 + view.getHeight(); int totalWidth = Math.min(width - 10, 200 * 3 + 10); int cellWidth = (totalWidth - 10) / 3; int left = width / 2 - totalWidth / 2; int center = left + 5 + cellWidth; int right = center + 5 + cellWidth; buttonSelect.setX(right).setY(top).setWidth(cellWidth).setHeight(20); getScreen().attachWidget(spoutcraft, buttonSelect); buttonInfo.setX(center).setY(top).setWidth(cellWidth).setHeight(20); getScreen().attachWidget(spoutcraft, buttonInfo); buttonDelete.setX(left).setY(top).setWidth(cellWidth).setHeight(20); getScreen().attachWidget(spoutcraft, buttonDelete); top += 25; buttonOpenFolder.setX(left).setY(top).setWidth(cellWidth).setHeight(20); getScreen().attachWidget(spoutcraft, buttonOpenFolder); buttonReservoir.setX(center).setY(top).setWidth(cellWidth).setHeight(20); getScreen().attachWidget(spoutcraft, buttonReservoir); buttonDone.setX(right).setY(top).setWidth(cellWidth).setHeight(20); getScreen().attachWidget(spoutcraft, buttonDone); if (!instancesCreated) { int selected; selected = model.getTextures().indexOf(TextureUtils.getSelectedTexturePack()); view.setSelection(selected); } instancesCreated = true; updateButtons(); } public void drawScreen(int x, int y, float f) { drawDefaultBackground(); } @Override public void buttonClicked(Button btn) { if (btn.equals(buttonDone)) { SpoutClient.getHandle().displayGuiScreen(new GuiMainMenu()); } if (btn.equals(buttonOpenFolder)) { System.out.println(SpoutClient.getInstance().getTexturePackFolder().getAbsolutePath()); Sys.openURL("file://" + SpoutClient.getInstance().getTexturePackFolder().getAbsolutePath()); } if (btn.equals(buttonSelect) && view.getSelectedRow() != -1) { model.getItem(view.getSelectedRow()).select(); } if (btn.equals(buttonReservoir)) { mc.displayGuiScreen(new GuiTexturePacksDatabase()); } if (btn.equals(buttonInfo)) { try { TexturePackItem item = model.getItem(view.getSelectedRow()); if ( != -1) { Sys.openURL("" +; } } catch (Exception e) { } } } public void updateButtons() { try { TexturePackItem item = model.getItem(view.getSelectedRow()); boolean current = item.getPack() == TextureUtils.getSelectedTexturePack(); buttonSelect.setEnabled(!current); buttonInfo.setEnabled( != -1); buttonDelete.setEnabled(!current && (item.getPack() instanceof TexturePackCustom)); } catch (Exception e) { } } public void deleteCurrentTexturepack() { for (int tries = 0; tries < 3; tries++) { try { TexturePackBase pack = model.getItem(view.getSelectedRow()).getPack(); if (pack instanceof TexturePackCustom) { TexturePackCustom custom = (TexturePackCustom) pack; custom.closeTexturePackFile(); File d = new File(SpoutClient.getInstance().getTexturePackFolder(), custom.texturePackFileName); if (!d.exists()) { d = new File(new File(Minecraft.getAppDir("minecraft"), "texturepacks"), custom.texturePackFileName); } d.setWritable(true); FileUtils.forceDelete(d); model.update(); if (!d.exists()) { break; } Thread.sleep(25); } } catch (Exception e) { } } } }