Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * This file is part of Vanilla.
 * Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Spout LLC <>
 * Vanilla is licensed under the Spout License Version 1.
 * Vanilla is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
 * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * In addition, 180 days after any changes are published, you can use the
 * software, incorporating those changes, under the terms of the MIT license,
 * as described in the Spout License Version 1.
 * Vanilla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
 * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
 * more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License,
 * the MIT license and the Spout License Version 1 along with this program.
 * If not, see <> for the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License and see <> for the full license, including
 * the MIT license.
package org.spout.vanilla.plugin.protocol;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer;
import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffers;

import org.spout.api.command.Command;
import org.spout.api.exception.UnknownPacketException;
import org.spout.api.protocol.Message;
import org.spout.api.protocol.MessageCodec;
import org.spout.api.protocol.Protocol;
import org.spout.api.protocol.Session;
import org.spout.api.util.Named;

import org.spout.vanilla.plugin.VanillaPlugin;
import org.spout.vanilla.plugin.protocol.msg.ServerPluginMessage;
import org.spout.vanilla.plugin.protocol.msg.player.PlayerChatMessage;
import org.spout.vanilla.plugin.protocol.msg.player.conn.PlayerHandshakeMessage;
import org.spout.vanilla.plugin.protocol.msg.player.conn.PlayerKickMessage;
import org.spout.vanilla.plugin.protocol.netcache.ChunkNetCache;
import org.spout.vanilla.plugin.protocol.netcache.protocol.ChunkCacheCodec;
import org.spout.vanilla.plugin.protocol.netcache.protocol.ChunkCacheHandler;
import org.spout.vanilla.plugin.protocol.plugin.RegisterPluginChannelCodec;
import org.spout.vanilla.plugin.protocol.plugin.RegisterPluginChannelMessage;
import org.spout.vanilla.plugin.protocol.plugin.RegisterPluginChannelMessageHandler;
import org.spout.vanilla.plugin.protocol.plugin.UnregisterPluginChannelCodec;
import org.spout.vanilla.plugin.protocol.plugin.UnregisterPluginChannelMessageHandler;

public class VanillaProtocol extends Protocol {
    public final static DefaultedKey<String> SESSION_ID = new DefaultedKeyImpl<String>("sessionid",
    public final static DefaultedKey<String> HANDSHAKE_USERNAME = new DefaultedKeyImpl<String>("handshake_username",
    public final static DefaultedKey<Long> LOGIN_TIME = new DefaultedKeyImpl<Long>("handshake_time", -1L);
    public final static DefaultedKey<ChunkNetCache> CHUNK_NET_CACHE = new DefaultedKeyImpl<ChunkNetCache>(
            "chunk_net_cache", (ChunkNetCache) null);
    public static final DefaultedKey<ArrayList<String>> REGISTERED_CUSTOM_PACKETS = new DefaultedKey<ArrayList<String>>() {
        private final List<String> defaultRestricted = Arrays.asList("REGISTER", "UNREGISTER");

        public ArrayList<String> getDefaultValue() {
            return new ArrayList<String>(defaultRestricted);

        public String getKeyString() {
            return "registeredPluginChannels";
    public static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 25565;

    public VanillaProtocol() {
        super("Vanilla", DEFAULT_PORT, new VanillaCodecLookupService(), new VanillaHandlerLookupService());
        /* PacketFA wrapped packets */
        registerPacket(RegisterPluginChannelCodec.class, new RegisterPluginChannelMessageHandler());
        registerPacket(UnregisterPluginChannelCodec.class, new UnregisterPluginChannelMessageHandler());
        registerPacket(ChunkCacheCodec.class, new ChunkCacheHandler());

    public Message getCommandMessage(Command command, ChatArguments args) {
        if (command.getPreferredName().equals("kick")) {
            return getKickMessage(args);
        } else if (command.getPreferredName().equals("say")) {
            return new PlayerChatMessage(args.asString(VanillaStyleHandler.ID) + "\u00a7r"); // The reset text is a workaround for a change in 1.3 -- Remove if fixed
        } else {
            return new PlayerChatMessage(
                    '/' + command.getPreferredName() + ' ' + args.asString(VanillaStyleHandler.ID));

    public <T extends Message> Message getWrappedMessage(boolean upstream, T dynamicMessage) throws IOException {
        MessageCodec<T> codec = (MessageCodec<T>) getCodecLookupService().find(dynamicMessage.getClass());
        ChannelBuffer buffer = codec.encode(upstream, dynamicMessage);

        return new ServerPluginMessage(getName(codec), buffer.array());

    public MessageCodec<?> readHeader(ChannelBuffer buf) throws UnknownPacketException {
        int opcode = buf.readUnsignedByte();
        MessageCodec<?> codec = getCodecLookupService().find(opcode);
        if (codec == null) {
            throw new UnknownPacketException(opcode);
        return codec;

    public ChannelBuffer writeHeader(MessageCodec<?> codec, ChannelBuffer data) {
        ChannelBuffer buffer = ChannelBuffers.buffer(1);
        return buffer;

    public Message getKickMessage(ChatArguments message) {
        return new PlayerKickMessage(message.asString(VanillaStyleHandler.ID));

    public Message getIntroductionMessage(String playerName, InetSocketAddress addr) {
        return new PlayerHandshakeMessage((byte) VanillaPlugin.MINECRAFT_PROTOCOL_ID, playerName,
                addr.getHostName(), addr.getPort());

    public static MessageCodec<?> getCodec(String name, Protocol activeProtocol) {
        for (Pair<Integer, String> item : activeProtocol.getDynamicallyRegisteredPackets()) {
            MessageCodec<?> codec = activeProtocol.getCodecLookupService().find(item.getLeft());
            if (getName(codec).equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
                return codec;
        return null;

    public static String getName(MessageCodec<?> codec) {
        if (codec instanceof Named) {
            return ((Named) codec).getName();
        } else {
            return "SPOUT:" + codec.getOpcode();

    public void initializeSession(Session session) {
        session.setNetworkSynchronizer(new VanillaNetworkSynchronizer(session));

        List<MessageCodec<?>> dynamicCodecList = new ArrayList<MessageCodec<?>>();
        for (Pair<Integer, String> item : getDynamicallyRegisteredPackets()) {
            MessageCodec<?> codec = getCodecLookupService().find(item.getLeft());
            if (codec != null) {
            } else {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Dynamic packet class" + item.getRight()
                        + " claims to be registered but is not in our CodecLookupService!");

        session.send(false, new RegisterPluginChannelMessage(dynamicCodecList));