Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of Sponge, licensed under the MIT License (MIT). * * Copyright (c) <> * Copyright (c) contributors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package org.spongepowered.mod.asm.transformers; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes; import org.objectweb.asm.Type; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.FieldInsnNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.FieldNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.LineNumberNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodInsnNode; import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode; import org.spongepowered.mod.asm.util.ASMHelper; import org.spongepowered.mod.mixin.InvalidMixinException; import org.spongepowered.mod.mixin.Overwrite; import org.spongepowered.mod.mixin.Shadow; /** * Transformer which applies Mixin classes to their declared target classes */ public class MixinTransformer extends TreeTransformer { /** * Log all the things */ private final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger("sponge"); /** * Mixin configuration bundle */ private final MixinConfig config; /** * ctor */ public MixinTransformer() { this.config = MixinConfig.create("mixins.sponge.json"); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see net.minecraft.launchwrapper.IClassTransformer#transform(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, byte[]) */ @Override public byte[] transform(String name, String transformedName, byte[] basicClass) { if (transformedName != null && transformedName.startsWith(this.config.getMixinPackage())) { throw new RuntimeException( String.format("%s is a mixin class and cannot be referenced directly", transformedName)); } if (this.config.hasMixinsFor(transformedName)) { try { return this.applyMixins(transformedName, basicClass); } catch (InvalidMixinException th) { this.logger.warn( String.format("Class mixin failed: %s %s", th.getClass().getName(), th.getMessage()), th); th.printStackTrace(); } } return basicClass; } /** * Apply mixins for specified target class to the class described by the supplied byte array * * @param transformedName * @param basicClass * @return */ private byte[] applyMixins(String transformedName, byte[] basicClass) { // Tree for target class ClassNode targetClass = this.readClass(basicClass, true); // Get and sort mixins for the class List<MixinInfo> mixins = this.config.getMixinsFor(transformedName); Collections.sort(mixins); for (MixinInfo mixin : mixins) {"Applying mixin {} to {}", mixin.getClassName(), transformedName); this.applyMixin(targetClass, mixin.getData()); } // Extension point this.postTransform(transformedName, targetClass, mixins); // Collapse tree to bytes return this.writeClass(targetClass); } /** * @param transformedName * @param targetClass * @param mixins */ protected void postTransform(String transformedName, ClassNode targetClass, List<MixinInfo> mixins) { // Stub for subclasses } /** * Apply the mixin described by mixin to the supplied classNode * * @param targetClass * @param mixinInfo */ protected void applyMixin(ClassNode targetClass, MixinData mixin) { try { this.verifyClasses(targetClass, mixin); this.applyMixinInterfaces(targetClass, mixin); this.applyMixinAttributes(targetClass, mixin); this.applyMixinFields(targetClass, mixin); this.applyMixinMethods(targetClass, mixin); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new InvalidMixinException("Unexpecteded error whilst applying the mixin class", ex); } } /** * Perform pre-flight checks on the mixin and target classes * * @param targetClass * @param mixin */ protected void verifyClasses(ClassNode targetClass, MixinData mixin) { String superName = mixin.getClassNode().superName; if (targetClass.superName == null || superName == null || !targetClass.superName.equals(superName)) { throw new InvalidMixinException("Mixin classes must have the same superclass as their target class"); } } /** * Mixin interfaces implemented by the mixin class onto the target class * * @param targetClass * @param mixin */ private void applyMixinInterfaces(ClassNode targetClass, MixinData mixin) { for (String interfaceName : mixin.getClassNode().interfaces) { if (!targetClass.interfaces.contains(interfaceName)) { targetClass.interfaces.add(interfaceName); } } } /** * Mixin misc attributes from mixin class onto the target class * * @param targetClass * @param mixin */ private void applyMixinAttributes(ClassNode targetClass, MixinData mixin) { if (this.config.shouldSetSourceFile()) { targetClass.sourceFile = mixin.getClassNode().sourceFile; } } /** * Mixin fields from mixin class into the target class. It is vital that this is done before mixinMethods because we need to compute renamed * fields so that transformMethod can rename field references in the method body * * @param targetClass * @param mixin */ private void applyMixinFields(ClassNode targetClass, MixinData mixin) { for (FieldNode field : mixin.getClassNode().fields) { // Public static fields will fall foul of early static binding in java, including them in a mixin is an error condition if (MixinTransformer.hasFlag(field, Opcodes.ACC_STATIC) && !MixinTransformer.hasFlag(field, Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE)) { throw new InvalidMixinException(String.format( "Mixin classes cannot contain visible static methods or fields, found %s",; } FieldNode target = this.findTargetField(targetClass, field); if (target == null) { // If this field is a shadow field but is NOT found in the target class, that's bad, mmkay boolean isShadow = ASMHelper.getVisibleAnnotation(field, Shadow.class) != null; if (isShadow) { throw new InvalidMixinException( String.format("Shadow field %s was not located in the target class",; } // This is just a local field, so add it targetClass.fields.add(field); } else { // Check that the shadow field has a matching descriptor if (!target.desc.equals(field.desc)) { throw new InvalidMixinException(String .format("The field %s in the target class has a conflicting signature",; } } } } /** * Mixin methods from the mixin class into the target class * * @param targetClass * @param mixin */ private void applyMixinMethods(ClassNode targetClass, MixinData mixin) { for (MethodNode mixinMethod : mixin.getClassNode().methods) { // Reparent all mixin methods into the target class this.transformMethod(mixinMethod, mixin.getClassNode().name,; boolean isShadow = ASMHelper.getVisibleAnnotation(mixinMethod, Shadow.class) != null; boolean isOverwrite = ASMHelper.getVisibleAnnotation(mixinMethod, Overwrite.class) != null; boolean isAbstract = MixinTransformer.hasFlag(mixinMethod, Opcodes.ACC_ABSTRACT); if (isShadow || isAbstract) { // For shadow (and abstract, which can be used as a shorthand for Shadow) methods, we just check they're present MethodNode target = this.findTargetMethod(targetClass, mixinMethod); if (target == null) { throw new InvalidMixinException(String .format("Shadow method %s was not located in the target class",; } } else if (!"<")) { if (MixinTransformer.hasFlag(mixinMethod, Opcodes.ACC_STATIC) && !MixinTransformer.hasFlag(mixinMethod, Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE) && !isOverwrite) { throw new InvalidMixinException( String.format("Mixin classes cannot contain visible static methods or fields, found %s",; } MethodNode target = this.findTargetMethod(targetClass, mixinMethod); if (target != null) { targetClass.methods.remove(target); } else if (isOverwrite) { throw new InvalidMixinException(String .format("Overwrite target %s was not located in the target class",; } targetClass.methods.add(mixinMethod); } else if ("<clinit>".equals( { // Class initialiser insns get appended this.appendInsns(targetClass,, mixinMethod); } } } /** * Handles "re-parenting" the method supplied, changes all references to the mixin class to refer to the target class (for field accesses and * method invokations) and also renames fields accesses to their obfuscated versions * * @param method * @param fromClass * @param toClass * @return */ private void transformMethod(MethodNode method, String fromClass, String toClass) { Iterator<AbstractInsnNode> iter = method.instructions.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { AbstractInsnNode insn =; if (insn instanceof MethodInsnNode) { MethodInsnNode methodInsn = (MethodInsnNode) insn; if (methodInsn.owner.equals(fromClass)) { methodInsn.owner = toClass; } } if (insn instanceof FieldInsnNode) { FieldInsnNode fieldInsn = (FieldInsnNode) insn; if (fieldInsn.owner.equals(fromClass)) { fieldInsn.owner = toClass; } } } } /** * Handles appending instructions from the source method to the target method * * @param targetClass * @param targetMethodName * @param sourceMethod */ private void appendInsns(ClassNode targetClass, String targetMethodName, MethodNode sourceMethod) { if (Type.getReturnType(sourceMethod.desc) != Type.VOID_TYPE) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempted to merge insns into a method which does not return void"); } if (targetMethodName == null || targetMethodName.length() == 0) { targetMethodName =; } for (MethodNode method : targetClass.methods) { if ((targetMethodName.equals( && sourceMethod.desc.equals(method.desc)) { AbstractInsnNode returnNode = null; Iterator<AbstractInsnNode> findReturnIter = method.instructions.iterator(); while (findReturnIter.hasNext()) { AbstractInsnNode insn =; if (insn.getOpcode() == Opcodes.RETURN) { returnNode = insn; break; } } Iterator<AbstractInsnNode> injectIter = sourceMethod.instructions.iterator(); while (injectIter.hasNext()) { AbstractInsnNode insn =; if (!(insn instanceof LineNumberNode) && insn.getOpcode() != Opcodes.RETURN) { method.instructions.insertBefore(returnNode, insn); } } } } } /** * Finds a method in the target class * * @param targetClass * @param searchFor * @return */ private MethodNode findTargetMethod(ClassNode targetClass, MethodNode searchFor) { for (MethodNode target : targetClass.methods) { if ( && target.desc.equals(searchFor.desc)) { return target; } } return null; } /** * Finds a field in the target class * * @param targetClass * @param searchFor * @return */ private FieldNode findTargetField(ClassNode targetClass, FieldNode searchFor) { for (FieldNode target : targetClass.fields) { if ( { return target; } } return null; } /** * Check whether the specified flag is set on the specified method * * @param method * @param flag * @return */ private static boolean hasFlag(MethodNode method, int flag) { return (method.access & flag) == flag; } /** * Check whether the specified flag is set on the specified field * * @param field * @param flag * @return */ private static boolean hasFlag(FieldNode field, int flag) { return (field.access & flag) == flag; } }