Java tutorial
/* *** Notice Update: 8/14/2007 *** Copyright 2007 Berlin Brown *** Copyright 2006-2007 * * -------------------------- COPYRIGHT_AND_LICENSE -- * Botlist contains an open source suite of software applications for * social bookmarking and collecting online news content for use on the web. * Multiple web front-ends exist for Django, Rails, and J2EE. * Users and remote agents are allowed to submit interesting articles. * * Copyright (c) 2007, (Berlin Brown) * * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the (Berlin Brown) nor * the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * -------------------------- END_COPYRIGHT_AND_LICENSE -- */ package org.spirit.spring; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.bsf.BSFException; import org.apache.bsf.BSFManager; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.jruby.javasupport.bsf.JRubyEngine; import org.spirit.cache.BotListCacheController; import org.spirit.cache.BotListCacheEntity; import org.spirit.dao.BotListPostListingDAO; import org.spirit.dao.BotListUserLinkDAO; import org.spirit.form.base.BotListBaseForm; import org.spirit.util.BotListCookieManager; import org.spirit.util.BotListFileUploadType; import; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import org.springframework.validation.BindException; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; /** * Spring Controller that interfaces between spring and jruby; reads the ruby script and invokes the * correct model and view. * * @author Berlin Brown */ public class BotListRubyController extends BotListRubyDAOHandler { private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); private static final String _CLASS_IDENTIFIER = "BotListRubyController: "; private static final String PROCESSING_TIME = "processingtime"; /** * User Link Data Access Object. */ private BotListUserLinkDAO userLinkDAO = null; /** * Post Listing DAO. */ private BotListPostListingDAO postListingDAO = null; /** * Ruby and BSF Managers. */ private BSFManager mManager; private JRubyEngine mEngine; // configuration parametes and defaults private String mScriptEngineClass = "org.jruby.javasupport.bsf.JRubyEngine"; private String mJspDir = "/WEB-INF/jsps"; private String mScriptEngineName = "ruby"; private String mScriptExtension = "rb"; private String mInitScript = "/WEB-INF/jsps/INIT.rb"; private String springServletContext = "spring"; /** * Record keeping, when the script starts and ends. */ private long scriptStartTime = 0; private long scriptEndTime = 0; private BotListCacheController cacheController; public static final String DECLARE_BEAN_CONTEXT = "context"; public static final String DECLARE_BEAN_REQUEST = "request"; public static final String DECLARE_BEAN_RESPONSE = "response"; public static final String DECLARE_BEAN_CONTROLLER = "controller"; /** * Last command object instance. */ private Object rubyCommand; /** * File Upload Properties and Processor. */ private BotListFileUploadType fileUploadUtil; /** * Default Constructor. */ BotListRubyController() { this.setBindOnNewForm(true); } private static String CLASS_IDENTIFIER() { return _CLASS_IDENTIFIER; } /** * This function is quite similar to the Jobster internal PathToViewController. * Duplicated here so that the RAD module can be self contained. */ public String getViewNameFromServletPath(String servletPath, String uri, String contextPath) { String viewName = servletPath; int beg = 0, end = viewName.length(); if (end > 0 && viewName.charAt(0) == '/') { beg = 1; } else { // We are now assuming incoming servletPath is actually a full URL // beg = servletPath.lastIndexOf('/'); if (getJspPathPos(uri, contextPath) != -1) { beg = getJspPathPos(uri, contextPath); } } int dot = viewName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (dot >= 0) { end = dot; } viewName = viewName.substring(beg, end); return viewName; } public String getDefaultViewNameFromRequest(HttpServletRequest request) { // + "getDefaultViewNameFromRequest() - From Request: " + request.getRequestURL()); // TODO: to be fixed return getViewNameFromServletPath(request.getRequestURI().substring(1), request.getRequestURI(), request.getContextPath()); } protected ModelAndView getModelAndView(Object rubyResult, String defaultView) { String viewName = null; if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(rubyResult.getClass())) { Map map = (Map) rubyResult; // look for an embedded view name in the model viewName = (String) map.get("viewName"); } else if (BotListBaseForm.class.isAssignableFrom(rubyResult.getClass())) { // Or use the Base Class Form to get the view name. BotListBaseForm form = (BotListBaseForm) rubyResult; if (form.getViewName() != null) { viewName = form.getViewName(); } } if (viewName == null) { viewName = defaultView; } TreeMap result = new TreeMap(); result.put(getCommandName(), rubyResult); // keep record of processing time scriptEndTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long diff = scriptEndTime - scriptStartTime; double diffS = diff / 1000.0d; result.put(PROCESSING_TIME, "" + diffS); return new ModelAndView(viewName, result); } /** * Print Request Information */ private void printRequestInfo(HttpServletRequest request) { // + " showForm() uri=" + request.getRequestURI()); } /** * @see org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.AbstractFormController#showForm(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse, org.springframework.validation.BindException) */ protected ModelAndView showForm(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, BindException errors) throws Exception { printRequestInfo(request); Object command = null; if (this.getRubyCommand() != null) { command = this.getRubyCommand(); } else { command = this.getCommand(request); } return getModelAndView(command, getDefaultViewNameFromRequest(request)); } /** * @see org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.AbstractFormController#processFormSubmission(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse, java.lang.Object, org.springframework.validation.BindException) */ protected ModelAndView processFormSubmission(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object command, BindException errors) throws Exception { // The command could be an instance of a map // or one of the Form beans if (command instanceof Map) { Map map = (java.util.Map) command; for (Iterator iter = request.getParameterMap().entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry); Object[] values = ((Object[]) e.getValue()); map.put(e.getKey(), values[0]); } } try { Object result = invokeRubyControllerMethod(request, "onSubmit", new Object[] { request, response, command, errors }); if (errors.getErrorCount() > 0) { return new ModelAndView(getDefaultViewNameFromRequest(request), errors.getModel()); } else { return getModelAndView(result, getDefaultViewNameFromRequest(request)); } } catch (BSFException bfe) { bfe.printStackTrace(); log.error(bfe); Throwable targetException = bfe.getTargetException(); throw new BSFException(bfe.getReason(), targetException.getMessage(), targetException); } } /** * Get the botlist cache controller, get a new instance if not existing. */ private BotListCacheController getCacheController() { if (this.cacheController == null) { this.cacheController = new BotListCacheController(); this.cacheController.setContext(this.getApplicationContext()); } return this.cacheController; } /** * Establish bean objects for Ruby environment. * * @throws BSFException */ protected final void initializeManagerBeans() throws BSFException { getCacheController(); // Define the hibernate database objects for later use mManager.declareBean(DECLARE_BEAN_CONTEXT, getApplicationContext(), ApplicationContext.class); if (this.getUserLinkDao() != null) { mManager.declareBean("daohelper", this.getUserLinkDao(), BotListUserLinkDAO.class); } else { log.error(CLASS_IDENTIFIER() + "-- ERR: Invalid Database Object Helper --"); } if (this.getPostListingDao() != null) { mManager.declareBean("daohelperlisting", getPostListingDao(), getPostListingDao().getClass()); } else { log.error(CLASS_IDENTIFIER() + "-- ERR: Invalid Database Object Helper --"); } // Set this object for DAO access mManager.declareBean(DECLARE_BEAN_CONTROLLER, this, BotListRubyDAOHandler.class); } protected void initializeManager() throws BSFException { BSFManager.registerScriptingEngine(getScriptEngineName(), getScriptEngineClass(), new String[] { getScriptExtension() }); mManager = new BSFManager(); setEngine((JRubyEngine) (mManager.loadScriptingEngine(getScriptEngineName()))); initializeManagerBeans(); onInitializeManager(); } public BSFManager getManager() throws BSFException { if (mManager == null) { initializeManager(); } return mManager; } /** * Read an entire ruby script in from a file. Isn't there a better way to do this? * * @param filename * @return * @throws IOException */ private String readRubyScript(String filename) throws IOException { FileInputStream fis = null; BufferedInputStream bis = null; fis = new FileInputStream(filename); bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis); String rubyCode = JRubyIOHelper.inputStreamToString(bis); JRubyIOHelper.close(bis); JRubyIOHelper.close(fis); return rubyCode; } /** * Get JSP Path Pos. * i.e. extract 'mypath/file.html' from '/webapp/b/mypath/file.html' */ private int getJspPathPos(String uri, String contextPath) { // Example, /webapp/spring String target = contextPath + "/" + this.getSpringServletContext(); int len = target.length(); return uri.startsWith(target) ? len : -1; } /** * Execute the cache management for this particule ruby code. * 1. If CACHE is empty, create new cache object. * 2. If CACHE node is available, check node last modified vs file last modified * 2a. If reloaded needed, create new cache object. * 2b. Otherwise, use existing CACHE node. */ public String executeCache(String filename) throws IOException { String rubyCode = ""; if (this.cacheController == null) { this.getCacheController(); } BotListCacheEntity cacheObj = (BotListCacheEntity) this.cacheController.getManager().getCacheStore() .get(filename); if (cacheObj == null) { rubyCode = readRubyScript(filename); cacheObj = BotListCacheController.createCacheEntity(filename, rubyCode); this.cacheController.getManager().getCacheStore().put(filename, cacheObj); + "cache-manager: creating new cache entity=" + cacheObj); } else { // Determine if we need to reload the cache file, otherwise, use existing. File rFile = new File(filename); long lastModified = rFile.lastModified(); long cacheLastModified = cacheObj.getLastModified().getTime(); long cacheModCheck = ((lastModified - cacheLastModified) - (BotListCacheController.CACHE_FREE_TIME * 1000)); boolean reloadFile = (cacheModCheck > 0); if (reloadFile) { rubyCode = readRubyScript(filename); cacheObj = BotListCacheController.createCacheEntity(filename, rubyCode); this.cacheController.getManager().getCacheStore().put(filename, cacheObj); + "cache-manager: reloading cache modifed-diff=" + cacheModCheck + " entity=" + cacheObj + ""); } else { rubyCode = cacheObj.getRubyCodeData(); } } return rubyCode; } /** * Call system utilities before loading the ruby objects. */ private void rubySystemInit(HttpServletRequest request) { // If user cooke is available, auto login. BotListCookieManager.systemGetUserCookieParams(request, this.getCoreUsersDao(), this.getProfileSettingsDao()); } /** * Get Ruby Controller. * @param request * @return * @throws BSFException */ public Object getRubyController(HttpServletRequest request) throws BSFException { BSFManager manager = getManager(); manager.declareBean(DECLARE_BEAN_REQUEST, request, HttpServletRequest.class); final String CACHED_RUBY_CONTROLLER_ATTRIBUTE = "__RUBYCONTROLLER"; Object controller = null; try { // Currently, getServletPath() is returning an incorrect value // Use the full URL instead to get the correct servletPath String fullURI = request.getRequestURI().toString(); int lastPos = getJspPathPos(request.getRequestURI(), request.getContextPath()); if (lastPos == -1) { lastPos = 0; } String servletPath = "/" + fullURI.substring(lastPos + 1); String baseFilePath = getServletContext().getRealPath(getJspDir()); String filename = baseFilePath + servletPath.replaceAll("\\.[a-zA-Z]+$", "." + getScriptExtension()); String rubyCode = ""; // System initialization. rubySystemInit(request); // Simple cache management. if (getCacheController().isEnableCaching()) { rubyCode = executeCache(filename); } else { rubyCode = readRubyScript(filename); } controller = manager.eval(getScriptEngineName(), "(java)", 1, 1, rubyCode); request.setAttribute("__manager", manager); request.setAttribute(CACHED_RUBY_CONTROLLER_ATTRIBUTE, controller); } catch (FileNotFoundException fne) { log.error(fne); System.err.println("*** WARN: Script not found ********* [" + request.getRequestURI() + "]"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.error(e); // we don't care if the controller file doesn't exist-- we don't require one. System.err.println("*** IO Error while reading script ********* [" + request.getRequestURI() + "]"); System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } catch (BSFException bfe) { setManager(null); bfe.printStackTrace(); log.error(bfe); Throwable targetException = bfe.getTargetException(); throw new BSFException(bfe.getReason(), targetException.getMessage(), targetException); } return controller; } /** * Load the ruby script based from a servlet. * The path will correspond with the actual ruby script, eg: * * "/chart/daily_chart.rb" * * @throws BSFException */ public Object getRubyServletController(String path, String jspdir, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws BSFException { BSFManager manager = getManager(); manager.declareBean(DECLARE_BEAN_REQUEST, request, HttpServletRequest.class); manager.declareBean(DECLARE_BEAN_RESPONSE, response, HttpServletResponse.class); final String CACHED_RUBY_CONTROLLER_ATTRIBUTE = "__RUBYCONTROLLER"; Object controller = null; try { String baseFilePath = getServletContext().getRealPath(jspdir); String filename = baseFilePath + path; String rubyCode = ""; if (getCacheController().isEnableCaching()) { rubyCode = executeCache(filename); } else { rubyCode = readRubyScript(filename); } controller = manager.eval(getScriptEngineName(), "(java)", 1, 1, rubyCode); request.setAttribute("__manager", manager); request.setAttribute(CACHED_RUBY_CONTROLLER_ATTRIBUTE, controller); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e); System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } catch (BSFException bfe) { setManager(null); bfe.printStackTrace(); log.error(bfe); Throwable targetException = bfe.getTargetException(); throw new BSFException(bfe.getReason(), targetException.getMessage(), targetException); } return controller; } /** * Invoke Ruby Controller Method. * * @param rubyController * @param methodName * @param args * @return * @throws BSFException */ protected Object invokeRubyControllerMethod(Object rubyController, String methodName, Object[] args) throws BSFException { if (rubyController == null) { return null; } return getEngine().call(rubyController, methodName, args); } /** * Invoke the Ruby Controller Method. * * @param request * @param methodName * @param args * @return * @throws BSFException */ protected Object invokeRubyControllerMethod(HttpServletRequest request, String methodName, Object[] args) throws BSFException { return invokeRubyControllerMethod(getRubyController(request), methodName, args); } /** * Form Backing Object. * You must create the command without commandClass being set - either * set commandClass or (in a form controller) override formBackingObject. */ protected Object formBackingObject(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { this.scriptStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Object model = null; Object mapOrController = getRubyController(request); if (mapOrController != null) { if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(mapOrController.getClass())) { model = mapOrController; } else { try { // Script errors and other BSF type errors are normally thrown // here. Log the error and print stacktrace model = invokeRubyControllerMethod(mapOrController, "getModel", new Object[] { request }); } catch (BSFException be) { be.printStackTrace(); log.error("Error: executing formBackingObject() script 'getModel', url=" + request.getRequestURL()); log.error(be); // Stop normal execution // TODO: redirect to error page? have some kind of backout routine? throw be; } // End - try - catch bsfmanager exceptions } } long curEndTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long diff = curEndTime - scriptStartTime; log.debug("formBackingObject(): processing=" + diff + " ms"); if (model == null) { TreeMap locTreeMap = new TreeMap(); this.setRubyCommand(locTreeMap); return locTreeMap; } this.setRubyCommand(model); return model; } /************************************************************************** * Setter and Getter Utility Methods **************************************************************************/ protected void onInitializeManager() { } private void setEngine(JRubyEngine jRubyEngine) { mEngine = jRubyEngine; } public String getJspDir() { return mJspDir; } public void setJspDir(String jspDir) { mJspDir = jspDir; } public Log getLogger() { return log; } public void setLogger(Log logger) { log = logger; } public void setManager(BSFManager manager) { this.mManager = manager; } public JRubyEngine getEngine() { return mEngine; } public String getScriptEngineClass() { return mScriptEngineClass; } public void setScriptEngineClass(String scriptEngineClass) { mScriptEngineClass = scriptEngineClass; } public String getScriptEngineName() { return mScriptEngineName; } public void setScriptEngineName(String scriptEngineName) { mScriptEngineName = scriptEngineName; } public String getScriptExtension() { return mScriptExtension; } public void setScriptExtension(String scriptExtension) { mScriptExtension = scriptExtension; } public String getInitScript() { return mInitScript; } public void setInitScript(String initScript) { mInitScript = initScript; } /****************************************************** * * Set the Data Access Object * ******************************************************/ public void setUserLinkDao(BotListUserLinkDAO dao) { this.userLinkDAO = dao; } public BotListUserLinkDAO getUserLinkDao() { return this.userLinkDAO; } /** * @return the postListingDAO */ public BotListPostListingDAO getPostListingDao() { return postListingDAO; } /** * @param postListingDAO the postListingDAO to set */ public void setPostListingDao(BotListPostListingDAO postListingDAO) { this.postListingDAO = postListingDAO; } /** * @return the springServletContext */ public String getSpringServletContext() { return springServletContext; } /** * @param springServletContext the springServletContext to set */ public void setSpringServletContext(String springServletContext) { this.springServletContext = springServletContext; } /****************************************************** * * Set the File Upload Properties * ******************************************************/ /** * @return the fileUploadUtil */ public BotListFileUploadType getFileUploadUtil() { return fileUploadUtil; } /** * @param fileUploadUtil the fileUploadUtil to set */ public void setFileUploadUtil(BotListFileUploadType fileUploadUtil) { this.fileUploadUtil = fileUploadUtil; } public int parseFileUploadRequest(HttpServletRequest request) { int res = -1; if (this.getFileUploadUtil() != null) { try { res = this.fileUploadUtil.uploadFiles(request); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); } } else { log.error("ERR: File Upload Bean is NULL, should be set properly in the spring configuration"); } return res; } /** * @return the rubyCommand */ public Object getRubyCommand() { return rubyCommand; } /** * @param rubyCommand the rubyCommand to set */ public void setRubyCommand(Object rubyCommand) { this.rubyCommand = rubyCommand; } }