Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License. 

package org.soybeanMilk.test.unit.web;

import java.util.Map;

import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;

import junit.framework.Assert;

import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.soybeanMilk.core.ObjectSource;
import org.soybeanMilk.core.ObjectSourceException;
import org.soybeanMilk.core.bean.GenericConvertException;
import org.soybeanMilk.web.bean.WebGenericConverter;
import org.soybeanMilk.web.os.DefaultWebObjectSource;
import org.soybeanMilk.web.os.ParamIllegalException;
import org.springframework.mock.web.MockHttpServletRequest;
import org.springframework.mock.web.MockHttpServletResponse;
import org.springframework.mock.web.MockServletContext;

 * @author
 * @date 2012-5-10
public class TestDefaultWebObjectSource {
    private MockHttpServletRequest request;
    private MockHttpServletResponse response;
    private MockServletContext application;
    private DefaultWebObjectSource webObjectSource;

    public void setUp() {
        request = new MockHttpServletRequest();
        response = new MockHttpServletResponse();
        application = new MockServletContext();

        webObjectSource = new DefaultWebObjectSource(request, response, application, new WebGenericConverter());

    public void get_paramScope_keyIsScope_targetTypeIsNull() throws Exception {
        request.setParameter("key", "value");

        Map<String, String[]> re = webObjectSource.get("ParaM");

        Assert.assertEquals(request.getParameterMap().size(), re.size());
        Assert.assertEquals(request.getParameterMap().get("key"), re.get("key"));

    public void get_paramScope_keyIsScope_targetIsRawMap() throws Exception {
        String[] value1 = { "value1" };
        String[] value2 = { "value2" };

        request.setParameter("", value1);
        request.setParameter("paramName.bbb", value2);

        Map<String, ?> re = webObjectSource.get("param", Map.class);

        Assert.assertEquals(2, re.size());
        Assert.assertEquals(value1, re.get(""));
        Assert.assertEquals(value2, re.get("paramName.bbb"));

    public void get_paramScope_keyIsScope_targetIsJavaBean() throws Exception {
        request.setParameter("id", new String[] { "1" });
        request.setParameter("name", new String[] { "jack" });
        request.setParameter("", new String[] { "2" });
        request.setParameter("", new String[] { "tom" });

        MyBean dest = webObjectSource.get("param", MyBean.class);

        Assert.assertEquals(1, dest.getId().intValue());
        Assert.assertEquals("jack", dest.getName());
        Assert.assertEquals(2, dest.getYourBean().getId().intValue());
        Assert.assertEquals("tom", dest.getYourBean().getName());

    public void get_paramScope_singleValue() throws Exception {
        request.setParameter("key", "3");

        Integer re = webObjectSource.get("param.key", Integer.class);

        Assert.assertEquals(3, re.intValue());

    public void get_paramScope_singleValue_valueIllegal() throws Exception {
        String name = "paramName";
        String value = "illegalValue";

        request.setParameter(name, value);

        ParamIllegalException re = null;
        try {
            webObjectSource.get("param." + name, int.class);
        } catch (ParamIllegalException e) {
            re = e;

        Assert.assertEquals(name, re.getParamName());
        Assert.assertEquals(value, re.getParamValue());
        Assert.assertEquals(int.class, re.getTargetType());

    public void get_paramScope_singleValue_valueIsNull_targetIsPrimitive() throws Exception {
        GenericConvertException re = null;

        try {
            webObjectSource.get("param.value", int.class);
        } catch (GenericConvertException e) {
            re = e;

        Assert.assertTrue((re.getMessage().startsWith("can not convert null to primitive type")));

    public void get_paramScope_mapValue_targetIsRawMap() throws Exception {
        request.setParameter("key.k0", "v0");
        request.setParameter("key.k1.k11", "v1");
        request.setParameter("ignored", "111");

        Map<String, String[]> re = webObjectSource.get("param.key", Map.class);

        Assert.assertEquals("2", re.size() + "");
        Assert.assertEquals("v0", re.get("k0")[0]);
        Assert.assertEquals("v1", re.get("k1.k11")[0]);

    public void get_paramScope_mapValue_targetIsJavaBean() throws Exception {
        request.setParameter("", new String[] { "1" });
        request.setParameter("", new String[] { "jack" });
        request.setParameter("", new String[] { "2" });
        request.setParameter("", new String[] { "tom" });

        MyBean dest = webObjectSource.get("", MyBean.class);

        Assert.assertEquals(1, dest.getId().intValue());
        Assert.assertEquals("jack", dest.getName());
        Assert.assertEquals(2, dest.getYourBean().getId().intValue());
        Assert.assertEquals("tom", dest.getYourBean().getName());

    public void get_paramScope_mapValue_customType() throws Exception {
        request.setParameter("", new String[] { "1" });
        request.setParameter("", new String[] { "jack" });
        request.setParameter("", new String[] { "3" });
        request.setParameter("", new String[] { "tom" });

        request.setParameter("my.myBean.class", MyBean.class.getName());

        MyBean re = webObjectSource.get("");

        Assert.assertEquals(1, re.getId().intValue());
        Assert.assertEquals("jack", re.getName());
        Assert.assertEquals(3, re.getYourBean().getId().intValue());
        Assert.assertEquals("tom", re.getYourBean().getName());

    public void get_paramScope_mapValue_containIllegalValue() throws Exception {
        String value = "illegalValue";

        request.setParameter("", new String[] { "1" });
        request.setParameter("", new String[] { "jack" });
        request.setParameter("", new String[] { value });
        request.setParameter("", new String[] { "tom" });

        ParamIllegalException re = null;
        try {
            webObjectSource.get("", MyBean.class);
        } catch (ParamIllegalException e) {
            re = e;

        Assert.assertEquals("", re.getParamName());
        Assert.assertEquals(value, re.getParamValue());
        Assert.assertEquals(Integer.class, re.getTargetType());

    public void get_paramScope_valueIsNull() throws Exception {
        Object re = webObjectSource.get("param.key", Integer.class);


    public void get_requestScope_keyIsScope() throws Exception {
        HttpServletRequest re = webObjectSource.get("rEqueSt", HttpServletRequest.class);

        Assert.assertTrue((re == request));

    public void get_requestScope_keyWithScope() throws Exception {
        String key = "";
        Integer value = 1235;

        request.setAttribute(key, value);

        Integer re = webObjectSource.get("request." + key, Integer.class);

        Assert.assertEquals(value, re);

    public void get_sessionScope_keyIsScope() throws Exception {
        HttpSession re = webObjectSource.get("sEssIon", HttpSession.class);

        Assert.assertTrue((re == request.getSession()));

    public void get_sessionScope_keyWithScope() throws Exception {
        String key = "";
        Integer value = 1235;

        request.getSession().setAttribute(key, value);

        Integer re = webObjectSource.get("session." + key, Integer.class);

        Assert.assertEquals(value, re);

    public void get_applicationScope_keyIsScope() throws Exception {
        ServletContext re = webObjectSource.get("appLicaTion", ServletContext.class);

        Assert.assertTrue((re == application));

    public void get_applicationScope_keyWithScope() throws Exception {
        String key = "";
        Integer value = 1235;

        application.setAttribute(key, value);

        Integer re = webObjectSource.get("application." + key, Integer.class);

        Assert.assertEquals(value, re);

    public void get_responseScope_keyIsScope() throws Exception {
        HttpServletResponse re = webObjectSource.get("ResPonse");

        Assert.assertTrue((re == response));

    public void get_responseScope_keyWithScope() throws Exception {
        ObjectSourceException re = null;

        try {
        } catch (ObjectSourceException e) {
            re = e;

        Assert.assertTrue((re.getMessage().startsWith("key \"response.obj\" is illegal")));

    public void get_objectSourceScope_keyIsScope() throws Exception {
        ObjectSource re = webObjectSource.get("objEctSource");

        Assert.assertTrue((re == webObjectSource));

    public void get_objectSourceScope_keyInScope() throws Exception {
        ObjectSourceException re = null;

        try {
        } catch (ObjectSourceException e) {
            re = e;

        Assert.assertTrue((re.getMessage().startsWith("key \"objectSource.obj\" is illegal")));

    public void get_unknownScope_keyValueInRequest() throws Exception {
        String key = "";
        Integer value = 12345;

        request.setAttribute(key, value);

        Integer re = webObjectSource.get(key, Integer.class);

        Assert.assertEquals(value, re);

    public void get_unknownScope_keyValueInSession() throws Exception {
        String key = "";
        Integer value = 12345;

        request.getSession().setAttribute(key, value);

        Integer re = webObjectSource.get(key, Integer.class);

        Assert.assertEquals(value, re);

    public void get_unknownScope_keyValueInApplication() throws Exception {
        String key = "";
        Integer value = 12345;

        application.setAttribute(key, value);

        Integer re = webObjectSource.get(key, Integer.class);

        Assert.assertEquals(value, re);

    public void get_unknownScope_keyValueInParam() throws Exception {
        String key = "";
        String value = "12345";

        request.setParameter(key, value);

        String re = webObjectSource.get(key, String.class);

        Assert.assertEquals(value, re);

    public void set_requestScope_keyIsScope() throws Exception {
        ObjectSourceException re = null;

        try {
            webObjectSource.set("request", "v");
        } catch (ObjectSourceException e) {
            re = e;

        Assert.assertTrue((re.getMessage().startsWith("key \"request\" is illegal")));

    public void set_requestScope_keyWithScope() throws Exception {
        String key = "";
        Integer value = 1235;

        webObjectSource.set("request." + key, value);

        Integer re = (Integer) request.getAttribute(key);

        Assert.assertEquals(value, re);

    public void set_sessionScope_keyIsScope() throws Exception {
        ObjectSourceException re = null;

        try {
            webObjectSource.set("sessIon", "v");
        } catch (ObjectSourceException e) {
            re = e;

        Assert.assertTrue((re.getMessage().startsWith("key \"sessIon\" is illegal")));

    public void set_sessionScope_keyWithScope() throws Exception {
        String key = "";
        Integer value = 1235;

        webObjectSource.set("session." + key, value);

        Integer re = (Integer) request.getSession().getAttribute(key);

        Assert.assertEquals(value, re);

    public void set_applicationScope_keyIsScope() throws Exception {
        ObjectSourceException re = null;

        try {
            webObjectSource.set("appLication", "v");
        } catch (ObjectSourceException e) {
            re = e;

        Assert.assertTrue((re.getMessage().startsWith("key \"appLication\" is illegal")));

    public void set_applicationScope_keyWithScope() throws Exception {
        String key = "";
        Integer value = 1235;

        webObjectSource.set("application." + key, value);

        Integer re = (Integer) application.getAttribute(key);

        Assert.assertEquals(value, re);

    public void set_paramScope_keyIsScope() throws Exception {
        ObjectSourceException re = null;

        try {
            webObjectSource.set("paRam", "v");
        } catch (ObjectSourceException e) {
            re = e;

        Assert.assertTrue((re.getMessage().startsWith("key \"paRam\" is illegal")));

    public void set_responseScope_keyIsScope() throws Exception {
        ObjectSourceException re = null;

        try {
            webObjectSource.set("resPonse", "v");
        } catch (ObjectSourceException e) {
            re = e;

        Assert.assertTrue((re.getMessage().startsWith("key \"resPonse\" is illegal")));

    public void set_objectSourceScope_keyIsScope() throws Exception {
        ObjectSourceException re = null;

        try {
            webObjectSource.set("objeCtSource", "v");
        } catch (ObjectSourceException e) {
            re = e;

        Assert.assertTrue((re.getMessage().startsWith("key \"objeCtSource\" is illegal")));

    public void set_unknownScope() throws Exception {
        Integer src = 123465;

        String key = "";

        webObjectSource.set(key, src);

        Integer re = (Integer) request.getAttribute(key);

        Assert.assertEquals(src, re);

    public static class MyBean {
        private Integer id;
        private String name;
        private YourBean yourBean;

        public Integer getId() {
            return id;

        public void setId(Integer id) {
   = id;

        public String getName() {
            return name;

        public void setName(String name) {
   = name;

        public YourBean getYourBean() {
            return yourBean;

        public void setYourBean(YourBean yourBean) {
            this.yourBean = yourBean;

    public static class YourBean {
        private Integer id;
        private String name;
        private MyBean myBean;

        public Integer getId() {
            return id;

        public void setId(Integer id) {
   = id;

        public String getName() {
            return name;

        public void setName(String name) {
   = name;

        public MyBean getMyBean() {
            return myBean;

        public void setMyBean(MyBean myBean) {
            this.myBean = myBean;