Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2006-2010 Soyatec * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * $Id$ */ package org.soyatec.windowsazure.internal.util.xml; import; import; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.Node; import org.dom4j.XPath; import org.soyatec.windowsazure.authenticate.Base64; import org.soyatec.windowsazure.constants.ConstChars; import org.soyatec.windowsazure.constants.XmlElementNames; import org.soyatec.windowsazure.error.StorageErrorCode; import org.soyatec.windowsazure.error.StorageServerException; import org.soyatec.windowsazure.internal.constants.HttpStatusConstant; import org.soyatec.windowsazure.internal.constants.ServiceXmlElementNames; import org.soyatec.windowsazure.internal.util.Utilities; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.soyatec.windowsazure.table.internal.TableStorageConstants; /** * Helper class for loading values from an XML segment * */ public class XPathQueryHelper { private static final String XMLNS = "xmlns"; private static final String ATOM_ENTRY_PATH = "//atom:entry"; public final static String CommittedBlocksQuery = join(ConstChars.Slash, new String[] { "", "", XmlElementNames.BlockList, XmlElementNames.CommittedBlocks, XmlElementNames.Block }); public final static String UncommittedBlocksQuery = join(ConstChars.Slash, new String[] { "", "", XmlElementNames.BlockList, XmlElementNames.UncommittedBlocks, XmlElementNames.Block }); public final static String NextMarkerQuery = join(ConstChars.Slash, new String[] { "", "", XmlElementNames.EnumerationResults, XmlElementNames.NextMarker }); public final static String ContainerQuery = join(ConstChars.Slash, new String[] { "", "", XmlElementNames.EnumerationResults, XmlElementNames.Containers, XmlElementNames.Container }); public final static String BlobQuery = join(ConstChars.Slash, new String[] { "", "", XmlElementNames.EnumerationResults, XmlElementNames.Blobs, XmlElementNames.Blob }); public final static String PageRangeQuery = join(ConstChars.Slash, new String[] { "", "", XmlElementNames.PageList, XmlElementNames.PageRange }); public final static String BlockQuery = join(ConstChars.Slash, new String[] { "", "", XmlElementNames.BlockList, XmlElementNames.Block }); public final static String QueueListQuery = join(ConstChars.Slash, new String[] { "", "", XmlElementNames.EnumerationResults, XmlElementNames.Queues, XmlElementNames.Queue }); public final static String MessagesListQuery = join(ConstChars.Slash, new String[] { "", "", XmlElementNames.QueueMessagesList, XmlElementNames.QueueMessage }); public final static String CommonPrefixQuery = join(ConstChars.Slash, new String[] { "", "", XmlElementNames.EnumerationResults, XmlElementNames.Blob, XmlElementNames.BlobPrefix }); public final static String SignedIdentifierListQuery = join(ConstChars.Slash, new String[] { "", "", XmlElementNames.ContainerSignedIdentifierName }); // some constants for ServiceManagement public final static String HostServiceListQuery = globalQueryPath(ServiceXmlElementNames.HostedService); public final static String StorageServiceListQuery = globalQueryPath(ServiceXmlElementNames.StorageService); public final static String AffinifyGroupListQuery = globalQueryPath(ServiceXmlElementNames.AffinityGroup); public final static String RoleInstanceQuery = globalQueryPath(ServiceXmlElementNames.DeploymentRoleInstance); public final static String RoleQuery = globalQueryPath(ServiceXmlElementNames.DeploymentRole); public final static String OperationQuery = globalQueryPath(ServiceXmlElementNames.OperationStatusName); public final static String DeploymentQuery = globalQueryPath(ServiceXmlElementNames.Deployment); public final static String CertificateListQuery = globalQueryPath(ServiceXmlElementNames.Certificate); public final static String OperatingSystemQuery = globalQueryPath(ServiceXmlElementNames.OperatingSystem); public final static String OperatingSystemFamiliesQuery = globalQueryPath( ServiceXmlElementNames.OperatingSystemFamilies); public final static String OperatingSystemsQuery = globalQueryPath(ServiceXmlElementNames.OperatingSystems); public final static String LocationQuery = globalQueryPath(ServiceXmlElementNames.Location); public final static String InputEndpointQuery = globalQueryPath(ServiceXmlElementNames.InputEndpoint); /** * Help to generate the global query xpath as //xmlns:elementName */ private static String globalQueryPath(String elementName) { return join(ConstChars.Slash, new String[] { "", "", XPathQueryHelper.addXmlnsNameSpace(elementName) }); } /** * Help to add xmlns nameSpace as //xmlns:query */ public final static String addXmlnsNameSpace(String query) { return join("", new String[] { XMLNS, ConstChars.Colon, query }); } private static String join(String delimiter, String[] source) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); int i = 0; while (i < source.length) { buffer.append(source[i]); if (i < source.length - 1) { buffer.append(delimiter); } i++; } return buffer.toString(); } /** * Load single child string value by given node,childName and boolean * throwIfNotFound * * @param node * @param childName * @param throwIfNotFound * @return child string value */ public static String loadSingleChildStringValue(Element node, String childName, boolean throwIfNotFound) { Element childNode = (Element) node.selectSingleNode(childName); if (childNode != null && childNode.hasContent()) { return childNode.getText(); } else if (!throwIfNotFound) { return null; } else { // unnecessary since Fail will throw, but keeps the compiler happy return null; } } /** * Load single child dateTime value by given blobNode,childName and boolean * throwIfNotFound * * @param blobNode * @param childName * @param throwIfNotFound * @return a Timestamp object */ public static Timestamp loadSingleChildDateTimeValue(Element blobNode, String childName, boolean throwIfNotFound) { Element childNode = (Element) blobNode.selectSingleNode(childName); if (childNode != null && childNode.hasContent()) { Timestamp date; try { date = Utilities.tryGetDateTimeFromHttpString(childNode.getStringValue()); return date; } catch (ParseException e) { throw new StorageServerException(StorageErrorCode.ServiceBadResponse, "Date time value returned from server " + childNode.getStringValue() + " can't be parsed.", HttpStatusConstant.DEFAULT_STATUS, null); } } else if (!throwIfNotFound) { return null; } else { return null; } } /** * Load single child long value by given blobNode,childName and boolean * throwIfNotFound * * @param blobNode * @param childName * @param throwIfNotFound * @return a long object * @throws StorageServerException * Server exceptions are those due to server side problems. * These may be transient and requests resulting in such * exceptions can be retried with the same parameters. */ public static Long loadSingleChildLongValue(Element blobNode, String childName, boolean throwIfNotFound) throws StorageServerException { Element childNode = (Element) blobNode.selectSingleNode(childName); if (childNode != null && childNode.hasContent()) { try { return Long.parseLong(childNode.getStringValue()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StorageServerException( StorageErrorCode.ServiceBadResponse, "Reponse size field is not a valid long number." + childNode.getStringValue() + " can't be parsed.", HttpStatusConstant.DEFAULT_STATUS, null); } } else if (!throwIfNotFound) { return null; } else { return null; } } /** * Load tableName from tableEntry * * @param element * @return tableName */ public static String loadTableNameFromTableEntry(Element element) { return element.element(XmlElementNames.TableEntryContent).element(XmlElementNames.TableEntryProperties) .elementText(XmlElementNames.TableEntryTableName); } /** * Load tableEntery property value by given element and propertyName * * @param element * @param propertyName * @return TableEntryPropertyValue */ public static String loadTableEntryPropertyValue(Element element, String propertyName) { if (Utilities.isNullOrEmpty(propertyName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("property name"); } String value = loadTableEntryProperties(element).elementText(propertyName); return AtomUtil.unescapeXml(value); } /** * Load tableEntry value from attribute by given element and propertyName * * @param element * @param propertyName * the property name * @return tableEntry value */ public static String loadTableEntryValueFromAttribute(Element element, String propertyName) { if (Utilities.isNullOrEmpty(propertyName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("property name"); } return element.attribute(propertyName).getValue(); } /** * Load tableEntry properties * * @param element * @return an Element object */ public static Element loadTableEntryProperties(Element element) { return element.element(XmlElementNames.TableEntryContent).element(XmlElementNames.TableEntryProperties); } /** * Parse entry from the feed document * * @param doc * the document * @return a list */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List parseEntryFromFeed(final Document doc) { Map xmlMap = new HashMap(); xmlMap.put("atom", TableStorageConstants.AtomNamespace); XPath x = doc.createXPath(ATOM_ENTRY_PATH); x.setNamespaceURIs(xmlMap); return x.selectNodes(doc); } /** * Select the service xml * * @param doc * @param path * @return a list */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static List selectNodes(final Node doc, String path) { Map xmlMap = new HashMap(); xmlMap.put(XMLNS, ServiceManagementConstants.ServiceManagementNS); XPath x = doc.createXPath(path); x.setNamespaceURIs(xmlMap); return x.selectNodes(doc); } /** * Select single node * * @param doc * @param path * @return a node object */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static Node selectSingleNode(final Node doc, String path) { Map xmlMap = new HashMap(); xmlMap.put(XMLNS, ServiceManagementConstants.ServiceManagementNS); XPath x = doc.createXPath(path); x.setNamespaceURIs(xmlMap); Node selectSingleNode = x.selectSingleNode(doc); return selectSingleNode; } /** * Parse the response of the host service * * @param stream * the inputStream * @return a list contains HostedService type data */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<HostedService> parseHostServiceResponse(InputStream stream) { Document load = XmlUtil.load(stream); List result = XPathQueryHelper.selectNodes(load, XPathQueryHelper.HostServiceListQuery); if (result == null || result.isEmpty()) { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } else { List<HostedService> hss = new ArrayList<HostedService>(); for (int i = 0, n = result.size(); i < n; i++) { Element element = (Element) result.get(i); String url = getStringValue(element, ServiceXmlElementNames.HostedService_Url); String name = getStringValue(element, ServiceXmlElementNames.HostedService_Name); HostedService service = new HostedService(name, url); hss.add(service); } return hss; } } /** * Parse response of the storage service. * * @param stream * the inputStream * @return a list contains StorageAccount type data */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<StorageAccount> parseStorageServiceResponse(InputStream stream) { Document load = XmlUtil.load(stream); List result = XPathQueryHelper.selectNodes(load, XPathQueryHelper.StorageServiceListQuery); if (result == null || result.isEmpty()) { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } else { List<StorageAccount> storageServiceList = new ArrayList<StorageAccount>(); for (int i = 0, n = result.size(); i < n; i++) { Element element = (Element) result.get(i); String url = getStringValue(element, ServiceXmlElementNames.StorageService_Url); String name = getStringValue(element, ServiceXmlElementNames.StorageService_Name); StorageAccount service = new StorageAccount(name); service.setUrl(url); storageServiceList.add(service); } return storageServiceList; } } /** * Parse the response of the storage service properties.Construct a * StorageAccountProperties from the response content * * @param stream * the inputStream * @return a StorageAccountProperties object */ public static StorageAccountProperties parseStorageServicePropertiesResponse(InputStream stream) { Document doc = XmlUtil.load(stream); Element storageServiceElement = doc.getRootElement(); if (storageServiceElement == null) { return null; } String name = getStringValue(storageServiceElement, ServiceXmlElementNames.StorageService_Name); String url = getStringValue(storageServiceElement, ServiceXmlElementNames.StorageService_Url); Element element = (Element) selectSingleNode(storageServiceElement, addXmlnsNameSpace((ServiceXmlElementNames.StorageServiceProperties))); String description = getStringValue(element, ServiceXmlElementNames.AffinityGroupDescription); String label = getStringValue(element, ServiceXmlElementNames.Label); String location = getStringValue(element, ServiceXmlElementNames.AffinityGroupLocation); Node groupElement = selectSingleNode(element, addXmlnsNameSpace(ServiceXmlElementNames.AffinityGroup)); String group = groupElement == null ? null : groupElement.getStringValue(); if (label != null) { label = new String(Base64.decode(label)); } StorageAccountProperties prop = new StorageAccountProperties(name, url, description, group, location, label); return prop; } /** * Parse the response of storage service keys.Construct a StorageAccount * from the response content * * @param stream * the inputStream * @return a StorageAccount object */ public static StorageAccount parseStorageServiceKeysResponse(InputStream stream) { Document load = XmlUtil.load(stream); Element storageServiceElement = load.getRootElement(); if (storageServiceElement == null) { return null; } else { String url = getStringValue(storageServiceElement, ServiceXmlElementNames.StorageService_Url); Element keyElement = (Element) selectSingleNode(storageServiceElement, addXmlnsNameSpace((ServiceXmlElementNames.StorageServiceKeys))); String primaryKey = getStringValue(keyElement, ServiceXmlElementNames.Key_Primary); String secondaryKey = getStringValue(keyElement, ServiceXmlElementNames.Key_Secondary); StorageAccount service = new StorageAccount(); service.setUrl(url); service.setPrimaryKey(primaryKey); service.setSecondaryKey(secondaryKey); return service; } } /** * Parse response of the hosted properties.Construct a * HostedServiceProperties from the response content * * @param stream * @return a HostedServiceProperties object */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static HostedServiceProperties parseHostedPropertiesResponse(InputStream stream) { Document load = XmlUtil.load(stream); Element root = load.getRootElement(); HostedServiceProperties result = new HostedServiceProperties(); result.setUrl(getStringValue(root, ServiceXmlElementNames.HostedService_Url)); Element element = (Element) selectSingleNode(root, addXmlnsNameSpace((ServiceXmlElementNames.HostedServiceProperties))); result.setDescription(getStringValue(element, ServiceXmlElementNames.Description)); result.setAffinityGroup(getStringValue(element, ServiceXmlElementNames.AffinityGroup)); result.setLocation(getStringValue(element, ServiceXmlElementNames.AffinityGroupLocation)); result.setLabel(getStringValue(element, ServiceXmlElementNames.Label, true)); List deployments = selectNodes(element, DeploymentQuery); if (deployments != null && !deployments.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < deployments.size(); i++) { Element d = (Element) deployments.get(i); result.addDeployment(parseDeployment(d)); } } return result; } private static String getStringValue(Node node, String query, boolean decodeBase64) { Node child = selectSingleNode(node, addXmlnsNameSpace(query)); if (child == null) { return ""; } else { String value = child.getStringValue(); if (decodeBase64) { return new String(Base64.decode(value)); } else { return value; } } } private static String getStringValue(Node node, String query) { return getStringValue(node, query, false); } /** * Construct a Deployment from the response content * * @param stream * the InputStream * @return */ public static Deployment parseDeploymentResponse(InputStream stream) { Document load = XmlUtil.load(stream); Element deploymentElement = load.getRootElement(); if (deploymentElement == null) { return null; } else { return parseDeployment(deploymentElement); } } private static Deployment parseDeployment(Element deploymentElement) { Deployment deployment = new Deployment(); parseDeploymentAttributes(deploymentElement, deployment); parseDeploymentStatus(deploymentElement, deployment); parseRoleInstanceList(deploymentElement, deployment); parseRoleList(deploymentElement, deployment); parseInputEndpointList(deploymentElement, deployment); return deployment; } private static void parseInputEndpointList(Element deploymentElement, Deployment deployment) { List roles = selectNodes(deploymentElement, InputEndpointQuery); if (roles != null && !roles.isEmpty()) { for (Iterator iter = roles.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Element el = (Element); String roleName = getStringValue(el, ServiceXmlElementNames.InputEndpointRoleName); String vip = getStringValue(el, ServiceXmlElementNames.InputEndpointVip); String port = getStringValue(el, ServiceXmlElementNames.InputEndpointPort); InputEndpoint point = new InputEndpoint(roleName, vip, Integer.parseInt(port)); deployment.addInputEndpoint(point); } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static void parseRoleInstanceList(Element storageServiceElement, Deployment deployment) { List roles = selectNodes(storageServiceElement, RoleInstanceQuery); if (roles != null && !roles.isEmpty()) { for (Iterator iter = roles.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Element roleInstanceElement = (Element); String roleName = getStringValue(roleInstanceElement, ServiceXmlElementNames.DeploymentRoleInstanceRoleName); String instanceName = getStringValue(roleInstanceElement, ServiceXmlElementNames.DeploymentRoleInstanceName); String instanceState = getStringValue(roleInstanceElement, ServiceXmlElementNames.DeploymentRoleInstanceState); String instanceUpgradeDomain = getStringValue(roleInstanceElement, ServiceXmlElementNames.DeploymentRoleInstanceUpgradeDomain); String instanceFaultDomain = getStringValue(roleInstanceElement, ServiceXmlElementNames.DeploymentRoleInstanceFaultDomain); String instanceSize = getStringValue(roleInstanceElement, ServiceXmlElementNames.DeploymentRoleInstanceSize); RoleInstance roleInstance = new RoleInstance(roleName, instanceName, InstanceStatus.valueOf(instanceState), Integer.parseInt(instanceUpgradeDomain), Integer.parseInt(instanceFaultDomain), InstanceSize.valueOf(instanceSize)); deployment.addRoleInstance(roleInstance); } } } private static void parseRoleList(Element storageServiceElement, Deployment deployment) { List roles = selectNodes(storageServiceElement, RoleQuery); if (roles != null && !roles.isEmpty()) { for (Iterator iter = roles.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Element roleElement = (Element); String roleName = getStringValue(roleElement, ServiceXmlElementNames.DeploymentRoleName); String osVersion = getStringValue(roleElement, ServiceXmlElementNames.DeploymentOSVersion); Role role = new Role(roleName, osVersion); deployment.addRole(role); } } } private static void parseDeploymentStatus(Element storageServiceElement, Deployment deployment) { Element upgradeStatusElement = (Element) selectSingleNode(storageServiceElement, addXmlnsNameSpace((ServiceXmlElementNames.DeploymentUpgradeStatus))); if (upgradeStatusElement == null) { return; } String upgradeType = getStringValue(upgradeStatusElement, ServiceXmlElementNames.DeploymentUpgradeStatusUpgradeType); String currentUpgradeDomainState = getStringValue(upgradeStatusElement, ServiceXmlElementNames.DeploymentUpgradeStatusCurrentUpgradeDomainState); String currentUpgradeDomain = getStringValue(upgradeStatusElement, ServiceXmlElementNames.DeploymentUpgradeStatusCurrentUpgradeDomain); UpgradeStatus upgradeStatus = new UpgradeStatus(); upgradeStatus.setUpgradeType(UpgradeType.get(upgradeType)); upgradeStatus.setCurrentUpgradeDomain(Integer.parseInt(currentUpgradeDomain)); upgradeStatus.setCurrentUpgradeDomainState(CurrentUpgradeDomainState.get(currentUpgradeDomainState)); deployment.setUpgradeStatus(upgradeStatus); } private static void parseDeploymentAttributes(Element storageServiceElement, Deployment deployment) { String name = getStringValue(storageServiceElement, ServiceXmlElementNames.DeploymentName); deployment.setName(name); String label = getStringValue(storageServiceElement, ServiceXmlElementNames.DeploymentLabel); if (label != null) { deployment.setLabel(new String(Base64.decode(label))); } String slot = getStringValue(storageServiceElement, ServiceXmlElementNames.DeploymentSlot); deployment.setDeploymentSlot(DeploymentSlotType.valueOf(slot)); String url = getStringValue(storageServiceElement, ServiceXmlElementNames.DeploymentUrl); deployment.setUrl(url); String privateId = getStringValue(storageServiceElement, ServiceXmlElementNames.DeploymentPrivateID); deployment.setPrivateId(privateId); String configuration = getStringValue(storageServiceElement, ServiceXmlElementNames.DeploymentConfiguration); if (configuration != null) { deployment.setConfiguration(new String(Base64.decode(configuration))); } String status = getStringValue(storageServiceElement, ServiceXmlElementNames.DeploymentStatus); deployment.setStatus(DeploymentStatus.valueOf(status)); String upgradeDomainCount = getStringValue(storageServiceElement, ServiceXmlElementNames.DeploymentUpgradeDomainCount); if (upgradeDomainCount != null && upgradeDomainCount.length() > 0) { deployment.setUpgradeDomainCount(Integer.parseInt(upgradeDomainCount)); } String sdkVersion = getStringValue(storageServiceElement, ServiceXmlElementNames.DeploymentSdkVersion); deployment.setSdkVersion(sdkVersion); } /** * Parse Affinity group list * * @param stream * the inputStream * @return a list contains AffinityGroup type data */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<AffinityGroup> parseAffinityGroupResponse(InputStream stream) { Document load = XmlUtil.load(stream); List result = XPathQueryHelper.selectNodes(load, XPathQueryHelper.AffinifyGroupListQuery); if (result == null || result.isEmpty()) { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } else { List<AffinityGroup> groupList = new ArrayList<AffinityGroup>(); for (int i = 0, n = result.size(); i < n; i++) { Element element = (Element) result.get(i); String name = getStringValue(element, ServiceXmlElementNames.AffinityGroupName); String description = getStringValue(element, ServiceXmlElementNames.AffinityGroupDescription); String location = getStringValue(element, ServiceXmlElementNames.AffinityGroupLocation); String label = getStringValue(element, ServiceXmlElementNames.AffinityGroupLabel); if (label != null) { label = new String(Base64.decode(label)); } AffinityGroup group = new AffinityGroup(); group.setLabel(label); group.setName(name); group.setDescription(description); group.setLocation(location); groupList.add(group); } return groupList; } } /** * The Get Operation Status operation returns the status of the specified * operation. After calling an asynchronous operation, you can call Get * Operation Status to determine whether the operation has succeed, failed, * or is still in progress. * * @param stream * the inputStream * @return the status of the specified operation */ public static OperationStatus parseOperationStatusResponse(InputStream stream) { Document load = XmlUtil.load(stream); Element root = load.getRootElement(); if (root == null) { return null; } Element element = (Element) selectSingleNode(root, OperationQuery); OperationStatus result = new OperationStatus(); String id = getStringValue(element, ServiceXmlElementNames.OperationStatusId); String status = getStringValue(element, ServiceXmlElementNames.OperationStatusStatus); result.setRequestId(id); result.setStatus(OperationState.valueOf(status)); // Response includes HTTP status code only if the operation succeeded or // failed try { String httpCode = getStringValue(element, ServiceXmlElementNames.OperationStatusHTTPCode); result.setHttpCode(httpCode); } catch (Exception e) { // pass } // Response includes additional error information only if the operation // failed try { Node errorElement = selectSingleNode(element, addXmlnsNameSpace(ServiceXmlElementNames.OperationStatusHTTPError)); if (errorElement != null) { String httpErrorCode = getStringValue(errorElement, ServiceXmlElementNames.OperationStatusHTTPErrorCode); String httpErrorMessage = getStringValue(errorElement, ServiceXmlElementNames.OperationStatusHTTPErrorMessage); result.setErrorCode(httpErrorCode); result.setErrorMessage(httpErrorMessage); } } catch (Exception e) { // pass } return result; } /** * Parse the response of the AffinityGroup properties.Construct a * AffinityGroupProperties from the response content * * @param stream * the inputStream * @return an AffinityGroupProperties object */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static AffinityGroupProperties parseAffinityGroupPropertiesResponse(InputStream stream) { Document load = XmlUtil.load(stream); Element element = load.getRootElement(); if (element == null) { return null; } // Element element = (Element) serviceXmlSelectSingle(root, // addXmlnsNameSpace((ServiceXmlElementNames.AffinityGroup))); AffinityGroupProperties result = new AffinityGroupProperties(); String label = getStringValue(element, ServiceXmlElementNames.AffinityGroupLabel); String description = getStringValue(element, ServiceXmlElementNames.AffinityGroupDescription); String location = getStringValue(element, ServiceXmlElementNames.AffinityGroupLocation); if (label != null) { label = new String(Base64.decode(label)); } result.setLabel(label); result.setDescription(description); result.setLocation(location); List hosts = XPathQueryHelper.selectNodes(load, XPathQueryHelper.HostServiceListQuery); if (hosts != null && !hosts.isEmpty()) { for (Object e : hosts) { String url = getStringValue((Node) e, ServiceXmlElementNames.HostedService_Url); String name = getStringValue((Node) e, ServiceXmlElementNames.HostedService_Name); result.addHostedService(new HostedService(name, url)); } } List services = XPathQueryHelper.selectNodes(load, XPathQueryHelper.StorageServiceListQuery); if (services != null && !services.isEmpty()) { for (Object e : services) { String url = getStringValue((Node) e, ServiceXmlElementNames.StorageService_Url); String name = getStringValue((Node) e, ServiceXmlElementNames.StorageService_Name); result.addStorageService(new StorageService(name, url)); } } return result; } /** * Parse certificate list * * @param stream * the inputStream * @return a list contains Certificate type data */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<Certificate> parseCertificateResponse(InputStream stream) { Document load = XmlUtil.load(stream); List result = XPathQueryHelper.selectNodes(load, XPathQueryHelper.CertificateListQuery); if (result == null || result.isEmpty()) { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } else { List<Certificate> list = new ArrayList<Certificate>(); for (int i = 0, n = result.size(); i < n; i++) { Element element = (Element) result.get(i); Certificate cert = parseCertificate(element); list.add(cert); } return list; } } /** * Constructor a Certificate * * @param element * @return a Certificate object */ public static Certificate parseCertificate(Element element) { Certificate cert = new Certificate(); String certificateUrl = getStringValue(element, ServiceXmlElementNames.CertificateUrl); String algorithm = getStringValue(element, ServiceXmlElementNames.ThumbprintAlgorithm); String thumbprint = getStringValue(element, ServiceXmlElementNames.Thumbprint); String data = getStringValue(element, ServiceXmlElementNames.CertificateData); cert.setCertificateUrl(certificateUrl); cert.setThumbprintAlgorithm(algorithm); cert.setThumbprint(thumbprint); cert.setData(Base64.decode(data)); return cert; } /** * Parse response of the Operating System * * @param stream * the InputStream * @return a list contains OperatingSystem type data */ public static List<OperatingSystem> parseOperatingSystemResponse(InputStream stream) { Document load = XmlUtil.load(stream); List result = XPathQueryHelper.selectNodes(load, XPathQueryHelper.OperatingSystemQuery); if (result == null || result.isEmpty()) { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } else { List<OperatingSystem> list = new ArrayList<OperatingSystem>(); for (int i = 0, n = result.size(); i < n; i++) { Element element = (Element) result.get(i); OperatingSystem cert = parseOperatingSystem(element); list.add(cert); } return list; } } private static OperatingSystem parseOperatingSystem(Element element) { OperatingSystem result = new OperatingSystem(); String version = getStringValue(element, ServiceXmlElementNames.OperatingSystemVersion); String label = getStringValue(element, ServiceXmlElementNames.OperatingSystemLabel); boolean _default = "true" .equalsIgnoreCase(getStringValue(element, ServiceXmlElementNames.OperatingSystemDefault)); boolean active = "true" .equalsIgnoreCase(getStringValue(element, ServiceXmlElementNames.OperatingSystemActive)); String operatingSystemFamily = getStringValue(element, ServiceXmlElementNames.OperatingSystemFamily); String operatingSystemFamilyLabel = getStringValue(element, ServiceXmlElementNames.OperatingSystemFamilyLabel); result.setVersion(version); result.setLabel(label == null ? null : new String(Base64.decode(label))); result.setDefault(_default); result.setActive(active); result.setFamily(operatingSystemFamily); result.setFamilyLabel( operatingSystemFamilyLabel == null ? null : new String(Base64.decode(operatingSystemFamilyLabel))); return result; } /** * Parse response of the Operating System Families * * @param stream * the InputStream * @return a list contains OperatingSystemFamily type data */ public static List<OperatingSystemFamily> parseOperatingSystemFamiliesResponse(InputStream stream) { Document load = XmlUtil.load(stream); List result = XPathQueryHelper.selectNodes(load, XPathQueryHelper.OperatingSystemFamiliesQuery); if (result == null || result.isEmpty()) { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } else { List<OperatingSystemFamily> list = new ArrayList<OperatingSystemFamily>(); for (int i = 0, n = result.size(); i < n; i++) { Element element = (Element) result.get(i); OperatingSystemFamily osFamily = parseOperatingSystemFamily(element); list.add(osFamily); } return list; } } private static OperatingSystemFamily parseOperatingSystemFamily(Element element) { OperatingSystemFamily result = new OperatingSystemFamily(); String name = getStringValue(element, ServiceXmlElementNames.OperatingSystemFamiliesName); String label = getStringValue(element, ServiceXmlElementNames.OperatingSystemFamiliesLabel); List<OperatingSystem> operatingSystems = parseOperationgSystems(element); result.setName(name); result.setLabel(label == null ? null : new String(Base64.decode(label))); result.setOperatingSystems(operatingSystems); return result; } private static List<OperatingSystem> parseOperationgSystems(Element parent) { Node operatingSystems = XPathQueryHelper.selectSingleNode(parent, XPathQueryHelper.OperatingSystemsQuery); if (operatingSystems == null) { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } else { List result = XPathQueryHelper.selectNodes(operatingSystems, XPathQueryHelper.OperatingSystemQuery); List<OperatingSystem> list = new ArrayList<OperatingSystem>(); for (int i = 0, n = result.size(); i < n; i++) { Element element = (Element) result.get(i); OperatingSystem operatingSystem = parseOperatingSystem(element); list.add(operatingSystem); } return list; } } /** * Parse response of the Locations * * @param stream * the InputStream * @return a list contains all of the data center locations that are valid */ public static List<Location> parseLocationsResponse(InputStream stream) { Document load = XmlUtil.load(stream); List result = XPathQueryHelper.selectNodes(load, XPathQueryHelper.LocationQuery); if (result == null || result.isEmpty()) { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } else { List<Location> list = new ArrayList<Location>(); for (int i = 0, n = result.size(); i < n; i++) { Element element = (Element) result.get(i); Location location = new Location(); location.setName(getStringValue(element, ServiceXmlElementNames.LocationName)); list.add(location); } return list; } } }