Java tutorial
/* * CPAchecker is a tool for configurable software verification. * This file is part of CPAchecker. * * Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Dirk Beyer * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * * CPAchecker web page: * */ package org.sosy_lab.solver.z3; import static; import static org.sosy_lab.solver.z3.Z3NativeApi.*; import static org.sosy_lab.solver.z3.Z3NativeApiConstants.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.sosy_lab.solver.basicimpl.AbstractUnsafeFormulaManager; import; import; import; import; import; class Z3UnsafeFormulaManager extends AbstractUnsafeFormulaManager<Long, Long, Long> { private final Set<Long> uifs = new HashSet<>(); // contains used declarations of UIFs private final long z3context; Z3UnsafeFormulaManager(Z3FormulaCreator pCreator) { super(pCreator); this.z3context = pCreator.getEnv(); } private final static Collection<Integer> nonAtomicOpTypes = Sets.newHashSet(Z3_OP_AND, Z3_OP_OR, Z3_OP_IMPLIES, Z3_OP_ITE, Z3_OP_NOT); @Override public boolean isAtom(Long t) { int astKind = get_ast_kind(z3context, t); switch (astKind) { case Z3_APP_AST: long decl = get_app_decl(z3context, t); return !nonAtomicOpTypes.contains(get_decl_kind(z3context, decl)); default: return true; } } @Override public int getArity(Long t) { return get_app_num_args(z3context, t); } @Override public Long getArg(Long t, int n) { return get_app_arg(z3context, t, n); } @Override public boolean isVariable(Long t) { if (isOP(z3context, t, Z3_OP_TRUE) || isOP(z3context, t, Z3_OP_FALSE)) { return false; } int astKind = get_ast_kind(z3context, t); return (astKind == Z3_VAR_AST) || ((astKind == Z3_APP_AST) && (getArity(t) == 0)); } @Override protected boolean isFreeVariable(Long pT) { if (isOP(z3context, pT, Z3_OP_TRUE) || isOP(z3context, pT, Z3_OP_FALSE)) { return false; } int astKind = get_ast_kind(z3context, pT); return ((astKind == Z3_APP_AST) && (getArity(pT) == 0)); } @Override protected boolean isBoundVariable(Long pT) { int astKind = get_ast_kind(z3context, pT); return (astKind == Z3_VAR_AST); } @Override public boolean isUF(Long t) { return is_app(z3context, t) && uifs.contains(get_app_decl(z3context, t)); } @Override public String getName(Long t) { int astKind = get_ast_kind(z3context, t); if (astKind == Z3_VAR_AST) { return "?" + get_index_value(z3context, t); } else { long funcDecl = get_app_decl(z3context, t); long symbol = get_decl_name(z3context, funcDecl); switch (get_symbol_kind(z3context, symbol)) { case Z3_INT_SYMBOL: return Integer.toString(get_symbol_int(z3context, symbol)); case Z3_STRING_SYMBOL: return get_symbol_string(z3context, symbol); default: throw new AssertionError(); } } } @Override public Long replaceArgs(Long t, List<Long> newArgs) { Preconditions.checkState(get_app_num_args(z3context, t) == newArgs.size()); long[] newParams = Longs.toArray(newArgs); // TODO check equality of sort of each oldArg and newArg long funcDecl = get_app_decl(z3context, t); return mk_app(z3context, funcDecl, newParams); } @Override public Long replaceArgsAndName(Long t, String pNewName, List<Long> newArgs) { if (isVariable(t)) { checkArgument(newArgs.isEmpty()); long sort = get_sort(z3context, t); return getFormulaCreator().makeVariable(sort, pNewName); } else if (isUF(t)) { int n = get_app_num_args(z3context, t); long[] sorts = new long[n]; for (int i = 0; i < sorts.length; i++) { long arg = get_app_arg(z3context, t, i); inc_ref(z3context, arg); sorts[i] = get_sort(z3context, arg); inc_ref(z3context, sorts[i]); dec_ref(z3context, arg); } long symbol = mk_string_symbol(z3context, pNewName); long retSort = get_sort(z3context, t); long newFunc = mk_func_decl(z3context, symbol, sorts, retSort); inc_ref(z3context, newFunc); // creator.getSmtLogger().logDeclaration(newFunc, retSort, sorts); // TODO necessary??? long uif = createUIFCallImpl(newFunc, Longs.toArray(newArgs)); for (int i = 0; i < sorts.length; i++) { dec_ref(z3context, sorts[i]); } return uif; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot replace name '" + pNewName + "' in term '" + ast_to_string(z3context, t) + "'."); } } @Override protected List<Long> splitNumeralEqualityIfPossible(Long pF) { if (isOP(z3context, pF, Z3_OP_EQ) && get_app_num_args(z3context, pF) == 2) { long arg0 = getArg(pF, 0); inc_ref(z3context, arg0); long arg1 = getArg(pF, 1); inc_ref(z3context, arg1); try { long sortKind = get_sort_kind(z3context, get_sort(z3context, arg0)); assert sortKind == get_sort_kind(z3context, get_sort(z3context, arg1)); if (sortKind == Z3_BV_SORT) { long out1 = mk_bvule(z3context, arg0, arg1); inc_ref(z3context, out1); long out2 = mk_bvuge(z3context, arg0, arg1); inc_ref(z3context, out2); return ImmutableList.of(out1, out2); } else if (sortKind == Z3_INT_SORT || sortKind == Z3_REAL_SORT) { long out1 = mk_le(z3context, arg0, arg1); inc_ref(z3context, out1); long out2 = mk_ge(z3context, arg0, arg1); inc_ref(z3context, out2); return ImmutableList.of(out1, out2); } } finally { dec_ref(z3context, arg0); dec_ref(z3context, arg1); } } return ImmutableList.of(pF); } public long createUIFCallImpl(long pNewFunc, long[] args) { long ufc = mk_app(z3context, pNewFunc, args); uifs.add(pNewFunc); return ufc; } @Override public boolean isNumber(Long t) { return is_numeral_ast(z3context, t); } @Override protected Long substitute(Long t, List<Long> changeFrom, List<Long> changeTo) { int size = changeFrom.size(); Preconditions.checkState(size == changeTo.size()); return Z3NativeApi.substitute(z3context, t, size, Longs.toArray(changeFrom), Longs.toArray(changeTo)); } @Override protected Long simplify(Long pF) { return Z3NativeApi.simplify(z3context, pF); } @Override protected boolean isQuantification(Long pT) { return Z3_QUANTIFIER_AST == get_ast_kind(z3context, pT); } @Override protected Long getQuantifiedBody(Long pT) { return get_quantifier_body(z3context, pT); } @Override protected Long replaceQuantifiedBody(Long pF, Long pBody) { boolean isForall = is_quantifier_forall(z3context, pF); int boundCount = get_quantifier_num_bound(z3context, pF); ArrayList<Long> boundVars = Lists.newArrayList(); for (int b = 0; b < boundCount; b++) { long varName = get_quantifier_bound_name(z3context, pF, b); long varSort = get_quantifier_bound_sort(z3context, pF, b); long var = mk_const(z3context, varName, varSort); boundVars.add(var); inc_ref(z3context, var); } if (isForall) { return Z3NativeApi.mk_forall_const(z3context, 0, boundVars.size(), Longs.toArray(boundVars), 0, Longs.toArray(Collections.<Long>emptyList()), pBody); } else { return Z3NativeApi.mk_exists_const(z3context, 0, boundVars.size(), Longs.toArray(boundVars), 0, Longs.toArray(Collections.<Long>emptyList()), pBody); } } }