Java tutorial
/* * CPAchecker is a tool for configurable software verification. * This file is part of CPAchecker. * * Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Dirk Beyer * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * * CPAchecker web page: * */ package org.sosy_lab.solver.basicimpl; import java.util.Collection; import org.sosy_lab.solver.api.BooleanFormula; import org.sosy_lab.solver.api.BooleanFormulaManager; import org.sosy_lab.solver.api.Formula; import org.sosy_lab.solver.api.FormulaType; import; import; public abstract class AbstractBooleanFormulaManager<TFormulaInfo, TType, TEnv> extends AbstractBaseFormulaManager<TFormulaInfo, TType, TEnv> implements BooleanFormulaManager { protected AbstractBooleanFormulaManager(FormulaCreator<TFormulaInfo, TType, TEnv> pCreator) { super(pCreator); } @Override public boolean isBoolean(Formula f) { return f instanceof BooleanFormula; } private BooleanFormula wrap(TFormulaInfo formulaInfo) { return getFormulaCreator().encapsulateBoolean(formulaInfo); } @Override public BooleanFormula makeVariable(String pVar) { return wrap(makeVariableImpl(pVar)); } protected abstract TFormulaInfo makeVariableImpl(String pVar); @Override public BooleanFormula makeBoolean(boolean value) { return wrap(makeBooleanImpl(value)); } protected abstract TFormulaInfo makeBooleanImpl(boolean value); @Override public BooleanFormula not(BooleanFormula pBits) { TFormulaInfo param1 = extractInfo(pBits); return wrap(not(param1)); } protected abstract TFormulaInfo not(TFormulaInfo pParam1); @Override public BooleanFormula and(BooleanFormula pBits1, BooleanFormula pBits2) { TFormulaInfo param1 = extractInfo(pBits1); TFormulaInfo param2 = extractInfo(pBits2); return wrap(and(param1, param2)); } protected abstract TFormulaInfo and(TFormulaInfo pParam1, TFormulaInfo pParam2); @Override public BooleanFormula and(Collection<BooleanFormula> pBits) { if (pBits.isEmpty()) { return makeBoolean(true); } if (pBits.size() == 1) { return Iterables.getOnlyElement(pBits); } TFormulaInfo result = andImpl(Collections2.transform(pBits, extractor)); return wrap(result); } protected TFormulaInfo andImpl(Collection<TFormulaInfo> pParams) { TFormulaInfo result = makeBooleanImpl(true); for (TFormulaInfo formula : pParams) { result = and(result, formula); } return result; } @Override public BooleanFormula or(BooleanFormula pBits1, BooleanFormula pBits2) { TFormulaInfo param1 = extractInfo(pBits1); TFormulaInfo param2 = extractInfo(pBits2); return wrap(or(param1, param2)); } protected abstract TFormulaInfo or(TFormulaInfo pParam1, TFormulaInfo pParam2); @Override public BooleanFormula xor(BooleanFormula pBits1, BooleanFormula pBits2) { TFormulaInfo param1 = extractInfo(pBits1); TFormulaInfo param2 = extractInfo(pBits2); return wrap(xor(param1, param2)); } @Override public BooleanFormula or(Collection<BooleanFormula> pBits) { if (pBits.isEmpty()) { return makeBoolean(false); } if (pBits.size() == 1) { return Iterables.getOnlyElement(pBits); } TFormulaInfo result = orImpl(Collections2.transform(pBits, extractor)); return wrap(result); } protected TFormulaInfo orImpl(Collection<TFormulaInfo> pParams) { TFormulaInfo result = makeBooleanImpl(false); for (TFormulaInfo formula : pParams) { result = or(result, formula); } return result; } protected abstract TFormulaInfo xor(TFormulaInfo pParam1, TFormulaInfo pParam2); @Override public boolean isNot(BooleanFormula pBits) { TFormulaInfo param = extractInfo(pBits); return isNot(param); } protected abstract boolean isNot(TFormulaInfo pParam); @Override public boolean isAnd(BooleanFormula pBits) { TFormulaInfo param = extractInfo(pBits); return isAnd(param); } protected abstract boolean isAnd(TFormulaInfo pParam); @Override public boolean isOr(BooleanFormula pBits) { TFormulaInfo param = extractInfo(pBits); return isOr(param); } protected abstract boolean isOr(TFormulaInfo pParam); @Override public boolean isXor(BooleanFormula pBits) { TFormulaInfo param = extractInfo(pBits); return isXor(param); } protected abstract boolean isXor(TFormulaInfo pParam); /** * Creates a formula representing an equivalence of the two arguments. * @param f1 a Formula * @param f2 a Formula * @return (f1 <-> f2) */ @Override public final BooleanFormula equivalence(BooleanFormula pBits1, BooleanFormula pBits2) { TFormulaInfo param1 = extractInfo(pBits1); TFormulaInfo param2 = extractInfo(pBits2); return wrap(equivalence(param1, param2)); } protected abstract TFormulaInfo equivalence(TFormulaInfo bits1, TFormulaInfo bits2); @Override public final BooleanFormula implication(BooleanFormula pBits1, BooleanFormula pBits2) { TFormulaInfo param1 = extractInfo(pBits1); TFormulaInfo param2 = extractInfo(pBits2); return wrap(implication(param1, param2)); } protected TFormulaInfo implication(TFormulaInfo bits1, TFormulaInfo bits2) { return or(not(bits1), bits2); } @Override public final boolean isTrue(BooleanFormula pBits) { return isTrue(extractInfo(pBits)); } protected abstract boolean isTrue(TFormulaInfo bits); @Override public final boolean isFalse(BooleanFormula pBits) { return isFalse(extractInfo(pBits)); } protected abstract boolean isFalse(TFormulaInfo bits); /** * Creates a formula representing "IF cond THEN f1 ELSE f2" * @param cond a Formula * @param f1 a Formula * @param f2 a Formula * @return (IF cond THEN f1 ELSE f2) */ @Override public final <T extends Formula> T ifThenElse(BooleanFormula pBits, T f1, T f2) { FormulaType<T> t1 = getFormulaCreator().getFormulaType(f1); FormulaType<T> t2 = getFormulaCreator().getFormulaType(f2); if (!t1.equals(t2)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot create if-then-else formula with branches of different types: " + f1 + " is of type " + t1 + "; " + f2 + " is of type " + t2); } TFormulaInfo result = ifThenElse(extractInfo(pBits), extractInfo(f1), extractInfo(f2)); return getFormulaCreator().encapsulate(t1, result); } protected abstract TFormulaInfo ifThenElse(TFormulaInfo cond, TFormulaInfo f1, TFormulaInfo f2); @Override public boolean isEquivalence(BooleanFormula pFormula) { return isEquivalence(extractInfo(pFormula)); } protected abstract boolean isEquivalence(TFormulaInfo pBits); @Override public boolean isImplication(BooleanFormula pFormula) { return isImplication(extractInfo(pFormula)); } protected abstract boolean isImplication(TFormulaInfo pFormula); @Override public <T extends Formula> boolean isIfThenElse(T pF) { return isIfThenElse(extractInfo(pF)); } protected abstract boolean isIfThenElse(TFormulaInfo pBits); @Override public BooleanFormula applyTactic(BooleanFormula f, Tactic tactic) { return wrap(applyTacticImpl(extractInfo(f), tactic)); } protected TFormulaInfo applyTacticImpl(TFormulaInfo f, Tactic tactic) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Tactics are not supported by the solver"); } }