Java tutorial
/* * JavaSMT is an API wrapper for a collection of SMT solvers. * This file is part of JavaSMT. * * Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Dirk Beyer * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.sosy_lab.java_smt.solvers.z3; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.ref.PhantomReference; import java.lang.ref.Reference; import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.sosy_lab.common.ShutdownNotifier; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.Configuration; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.InvalidConfigurationException; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.Option; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.Options; import org.sosy_lab.common.rationals.Rational; import org.sosy_lab.common.time.Timer; import org.sosy_lab.java_smt.api.ArrayFormula; import org.sosy_lab.java_smt.api.BitvectorFormula; import org.sosy_lab.java_smt.api.BooleanFormula; import org.sosy_lab.java_smt.api.FloatingPointFormula; import org.sosy_lab.java_smt.api.FloatingPointRoundingMode; import org.sosy_lab.java_smt.api.Formula; import org.sosy_lab.java_smt.api.FormulaType; import org.sosy_lab.java_smt.api.FormulaType.ArrayFormulaType; import org.sosy_lab.java_smt.api.FunctionDeclarationKind; import org.sosy_lab.java_smt.api.QuantifiedFormulaManager.Quantifier; import org.sosy_lab.java_smt.api.SolverException; import org.sosy_lab.java_smt.api.visitors.FormulaVisitor; import org.sosy_lab.java_smt.basicimpl.FormulaCreator; import org.sosy_lab.java_smt.basicimpl.FunctionDeclarationImpl; import org.sosy_lab.java_smt.solvers.z3.Z3Formula.Z3ArrayFormula; import org.sosy_lab.java_smt.solvers.z3.Z3Formula.Z3BitvectorFormula; import org.sosy_lab.java_smt.solvers.z3.Z3Formula.Z3BooleanFormula; import org.sosy_lab.java_smt.solvers.z3.Z3Formula.Z3FloatingPointFormula; import org.sosy_lab.java_smt.solvers.z3.Z3Formula.Z3FloatingPointRoundingModeFormula; import org.sosy_lab.java_smt.solvers.z3.Z3Formula.Z3IntegerFormula; import org.sosy_lab.java_smt.solvers.z3.Z3Formula.Z3RationalFormula; @Options(prefix = "solver.z3") class Z3FormulaCreator extends FormulaCreator<Long, Long, Long, Long> { private static final Map<Integer, Object> Z3_CONSTANTS = ImmutableMap.<Integer, Object>builder() .put(Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_TRUE.toInt(), true).put(Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_FALSE.toInt(), false) .put(Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_FPA_PLUS_ZERO.toInt(), +0.0) .put(Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_FPA_MINUS_ZERO.toInt(), -0.0) .put(Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_FPA_PLUS_INF.toInt(), Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) .put(Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_FPA_MINUS_INF.toInt(), Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) .put(Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_FPA_NAN.toInt(), Double.NaN) .put(Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_FPA_RM_NEAREST_TIES_TO_EVEN.toInt(), FloatingPointRoundingMode.NEAREST_TIES_TO_EVEN) .put(Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_FPA_RM_NEAREST_TIES_TO_AWAY.toInt(), FloatingPointRoundingMode.NEAREST_TIES_AWAY) .put(Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_FPA_RM_TOWARD_POSITIVE.toInt(), FloatingPointRoundingMode.TOWARD_POSITIVE) .put(Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_FPA_RM_TOWARD_NEGATIVE.toInt(), FloatingPointRoundingMode.TOWARD_NEGATIVE) .put(Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_FPA_RM_TOWARD_ZERO.toInt(), FloatingPointRoundingMode.TOWARD_ZERO).build(); // Set of error messages that might occur if Z3 is interrupted. private static final ImmutableSet<String> Z3_INTERRUPT_ERRORS = ImmutableSet.of("canceled", // These occur on interrupts during interpolation "interpolation cannot proceed without a model", // cf. Z3 commit 654780b "Proof error!"); @Option(secure = true, description = "Whether to use PhantomReferences for discarding Z3 AST") private boolean usePhantomReferences = false; private final Table<Long, Long, Long> allocatedArraySorts = HashBasedTable.create(); /** Automatic clean-up of Z3 ASTs. */ private final ReferenceQueue<Z3Formula> referenceQueue = new ReferenceQueue<>(); private final Map<PhantomReference<? extends Z3Formula>, Long> referenceMap = Maps.newIdentityHashMap(); // todo: getters for statistic. private final Timer cleanupTimer = new Timer(); protected final ShutdownNotifier shutdownNotifier; Z3FormulaCreator(long pEnv, long pBoolType, long pIntegerType, long pRealType, Configuration config, ShutdownNotifier pShutdownNotifier) throws InvalidConfigurationException { super(pEnv, pBoolType, pIntegerType, pRealType); shutdownNotifier = pShutdownNotifier; config.inject(this); } final Z3Exception handleZ3Exception(Z3Exception e) throws Z3Exception, InterruptedException { if (Z3_INTERRUPT_ERRORS.contains(e.getMessage())) { shutdownNotifier.shutdownIfNecessary(); } throw e; } @Override public Long makeVariable(Long type, String varName) { long z3context = getEnv(); long symbol = Native.mkStringSymbol(z3context, varName); return Native.mkConst(z3context, symbol, type); } @Override public Long extractInfo(Formula pT) { return Z3FormulaManager.getZ3Expr(pT); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <T extends Formula> FormulaType<T> getFormulaType(T pFormula) { Long term = extractInfo(pFormula); return (FormulaType<T>) getFormulaType(term); } public FormulaType<?> getFormulaTypeFromSort(Long pSort) { long z3context = getEnv(); Z3_sort_kind sortKind = Z3_sort_kind.fromInt(Native.getSortKind(z3context, pSort)); switch (sortKind) { case Z3_BOOL_SORT: return FormulaType.BooleanType; case Z3_INT_SORT: return FormulaType.IntegerType; case Z3_REAL_SORT: return FormulaType.RationalType; case Z3_BV_SORT: return FormulaType.getBitvectorTypeWithSize(Native.getBvSortSize(z3context, pSort)); case Z3_ARRAY_SORT: long domainSort = Native.getArraySortDomain(z3context, pSort); long rangeSort = Native.getArraySortRange(z3context, pSort); return FormulaType.getArrayType(getFormulaTypeFromSort(domainSort), getFormulaTypeFromSort(rangeSort)); case Z3_FLOATING_POINT_SORT: return FormulaType.getFloatingPointType(Native.fpaGetEbits(z3context, pSort), Native.fpaGetSbits(z3context, pSort)); case Z3_ROUNDING_MODE_SORT: return FormulaType.FloatingPointRoundingModeType; case Z3_DATATYPE_SORT: case Z3_RELATION_SORT: case Z3_FINITE_DOMAIN_SORT: case Z3_SEQ_SORT: case Z3_RE_SORT: case Z3_UNKNOWN_SORT: case Z3_UNINTERPRETED_SORT: // TODO: support for remaining sorts. throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unknown formula type " + Native.sortToString(z3context, pSort) + " with sort " + sortKind); default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unexpected state."); } } @Override public FormulaType<?> getFormulaType(Long pFormula) { long sort = Native.getSort(getEnv(), pFormula); return getFormulaTypeFromSort(sort); } @Override protected <TD extends Formula, TR extends Formula> FormulaType<TR> getArrayFormulaElementType( ArrayFormula<TD, TR> pArray) { return ((Z3ArrayFormula<TD, TR>) pArray).getElementType(); } @Override protected <TD extends Formula, TR extends Formula> FormulaType<TD> getArrayFormulaIndexType( ArrayFormula<TD, TR> pArray) { return ((Z3ArrayFormula<TD, TR>) pArray).getIndexType(); } @Override protected <TD extends Formula, TR extends Formula> ArrayFormula<TD, TR> encapsulateArray(Long pTerm, FormulaType<TD> pIndexType, FormulaType<TR> pElementType) { assert getFormulaType(pTerm).equals(FormulaType.getArrayType(pIndexType, pElementType)); cleanupReferences(); return storePhantomReference(new Z3ArrayFormula<>(getEnv(), pTerm, pIndexType, pElementType), pTerm); } private <T extends Z3Formula> T storePhantomReference(T out, Long pTerm) { if (usePhantomReferences) { PhantomReference<T> ref = new PhantomReference<>(out, referenceQueue); referenceMap.put(ref, pTerm); } return out; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <T extends Formula> T encapsulate(FormulaType<T> pType, Long pTerm) { assert pType.equals(getFormulaType(pTerm)) || (pType.equals(FormulaType.RationalType) && getFormulaType(pTerm).equals(FormulaType.IntegerType)) : String .format("Trying to encapsulate formula of type %s as %s", getFormulaType(pTerm), pType); cleanupReferences(); if (pType.isBooleanType()) { return (T) storePhantomReference(new Z3BooleanFormula(getEnv(), pTerm), pTerm); } else if (pType.isIntegerType()) { return (T) storePhantomReference(new Z3IntegerFormula(getEnv(), pTerm), pTerm); } else if (pType.isRationalType()) { return (T) storePhantomReference(new Z3RationalFormula(getEnv(), pTerm), pTerm); } else if (pType.isBitvectorType()) { return (T) storePhantomReference(new Z3BitvectorFormula(getEnv(), pTerm), pTerm); } else if (pType.isFloatingPointType()) { return (T) storePhantomReference(new Z3FloatingPointFormula(getEnv(), pTerm), pTerm); } else if (pType.isFloatingPointRoundingModeType()) { return (T) storePhantomReference(new Z3FloatingPointRoundingModeFormula(getEnv(), pTerm), pTerm); } else if (pType.isArrayType()) { ArrayFormulaType<?, ?> arrFt = (ArrayFormulaType<?, ?>) pType; return (T) storePhantomReference( new Z3ArrayFormula<>(getEnv(), pTerm, arrFt.getIndexType(), arrFt.getElementType()), pTerm); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create formulas of type " + pType + " in Z3"); } @Override public BooleanFormula encapsulateBoolean(Long pTerm) { assert getFormulaType(pTerm).isBooleanType(); cleanupReferences(); return storePhantomReference(new Z3BooleanFormula(getEnv(), pTerm), pTerm); } @Override public BitvectorFormula encapsulateBitvector(Long pTerm) { assert getFormulaType(pTerm).isBitvectorType(); cleanupReferences(); return storePhantomReference(new Z3BitvectorFormula(getEnv(), pTerm), pTerm); } @Override protected FloatingPointFormula encapsulateFloatingPoint(Long pTerm) { assert getFormulaType(pTerm).isFloatingPointType(); cleanupReferences(); return storePhantomReference(new Z3FloatingPointFormula(getEnv(), pTerm), pTerm); } @Override public Long getArrayType(Long pIndexType, Long pElementType) { Long allocatedArraySort = allocatedArraySorts.get(pIndexType, pElementType); if (allocatedArraySort == null) { allocatedArraySort = Native.mkArraySort(getEnv(), pIndexType, pElementType); Native.incRef(getEnv(), allocatedArraySort); allocatedArraySorts.put(pIndexType, pElementType, allocatedArraySort); } return allocatedArraySort; } @Override public Long getBitvectorType(int pBitwidth) { checkArgument(pBitwidth > 0, "Cannot use bitvector type with size %s", pBitwidth); long bvSort = Native.mkBvSort(getEnv(), pBitwidth); Native.incRef(getEnv(), Native.sortToAst(getEnv(), bvSort)); return bvSort; } @Override public Long getFloatingPointType(FormulaType.FloatingPointType type) { long fpSort = Native.mkFpaSort(getEnv(), type.getExponentSize(), type.getMantissaSize()); Native.incRef(getEnv(), Native.sortToAst(getEnv(), fpSort)); return fpSort; } private void cleanupReferences() { if (!usePhantomReferences) { return; } cleanupTimer.start(); try { Reference<? extends Z3Formula> ref; while ((ref = referenceQueue.poll()) != null) { long z3ast = referenceMap.remove(ref); Native.decRef(environment, z3ast); } } finally { cleanupTimer.stop(); } } private String getAppName(long f) { long funcDecl = Native.getAppDecl(environment, f); long symbol = Native.getDeclName(environment, funcDecl); return symbolToString(symbol); } @Override public <R> R visit(FormulaVisitor<R> visitor, final Formula formula, final Long f) { switch (Z3_ast_kind.fromInt(Native.getAstKind(environment, f))) { case Z3_NUMERAL_AST: return visitor.visitConstant(formula, convertValue(f)); case Z3_APP_AST: int arity = Native.getAppNumArgs(environment, f); if (arity == 0) { // constants int declKind = Native.getDeclKind(environment, Native.getAppDecl(environment, f)); Object value = Z3_CONSTANTS.get(declKind); if (value != null) { return visitor.visitConstant(formula, value); } else if (declKind == Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_FPA_NUM.toInt() || Native.getSortKind(environment, Native.getSort(environment, f)) == Z3_sort_kind.Z3_ROUNDING_MODE_SORT.toInt()) { return visitor.visitConstant(formula, convertValue(f)); } else { // Has to be a variable otherwise. // TODO: assert that. return visitor.visitFreeVariable(formula, getAppName(f)); } } ImmutableList.Builder<Formula> args = ImmutableList.builder(); ImmutableList.Builder<FormulaType<?>> argTypes = ImmutableList.builder(); for (int i = 0; i < arity; i++) { long arg = Native.getAppArg(environment, f, i); FormulaType<?> argumentType = getFormulaType(arg); args.add(encapsulate(argumentType, arg)); argTypes.add(argumentType); } return visitor.visitFunction(formula,, FunctionDeclarationImpl.of(getAppName(f), getDeclarationKind(f),, getFormulaType(f), Native.getAppDecl(environment, f))); case Z3_VAR_AST: int deBruijnIdx = Native.getIndexValue(environment, f); return visitor.visitBoundVariable(formula, deBruijnIdx); case Z3_QUANTIFIER_AST: BooleanFormula body = encapsulateBoolean(Native.getQuantifierBody(environment, f)); Quantifier q = Native.isQuantifierForall(environment, f) ? Quantifier.FORALL : Quantifier.EXISTS; return visitor.visitQuantifier((BooleanFormula) formula, q, getBoundVars(f), body); case Z3_SORT_AST: case Z3_FUNC_DECL_AST: case Z3_UNKNOWN_AST: default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Input should be a formula AST, " + "got unexpected type instead"); } } protected String symbolToString(long symbol) { switch (Z3_symbol_kind.fromInt(Native.getSymbolKind(environment, symbol))) { case Z3_STRING_SYMBOL: return Native.getSymbolString(environment, symbol); case Z3_INT_SYMBOL: // Bound variable. return "#" + Native.getSymbolInt(environment, symbol); default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unexpected state"); } } private List<Formula> getBoundVars(long f) { int numBound = Native.getQuantifierNumBound(environment, f); List<Formula> boundVars = new ArrayList<>(numBound); for (int i = 0; i < numBound; i++) { long varName = Native.getQuantifierBoundName(environment, f, i); long varSort = Native.getQuantifierBoundSort(environment, f, i); boundVars.add( encapsulate(getFormulaTypeFromSort(varSort), Native.mkConst(environment, varName, varSort))); } return boundVars; } private FunctionDeclarationKind getDeclarationKind(long f) { assert Native.getArity(environment, Native.getAppDecl(environment, f)) > 0 : "Variables should be handled in other branch."; if (getAppName(f).equals("div0")) { // Z3 segfaults in getDeclKind for this term (cf. return FunctionDeclarationKind.OTHER; } Z3_decl_kind decl = Z3_decl_kind .fromInt(Native.getDeclKind(environment, Native.getAppDecl(environment, f))); switch (decl) { case Z3_OP_AND: return FunctionDeclarationKind.AND; case Z3_OP_NOT: return FunctionDeclarationKind.NOT; case Z3_OP_OR: return FunctionDeclarationKind.OR; case Z3_OP_IFF: return FunctionDeclarationKind.IFF; case Z3_OP_ITE: return FunctionDeclarationKind.ITE; case Z3_OP_XOR: return FunctionDeclarationKind.XOR; case Z3_OP_DISTINCT: return FunctionDeclarationKind.DISTINCT; case Z3_OP_IMPLIES: return FunctionDeclarationKind.IMPLIES; case Z3_OP_SUB: return FunctionDeclarationKind.SUB; case Z3_OP_ADD: return FunctionDeclarationKind.ADD; case Z3_OP_DIV: return FunctionDeclarationKind.DIV; case Z3_OP_MUL: return FunctionDeclarationKind.MUL; case Z3_OP_MOD: return FunctionDeclarationKind.MODULO; case Z3_OP_UNINTERPRETED: return FunctionDeclarationKind.UF; case Z3_OP_LT: return FunctionDeclarationKind.LT; case Z3_OP_LE: return FunctionDeclarationKind.LTE; case Z3_OP_GT: return FunctionDeclarationKind.GT; case Z3_OP_GE: return FunctionDeclarationKind.GTE; case Z3_OP_EQ: return FunctionDeclarationKind.EQ; case Z3_OP_STORE: return FunctionDeclarationKind.STORE; case Z3_OP_SELECT: return FunctionDeclarationKind.SELECT; case Z3_OP_TRUE: case Z3_OP_FALSE: case Z3_OP_ANUM: case Z3_OP_AGNUM: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unexpected state: constants not expected"); case Z3_OP_OEQ: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unexpected state: not a proof"); case Z3_OP_INTERP: // TODO: should we treat those separately? throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unexpected state: interpolant marks not expected"); case Z3_OP_UMINUS: return FunctionDeclarationKind.UMINUS; case Z3_OP_IDIV: // TODO: different handling for integer division? return FunctionDeclarationKind.DIV; default: return FunctionDeclarationKind.OTHER; } } /** * @param value Z3_ast * @return Whether the value is a constant and can be passed to {@link #convertValue(long)}. */ public boolean isConstant(long value) { return Native.isNumeralAst(environment, value) || Native.isAlgebraicNumber(environment, value) || isOP(environment, value, Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_TRUE.toInt()) || isOP(environment, value, Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_FALSE.toInt()); } /** * @param value Z3_ast representing a constant value. * @return {@link BigInteger} or {@link Double} or {@link Rational} or {@link Boolean} or {@link * FloatingPointRoundingMode}. */ public Object convertValue(long value) { assert isConstant(value) : "value is not constant"; Native.incRef(environment, value); Object constantValue = Z3_CONSTANTS .get(Native.getDeclKind(environment, Native.getAppDecl(environment, value))); if (constantValue != null) { return constantValue; } try { FormulaType<?> type = getFormulaType(value); if (type.isBooleanType()) { return isOP(environment, value, Z3_decl_kind.Z3_OP_TRUE.toInt()); } else if (type.isIntegerType()) { return new BigInteger(Native.getNumeralString(environment, value)); } else if (type.isRationalType()) { return Rational.ofString(Native.getNumeralString(environment, value)); } else if (type.isBitvectorType()) { return new BigInteger(Native.getNumeralString(environment, value)); } else if (type.isFloatingPointType()) { // Converting to Rational first. return convertValue(Native.simplify(environment, Native.mkFpaToReal(environment, value))); } else { // Explicitly crash on unknown type. throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected type encountered: " + type); } } finally { Native.decRef(environment, value); } } @Override public Long callFunctionImpl(FunctionDeclarationImpl<?, Long> declaration, List<Long> args) { return Native.mkApp(environment, declaration.getSolverDeclaration(), args.size(), Longs.toArray(args)); } @Override protected Long getBooleanVarDeclarationImpl(Long pLong) { return Native.getAppDecl(getEnv(), pLong); } /** returns, if the function of the expression is the given operation. */ static boolean isOP(long z3context, long expr, int op) { if (!Native.isApp(z3context, expr)) { return false; } long decl = Native.getAppDecl(z3context, expr); return Native.getDeclKind(z3context, decl) == op; } /** * Apply multiple tactics in sequence. * * @throws InterruptedException thrown by JNI code in case of termination request * @throws SolverException thrown by JNI code in case of error */ public long applyTactics(long z3context, final Long pF, String... pTactics) throws InterruptedException, SolverException { long overallResult = pF; for (String tactic : pTactics) { long tacticResult = applyTactic(z3context, overallResult, tactic); if (overallResult != pF) { Native.decRef(z3context, overallResult); } overallResult = tacticResult; } return overallResult; } /** * Apply tactic on a Z3_ast object, convert the result back to Z3_ast. * * @param z3context Z3_context * @param tactic Z3 Tactic Name * @param pF Z3_ast * @return Z3_ast * @throws InterruptedException If execution gets interrupted. */ public long applyTactic(long z3context, long pF, String tactic) throws InterruptedException { long tacticObject = Native.mkTactic(z3context, tactic); Native.tacticIncRef(z3context, tacticObject); long goal = Native.mkGoal(z3context, true, false, false); Native.goalIncRef(z3context, goal); Native.goalAssert(z3context, goal, pF); long result; try { result = Native.tacticApply(z3context, tacticObject, goal); } catch (Z3Exception exp) { throw handleZ3Exception(exp); } Native.applyResultIncRef(z3context, result); try { return applyResultToAST(z3context, result); } finally { Native.applyResultDecRef(z3context, result); Native.goalDecRef(z3context, goal); Native.tacticDecRef(z3context, tacticObject); } } private long applyResultToAST(long z3context, long applyResult) { int subgoalsCount = Native.applyResultGetNumSubgoals(z3context, applyResult); long[] goalFormulas = new long[subgoalsCount]; for (int i = 0; i < subgoalsCount; i++) { long subgoal = Native.applyResultGetSubgoal(z3context, applyResult, i); Native.goalIncRef(z3context, subgoal); long subgoalAst = goalToAST(z3context, subgoal); Native.incRef(z3context, subgoalAst); goalFormulas[i] = subgoalAst; Native.goalDecRef(z3context, subgoal); } try { return goalFormulas.length == 1 ? goalFormulas[0] : Native.mkOr(z3context, goalFormulas.length, goalFormulas); } finally { for (int i = 0; i < subgoalsCount; i++) { Native.decRef(z3context, goalFormulas[i]); } } } private long goalToAST(long z3context, long goal) { int subgoalFormulasCount = Native.goalSize(z3context, goal); long[] subgoalFormulas = new long[subgoalFormulasCount]; for (int k = 0; k < subgoalFormulasCount; k++) { long f = Native.goalFormula(z3context, goal, k); Native.incRef(z3context, f); subgoalFormulas[k] = f; } try { return subgoalFormulas.length == 1 ? subgoalFormulas[0] : Native.mkAnd(z3context, subgoalFormulas.length, subgoalFormulas); } finally { for (int k = 0; k < subgoalFormulasCount; k++) { Native.decRef(z3context, subgoalFormulas[k]); } } } /** Closing the context. */ public void forceClose() { cleanupReferences(); // Force clean all ASTs, even those which were not GC'd yet. // Is a no-op if phantom reference handling is not enabled. for (long ast : referenceMap.values()) { Native.decRef(getEnv(), ast); } } }