Java tutorial
/* * JavaSMT is an API wrapper for a collection of SMT solvers. * This file is part of JavaSMT. * * Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Dirk Beyer * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.sosy_lab.java_smt.solvers.z3; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import org.sosy_lab.java_smt.basicimpl.AbstractBooleanFormulaManager; class Z3BooleanFormulaManager extends AbstractBooleanFormulaManager<Long, Long, Long, Long> { private final long z3context; private final long z3true; private final long z3false; Z3BooleanFormulaManager(Z3FormulaCreator creator) { super(creator); z3context = creator.getEnv(); z3true = Native.mkTrue(z3context); Native.incRef(z3context, z3true); z3false = Native.mkFalse(z3context); Native.incRef(z3context, z3false); } @Override protected Long makeVariableImpl(String varName) { long type = getFormulaCreator().getBoolType(); return getFormulaCreator().makeVariable(type, varName); } @Override protected Long makeBooleanImpl(boolean pValue) { if (pValue) { return Native.mkTrue(z3context); } else { return Native.mkFalse(z3context); } } @Override protected Long not(Long pParam) { return Native.mkNot(z3context, pParam); } @Override protected Long and(Long pParam1, Long pParam2) { if (isTrue(pParam1)) { return pParam2; } else if (isTrue(pParam2)) { return pParam1; } else if (isFalse(pParam1)) { return z3false; } else if (isFalse(pParam2)) { return z3false; } else if (Native.isEqAst(z3context, pParam1, pParam2)) { return pParam1; } return Native.mkAnd(z3context, 2, new long[] { pParam1, pParam2 }); } @Override protected Long or(Long pParam1, Long pParam2) { if (isTrue(pParam1)) { return z3true; } else if (isTrue(pParam2)) { return z3true; } else if (isFalse(pParam1)) { return pParam2; } else if (isFalse(pParam2)) { return pParam1; } else if (Native.isEqAst(z3context, pParam1, pParam2)) { return pParam1; } return Native.mkOr(z3context, 2, new long[] { pParam1, pParam2 }); } @Override protected Long orImpl(Collection<Long> params) { if (params.size() == 2) { Iterator<Long> it = params.iterator(); return or(,; } return Native.mkOr(z3context, params.size(), Longs.toArray(params)); } @Override protected Long andImpl(Collection<Long> params) { if (params.size() == 2) { Iterator<Long> it = params.iterator(); return and(,; } return Native.mkAnd(z3context, params.size(), Longs.toArray(params)); } @Override protected Long xor(Long pParam1, Long pParam2) { return Native.mkXor(z3context, pParam1, pParam2); } @Override protected Long equivalence(Long pBits1, Long pBits2) { return Native.mkEq(z3context, pBits1, pBits2); } @Override protected Long implication(Long pBits1, Long pBits2) { return Native.mkImplies(z3context, pBits1, pBits2); } @Override protected boolean isTrue(Long pParam) { return Native.isEqAst(z3context, pParam, z3true); } @Override protected boolean isFalse(Long pParam) { return Native.isEqAst(z3context, pParam, z3false); } @Override protected Long ifThenElse(Long pCond, Long pF1, Long pF2) { return Native.mkIte(z3context, pCond, pF1, pF2); } }