Java tutorial
/* * CPAchecker is a tool for configurable software verification. * This file is part of CPAchecker. * * Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Dirk Beyer * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * * CPAchecker web page: * */ package; import static; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.Configuration; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.FileOption; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.InvalidConfigurationException; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.Option; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.Options; import; import org.sosy_lab.common.log.LogManager; import org.sosy_lab.common.time.Timer; import; import; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.CPAcheckerResult.Result; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.ShutdownNotifier; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.defaults.VariableTrackingPrecision; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.interfaces.ConfigurableProgramAnalysis; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.interfaces.Statistics; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.interfaces.StatisticsProvider; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.interfaces.WrapperCPA; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.reachedset.ReachedSet; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.exceptions.CPAException; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util.AbstractStates; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util.CPAs; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util.Precisions; import; import; import; @Options(prefix = "cpa.value.refinement") public class ValueAnalysisImpactRefiner implements UnsoundRefiner, StatisticsProvider { @Option(secure = true, description = "whether or not to do lazy-abstraction", name = "restart", toUppercase = true) private RestartStrategy restartStrategy = RestartStrategy.TOP; @Option(secure = true, description = "whether to use the top-down interpolation strategy or the bottom-up interpolation strategy") private boolean useTopDownInterpolationStrategy = true; @Option(secure = true, description = "globalPrec") private boolean useGlobalPrecision = false; @Option(secure = true, description = "when to export the interpolation tree" + "\nNEVER: never export the interpolation tree" + "\nFINAL: export the interpolation tree once after each refinement" + "\nALWAYD: export the interpolation tree once after each interpolation, i.e. multiple times per refinmenet", values = { "NEVER", "FINAL", "ALWAYS" }) private String exportInterpolationTree = "NEVER"; @Option(secure = true, description = "export interpolation trees to this file template") @FileOption(FileOption.Type.OUTPUT_FILE) private PathTemplate interpolationTreeExportFile = PathTemplate.ofFormatString(""); ValueAnalysisPathInterpolator interpolatingRefiner; ValueAnalysisFeasibilityChecker checker; private VariableTrackingPrecision globalPrecision = null; private final LogManager logger; // statistics private int refinementCounter = 0; private int targetCounter = 0; private final Timer totalTime = new Timer(); private final ARGCPA argCpa; public static ValueAnalysisImpactRefiner create(final ConfigurableProgramAnalysis pCpa) throws InvalidConfigurationException { final ValueAnalysisCPA valueAnalysisCpa = CPAs.retrieveCPA(pCpa, ValueAnalysisCPA.class); if (valueAnalysisCpa == null) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException( ValueAnalysisImpactRefiner.class.getSimpleName() + " needs a ValueAnalysisCPA"); } valueAnalysisCpa.injectRefinablePrecision(); ARGCPA argCpa = null; if (pCpa instanceof WrapperCPA) { argCpa = ((WrapperCPA) pCpa).retrieveWrappedCpa(ARGCPA.class); } else { throw new InvalidConfigurationException("ARG CPA needed for refinement"); } if (argCpa == null) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException("ARG CPA needed for refinement"); } ValueAnalysisImpactRefiner refiner = new ValueAnalysisImpactRefiner(valueAnalysisCpa.getConfiguration(), valueAnalysisCpa.getLogger(), valueAnalysisCpa.getShutdownNotifier(), valueAnalysisCpa.getCFA(), argCpa); valueAnalysisCpa.getStats().addRefiner(refiner); return refiner; } private ValueAnalysisImpactRefiner(final Configuration pConfig, final LogManager pLogger, final ShutdownNotifier pShutdownNotifier, final CFA pCfa, final ARGCPA pArgCpa) throws InvalidConfigurationException { pConfig.inject(this); logger = pLogger; argCpa = pArgCpa; interpolatingRefiner = new ValueAnalysisPathInterpolator(pConfig, pLogger, pShutdownNotifier, pCfa); checker = new ValueAnalysisFeasibilityChecker(pLogger, pCfa, pConfig); } @Override public boolean performRefinement(final ReachedSet pReached) throws CPAException, InterruptedException { logger.log(Level.FINEST, "performing global refinement ..."); totalTime.start(); refinementCounter++; List<ARGState> targets = getErrorStates(pReached); targetCounter = targetCounter + targets.size(); // stop once any feasible counterexample is found if (isAnyPathFeasible(new ARGReachedSet(pReached), getTargetPaths(targets))) { totalTime.stop(); return false; } ValueAnalysisInterpolationTree interpolationTree = new ValueAnalysisInterpolationTree(logger, targets, useTopDownInterpolationStrategy); Set<ARGState> interpolatedTargets = new HashSet<>(); while (interpolationTree.hasNextPathForInterpolation()) { ARGPath errorPath = interpolationTree.getNextPathForInterpolation(); if (errorPath == null) { logger.log(Level.FINEST, "skipping interpolation, error path is empty, because initial interpolant is already false"); continue; } ValueAnalysisInterpolant initialItp = interpolationTree.getInitialInterpolantForPath(errorPath); if (initialInterpolantIsTooWeak(interpolationTree.getRoot(), initialItp, errorPath)) { errorPath = ARGUtils.getOnePathTo(errorPath.getLastState()); initialItp = ValueAnalysisInterpolant.createInitial(); } logger.log(Level.FINEST, "performing interpolation, starting at ", errorPath.getFirstState().getStateId(), ", using interpolant ", initialItp); interpolatedTargets.add(errorPath.getLastState()); interpolationTree.addInterpolants(interpolatingRefiner.performInterpolation(errorPath, initialItp)); if (interpolationTreeExportFile != null && exportInterpolationTree.equals("ALWAYS")) { interpolationTree.exportToDot(interpolationTreeExportFile, refinementCounter); } logger.log(Level.FINEST, "finished interpolation #"); } if (interpolationTreeExportFile != null && exportInterpolationTree.equals("FINAL") && !exportInterpolationTree.equals("ALWAYS")) { interpolationTree.exportToDot(interpolationTreeExportFile, refinementCounter); } /* try (Writer w = Files.openOutputFile(Paths.get("output/ARG_" + totalRefinements + ".dot"))) { ARGUtils.writeARGAsDot(w, (ARGState)pReached.getFirstState()); } catch (IOException e) { logger.logUserException(Level.WARNING, e, "Could not write ARG to file"); } */ createGlobalPrecision(pReached, interpolationTree); Set<ARGState> strengthenedStates = strengthenStates(interpolationTree); ARGReachedSet argReachedSet = new ARGReachedSet(pReached, argCpa); // this only works correctly for non-global-refinement for now, doesn't it? for (ARGState interpolatedTarget : interpolatedTargets) { tryToCoverArg(strengthenedStates, argReachedSet, interpolatedTarget); } Set<ARGState> weakStates = new HashSet<>(); for (Map.Entry<ARGState, ValueAnalysisInterpolant> itp : interpolationTree.getInterpolantMapping()) { ARGState currentState = itp.getKey(); if (interpolationTree.hasInterpolantForState(currentState) && interpolationTree.getInterpolantForState(currentState).isTrivial()) { continue; } if (strengthenedStates.contains(currentState) && currentState.getChildren().size() > 1) { VariableTrackingPrecision currentPrecision = extractPrecision(pReached, currentState); Multimap<CFANode, MemoryLocation> increment = HashMultimap.create(); for (MemoryLocation memoryLocation : interpolationTree.getInterpolantForState(currentState) .getMemoryLocations()) { increment.put(new CFANode("dummy"), memoryLocation); } // does not clear waitlist if (!currentState.isCovered()) { if (useGlobalPrecision) { argReachedSet.readdToWaitlist(currentState, globalPrecision, VariableTrackingPrecision.isMatchingCPAClass(ValueAnalysisCPA.class)); } else { argReachedSet.readdToWaitlist(currentState, currentPrecision.withIncrement(increment), VariableTrackingPrecision.isMatchingCPAClass(ValueAnalysisCPA.class)); } } weakStates.addAll(currentState.getChildren()); } } removeInfeasiblePartsOfArg(interpolationTree, argReachedSet); weakStates.removeAll(strengthenedStates); for (ARGState leave : weakStates) { if (leave.isDestroyed()) { continue; } // remove subtree of non-strengthened state, it will be rediscovered anyway // because parent was readded to waitlist before argReachedSet.cutOffSubtree(leave); } totalTime.stop(); return true; } private void createGlobalPrecision(final ReachedSet pReached, ValueAnalysisInterpolationTree interpolationTree) { for (ARGState root : interpolationTree.obtainRefinementRoots(RestartStrategy.BOTTOM)) { Collection<ARGState> targetsReachableFromRoot = interpolationTree.getTargetsInSubtree(root); // join the precisions of the subtree of this roots into a single precision final VariableTrackingPrecision subTreePrecision = joinSubtreePrecisions(pReached, targetsReachableFromRoot); Multimap<CFANode, MemoryLocation> extractPrecisionIncrement = interpolationTree .extractPrecisionIncrement(root); VariableTrackingPrecision currentPrecision = subTreePrecision.withIncrement(extractPrecisionIncrement); if (globalPrecision != null) { currentPrecision = currentPrecision.join(globalPrecision); } globalPrecision = currentPrecision; } } //////////////////////// IMPACT STUFF /////////////////////////// @Override public void forceRestart(ReachedSet reached) { ARGState firstChild = Iterables.getOnlyElement(((ARGState) reached.getFirstState()).getChildren()); new ARGReachedSet(reached).removeSubtree(firstChild, globalPrecision, VariableTrackingPrecision.isMatchingCPAClass(ValueAnalysisCPA.class)); } private Set<ARGState> strengthenStates(ValueAnalysisInterpolationTree interpolationTree) { Set<ARGState> strengthenedStates = new HashSet<>(); for (Map.Entry<ARGState, ValueAnalysisInterpolant> entry : interpolationTree.getInterpolantMapping()) { if (!entry.getValue().isTrivial()) { ARGState state = entry.getKey(); ValueAnalysisInterpolant itp = entry.getValue(); ValueAnalysisState valueState = AbstractStates.extractStateByType(state, ValueAnalysisState.class); if (itp.strengthen(valueState, state)) { strengthenedStates.add(state); } } } return strengthenedStates; } private void tryToCoverArg(Set<ARGState> strengthenedStates, ARGReachedSet reached, ARGState lastState) { ARGState coverageRoot = null; ARGPath errorPath = ARGUtils.getOnePathTo(lastState); for (ARGState state : errorPath.asStatesList()) { if (strengthenedStates.contains(state)) { try { // it might became (unsoundly!) covered in a previous iteration of another target path if (state.isCovered() // or it might be covered by now || reached.tryToCover(state, true)) { coverageRoot = state; break; } } catch (CPAException | InterruptedException e) { throw new Error(); } } } if (coverageRoot != null) { for (ARGState children : coverageRoot.getSubgraph()) { if (!children.isCovered()) { children.setCovered(coverageRoot); } } } } private void removeInfeasiblePartsOfArg(ValueAnalysisInterpolationTree interpolationTree, ARGReachedSet reached) { for (ARGState root : interpolationTree.obtainCutOffRoots()) { reached.cutOffSubtree(root); } } private boolean initialInterpolantIsTooWeak(ARGState root, ValueAnalysisInterpolant initialItp, ARGPath errorPath) throws CPAException, InterruptedException { // if the first state of the error path is the root, the interpolant cannot be to weak if (errorPath.getFirstState() == root) { return false; } // for all other cases, check if the path is feasible when using the interpolant as initial state return checker.isFeasible(errorPath, initialItp.createValueAnalysisState()); } private VariableTrackingPrecision joinSubtreePrecisions(final ReachedSet pReached, Collection<ARGState> targetsReachableFromRoot) { VariableTrackingPrecision precision = extractPrecision(pReached, Iterables.getLast(targetsReachableFromRoot)); // join precisions of all target states for (ARGState target : targetsReachableFromRoot) { VariableTrackingPrecision precisionOfTarget = extractPrecision(pReached, target); precision = precision.join(precisionOfTarget); } return precision; } private VariableTrackingPrecision extractPrecision(final ReachedSet pReached, ARGState state) { return (VariableTrackingPrecision) Precisions.asIterable(pReached.getPrecision(state)) .filter(VariableTrackingPrecision.isMatchingCPAClass(ValueAnalysisCPA.class)).get(0); } private boolean isAnyPathFeasible(final ARGReachedSet pReached, final Collection<ARGPath> errorPaths) throws CPAException, InterruptedException { ARGPath feasiblePath = null; for (ARGPath currentPath : errorPaths) { if (isErrorPathFeasible(currentPath)) { feasiblePath = currentPath; } } // remove all other target states, so that only one is left (for CEX-checker) if (feasiblePath != null) { for (ARGPath others : errorPaths) { if (others != feasiblePath) { pReached.removeSubtree(others.getLastState()); } } return true; } return false; } private boolean isErrorPathFeasible(final ARGPath errorPath) throws CPAException, InterruptedException { if (checker.isFeasible(errorPath)) { logger.log(Level.FINEST, "found a feasible cex - returning from refinement"); return true; } return false; } /** * This method returns the list of paths to the target states, sorted by the * length of the paths, in ascending order. * * @param targetStates the target states for which to get the target paths * @return the list of paths to the target states */ private List<ARGPath> getTargetPaths(final Collection<ARGState> targetStates) { List<ARGPath> errorPaths = new ArrayList<>(targetStates.size()); for (ARGState target : targetStates) { errorPaths.add(ARGUtils.getOnePathTo(target)); } // sort the list, as shorter paths are cheaper during interpolation // TODO: does this matter? Any other cost-measures, i.e., quality of // interpolants, etc. worth trying? Collections.sort(errorPaths, new Comparator<ARGPath>() { @Override public int compare(ARGPath path1, ARGPath path2) { return path1.size() - path2.size(); } }); return errorPaths; } private List<ARGState> getErrorStates(final ReachedSet pReached) { List<ARGState> targets = from(pReached).transform(AbstractStates.toState(ARGState.class)) .filter(AbstractStates.IS_TARGET_STATE).toList(); assert !targets.isEmpty(); logger.log(Level.FINEST, "number of targets found: " + targets.size()); return targets; } @Override public void collectStatistics(final Collection<Statistics> pStatsCollection) { pStatsCollection.add(new Statistics() { @Override public String getName() { return "ValueAnalysisGlobalRefiner"; } @Override public void printStatistics(final PrintStream pOut, final Result pResult, final ReachedSet pReached) { ValueAnalysisImpactRefiner.this.printStatistics(pOut, pResult, pReached); } }); } private void printStatistics(final PrintStream out, final Result pResult, final ReachedSet pReached) { if (refinementCounter > 0) { out.println("Total number of refinements: " + String.format(Locale.US, "%9d", refinementCounter)); out.println("Total number of targets found: " + String.format(Locale.US, "%9d", targetCounter)); out.println("Total time for global refinement: " + totalTime); interpolatingRefiner.printStatistics(out, pResult, pReached); } } }