Java tutorial
/* * CPAchecker is a tool for configurable software verification. * This file is part of CPAchecker. * * Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Dirk Beyer * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * * CPAchecker web page: * */ package; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.exceptions.UnrecognizedCodeException; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.exceptions.UnsupportedCCodeException; import; import; public class SignCExpressionVisitor extends DefaultCExpressionVisitor<SIGN, UnrecognizedCodeException> implements CRightHandSideVisitor<SIGN, UnrecognizedCodeException> { private CFAEdge edgeOfExpr; private SignState state; private SignTransferRelation transferRel; public SignCExpressionVisitor(CFAEdge pEdgeOfExpr, SignState pState, SignTransferRelation pTransferRel) { edgeOfExpr = pEdgeOfExpr; state = pState; transferRel = pTransferRel; } @Override public SIGN visit(CFunctionCallExpression pIastFunctionCallExpression) throws UnrecognizedCodeException { // TODO possibly treat typedef types differently // e.g. x = non_det() where non_det is extern, unknown function allways assume returns any value if (pIastFunctionCallExpression.getExpressionType() instanceof CSimpleType || pIastFunctionCallExpression.getExpressionType() instanceof CTypedefType) { return SIGN.ALL; } return null; } @Override protected SIGN visitDefault(CExpression pExp) throws UnrecognizedCodeException { throw new UnrecognizedCodeException("unsupported code found", edgeOfExpr); } @Override public SIGN visit(CCastExpression e) throws UnrecognizedCodeException { return e.getOperand().accept(this); // TODO correct? } @Override public SIGN visit(CFieldReference e) throws UnrecognizedCodeException { return state.getSignForVariable(transferRel.getScopedVariableName(e)); } @Override public SIGN visit(CArraySubscriptExpression e) throws UnrecognizedCodeException { // TODO possibly may become preciser return SIGN.ALL; } @Override public SIGN visit(CIdExpression pIastIdExpression) throws UnrecognizedCodeException { return state.getSignForVariable(transferRel.getScopedVariableName(pIastIdExpression)); } @Override public SIGN visit(CBinaryExpression pIastBinaryExpression) throws UnrecognizedCodeException { SIGN left = pIastBinaryExpression.getOperand1().accept(this); SIGN right = pIastBinaryExpression.getOperand2().accept(this); Set<SIGN> leftAtomSigns = left.split(); Set<SIGN> rightAtomSigns = right.split(); SIGN result = SIGN.EMPTY; for (List<SIGN> signCombi : Sets.cartesianProduct(ImmutableList.of(leftAtomSigns, rightAtomSigns))) { result = result .combineWith(evaluateExpression(signCombi.get(0), pIastBinaryExpression, signCombi.get(1))); } return result; } private SIGN evaluateExpression(SIGN pLeft, CBinaryExpression pExp, SIGN pRight) throws UnsupportedCCodeException { SIGN result = SIGN.EMPTY; switch (pExp.getOperator()) { case PLUS: result = evaluatePlusOperator(pLeft, pExp.getOperand1(), pRight, pExp.getOperand2()); break; case MINUS: result = evaluateMinusOperator(pLeft, pRight, pExp.getOperand2()); break; case MULTIPLY: result = evaluateMulOperator(pLeft, pRight); break; case DIVIDE: result = evaluateDivideOperator(pLeft, pRight); break; case MODULO: result = evaluateModuloOperator(pLeft, pRight); break; case BINARY_AND: result = evaluateAndOperator(pLeft, pRight); break; default: throw new UnsupportedCCodeException("Not supported", edgeOfExpr); } return result; } @Override public SIGN visit(CFloatLiteralExpression pIastFloatLiteralExpression) throws UnrecognizedCodeException { BigDecimal value = pIastFloatLiteralExpression.getValue(); int cResult = value.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO); if (cResult == 1) { return SIGN.PLUS; } else if (cResult == -1) { return SIGN.MINUS; } return SIGN.ZERO; } @Override public SIGN visit(CIntegerLiteralExpression pIastIntegerLiteralExpression) throws UnrecognizedCodeException { BigInteger value = pIastIntegerLiteralExpression.getValue(); int cResult = value.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO); if (cResult == 1) { return SIGN.PLUS; } else if (cResult == -1) { return SIGN.MINUS; } return SIGN.ZERO; } @Override public SIGN visit(CStringLiteralExpression e) throws UnrecognizedCodeException { return SIGN.ALL; } @Override public SIGN visit(CCharLiteralExpression e) throws UnrecognizedCodeException { return SIGN.ALL; } @Override public SIGN visit(CUnaryExpression pIastUnaryExpression) throws UnrecognizedCodeException { switch (pIastUnaryExpression.getOperator()) { case MINUS: SIGN result = SIGN.EMPTY; SIGN operandSign = pIastUnaryExpression.getOperand().accept(this); for (SIGN atomSign : operandSign.split()) { result = result.combineWith(evaluateUnaryExpression(pIastUnaryExpression.getOperator(), atomSign)); } return result; default: throw new UnsupportedCCodeException("Not supported", edgeOfExpr, pIastUnaryExpression); } } private static SIGN evaluateUnaryExpression(UnaryOperator operator, SIGN operand) { if (operand == SIGN.ZERO) { return SIGN.ZERO; } if (operator == UnaryOperator.MINUS && operand == SIGN.PLUS) { return SIGN.MINUS; } return SIGN.PLUS; } private SIGN evaluatePlusOperator(SIGN pLeft, CExpression pLeftExp, SIGN pRight, CExpression pRightExp) { // Special case: - + 1 => -0, 1 + - => -0 if (pLeft == SIGN.MINUS && (pRightExp instanceof CIntegerLiteralExpression) && ((CIntegerLiteralExpression) pRightExp).getValue().equals(BigInteger.ONE) || (pLeftExp instanceof CIntegerLiteralExpression) && ((CIntegerLiteralExpression) pLeftExp).getValue().equals(BigInteger.ONE) && pRight == SIGN.MINUS) { return SIGN.MINUS0; } // Special case: +0 + 1 => +, 1 + +0 => + if (pLeft == SIGN.PLUS0 && (pRightExp instanceof CIntegerLiteralExpression) && ((CIntegerLiteralExpression) pRightExp).getValue().equals(BigInteger.ONE) || (pLeftExp instanceof CIntegerLiteralExpression) && ((CIntegerLiteralExpression) pLeftExp).getValue().equals(BigInteger.ONE) && pRight == SIGN.PLUS0) { return SIGN.PLUS; } SIGN leftToRightResult = evaluateNonCommutativePlusOperator(pLeft, pRight); SIGN rightToLeftResult = evaluateNonCommutativePlusOperator(pRight, pLeft); return leftToRightResult.combineWith(rightToLeftResult); } private SIGN evaluateNonCommutativePlusOperator(SIGN pLeft, SIGN pRight) { if (pRight == SIGN.ZERO) { return pLeft; } if (pLeft == SIGN.PLUS && pRight == SIGN.MINUS) { return SIGN.ALL; } if (pLeft == SIGN.MINUS && pRight == SIGN.MINUS) { return SIGN.MINUS; } if (pLeft == SIGN.PLUS && pRight == SIGN.PLUS) { return SIGN.PLUS; } return SIGN.EMPTY; } private SIGN evaluateMinusOperator(SIGN pLeft, SIGN pRight, CExpression pRightExp) { // Special case: + - 1 => +0 if (pLeft == SIGN.PLUS && (pRightExp instanceof CIntegerLiteralExpression) && ((CIntegerLiteralExpression) pRightExp).getValue().equals(BigInteger.ONE)) { return SIGN.PLUS0; } // Special case: -0 - 1 => - if (pLeft == SIGN.MINUS0 && (pRightExp instanceof CIntegerLiteralExpression) && ((CIntegerLiteralExpression) pRightExp).getValue().equals(BigInteger.ONE)) { return SIGN.MINUS; } if (pRight == SIGN.ZERO) { return pLeft; } if (pLeft == SIGN.PLUS && pRight == SIGN.MINUS) { return SIGN.PLUS; } if (pLeft == SIGN.MINUS && pRight == SIGN.PLUS) { return SIGN.MINUS; } return SIGN.ALL; } private SIGN evaluateMulOperator(SIGN pLeft, SIGN pRight) { SIGN leftToRightResult = evaluateNonCommutativeMulOperator(pLeft, pRight); SIGN rightToLeftResult = evaluateNonCommutativeMulOperator(pRight, pLeft); return leftToRightResult.combineWith(rightToLeftResult); } private SIGN evaluateNonCommutativeMulOperator(SIGN left, SIGN right) { if (right == SIGN.ZERO) { return SIGN.ZERO; } if (left == SIGN.PLUS && right == SIGN.MINUS) { return SIGN.MINUS; } if (left == SIGN.PLUS && right == SIGN.PLUS || left == SIGN.MINUS && right == SIGN.MINUS) { return SIGN.PLUS; } return SIGN.EMPTY; } private SIGN evaluateDivideOperator(SIGN left, SIGN right) throws UnsupportedCCodeException { if (right == SIGN.ZERO) { transferRel.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Possibly dividing by zero", edgeOfExpr); return SIGN.ALL; } return evaluateMulOperator(left, right); } private SIGN evaluateModuloOperator(SIGN pLeft, SIGN pRight) { if (pLeft == SIGN.ZERO) { return SIGN.ZERO; } if (pLeft == SIGN.PLUS && (pRight == SIGN.PLUS || pRight == SIGN.MINUS)) { return SIGN.PLUS0; } if (pLeft == SIGN.MINUS && (pRight == SIGN.MINUS || pRight == SIGN.PLUS)) { return SIGN.MINUS0; } return SIGN.ALL; } // assumes that indicator bit for negative numbers is 1 private SIGN evaluateAndOperator(SIGN left, SIGN right) { if (left == SIGN.ZERO || right == SIGN.ZERO) { return SIGN.ZERO; } if (left == SIGN.PLUS || right == SIGN.PLUS) { return SIGN.PLUS0; } if (left == SIGN.MINUS && right == SIGN.MINUS) { return SIGN.MINUS0; } return SIGN.EMPTY; } }