Java tutorial
/* * CPAchecker is a tool for configurable software verification. * This file is part of CPAchecker. * * Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Dirk Beyer * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * * CPAchecker web page: * */ package; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.defaults.LatticeAbstractState; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.interfaces.AbstractState; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.interfaces.Graphable; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util.globalinfo.CFAInfo; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util.globalinfo.GlobalInfo; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util.reachingdef.ReachingDefinitionStorage; import; import; import; public class ReachingDefState implements AbstractState, Serializable, LatticeAbstractState<ReachingDefState>, Graphable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7715698130795640052L; private static final SerialProxyReach proxy = new SerialProxyReach(); public static final ReachingDefState topElement = new ReachingDefState(); private ReachingDefState stateOnLastFunctionCall; private transient Map<String, Set<DefinitionPoint>> localReachDefs; private transient Map<String, Set<DefinitionPoint>> globalReachDefs; private ReachingDefState() { } public ReachingDefState(Set<String> globalVariableNames) { stateOnLastFunctionCall = null; localReachDefs = new HashMap<>(); globalReachDefs = new HashMap<>(); addVariables(globalReachDefs, globalVariableNames, UninitializedDefinitionPoint.getInstance()); } public ReachingDefState(Map<String, Set<DefinitionPoint>> pLocalReachDefs, Map<String, Set<DefinitionPoint>> pGlobalReachDefs, ReachingDefState stateLastFuncCall) { stateOnLastFunctionCall = stateLastFuncCall; localReachDefs = pLocalReachDefs; globalReachDefs = pGlobalReachDefs; } public ReachingDefState addLocalReachDef(String variableName, CFANode pEntry, CFANode pExit) { ProgramDefinitionPoint definition = new ProgramDefinitionPoint(pEntry, pExit); return new ReachingDefState(replaceReachDef(localReachDefs, variableName, definition), globalReachDefs, stateOnLastFunctionCall); } public ReachingDefState addGlobalReachDef(String variableName, CFANode pEntry, CFANode pExit) { ProgramDefinitionPoint definition = new ProgramDefinitionPoint(pEntry, pExit); return new ReachingDefState(localReachDefs, replaceReachDef(globalReachDefs, variableName, definition), stateOnLastFunctionCall); } private Map<String, Set<DefinitionPoint>> replaceReachDef(Map<String, Set<DefinitionPoint>> toChange, String variableName, ProgramDefinitionPoint definition) { Map<String, Set<DefinitionPoint>> changed = new HashMap<>(toChange); ImmutableSet<DefinitionPoint> insert = ImmutableSet.of((DefinitionPoint) definition); changed.put(variableName, insert); return changed; } public ReachingDefState initVariables(Set<String> uninitVariableNames, Set<String> parameters, CFANode pEntry, CFANode pExit) { ProgramDefinitionPoint definition = new ProgramDefinitionPoint(pEntry, pExit); HashMap<String, Set<DefinitionPoint>> localVarsDef = new HashMap<>(); addVariables(localVarsDef, uninitVariableNames, UninitializedDefinitionPoint.getInstance()); addVariables(localVarsDef, parameters, definition); return new ReachingDefState(localVarsDef, globalReachDefs, this); } private void addVariables(Map<String, Set<DefinitionPoint>> addTo, Set<String> variableNames, DefinitionPoint definition) { ImmutableSet<DefinitionPoint> insert = ImmutableSet.of(definition); for (String name : variableNames) { addTo.put(name, insert); } } public ReachingDefState pop() { return new ReachingDefState(stateOnLastFunctionCall.localReachDefs, globalReachDefs, stateOnLastFunctionCall.stateOnLastFunctionCall); } public Map<String, Set<DefinitionPoint>> getLocalReachingDefinitions() { return this == topElement ? null : localReachDefs; } public Map<String, Set<DefinitionPoint>> getGlobalReachingDefinitions() { return this == topElement ? null : globalReachDefs; } @Override public boolean isLessOrEqual(ReachingDefState superset) { if (superset == this || superset == topElement) { return true; } if (stateOnLastFunctionCall != superset.stateOnLastFunctionCall && !compareStackStates(stateOnLastFunctionCall, superset.stateOnLastFunctionCall)) { return false; } boolean isLocalSubset; isLocalSubset = isSubsetOf(localReachDefs, superset.localReachDefs); return isLocalSubset && isSubsetOf(globalReachDefs, superset.globalReachDefs); } private boolean compareStackStates(ReachingDefState sub, ReachingDefState sup) { boolean result; do { if (sub == null || sup == null) { return false; } result = isSubsetOf(sub.getLocalReachingDefinitions(), sup.getLocalReachingDefinitions()); result = result && isSubsetOf(sub.getGlobalReachingDefinitions(), sup.getGlobalReachingDefinitions()); sub = sub.stateOnLastFunctionCall; sup = sup.stateOnLastFunctionCall; } while (sub != sup && result); return result; } private boolean isSubsetOf(Map<String, Set<DefinitionPoint>> subset, Map<String, Set<DefinitionPoint>> superset) { Set<DefinitionPoint> setSub, setSuper; if (subset == superset) { return true; } for (Entry<String, Set<DefinitionPoint>> entry : subset.entrySet()) { setSub = entry.getValue(); setSuper = superset.get(entry.getKey()); if (setSub == setSuper) { continue; } if (setSuper == null || Sets.intersection(setSub, setSuper).size() != setSub.size()) { return false; } } return true; } @Override public ReachingDefState join(ReachingDefState toJoin) { Map<String, Set<DefinitionPoint>> newLocal = null; boolean changed = false; ReachingDefState lastFunctionCall; if (toJoin == this) { return this; } if (toJoin == topElement || this == topElement) { return topElement; } if (stateOnLastFunctionCall != toJoin.stateOnLastFunctionCall) { lastFunctionCall = mergeStackStates(stateOnLastFunctionCall, toJoin.stateOnLastFunctionCall); if (lastFunctionCall == topElement) { return topElement; } if (lastFunctionCall != stateOnLastFunctionCall) { changed = true; } else { lastFunctionCall = toJoin.stateOnLastFunctionCall; } } else { lastFunctionCall = toJoin.stateOnLastFunctionCall; } Map<String, Set<DefinitionPoint>> resultOfMapUnion; resultOfMapUnion = unionMaps(localReachDefs, toJoin.localReachDefs); if (resultOfMapUnion == localReachDefs) { newLocal = toJoin.localReachDefs; } else { changed = true; newLocal = resultOfMapUnion; } resultOfMapUnion = unionMaps(globalReachDefs, toJoin.globalReachDefs); if (resultOfMapUnion == globalReachDefs) { resultOfMapUnion = toJoin.globalReachDefs; } else { changed = true; } if (changed) { assert (newLocal != null); return new ReachingDefState(newLocal, resultOfMapUnion, lastFunctionCall); } return toJoin; } private ReachingDefState mergeStackStates(ReachingDefState e1, ReachingDefState e2) { Vector<ReachingDefState> statesToMerge = new Vector<>(); do { if (e1.stateOnLastFunctionCall == null || e2.stateOnLastFunctionCall == null) { return topElement; } statesToMerge.add(e1); statesToMerge.add(e2); e1 = e1.stateOnLastFunctionCall; e2 = e2.stateOnLastFunctionCall; } while (e1 != e2); boolean changed = false; Map<String, Set<DefinitionPoint>> resultOfMapUnion; Map<String, Set<DefinitionPoint>> newLocal; ReachingDefState newStateOnLastFunctionCall = e1; for (int i = statesToMerge.size() - 1; i >= 0; i = i - 2) { resultOfMapUnion = unionMaps(statesToMerge.get(i - 1).localReachDefs, statesToMerge.get(i).localReachDefs); if (resultOfMapUnion != statesToMerge.get(i - 1).localReachDefs) { changed = true; newLocal = resultOfMapUnion; } else { newLocal = statesToMerge.get(i).localReachDefs; } resultOfMapUnion = unionMaps(statesToMerge.get(i - 1).globalReachDefs, statesToMerge.get(i).globalReachDefs); if (resultOfMapUnion != statesToMerge.get(i - 1).globalReachDefs) { changed = true; } else { resultOfMapUnion = statesToMerge.get(i).globalReachDefs; } if (!isSubsetOf(statesToMerge.get(i).globalReachDefs, resultOfMapUnion)) { isSubsetOf(statesToMerge.get(i).globalReachDefs, resultOfMapUnion); } newStateOnLastFunctionCall = new ReachingDefState(newLocal, resultOfMapUnion, newStateOnLastFunctionCall); } if (changed) { return newStateOnLastFunctionCall; } return statesToMerge.get(0); } private Map<String, Set<DefinitionPoint>> unionMaps(Map<String, Set<DefinitionPoint>> map1, Map<String, Set<DefinitionPoint>> map2) { Map<String, Set<DefinitionPoint>> newMap = new HashMap<>(); // every declared local variable of a function, global variable occurs in respective map, possibly undefined assert (map1.keySet().equals(map2.keySet())); if (map1 == map2) { return map1; } Set<DefinitionPoint> unionResult; boolean changed = false; for (Entry<String, Set<DefinitionPoint>> entry : map1.entrySet()) { String var = entry.getKey(); // decrease merge time, avoid building union if unnecessary if (entry.getValue() == map2.get(var)) { newMap.put(var, map2.get(var)); continue; } unionResult = unionSets(entry.getValue(), map2.get(var)); if (unionResult.size() != map2.get(var).size()) { changed = true; } newMap.put(var, unionResult); } assert (map1.keySet().equals(newMap.keySet())); if (changed) { return newMap; } return map1; } private Set<DefinitionPoint> unionSets(Set<DefinitionPoint> set1, Set<DefinitionPoint> set2) { HashSet<DefinitionPoint> result = new HashSet<>(); for (DefinitionPoint p : set1) { result.add(p); } for (DefinitionPoint p : set2) { result.add(p); } return result; } private Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException { if (this == topElement) { return proxy; } else { return this; } } private void writeObject( out) throws IOException { out.defaultWriteObject(); out.writeInt(ReachingDefinitionStorage.getInstance().saveMap(localReachDefs)); out.writeInt(ReachingDefinitionStorage.getInstance().saveMap(globalReachDefs)); } private void readObject( in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { in.defaultReadObject(); int id; id = in.readInt(); localReachDefs = ReachingDefinitionStorage.getInstance().getMap(id); id = in.readInt(); globalReachDefs = ReachingDefinitionStorage.getInstance().getMap(id); } private static class SerialProxyReach implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2843708585446089623L; public SerialProxyReach() { } private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException { return topElement; } } public interface DefinitionPoint { } public static class UninitializedDefinitionPoint implements DefinitionPoint, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 6987753908487106524L; private static UninitializedDefinitionPoint instance = new UninitializedDefinitionPoint(); private static final SerialProxy writeReplace = new SerialProxy(); private UninitializedDefinitionPoint() { } public static UninitializedDefinitionPoint getInstance() { return instance; } @Override public String toString() { return "?"; } private Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException { return writeReplace; } private static class SerialProxy implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2843708585446089623L; public SerialProxy() { } private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException { return instance; } } } public static class ProgramDefinitionPoint implements DefinitionPoint, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7601382286840053882L; private transient CFANode entry; private transient CFANode exit; public ProgramDefinitionPoint(CFANode pEntry, CFANode pExit) { entry = pEntry; exit = pExit; } public CFANode getDefinitionEntryLocation() { return entry; } public CFANode getDefinitionExitLocation() { return exit; } @Override public String toString() { return "(N" + entry.getNodeNumber() + ",N" + exit.getNodeNumber() + ")"; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((entry == null) ? 0 : entry.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((exit == null) ? 0 : exit.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } ProgramDefinitionPoint other = (ProgramDefinitionPoint) obj; if (entry == null) { if (other.entry != null) { return false; } } else if (!entry.equals(other.entry)) { return false; } if (exit == null) { if (other.exit != null) { return false; } } else if (!exit.equals(other.exit)) { return false; } return true; } private void writeObject( out) throws IOException { out.writeInt(entry.getNodeNumber()); out.writeInt(exit.getNodeNumber()); } private void readObject( in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { int nodeNumber = in.readInt(); CFAInfo cfaInfo = GlobalInfo.getInstance().getCFAInfo().get(); entry = cfaInfo.getNodeByNodeNumber(nodeNumber); nodeNumber = in.readInt(); exit = cfaInfo.getNodeByNodeNumber(nodeNumber); } } @Override public String toDOTLabel() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("{"); sb.append("\\n"); sb.append(System.identityHashCode(this)); sb.append("\\n"); // create a string like: global: [varName1; varName2; ... ; ...] sb.append("global:"); sb.append(createStringOfMap(globalReachDefs)); sb.append("\\n"); // create a string like: local: [varName1; varName2; ... ; ...] sb.append("local:"); sb.append(createStringOfMap(localReachDefs)); sb.append("\\n"); sb.append(System.identityHashCode(stateOnLastFunctionCall)); sb.append("\\n"); sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); } private String createStringOfMap(Map<String, Set<DefinitionPoint>> map) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(" ["); boolean first = true; for (Entry<String, Set<DefinitionPoint>> entry : map.entrySet()) { if (first) { first = false; } else { sb.append(", "); } sb.append(" ("); sb.append(entry.getKey()); sb.append(": ["); Joiner.on("; ").appendTo(sb, entry.getValue()); sb.append("])"); } sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } @Override public boolean shouldBeHighlighted() { return false; } }