Java tutorial
/* * CPAchecker is a tool for configurable software verification. * This file is part of CPAchecker. * * Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Dirk Beyer * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * * CPAchecker web page: * */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.interfaces.AbstractState; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.interfaces.Precision; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.interfaces.Reducer; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util.predicates.pathformula.PathFormula; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util.predicates.pathformula.PathFormulaManager; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util.predicates.pathformula.SSAMap; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util.predicates.pathformula.SSAMap.SSAMapBuilder; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util.predicates.pathformula.pointeraliasing.PointerTargetSet; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util.predicates.smt.FormulaManagerView; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util.templates.Template; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util.templates.Template.Kind; import org.sosy_lab.java_smt.api.BooleanFormula; import org.sosy_lab.java_smt.api.BooleanFormulaManager; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import; /** * BAM reduction for LPI. */ class PolicyReducer implements Reducer { private final PolicyIterationManager policyIterationManager; private final FormulaManagerView fmgr; private final BooleanFormulaManager bfmgr; private final StateFormulaConversionManager stateFormulaConversionManager; private final PathFormulaManager pfmgr; private static final int STARTING_SSA_IDX = 1; PolicyReducer(PolicyIterationManager pPolicyIterationManager, FormulaManagerView pFmgr, StateFormulaConversionManager pStateFormulaConversionManager, PathFormulaManager pPfmgr) { policyIterationManager = pPolicyIterationManager; fmgr = pFmgr; stateFormulaConversionManager = pStateFormulaConversionManager; pfmgr = pPfmgr; bfmgr = fmgr.getBooleanFormulaManager(); } /** * Remove all information from the {@code expandedState} which is not * relevant to {@code context}. */ @Override public PolicyAbstractedState getVariableReducedState(AbstractState expandedState, Block context, CFANode callNode) { PolicyState pState = (PolicyState) expandedState; Preconditions.checkState(pState.isAbstract()); PolicyAbstractedState aState = pState.asAbstracted(); Set<String> blockVars = getBlockVariables(context); Map<Template, PolicyBound> newAbstraction = aState.getAbstraction().entrySet().stream() // Remove templates containing non-referenced variables. .filter(e -> blockVars.containsAll(e.getKey().getUsedVars().collect(Collectors.toSet()))) // Remove templates setting specific upper bound which would enforce an equality: // we are performing explicit weakenings in order to generate more generic summarise. .filter(e -> !isUpperBoundOnEquality(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), aState.getAbstraction())) .collect(Collectors.toMap(e -> e.getKey(), e -> e.getValue())); return PolicyAbstractedState.of(newAbstraction, aState.getNode(), policyIterationManager.getFreshLocationID(), stateFormulaConversionManager, SSAMap.emptySSAMap().withDefault(STARTING_SSA_IDX), aState.getPointerTargetSet(), // todo: might have to change pointer target set. bfmgr.makeTrue(), // During the summary generation we should not use elements from the previous recursion // level. Optional.empty(), Optional.empty()); } /** * @return Whether the {@code t} is bound to a single value (from above and below) in {@code * abstraction}, and current template is an upper bound. */ private boolean isUpperBoundOnEquality(Template t, PolicyBound bound, Map<Template, PolicyBound> abstraction) { if (t.getKind() != Kind.UPPER_BOUND) { return false; } Template negated = Template.of(t.getLinearExpression().negate()); PolicyBound negatedValue = abstraction.get(negated); return negatedValue != null && negatedValue.getBound().equals(bound.getBound()); } @Override public PolicyState getVariableExpandedState(AbstractState entryState, Block reducedContext, AbstractState summaryState) { PolicyState pEntryState = (PolicyState) entryState; PolicyState pReturnState = (PolicyState) summaryState; if (!pReturnState.isAbstract()) { // We get an intermediate state for expansion if and only if // it is a target state. return pReturnState; } Preconditions.checkState(pEntryState.isAbstract()); Preconditions.checkState(pReturnState.isAbstract()); PolicyAbstractedState aEntryState = pEntryState.asAbstracted(); PolicyAbstractedState aSummaryState = pReturnState.asAbstracted(); ImmutableMap<Template, PolicyBound> summaryAbstraction = aSummaryState.getAbstraction(); SSAMap summarySSA = aSummaryState.getSSA(); CFANode node = aSummaryState.getNode(); SSAMapBuilder builder = aEntryState.getSSA().builder(); // Increment the SSA index for all variables modified in the summary // (we conveniently have calculated them already) // leave others the same. for (String var : builder.allVariables()) { if (aEntryState.getSSA().getIndex(var) > STARTING_SSA_IDX) { builder = builder.setIndex(var, builder.getType(var), builder.getFreshIndex(var)); } } SSAMap ssa =; // Updated during precision adjustment. int locationID = aSummaryState.getLocationID(); Optional<PolicyAbstractedState> sibling = Optional.empty(); // TODO: update pointer target set. PointerTargetSet pointerTargetSet = aEntryState.getPointerTargetSet(); BooleanFormula formula = bfmgr .and(stateFormulaConversionManager.abstractStateToConstraints(fmgr, aSummaryState, false)); PathFormula pf = new PathFormula(formula, ssa, pointerTargetSet, 1); // Fake that the control has come from the entry state. PolicyIntermediateState generator = PolicyIntermediateState.of(node, pf, aEntryState); Map<Template, PolicyBound> newAbstraction = updateAbstractionForExpanded(pf, aEntryState, summaryAbstraction, summarySSA); return PolicyAbstractedState.of(newAbstraction, node, locationID, stateFormulaConversionManager, ssa, pointerTargetSet, bfmgr.makeTrue(), Optional.of(generator), sibling); } /** * Update the meta-information for policies coming from the summary edge. * * @param inputPath Path formula, which contains {@link SSAMap} equivalent to the summary * application, and the summary encoded as a formula. * @param pParent Previous abstract state, associated with the function call before the * function application. * @param summaryAbstraction Abstraction associated with the summary state. * @param summarySSA {@link SSAMap} associated with the summary. */ private Map<Template, PolicyBound> updateAbstractionForExpanded(PathFormula inputPath, PolicyAbstractedState pParent, Map<Template, PolicyBound> summaryAbstraction, SSAMap summarySSA) { ImmutableMap.Builder<Template, PolicyBound> newAbstraction = ImmutableMap.builder(); Set<Template> allTemplates = Sets.union(pParent.getAbstraction().keySet(), summaryAbstraction.keySet()); for (Template template : allTemplates) { PolicyBound pBound = summaryAbstraction.get(template); PolicyBound insertedBound = null; if (pBound != null) { // If bound for this template is present in the summary, add it after the abstraction. BooleanFormula policyFormula = stateFormulaConversionManager.templateToConstraint(template, pBound, pfmgr, fmgr, inputPath); PathFormula policy = inputPath.updateFormula(policyFormula); insertedBound = PolicyBound.of(policy, pBound.getBound(), pParent, // TODO: filter the set of dependent templates, at least pParent.getAbstraction().keySet()); } else if (template.getUsedVars().allMatch(v -> !(summarySSA.getIndex(v) > STARTING_SSA_IDX))) { // Otherwise, use the bound from the parent state. insertedBound = pParent.getBound(template).get(); } if (insertedBound != null) { newAbstraction.put(template, insertedBound); } } return; } @Override public Precision getVariableReducedPrecision(Precision precision, Block context) { // Currently, precision is a singleton. return precision; } @Override public Precision getVariableExpandedPrecision(Precision rootPrecision, Block rootContext, Precision reducedPrecision) { // Currently, precision is a singleton. return rootPrecision; } @Override public Object getHashCodeForState(AbstractState stateKey, Precision precisionKey) { PolicyState pState = (PolicyState) stateKey; // Discard all the meta-information attached to the bounds. return pState.asAbstracted().getAbstraction().entrySet().stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap(e -> e.getKey(), e -> e.getValue().getBound())); } /** * Take root state, * remove all bounds associated with global variables, * add all globals from the expandedState, * add assignment to return function value from expandedState. */ @Override public PolicyAbstractedState rebuildStateAfterFunctionCall(AbstractState rootState, AbstractState entryState, AbstractState expandedState, FunctionExitNode exitLocation) { PolicyState pRootState = (PolicyState) rootState; PolicyState pExpandedState = (PolicyState) expandedState; PolicyState pEntryState = (PolicyState) entryState; Preconditions.checkState(pRootState.isAbstract()); Preconditions.checkState(pEntryState.isAbstract()); Preconditions.checkState(pExpandedState.isAbstract()); throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Recursion is not supported by LPI+BAM yet."); } private Set<String> getBlockVariables(Block pBlock) { return pBlock.getReferencedVariables().stream().map(ReferencedVariable::getName) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); } }