Java tutorial
/* * CPAchecker is a tool for configurable software verification. * This file is part of CPAchecker. * * Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Dirk Beyer * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * * CPAchecker web page: * */ package; import static org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util.AbstractStates.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import org.sosy_lab.common.Pair; import org.sosy_lab.common.ShutdownNotifier; import org.sosy_lab.common.Triple; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.Configuration; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.InvalidConfigurationException; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.Option; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.Options; import org.sosy_lab.common.log.LogManager; import; import; import; import; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.interfaces.AbstractState; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.interfaces.Precision; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.interfaces.pcc.ProofChecker; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.reachedset.ReachedSet; import; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.exceptions.CPAException; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.exceptions.CPATransferException; import; @Options(prefix = "cpa.bam") public class BAMTransferRelationWithFixPointForRecursion extends BAMTransferRelation { @Option(secure = true, description = "if we connot determine a repeating/covering call-state, " + "we will run into CallStackOverflowException. Thus we bound the stack size (unsound!). " + "This option only limits non-covered recursion, but not a recursion " + "where we find a coverage and re-use the cached block several times. " + "The value '-1' disables this option.") private int maximalDepthForExplicitRecursion = -1; // flags of the fixpoint-algorithm for recursion private boolean recursionSeen = false; private boolean resultStatesChanged = false; private boolean targetFound = false; final Map<AbstractState, Triple<AbstractState, Precision, Block>> potentialRecursionUpdateStates = new HashMap<>(); public BAMTransferRelationWithFixPointForRecursion(Configuration pConfig, LogManager pLogger, BAMCPA bamCpa, ProofChecker wrappedChecker, BAMDataManager data, ShutdownNotifier pShutdownNotifier) throws InvalidConfigurationException { super(pConfig, pLogger, bamCpa, wrappedChecker, data, pShutdownNotifier); } @Override protected Collection<? extends AbstractState> getAbstractSuccessorsWithoutWrapping(final AbstractState pState, final Precision pPrecision) throws CPAException, InterruptedException { final CFANode node = extractLocation(pState); if (stack.isEmpty() && isHeadOfMainFunction(node)) { // we are at the start of the program (root-node of CFA). return doFixpointIterationForRecursion(pState, pPrecision, node); } if (maximalDepthForExplicitRecursion != -1 && stack.size() > maximalDepthForExplicitRecursion) { return Collections.emptySet(); } return super.getAbstractSuccessorsWithoutWrapping(pState, pPrecision); } @Override protected boolean startNewBlockAnalysis(final AbstractState pState, final CFANode node) { return partitioning.isCallNode(node) && !((ARGState) pState).getParents().isEmpty() // if no parents, we have already started a new block && (!partitioning.getBlockForCallNode(node).equals(currentBlock) || isFunctionBlock(partitioning.getBlockForCallNode(node))); } @Override protected boolean exitBlockAnalysis(final AbstractState pState, final CFANode node) { // special case: returning from a recursive function is only allowed once per state. return super.exitBlockAnalysis(pState, node) && !data.alreadyReturnedFromSameBlock(pState, currentBlock); } /** recursion is handled by callstack-reduction, so we do not check it here. */ @Override protected boolean isRecursiveCall(final CFANode node) { return false; } private Collection<? extends AbstractState> doFixpointIterationForRecursion( final AbstractState pHeadOfMainFunctionState, final Precision pPrecision, final CFANode pHeadOfMainFunction) throws CPAException, InterruptedException { assert isHeadOfMainFunction(pHeadOfMainFunction) && stack.isEmpty(); Collection<? extends AbstractState> resultStates; int iterationCounter = 0; while (true) { // fixpoint-iteration to handle recursive functions if (!targetFound) { // The target might be outside the recursive function. // If CEGAR removes the target through refinement, // we might miss the recursive function, if we reset the flags. So we do not reset them in that case. recursionSeen = false; // might be changed in recursive analysis resultStatesChanged = false; // might be changed in recursive analysis potentialRecursionUpdateStates.clear(); } logger.log(Level.FINEST, "Starting recursive analysis of main-block"); resultStates = doRecursiveAnalysis(pHeadOfMainFunctionState, pPrecision, pHeadOfMainFunction); logger.log(Level.FINEST, "Finished recursive analysis of main-block"); // EITHER: result is an target-state, return it 'as is' and let CEGAR-algorithm perform a refinement, if needed. // OR: we have completely analyzed the main-block and have not found an target-state. // now we check, if we need to unwind recursive calls further until a fixpoint is reached. targetFound = Iterables.any(resultStates, IS_TARGET_STATE); if (targetFound) { // not really a fixpoint, but we return and let CEGAR check the target-state logger.log(Level.INFO, "fixpoint-iteration aborted, because there was a target state."); break; } if (!resultStatesChanged) { logger.log(Level.INFO, "fixpoint-iteration aborted, because we did not get new states (fixpoint reached)."); break; } logger.log(Level.INFO, "fixpoint was not reached, starting new iteration", ++iterationCounter); reAddStatesForFixPointIteration(pHeadOfMainFunctionState); // continue; } return resultStates; } /** update waitlists of all reachedsets to re-explore the previously found recursive function-call. */ private void reAddStatesForFixPointIteration(final AbstractState pHeadOfMainFunctionState) { for (final AbstractState recursionUpdateState : potentialRecursionUpdateStates.keySet()) { for (final ReachedSet reachedSet : data.bamCache.getAllCachedReachedStates()) { if (reachedSet.contains(recursionUpdateState)) { logger.log(Level.FINEST, "re-adding state", recursionUpdateState); reachedSet.reAddToWaitlist(recursionUpdateState); } // else if (pHeadOfMainFunctionState == recursionUpdateState) { // special case: this is the root-state of the whole program, it is in the main-reachedset. // we have no possibility to re-add it,because we do not have access to the main-reachedset. // however we do not need to re-add it, because it is the initial-state of current transfer-relation. // } } } } /** returns a covering level or Null, if no such level is found. */ private Triple<AbstractState, Precision, Block> getCoveringLevel( final List<Triple<AbstractState, Precision, Block>> stack, final Triple<AbstractState, Precision, Block> currentLevel) throws CPAException, InterruptedException { for (Triple<AbstractState, Precision, Block> level : stack.subList(0, stack.size() - 1)) { if (level.getThird() == currentLevel.getThird() // && level.getSecond().equals(currentLevel.getSecond()) && bamCPA.isCoveredBy(currentLevel.getFirst(), level.getFirst())) { // previously reached state contains 'less' information, it is a super-state of the currentState. // From currentState we could reach the levelState again (with further unrolling). // Thus we would have found an endless recursion (with current information (precision/state)). // TODO how to compare precisions? equality would be enough return level; } } return null; } /** check, if all base-states are covered by the covering-states. * examples: * {x} is covered by {x,y,z} * {} is covered by {x,y,z} * {x} is covered by {(x or y),z} * {(x and y),z} is covered by {x,z} */ private Collection<AbstractState> getStatesNotCoveredBy(@Nonnull final Collection<AbstractState> baseStates, @Nonnull final Collection<AbstractState> coveringStates) throws CPAException, InterruptedException { final Collection<AbstractState> notCoveredStates = new ArrayList<>(); for (final AbstractState baseState : baseStates) { if (!isCoveredByAny(baseState, coveringStates)) { notCoveredStates.add(baseState); } } return notCoveredStates; } /** is there any covering-state, that covers the base-state? */ private boolean isCoveredByAny(@Nonnull final AbstractState baseState, @Nonnull final Collection<AbstractState> coveringStates) throws CPAException, InterruptedException { if (coveringStates.contains(baseState)) { return true; } for (final AbstractState coveringState : coveringStates) { if (bamCPA.isCoveredBy(baseState, coveringState)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override protected Collection<AbstractState> analyseBlockAndExpand(final AbstractState initialState, final Precision pPrecision, final Block outerSubtree, final AbstractState reducedInitialState, final Precision reducedInitialPrecision) throws CPAException, InterruptedException, CPATransferException { final CFANode node = currentBlock.getCallNode(); final Collection<AbstractState> resultStates; if (!(node instanceof FunctionEntryNode) || isHeadOfMainFunction(node)) { // block is a loop-block // or we are at the start of the main-block, we do not need the rebuilding-part for main, // so we use a simplified version of function-handling and handle it like a loop-block resultStates = super.analyseBlockAndExpand(initialState, pPrecision, outerSubtree, reducedInitialState, reducedInitialPrecision); } else { // function-entry and old block --> begin new block // TODO match only recursive function, not all functions resultStates = analyseBlockAndExpandForRecursion(initialState, pPrecision, node, outerSubtree, reducedInitialState, reducedInitialPrecision); // current location is "before" the function-return-edge. } if (recursionSeen) { // we are returning from an recursive call. // if we would need to do further analysis for recursion later (fixpoint-analysis!), // we need to know, where to update the reachedset --> store initialState for later usage potentialRecursionUpdateStates.put(initialState, Iterables.getLast(stack)); } return resultStates; } private Collection<AbstractState> analyseBlockAndExpandForRecursion(final AbstractState initialState, final Precision pPrecision, final CFANode node, final Block outerSubtree, final AbstractState reducedInitialState, final Precision reducedInitialPrecision) throws CPAException, InterruptedException, CPATransferException { assert !((ARGState) initialState).getParents().isEmpty(); // get the rootState, that is the abstract state of the functioncall. Collection<ARGState> possibleRootStates = ((ARGState) initialState).getParents(); assert possibleRootStates.size() == 1 : "too many functioncalls: " + possibleRootStates; AbstractState rootState = possibleRootStates.iterator().next(); final Collection<AbstractState> expandedFunctionReturnStates; final Triple<AbstractState, Precision, Block> coveringLevel = getCoveringLevel(stack, Iterables.getLast(stack)); if (coveringLevel != null) { // if level is twice in stack, we have endless recursion. // with current knowledge we would never abort unrolling the recursion. // lets skip the function and return only a short "summary" of the function. // this summary is the result of a previous analysis of this block from the cache. logger.logf(Level.FINEST, "recursion will cause endless unrolling (with current precision), " + "aborting call of function '%s' at state %s", node.getFunctionName(), reducedInitialState); expandedFunctionReturnStates = analyseRecursiveBlockAndExpand(initialState, pPrecision, outerSubtree, reducedInitialState, coveringLevel); } else { // enter block of function-call and start recursive analysis expandedFunctionReturnStates = super.analyseBlockAndExpand(initialState, pPrecision, outerSubtree, reducedInitialState, reducedInitialPrecision); } final Collection<AbstractState> rebuildStates = new ArrayList<>(expandedFunctionReturnStates.size()); for (final AbstractState expandedState : expandedFunctionReturnStates) { rebuildStates.add(getRebuildState(rootState, initialState, expandedState)); } return rebuildStates; } /** This method analyses a recursive procedure and * returns (expanded) abstract states from the cache, that match the current procedure, * or an empty set, if no cache entry was found. */ private Collection<AbstractState> analyseRecursiveBlockAndExpand(final AbstractState initialState, final Precision pPrecision, final Block pOuterSubtree, final AbstractState pReducedInitialState, final Triple<AbstractState, Precision, Block> pCoveringLevel) throws CPATransferException { recursionSeen = true; // after this point we have to check all returnStates for changes. // If no changes are found, we have found the fixpoint. // try to get previously computed states from cache final Pair<ReachedSet, Collection<AbstractState>> pair = //argCache.get(reducedInitialState, reducedInitialPrecision, currentBlock); data.bamCache.get(pCoveringLevel.getFirst(), pCoveringLevel.getSecond(), pCoveringLevel.getThird()); final ReachedSet reached = pair.getFirst(); final Collection<AbstractState> previousResult = pair.getSecond(); final Collection<Pair<AbstractState, Precision>> reducedResult; assert reached != null : "cached entry has no reached set"; if (previousResult == null) { // outer block was not finished, abort recursion reducedResult = Collections.emptySet(); logger.logf(Level.FINEST, "skipping recursive call with new empty result (root is %s)", reached.getFirstState()); } else { // use previously computed outer block as inner block, // this is equal to 'add one recursive step' in the recursion reducedResult = imbueAbstractStatesWithPrecision(reached, previousResult); logger.logf(Level.FINEST, "skipping recursive call with cached result (root is %s)", reached.getFirstState()); } data.initialStateToReachedSet.put(initialState, reached); addBlockAnalysisInfo(pReducedInitialState); return expandResultStates(reducedResult, pOuterSubtree, initialState, pPrecision); } /** We try to get a smaller set of states for further analysis. * We check, which states were already analyzed further in a previous iteration of the fixpoint-algorithm. * Those states are excluded from further analysis. */ @Override protected Collection<AbstractState> filterResultStatesForFurtherAnalysis( final Collection<AbstractState> reducedResult, final Collection<AbstractState> cachedReturnStates) throws CPAException, InterruptedException { final Collection<AbstractState> statesForFurtherAnalysis; if (cachedReturnStates == null) { logger.log(Level.FINEST, "there was no cache-entry for result-states."); resultStatesChanged = true; statesForFurtherAnalysis = reducedResult; } else { // this is the result from a previous analysis of a recursive function-call // now we check, if we really get new states or if all new states (= reducedResult) are final Collection<AbstractState> newStates = getStatesNotCoveredBy(reducedResult, cachedReturnStates); if (newStates.isEmpty()) { // analysis of recursive function did not produce more states. logger.log(Level.FINEST, "all previous return-states are covering the current new states, no new states found."); } else { // new states found, set flag for fixpoint-analysis and return (and later update the cache). logger.log(Level.FINEST, "some cached result-states are not covered. returning new result-states."); resultStatesChanged = true; } // we are in an the fixpoint-algorithm for recursion, // we have already analyzed all covered states in the previous iteration, // thus we only need to analyze the remaining states. // this is an optimization, statesForFurtherAnalysis = newStates; } return statesForFurtherAnalysis; } /** Reconstruct the resulting state from root-, entry- and expanded-state. * Also cleanup and update the ARG with the new build state. */ private AbstractState getRebuildState(final AbstractState rootState, final AbstractState entryState, final AbstractState expandedState) { logger.log(Level.ALL, "rebuilding state with root state", rootState); logger.log(Level.ALL, "rebuilding state with entry state", entryState); logger.log(Level.ALL, "rebuilding state with expanded state", expandedState); final CFANode location = extractLocation(expandedState); if (!(location instanceof FunctionExitNode)) { logger.log(Level.ALL, "rebuilding skipped because of non-function-exit-location"); assert isTargetState(expandedState) : "only target states are returned without rebuild"; return expandedState; } final AbstractState rebuildState = wrappedReducer.rebuildStateAfterFunctionCall(rootState, entryState, expandedState, (FunctionExitNode) location); logger.log(Level.ALL, "rebuilding finished with state", rebuildState); // in the ARG of the outer block we have now the connection "rootState <-> expandedState" assert ((ARGState) expandedState).getChildren().isEmpty() && ((ARGState) expandedState).getParents().size() == 1 : "unexpected expanded state: " + expandedState; assert ((ARGState) entryState).getChildren().contains(expandedState) : "successor of entry state " + entryState + " must be expanded state " + expandedState; // we replace this connection with "rootState <-> rebuildState" ((ARGState) expandedState).removeFromARG(); ((ARGState) rebuildState).addParent((ARGState) entryState); // also clean up local data structures data.replaceStateInCaches(expandedState, rebuildState, true); return rebuildState; } }