Java tutorial
/* * CPAchecker is a tool for configurable software verification. * This file is part of CPAchecker. * * Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Dirk Beyer * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * * CPAchecker web page: * */ package; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Stack; import org.sosy_lab.common.Pair; import; import; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.reachedset.ReachedSet; import; import; import; class BAMARGUtils { private BAMARGUtils() { } public static Multimap<Block, ReachedSet> gatherReachedSets(BAMCPA cpa, ReachedSet finalReachedSet) { Multimap<Block, ReachedSet> result = HashMultimap.create(); gatherReachedSets(cpa, cpa.getBlockPartitioning().getMainBlock(), finalReachedSet, result); return result; } private static void gatherReachedSets(BAMCPA cpa, Block block, ReachedSet reachedSet, Multimap<Block, ReachedSet> blockToReachedSet) { if (blockToReachedSet.containsEntry(block, reachedSet)) { return; //avoid looping in recursive block calls } blockToReachedSet.put(block, reachedSet); ARGState firstElement = (ARGState) reachedSet.getFirstState(); Deque<ARGState> worklist = new LinkedList<>(); Set<ARGState> processed = new HashSet<>(); worklist.add(firstElement); while (worklist.size() != 0) { ARGState currentElement = worklist.removeLast(); assert reachedSet.contains(currentElement); if (processed.contains(currentElement)) { continue; } processed.add(currentElement); for (ARGState child : currentElement.getChildren()) { CFAEdge edge = currentElement.getEdgeToChild(child); if (edge == null) { //this is a summary edge Pair<Block, ReachedSet> pair = cpa.getTransferRelation().getCachedReachedSet(currentElement, reachedSet.getPrecision(currentElement)); gatherReachedSets(cpa, pair.getFirst(), pair.getSecond(), blockToReachedSet); } if (!worklist.contains(child)) { if (reachedSet.contains(child)) { worklist.add(child); } } } } } public static ARGState copyARG(ARGState pRoot) { HashMap<ARGState, ARGState> stateToCopyElem = new HashMap<>(); HashSet<ARGState> visited = new HashSet<>(); Stack<ARGState> toVisit = new Stack<>(); ARGState current, copyState, copyStateInner; visited.add(pRoot); toVisit.add(pRoot); while (!toVisit.isEmpty()) { current = toVisit.pop(); if (stateToCopyElem.get(current) == null) { copyState = copyNode(current); stateToCopyElem.put(current, copyState); } else { copyState = stateToCopyElem.get(current); } for (ARGState c : current.getChildren()) { if (stateToCopyElem.get(c) == null) { copyStateInner = copyNode(c); stateToCopyElem.put(c, copyStateInner); } else { copyStateInner = stateToCopyElem.get(c); } copyStateInner.addParent(copyState); if (!visited.contains(c)) { visited.add(c); toVisit.add(c); } } if (current.isCovered()) { if (stateToCopyElem.get(current.getCoveringState()) == null) { copyStateInner = copyNode(current.getCoveringState()); stateToCopyElem.put(current.getCoveringState(), copyStateInner); } else { copyStateInner = stateToCopyElem.get(current.getCoveringState()); } if (!visited.contains(current.getCoveringState())) { visited.add(current.getCoveringState()); toVisit.add(current.getCoveringState()); } copyState.setCovered(copyStateInner); } } return stateToCopyElem.get(pRoot); } private static ARGState copyNode(ARGState toCopy) { ARGState copyState; if (toCopy instanceof BAMARGBlockStartState) { copyState = new BAMARGBlockStartState(toCopy.getWrappedState(), null); ((BAMARGBlockStartState) copyState) .setAnalyzedBlock(((BAMARGBlockStartState) toCopy).getAnalyzedBlock()); } else { copyState = new ARGState(toCopy.getWrappedState(), null); } return copyState; } }