Java tutorial
/* * CPAchecker is a tool for configurable software verification. * This file is part of CPAchecker. * * Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Dirk Beyer * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * * CPAchecker web page: * */ package; import static; import static; import static; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.logging.Level; import org.sosy_lab.common.Pair; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.Configuration; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.InvalidConfigurationException; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.Option; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.Options; import org.sosy_lab.common.log.LogManager; import org.sosy_lab.common.time.Timer; import; import; import; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.defaults.SingleEdgeTransferRelation; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.interfaces.AbstractState; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.interfaces.Precision; import; import; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.exceptions.CPATransferException; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util.SourceLocationMapper; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util.statistics.StatIntHist; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util.statistics.StatKind; import; import; import; import; import; /** The TransferRelation of this CPA determines the AbstractSuccessor of a {@link AutomatonState} * and strengthens an {@link AutomatonState.AutomatonUnknownState}. */ @Options(prefix = "cpa.automaton") class AutomatonTransferRelation extends SingleEdgeTransferRelation { @Option(secure = true, description = "Collect information about matched (and traversed) tokens.") private boolean collectTokenInformation = false; private final ControlAutomatonCPA cpa; private final LogManager logger; Timer totalPostTime = new Timer(); Timer matchTime = new Timer(); Timer assertionsTime = new Timer(); Timer actionTime = new Timer(); Timer totalStrengthenTime = new Timer(); StatIntHist automatonSuccessors = new StatIntHist(StatKind.AVG, "Automaton transfer successors"); public AutomatonTransferRelation(ControlAutomatonCPA pCpa, Configuration config, LogManager pLogger) throws InvalidConfigurationException { config.inject(this); = pCpa; this.logger = pLogger; } @Override public Collection<? extends AbstractState> getAbstractSuccessorsForEdge(AbstractState pElement, Precision pPrecision, CFAEdge pCfaEdge) throws CPATransferException { Preconditions.checkArgument(pElement instanceof AutomatonState); if (pElement instanceof AutomatonUnknownState) { // the last CFA edge could not be processed properly // (strengthen was not called on the AutomatonUnknownState or the strengthen operation had not enough information to determine a new following state.) AutomatonState top = cpa.getTopState(); return Collections.singleton(top); } if (!(pCfaEdge instanceof MultiEdge)) { Collection<? extends AbstractState> result = getAbstractSuccessors0((AutomatonState) pElement, pPrecision, pCfaEdge); automatonSuccessors.setNextValue(result.size()); return result; } final List<CFAEdge> edges = ((MultiEdge) pCfaEdge).getEdges(); checkArgument(!edges.isEmpty()); // As long as each transition produces only 0 or 1 successors, // we can just iterate through the edges. AutomatonState currentState = (AutomatonState) pElement; Collection<AutomatonState> currentSuccessors = null; int edgeIndex; for (edgeIndex = 0; edgeIndex < edges.size(); edgeIndex++) { CFAEdge edge = edges.get(edgeIndex); currentSuccessors = getAbstractSuccessors0(currentState, pPrecision, edge); if (currentSuccessors.isEmpty()) { automatonSuccessors.setNextValue(0); return currentSuccessors; // bottom } else if (currentSuccessors.size() == 1) { automatonSuccessors.setNextValue(1); currentState = Iterables.getOnlyElement(currentSuccessors); } else { // currentSuccessors.size() > 1 break; } } if (edgeIndex == edges.size()) { automatonSuccessors.setNextValue(currentSuccessors.size()); return currentSuccessors; } // If there are two or more successors once, we use a waitlist algorithm. Deque<Pair<AutomatonState, Integer>> queue = new ArrayDeque<>(1); for (AutomatonState successor : currentSuccessors) { queue.addLast(Pair.of(successor, edgeIndex)); } currentSuccessors.clear(); List<AutomatonState> results = new ArrayList<>(); while (!queue.isEmpty()) { Pair<AutomatonState, Integer> entry = queue.pollFirst(); AutomatonState state = entry.getFirst(); edgeIndex = entry.getSecond(); CFAEdge edge = edges.get(edgeIndex); Integer successorIndex = edgeIndex + 1; if (successorIndex == edges.size()) { // last iteration results.addAll(getAbstractSuccessors0(state, pPrecision, edge)); } else { for (AutomatonState successor : getAbstractSuccessors0(state, pPrecision, edge)) { queue.addLast(Pair.of(successor, successorIndex)); } } } automatonSuccessors.setNextValue(results.size()); return results; } private Collection<AutomatonState> getAbstractSuccessors0(AutomatonState pElement, Precision pPrecision, CFAEdge pCfaEdge) throws CPATransferException { totalPostTime.start(); try { if (pElement instanceof AutomatonUnknownState) { // happens only inside MultiEdges, // here we have no chance (because strengthen is called only at the end of the edge), // so we just stay in the previous state pElement = ((AutomatonUnknownState) pElement).getPreviousState(); } return getFollowStates(pElement, null, pCfaEdge, false); } finally { totalPostTime.stop(); } } /** * Returns the <code>AutomatonStates</code> that follow this State in the ControlAutomatonCPA. * If the passed <code>AutomatonExpressionArguments</code> are not sufficient to determine the following state * this method returns a <code>AutomatonUnknownState</code> that contains this as previous State. * The strengthen method of the <code>AutomatonUnknownState</code> should be used once enough Information is available to determine the correct following State. * * If the state is a NonDet-State multiple following states may be returned. * If the only following state is BOTTOM an empty set is returned. * @throws CPATransferException */ private Collection<AutomatonState> getFollowStates(AutomatonState state, List<AbstractState> otherElements, CFAEdge edge, boolean failOnUnknownMatch) throws CPATransferException { Preconditions.checkArgument(!(state instanceof AutomatonUnknownState)); if (state == cpa.getBottomState()) { return Collections.emptySet(); } if (collectTokenInformation) { SourceLocationMapper.getKnownToEdge(edge); } if (state.getInternalState().getTransitions().isEmpty()) { // shortcut return Collections.singleton(state); } Collection<AutomatonState> lSuccessors = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(2); AutomatonExpressionArguments exprArgs = new AutomatonExpressionArguments(state, state.getVars(), otherElements, edge, logger); boolean edgeMatched = false; int failedMatches = 0; boolean nonDetState = state.getInternalState().isNonDetState(); // these transitions cannot be evaluated until last, because they might have sideeffects on other CPAs (dont want to execute them twice) // the transitionVariables have to be cached (produced during the match operation) // the list holds a Transition and the TransitionVariables generated during its match List<Pair<AutomatonTransition, Map<Integer, String>>> transitionsToBeTaken = new ArrayList<>(2); for (AutomatonTransition t : state.getInternalState().getTransitions()) { exprArgs.clearTransitionVariables(); matchTime.start(); ResultValue<Boolean> match = t.match(exprArgs); matchTime.stop(); if (match.canNotEvaluate()) { if (failOnUnknownMatch) { throw new CPATransferException( "Automaton transition condition could not be evaluated: " + match.getFailureMessage()); } // if one transition cannot be evaluated the evaluation must be postponed until enough information is available return Collections.<AutomatonState>singleton(new AutomatonUnknownState(state)); } else { if (match.getValue()) { edgeMatched = true; assertionsTime.start(); ResultValue<Boolean> assertionsHold = t.assertionsHold(exprArgs); assertionsTime.stop(); if (assertionsHold.canNotEvaluate()) { if (failOnUnknownMatch) { throw new CPATransferException( "Automaton transition assertions could not be evaluated: " + assertionsHold.getFailureMessage()); } // cannot yet be evaluated return Collections.<AutomatonState>singleton(new AutomatonUnknownState(state)); } else if (assertionsHold.getValue()) { if (!t.canExecuteActionsOn(exprArgs)) { if (failOnUnknownMatch) { throw new CPATransferException("Automaton transition action could not be executed"); } // cannot yet execute, goto UnknownState return Collections.<AutomatonState>singleton(new AutomatonUnknownState(state)); } // delay execution as described above Map<Integer, String> transitionVariables = ImmutableMap .copyOf(exprArgs.getTransitionVariables()); transitionsToBeTaken.add(Pair.of(t, transitionVariables)); } else { // matching transitions, but unfulfilled assertions: goto error state AutomatonState errorState = AutomatonState.automatonStateFactory( Collections.<String, AutomatonVariable>emptyMap(), AutomatonInternalState.ERROR, cpa, 0, 0, ""); logger.log(Level.INFO, "Automaton going to ErrorState on edge \"" + edge.getDescription() + "\""); lSuccessors.add(errorState); } if (!nonDetState) { // not a nondet State, break on the first matching edge break; } } else { // do nothing if the edge did not match failedMatches++; } } } if (edgeMatched) { // execute Transitions for (Pair<AutomatonTransition, Map<Integer, String>> pair : transitionsToBeTaken) { // this transition will be taken. copy the variables AutomatonTransition t = pair.getFirst(); Map<Integer, String> transitionVariables = pair.getSecond(); actionTime.start(); Map<String, AutomatonVariable> newVars = deepCloneVars(state.getVars()); exprArgs.setAutomatonVariables(newVars); exprArgs.putTransitionVariables(transitionVariables); t.executeActions(exprArgs); actionTime.stop(); String violatedPropertyDescription = null; if (t.getFollowState().isTarget()) { violatedPropertyDescription = t.getViolatedPropertyDescription(exprArgs); } AutomatonState lSuccessor = AutomatonState.automatonStateFactory(newVars, t.getFollowState(), cpa, t.getAssumptions(), state.getMatches() + 1, state.getFailedMatches(), violatedPropertyDescription); if (!(lSuccessor instanceof AutomatonState.BOTTOM)) { lSuccessors.add(lSuccessor); } else { // add nothing } } return lSuccessors; } else { // stay in same state, no transitions to be executed here (no transition matched) AutomatonState stateNewCounters = AutomatonState.automatonStateFactory(state.getVars(), state.getInternalState(), cpa, state.getMatches(), state.getFailedMatches() + failedMatches, null); if (collectTokenInformation) { stateNewCounters.addNoMatchTokens(state.getTokensSinceLastMatch()); if (edge.getEdgeType() != CFAEdgeType.DeclarationEdge) { stateNewCounters .addNoMatchTokens(SourceLocationMapper.getAbsoluteTokensFromCFAEdge(edge, true)); } } return Collections.singleton(stateNewCounters); } } private static Map<String, AutomatonVariable> deepCloneVars(Map<String, AutomatonVariable> pOld) { Map<String, AutomatonVariable> result = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(pOld.size()); for (Entry<String, AutomatonVariable> e : pOld.entrySet()) { result.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue().clone()); } return result; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.interfaces.TransferRelation#strengthen(org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.interfaces.AbstractState, java.util.List,, org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.interfaces.Precision) */ @Override public Collection<? extends AbstractState> strengthen(AbstractState pElement, List<AbstractState> pOtherElements, CFAEdge pCfaEdge, Precision pPrecision) throws CPATransferException { if (!(pElement instanceof AutomatonUnknownState)) { return null; } else { totalStrengthenTime.start(); AutomatonUnknownState lUnknownState = (AutomatonUnknownState) pElement; Collection<? extends AbstractState> lSuccessors = getFollowStates(lUnknownState.getPreviousState(), pOtherElements, pCfaEdge, true); totalStrengthenTime.stop(); assert !from(lSuccessors).anyMatch(instanceOf(AutomatonUnknownState.class)); return lSuccessors; } } }