Java tutorial
/* * CPAchecker is a tool for configurable software verification. * This file is part of CPAchecker. * * Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Dirk Beyer * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * * CPAchecker web page: * */ package; import static; import static; import static; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.sosy_lab.common.Appender; import org.sosy_lab.common.Pair; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.Configuration; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.FileOption; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.InvalidConfigurationException; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.Option; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.Options; import; import; import; import org.sosy_lab.common.log.LogManager; import; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.CounterexampleInfo; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.counterexample.CFAEdgeWithAssignments; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.counterexample.CFAMultiEdgeWithAssignments; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.counterexample.CFAPathWithAssignments; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.counterexample.Model; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util.cwriter.PathToCTranslator; import; import; import; @Options(prefix = "cpa.arg.errorPath") public class CEXExporter { @Option(secure = true, name = "enabled", description = "export error path to file, if one is found") private boolean exportErrorPath = true; @Option(secure = true, name = "file", description = "export error path to file, if one is found") @FileOption(FileOption.Type.OUTPUT_FILE) private PathTemplate errorPathFile = PathTemplate.ofFormatString("ErrorPath.%d.txt"); @Option(secure = true, name = "core", description = "export error path to file, if one is found") @FileOption(FileOption.Type.OUTPUT_FILE) private PathTemplate errorPathCoreFile = PathTemplate.ofFormatString("ErrorPath.%d.core.txt"); @Option(secure = true, name = "source", description = "export error path to file, if one is found") @FileOption(FileOption.Type.OUTPUT_FILE) private PathTemplate errorPathSourceFile = PathTemplate.ofFormatString("ErrorPath.%d.c"); @Option(secure = true, name = "exportAsSource", description = "translate error path to C program") private boolean exportSource = true; @Option(secure = true, name = "json", description = "export error path to file, if one is found") @FileOption(FileOption.Type.OUTPUT_FILE) private PathTemplate errorPathJson = PathTemplate.ofFormatString("ErrorPath.%d.json"); @Option(secure = true, name = "assignment", description = "export one variable assignment for error path to file, if one is found") @FileOption(FileOption.Type.OUTPUT_FILE) private PathTemplate errorPathAssignment = PathTemplate.ofFormatString("ErrorPath.%d.assignment.txt"); @Option(secure = true, name = "graph", description = "export error path to file, if one is found") @FileOption(FileOption.Type.OUTPUT_FILE) private PathTemplate errorPathGraphFile = PathTemplate.ofFormatString(""); @Option(secure = true, name = "automaton", description = "export error path to file as an automaton") @FileOption(FileOption.Type.OUTPUT_FILE) private PathTemplate errorPathAutomatonFile = PathTemplate.ofFormatString("ErrorPath.%d.spc"); @Option(secure = true, name = "graphml", description = "export error path to file as an automaton to a graphml file") @FileOption(FileOption.Type.OUTPUT_FILE) private PathTemplate errorPathAutomatonGraphmlFile = null; @Option(secure = true, name = "exportImmediately", description = "export error paths to files immediately after they were found") private boolean dumpErrorPathImmediately = false; private final LogManager logger; private final ARGPathExport witnessExporter; public CEXExporter(Configuration config, LogManager logger) throws InvalidConfigurationException { config.inject(this); this.logger = logger; this.witnessExporter = new ARGPathExport(config); if (!exportSource) { errorPathSourceFile = null; } if (errorPathAssignment == null && errorPathCoreFile == null && errorPathFile == null && errorPathGraphFile == null && errorPathJson == null && errorPathSourceFile == null && errorPathAutomatonFile == null && errorPathAutomatonGraphmlFile == null) { exportErrorPath = false; } } /** * Export an Error Trace in different formats, for example as C-file, dot-file or automaton. * * @param pTargetState state of an ARG, used as fallback, if pCounterexampleInfo contains no targetPath. * @param pCounterexampleInfo contains further information and the (optional) targetPath. * If the targetPath is available, it will be used for the output. * Otherwise we use backwards reachable states from pTargetState. * @param cexIndex should be a unique index for the CEX and will be used to enumerate files. * @param allTargetPathEdges can be used to collect edges. All targetPath-edges are added to it. * @param reallyWriteToDisk enable/disable output to files. */ public void exportCounterexample(final ARGState pTargetState, @Nullable final CounterexampleInfo pCounterexampleInfo, int cexIndex, @Nullable final Set<Pair<ARGState, ARGState>> allTargetPathEdges, boolean reallyWriteToDisk) { checkNotNull(pTargetState); final ARGPath targetPath = checkNotNull(getTargetPath(pTargetState, pCounterexampleInfo)); final Set<Pair<ARGState, ARGState>> targetPathEdges = getEdgesOfPath(targetPath); if (allTargetPathEdges != null) { allTargetPathEdges.addAll(targetPathEdges); } if (reallyWriteToDisk && exportErrorPath && pCounterexampleInfo != null) { exportCounterexample(pTargetState, cexIndex, pCounterexampleInfo, targetPath,; } } private void exportCounterexample(final ARGState lastState, final int cexIndex, @Nullable final CounterexampleInfo counterexample, @Nonnull final ARGPath targetPath, final Predicate<Pair<ARGState, ARGState>> isTargetPathEdge) { final ARGState rootState = targetPath.getFirstState(); writeErrorPathFile(errorPathFile, cexIndex, createErrorPathWithVariableAssignmentInformation(targetPath.getInnerEdges(), counterexample)); if (errorPathCoreFile != null) { // the shrinked errorPath only includes the nodes, // that are important for the error, it is not a complete path, // only some nodes of the targetPath are part of it ErrorPathShrinker pathShrinker = new ErrorPathShrinker(); List<CFAEdge> shrinkedErrorPath = pathShrinker.shrinkErrorPath(targetPath); writeErrorPathFile(errorPathCoreFile, cexIndex, createErrorPathWithVariableAssignmentInformation(shrinkedErrorPath, counterexample)); } writeErrorPathFile(errorPathJson, cexIndex, new Appender() { @Override public void appendTo(Appendable pAppendable) throws IOException { if (counterexample != null && counterexample.getTargetPathModel() != null && counterexample.getTargetPathModel().getCFAPathWithAssignments() != null) { counterexample.getTargetPathModel().getCFAPathWithAssignments().toJSON(pAppendable, targetPath); } else { targetPath.toJSON(pAppendable); } } }); final Set<ARGState> pathElements; Appender pathProgram = null; if (counterexample != null && counterexample.getTargetPath() != null) { // precise error path pathElements = targetPath.getStateSet(); if (errorPathSourceFile != null) { pathProgram = PathToCTranslator.translateSinglePath(targetPath); } } else { // Imprecise error path. // For the text export, we have no other chance, // but for the C code and graph export we use all existing paths // to avoid this problem. pathElements = ARGUtils.getAllStatesOnPathsTo(lastState); if (errorPathSourceFile != null) { pathProgram = PathToCTranslator.translatePaths(rootState, pathElements); } } if (pathProgram != null) { writeErrorPathFile(errorPathSourceFile, cexIndex, pathProgram); } writeErrorPathFile(errorPathGraphFile, cexIndex, new Appender() { @Override public void appendTo(Appendable pAppendable) throws IOException { ARGToDotWriter.write(pAppendable, rootState, ARGUtils.CHILDREN_OF_STATE,, isTargetPathEdge); } }); writeErrorPathFile(errorPathAutomatonFile, cexIndex, new Appender() { @Override public void appendTo(Appendable pAppendable) throws IOException { ARGUtils.producePathAutomaton(pAppendable, rootState, pathElements, "ErrorPath" + cexIndex, counterexample); } }); if (counterexample != null) { if (counterexample.getTargetPathModel() != null) { writeErrorPathFile(errorPathAssignment, cexIndex, counterexample.getTargetPathModel()); } for (Pair<Object, PathTemplate> info : counterexample.getAllFurtherInformation()) { if (info.getSecond() != null) { writeErrorPathFile(info.getSecond(), cexIndex, info.getFirst()); } } } writeErrorPathFile(errorPathAutomatonGraphmlFile, cexIndex, new Appender() { @Override public void appendTo(Appendable pAppendable) throws IOException { witnessExporter.writePath(pAppendable, rootState, ARGUtils.CHILDREN_OF_STATE,, isTargetPathEdge, counterexample); } }); } private Appender createErrorPathWithVariableAssignmentInformation(final List<CFAEdge> edgePath, final CounterexampleInfo counterexample) { final Model model = counterexample == null ? null : counterexample.getTargetPathModel(); return new Appender() { @Override public void appendTo(Appendable out) throws IOException { // Write edges mixed with assigned values. CFAPathWithAssignments exactValuePath = model.getExactVariableValuePath(edgePath); if (exactValuePath != null) { printPreciseValues(out, exactValuePath); } else { printAllValues(out, edgePath); } } private void printAllValues(Appendable out, List<CFAEdge> pEdgePath) throws IOException { for (CFAEdge edge : from(pEdgePath).filter(notNull())) { out.append(edge.toString()); out.append(System.lineSeparator()); //TODO Erase, counterexample is supposed to be independent of Assignable terms for (Model.AssignableTerm term : model.getAllAssignedTerms(edge)) { out.append('\t'); out.append(term.toString()); out.append(": "); out.append(model.get(term).toString()); out.append(System.lineSeparator()); } } } private void printPreciseValues(Appendable out, CFAPathWithAssignments pExactValuePath) throws IOException { for (CFAEdgeWithAssignments edgeWithAssignments : from(pExactValuePath).filter(notNull())) { if (edgeWithAssignments instanceof CFAMultiEdgeWithAssignments) { for (CFAEdgeWithAssignments singleEdge : (CFAMultiEdgeWithAssignments) edgeWithAssignments) { printPreciseValues(out, singleEdge); } } else { printPreciseValues(out, edgeWithAssignments); } } } private void printPreciseValues(Appendable out, CFAEdgeWithAssignments edgeWithAssignments) throws IOException { out.append(edgeWithAssignments.getCFAEdge().toString()); out.append(System.lineSeparator()); String cCode = edgeWithAssignments.prettyPrintCode(1); if (cCode != null) { out.append(cCode); } String comment = edgeWithAssignments.getComment(); if (comment != null) { out.append('\t'); out.append(comment); out.append(System.lineSeparator()); } } }; } private ARGPath getTargetPath(final ARGState targetState, @Nullable final CounterexampleInfo counterexample) { ARGPath targetPath = null; if (counterexample != null) { targetPath = counterexample.getTargetPath(); } if (targetPath == null) { // try to find one // This is imprecise if there are several paths in the ARG, // because we randomly select one existing path, // but this path may actually be infeasible. targetPath = ARGUtils.getOnePathTo(targetState); } return targetPath; } private void writeErrorPathFile(PathTemplate template, int cexIndex, Object content) { if (template != null) { // fill in index in file name Path file = template.getPath(cexIndex); try { Files.writeFile(file, content); } catch (IOException e) { logger.logUserException(Level.WARNING, e, "Could not write information about the error path to file"); } } } private static Set<Pair<ARGState, ARGState>> getEdgesOfPath(ARGPath pPath) { Set<Pair<ARGState, ARGState>> result = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(pPath.size()); Iterator<ARGState> it = pPath.asStatesList().iterator(); assert it.hasNext(); ARGState lastElement =; while (it.hasNext()) { ARGState currentElement =; result.add(Pair.of(lastElement, currentElement)); lastElement = currentElement; } return result; } public boolean shouldDumpErrorPathImmediately() { return dumpErrorPathImmediately; } }