Java tutorial
/* * CPAchecker is a tool for configurable software verification. * This file is part of CPAchecker. * * Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Dirk Beyer * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * * CPAchecker web page: * */ package; import static*; import static; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.logging.Level; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.sosy_lab.common.Pair; import org.sosy_lab.common.collect.CopyOnWriteSortedMap; import org.sosy_lab.common.collect.PathCopyingPersistentTreeMap; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.Configuration; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.InvalidConfigurationException; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.Option; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.Options; import org.sosy_lab.common.log.LogManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.ShutdownNotifier; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util.CFAUtils; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util.LoopStructure; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util.LoopStructure.Loop; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Instances of this class are used to apply single loop transformation to * control flow automata. */ @Options(prefix = "cfa.transformIntoSingleLoop") public class CFASingleLoopTransformation { public static final String ARTIFICIAL_PROGRAM_COUNTER_FUNCTION_NAME = " "; /** * The name of the program counter variable introduced by the transformation. */ public static final String PROGRAM_COUNTER_VAR_NAME = "___pc"; /** * The description of the dummy edges used. */ private static final String DUMMY_EDGE = "DummyEdge"; private static final Predicate<CFAEdge> DUMMY_EDGE_PREDICATE = new Predicate<CFAEdge>() { @Override public boolean apply(@Nullable CFAEdge pArg0) { return isDummyEdge(pArg0); } }; /** * The log manager. */ private final LogManager logger; /** * The shutdown notifier used. */ private final ShutdownNotifier shutdownNotifier; @Option(secure = true, description = "Single loop transformation builds a decision tree based on" + " the program counter values. This option causes the last program" + " counter value not to be explicitly assumed in the decision tree," + " so that it is only indirectly represented by the assumption of" + " falsehood for all other assumptions in the decision tree.") private boolean omitExplicitLastProgramCounterAssumption = false; @Option(secure = true, description = "This option controls the size of the subgraphs referred" + " to by program counter values. The larger the subgraphs, the" + " fewer program counter values are required. Possible values are " + " MULTIPLE_PATHS, SINGLE_PATH and SINGLE_EDGE, where" + " MULTIPLE_PATHS has the largest subgraphs (and fewest program" + " counter values) and SINGLE_EDGE has the smallest subgraphs (and" + " most program counter values). The larger the subgraphs, the" + " closer the resulting graph will look like the original CFA.") private SubGraphGrowthStrategy subgraphGrowthStrategy = SubGraphGrowthStrategy.MULTIPLE_PATHS; /** * Creates a new single loop transformer. * * @param pLogger the log manager to be used. * @param pConfig the configuration used. * * @throws InvalidConfigurationException if the configuration is invalid. */ private CFASingleLoopTransformation(LogManager pLogger, Configuration pConfig, ShutdownNotifier pShutdownNotifier) throws InvalidConfigurationException { this.logger = pLogger; this.shutdownNotifier = pShutdownNotifier; pConfig.inject(this); } /** * Gets a single loop transformation strategy using the given log manager, configuration and optional shutdown notifier. * * @param pLogger the log manager used. * @param pConfig the configuration used. * @param pShutdownNotifier the optional shutdown notifier. * * @return a single loop transformation strategy. * * @throws InvalidConfigurationException if the configuration is invalid. */ public static CFASingleLoopTransformation getSingleLoopTransformation(LogManager pLogger, Configuration pConfig, @Nullable ShutdownNotifier pShutdownNotifier) throws InvalidConfigurationException { return new CFASingleLoopTransformation(pLogger, pConfig, pShutdownNotifier); } /** * Applies the single loop transformation to the given CFA. * * @param pInputCFA the control flow automaton to be transformed. * @param pVarClassification the variable classification. * @param pLoopStructure the current loop structure. * * @return a new CFA with at most one loop. * @throws InvalidConfigurationException if the configuration this transformer was created with is invalid. * @throws InterruptedException if a shutdown has been requested by the registered shutdown notifier. */ public MutableCFA apply(MutableCFA pInputCFA) throws InvalidConfigurationException, InterruptedException { // If the transformation is not necessary, return the original graph if (pInputCFA.getLoopStructure().isPresent()) { LoopStructure loopStructure = pInputCFA.getLoopStructure().get(); if (loopStructure.getCount() == 0) { // no loops, nothing to do return pInputCFA; } if (loopStructure.getCount() == 1) { Loop singleLoop = Iterables.getOnlyElement(loopStructure.getAllLoops()); boolean modificationRequired = singleLoop.getLoopHeads().size() > 1 || from(singleLoop.getIncomingEdges()).filter(not(instanceOf(CFunctionReturnEdge.class))) .size() > 1; if (!modificationRequired) { return pInputCFA; } } } CopyOnWriteSortedMap<CFANode, CFANode> globalNewToOld = CopyOnWriteSortedMap .copyOf(PathCopyingPersistentTreeMap.<CFANode, CFANode>of()); // Create new main function entry and initialize the program counter there FunctionEntryNode oldMainFunctionEntryNode = pInputCFA.getMainFunction(); FunctionEntryNode start = (FunctionEntryNode) getOrCreateNewFromOld(oldMainFunctionEntryNode, globalNewToOld); SingleLoopHead loopHead = new SingleLoopHead(); Queue<CFANode> nodes = new ArrayDeque<>(getAllNodes(oldMainFunctionEntryNode)); // Eliminate self loops eliminateSelfLoops(nodes); Multimap<Integer, CFANode> newPredecessorsToPC = LinkedHashMultimap.create(); Map<Integer, CFANode> newSuccessorsToPC = new LinkedHashMap<>(); globalNewToOld.put(oldMainFunctionEntryNode, start); // Create new nodes and assume edges based on program counter values leading to the new nodes int pcValueOfStart = buildProgramCounterValueMaps(oldMainFunctionEntryNode, nodes, newPredecessorsToPC, newSuccessorsToPC, globalNewToOld); // Declare program counter and initialize it String pcVarName = PROGRAM_COUNTER_VAR_NAME; CInitializerExpression pcInitializer = new CInitializerExpression(FileLocation.DUMMY, new CIntegerLiteralExpression(FileLocation.DUMMY, CNumericTypes.INT, BigInteger.valueOf(pcValueOfStart))); CDeclaration pcDeclaration = new CVariableDeclaration(FileLocation.DUMMY, true, CStorageClass.AUTO, CNumericTypes.INT, pcVarName, pcVarName, pcVarName, pcInitializer); CIdExpression pcIdExpression = new CIdExpression(FileLocation.DUMMY, pcDeclaration); CFANode declarationDummy = newSuccessorsToPC.get(pcValueOfStart); CFAEdge pcDeclarationEdge = new CDeclarationEdge(String.format("int %s = %d;", pcVarName, pcValueOfStart), FileLocation.DUMMY, start, declarationDummy, pcDeclaration); ImmutableBiMap<Integer, CFANode> newSuccessorsToPCImmutable = ImmutableBiMap.copyOf(newSuccessorsToPC); addToNodes(pcDeclarationEdge); // Remove trivial dummy subgraphs and other dummy edges etc. simplify(start, newPredecessorsToPC, newSuccessorsToPC, newSuccessorsToPCImmutable, globalNewToOld); /* * Connect the subgraph tails to their successors via the loop head by * setting the corresponding program counter values. */ connectSubgraphLeavingNodesToLoopHead(loopHead, newPredecessorsToPC, pcIdExpression); // Connect the subgraph entry nodes by assuming the program counter values connectLoopHeadToSubgraphEntryNodes(loopHead, newSuccessorsToPC, pcIdExpression, new CBinaryExpressionBuilder(pInputCFA.getMachineModel(), logger)); /* * Fix the summary edges broken by the indirection introduced by the * artificial loop. */ fixSummaryEdges(start, newSuccessorsToPCImmutable, globalNewToOld); // Build the CFA from the syntactically reachable nodes return buildCFA(start, loopHead, pInputCFA.getMachineModel(), pInputCFA.getLanguage()); } /** * Simplify the new graph by removing empty subgraphs and dummy edges. * * @param pStartNode the start node of the new control flow automaton. * @param pNewPredecessorsToPC the mapping of program counter value assignment predecessors to program counter values. Must be mutable. * @param pNewSuccessorsToPC the mapping of program counter value assumption successors to program counter values. Must be mutable. * @param pGlobalNewToOld * @throws InterruptedException if a shutdown has been requested by the registered shutdown notifier. */ private void simplify(CFANode pStartNode, Multimap<Integer, CFANode> pNewPredecessorsToPC, Map<Integer, CFANode> pNewSuccessorsToPC, BiMap<Integer, CFANode> pImmutableNewSuccessorsToPC, Map<CFANode, CFANode> pGlobalNewToOld) throws InterruptedException { Map<CFANode, Integer> pcToNewSuccessors = pImmutableNewSuccessorsToPC.inverse(); for (int replaceablePCValue : new ArrayList<>(pNewPredecessorsToPC.keySet())) { this.shutdownNotifier.shutdownIfNecessary(); CFANode newSuccessor = pNewSuccessorsToPC.get(replaceablePCValue); List<CFANode> tailsOfRedundantSubgraph = new ArrayList<>(pNewPredecessorsToPC.get(replaceablePCValue)); for (CFANode tailOfRedundantSubgraph : tailsOfRedundantSubgraph) { Integer precedingPCValue; CFAEdge dummyEdge; // If a subgraph consists only of a dummy edge, eliminate it completely if (tailOfRedundantSubgraph.getNumEnteringEdges() == 1 && isDummyEdge(dummyEdge = tailOfRedundantSubgraph.getEnteringEdge(0)) && dummyEdge.getPredecessor().getNumEnteringEdges() == 0 && (precedingPCValue = pcToNewSuccessors.get(dummyEdge.getPredecessor())) != null) { Integer predToRemove = pcToNewSuccessors.get(newSuccessor); CFANode removed = pNewSuccessorsToPC.remove(predToRemove); assert removed == newSuccessor; for (CFANode removedPredecessor : pNewPredecessorsToPC.removeAll(predToRemove)) { pNewPredecessorsToPC.put(precedingPCValue, removedPredecessor); } pNewPredecessorsToPC.remove(precedingPCValue, tailOfRedundantSubgraph); pNewSuccessorsToPC.remove(precedingPCValue); pNewSuccessorsToPC.put(precedingPCValue, newSuccessor); } } } for (CFAEdge oldDummyEdge : findEdges(DUMMY_EDGE_PREDICATE, pStartNode)) { this.shutdownNotifier.shutdownIfNecessary(); CFANode successor = pGlobalNewToOld.get(oldDummyEdge.getSuccessor()); for (CFAEdge edge : CFAUtils.enteringEdges(successor).toList()) { if (isDummyEdge(edge)) { removeFromNodes(edge); CFANode predecessor = edge.getPredecessor(); /* * If the subgraph is entered by a dummy edge adjust the program * counter successor. */ Integer precedingPCValue; if (predecessor.getNumEnteringEdges() == 0 && (precedingPCValue = pcToNewSuccessors.get(predecessor)) != null) { pcToNewSuccessors.remove(predecessor); pNewSuccessorsToPC.remove(precedingPCValue); pNewSuccessorsToPC.put(precedingPCValue, edge.getSuccessor()); } else { /* * If the dummy edge is somewhere in between, replace its * predecessor by its successor in the graph. */ for (CFAEdge edgeEnteringPredecessor : CFAUtils.enteringEdges(predecessor).toList()) { removeFromNodes(edgeEnteringPredecessor); edgeEnteringPredecessor = copyCFAEdgeWithNewNodes(edgeEnteringPredecessor, edgeEnteringPredecessor.getPredecessor(), successor, pGlobalNewToOld); addToNodes(edgeEnteringPredecessor); } } } } } } /** * All function call edges calling functions where the summary edge * successor, i.e. the node succeeding the function call predecessor in the * caller function, is now a successor of the artificial decision tree, need * to be fixed in that their summary edge must now point to a different * successor: The predecessor of the assignment edge assigning the program * counter value that leads to the old successor. * * @param pStartNode the start node of the new graph. * @param pNewSuccessorsToPC the successor nodes of program counter value * assume edges mapped to their respective program counter value. * @param pGlobalNewToOld the mapping of new control flow nodes to old control * flow nodes. * * @throws InterruptedException if a shutdown has been requested by the registered shutdown notifier. */ private void fixSummaryEdges(FunctionEntryNode pStartNode, ImmutableBiMap<Integer, CFANode> pNewSuccessorsToPC, Map<CFANode, CFANode> pGlobalNewToOld) throws InterruptedException { for (FunctionCallEdge fce : findEdges(FunctionCallEdge.class, pStartNode)) { FunctionEntryNode entryNode = fce.getSuccessor(); FunctionExitNode exitNode = entryNode.getExitNode(); FunctionSummaryEdge oldSummaryEdge = fce.getSummaryEdge(); CFANode oldSummarySuccessor = fce.getSummaryEdge().getSuccessor(); Integer pcValue = pNewSuccessorsToPC.inverse().get(oldSummarySuccessor); if (pcValue != null) { // Find the correct new successor for (CFANode potentialNewSummarySuccessor : CFAUtils.successorsOf(exitNode)) { if (potentialNewSummarySuccessor.getNumLeavingEdges() == 1) { CFAEdge potentialPCValueAssignmentEdge = potentialNewSummarySuccessor.getLeavingEdge(0); if (potentialPCValueAssignmentEdge instanceof ProgramCounterValueAssignmentEdge) { ProgramCounterValueAssignmentEdge programCounterValueAssignmentEdge = (ProgramCounterValueAssignmentEdge) potentialPCValueAssignmentEdge; if (programCounterValueAssignmentEdge.getProgramCounterValue() == pcValue) { FunctionSummaryEdge newSummaryEdge = (FunctionSummaryEdge) copyCFAEdgeWithNewNodes( oldSummaryEdge, oldSummaryEdge.getPredecessor(), potentialNewSummarySuccessor, pGlobalNewToOld); // Fix function summary statement edges for (CFunctionSummaryStatementEdge edge : CFAUtils .leavingEdges(oldSummaryEdge.getPredecessor()) .filter(CFunctionSummaryStatementEdge.class)) { if (edge.getPredecessor() != newSummaryEdge.getPredecessor() || edge.getSuccessor() != newSummaryEdge.getSuccessor()) { removeFromNodes(edge); if (exitNode.getNumEnteringEdges() > 0) { CFAEdge newEdge = copyCFAEdgeWithNewNodes(edge, newSummaryEdge.getPredecessor(), newSummaryEdge.getSuccessor(), pGlobalNewToOld); addToNodes(newEdge); } } } // Fix the function summary edge removeSummaryEdgeFromNodes(oldSummaryEdge); oldSummaryEdge = newSummaryEdge.getPredecessor().getLeavingSummaryEdge(); if (oldSummaryEdge != null) { removeSummaryEdgeFromNodes(oldSummaryEdge); } newSummaryEdge.getPredecessor().addLeavingSummaryEdge(newSummaryEdge); oldSummaryEdge = newSummaryEdge.getSuccessor().getEnteringSummaryEdge(); if (oldSummaryEdge != null) { removeSummaryEdgeFromNodes(oldSummaryEdge); } newSummaryEdge.getSuccessor().addEnteringSummaryEdge(newSummaryEdge); break; } } } } } } } /** * Collects all matching edges reachable from the given start node. * * @param pTypeToken a token specifying the type of the edges. * @param pStartNode the node to start searching from. * @return all found matching edges. */ private <T extends CFAEdge> Iterable<T> findEdges(Class<T> pTypeToken, CFANode pStartNode) { return from(findEdges(instanceOf(pTypeToken), pStartNode)).filter(pTypeToken); } /** * Collects all matching edges reachable from the given start node. * * @param pPredicate a predicate specifying the edges. * @param pStartNode the node to start searching from. * @return all found matching edges. */ private Iterable<CFAEdge> findEdges(Predicate<? super CFAEdge> pPredicate, CFANode pStartNode) { Collection<CFAEdge> result = new ArrayList<>(); Set<CFANode> visited = new HashSet<>(); Queue<CFANode> waitlist = new ArrayDeque<>(); waitlist.add(pStartNode); while (!waitlist.isEmpty()) { CFANode current = waitlist.poll(); if (visited.add(current)) { for (CFAEdge edge : CFAUtils.leavingEdges(current)) { if (pPredicate.apply(edge)) { result.add(edge); } waitlist.add(edge.getSuccessor()); } } } return result; } /** * Builds the program counter value maps. * * @param pOldMainFunctionEntryNode the old main function entry node. * @param pNodes the nodes of the original graph. * @param pNewPredecessorsToPC the mapping of program counter value assignment predecessors to program counter values. Must be mutable. * @param pNewSuccessorsToPC the mapping of program counter value assumption successors to program counter values. Must be mutable. * @param pGlobalNewToOld the mapping of new control flow nodes to old control flow nodes. * * @return the initial program counter value. * @throws InterruptedException if a shutdown has been requested by the registered shutdown notifier. */ private int buildProgramCounterValueMaps(FunctionEntryNode pOldMainFunctionEntryNode, Iterable<CFANode> pNodes, Multimap<Integer, CFANode> pNewPredecessorsToPC, Map<Integer, CFANode> pNewSuccessorsToPC, CopyOnWriteSortedMap<CFANode, CFANode> pGlobalNewToOld) throws InterruptedException { Set<CFANode> visited = new HashSet<>(); Map<CFANode, CFANode> tmpMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); AcyclicGraph subgraph = null; int pcValueOfStart = -1; Set<CFANode> newWaitlistNodes = new LinkedHashSet<>(); List<Pair<CFANode, CFANode>> predecessorsAndSuccessors = new ArrayList<>(); for (CFANode subgraphRoot : pNodes) { // Mark an unvisited node as visited or discard a visited node if (!visited.add(subgraphRoot)) { continue; } this.shutdownNotifier.shutdownIfNecessary(); /* * Handle the old main entry node: There is a new main entry node and * there must only be one main entry node, so while the old node must be * represented in the transformed graph, it must no longer be a main * entry node. */ boolean isOldMainEntryNode = subgraphRoot.equals(pOldMainFunctionEntryNode); if (isOldMainEntryNode) { subgraphRoot = new CFANode(subgraphRoot.getFunctionName()); replaceInStructure(pOldMainFunctionEntryNode, subgraphRoot); CFANode newSubgraphRoot = getOrCreateNewFromOld(subgraphRoot, pGlobalNewToOld); pcValueOfStart = getPCValueFor(newSubgraphRoot); pNewSuccessorsToPC.put(pcValueOfStart, newSubgraphRoot); visited.add(subgraphRoot); } // Get an acyclic sub graph subgraph = subgraph == null ? new AcyclicGraph(subgraphRoot) : subgraph.reset(subgraphRoot); Deque<CFANode> waitlist = new ArrayDeque<>(); waitlist.add(subgraphRoot); CopyOnWriteSortedMap<CFANode, CFANode> newToOld = CopyOnWriteSortedMap.copyOf(pGlobalNewToOld); while (!waitlist.isEmpty()) { CFANode current = waitlist.poll(); assert subgraph.containsNode(current) && visited.contains(current); newWaitlistNodes.clear(); predecessorsAndSuccessors.clear(); Set<CFAEdge> edgesToRemove = new HashSet<>(); Set<CFAEdge> edgesToAdd = new HashSet<>(); for (CFAEdge edge : CFAUtils.leavingEdges(current).toList()) { CFANode next = edge.getSuccessor(); assert current != next : "Self-loops must be eliminated previously"; // Add the edge to the subgraph if no cycle is introduced by it if ((!visited.contains(next) || subgraph.containsNode(next)) && (edge.getEdgeType() == CFAEdgeType.ReturnStatementEdge || next instanceof CFATerminationNode || subgraphGrowthStrategy.isFurtherGrowthDesired(subgraph)) && subgraph.offerEdge(edge, shutdownNotifier)) { if (visited.add(next)) { newWaitlistNodes.add(next); } } else { assert tmpMap.isEmpty(); /* * Function call edges should stay with their successor, thus a * dummy predecessor is introduced between the original predecessor * and the edge. Also, all other edges of the old predecessor must * be moved to the new predecessor. */ if (edge.getEdgeType() == CFAEdgeType.FunctionCallEdge) { newWaitlistNodes.clear(); predecessorsAndSuccessors.clear(); subgraph.abort(); newToOld = CopyOnWriteSortedMap.copyOf(pGlobalNewToOld); edgesToAdd.clear(); edgesToRemove.clear(); FunctionCallEdge fce = (FunctionCallEdge) edge; tmpMap.put(next, next); tmpMap.put(fce.getSummaryEdge().getSuccessor(), fce.getSummaryEdge().getSuccessor()); // Replace the edge in the old graph and create a copy in the new graph CFAEdge newEdge = replaceAndCopy(edge, tmpMap, newToOld, edgesToRemove, edgesToAdd); // Compute the program counter for the replaced edge and map the nodes to it CFANode newPredecessor = getOrCreateNewFromOld(current, newToOld); CFANode newSuccessor = newEdge.getPredecessor(); predecessorsAndSuccessors.add(Pair.of(newPredecessor, newSuccessor)); // Move the other edges over for (CFAEdge otherEdge : CFAUtils.leavingEdges(current).toList()) { if (otherEdge != edge) { /* * Replace the edge in the old graph, as there is a new * predecessor, and create its equivalent in the new graph. */ replaceAndCopy(otherEdge, tmpMap.get(current), otherEdge.getSuccessor(), tmpMap, newToOld, edgesToRemove, edgesToAdd); } } tmpMap.clear(); // Skip the other edges, as they have already been dealt with break; } else { /* * Other edges should stay with their original predecessor, thus a * dummy successor is introduced between the edge and the original * successor */ edgesToRemove.add(edge); tmpMap.put(current, current); CFAEdge replacementEdge = copyCFAEdgeWithNewNodes(edge, tmpMap); // The replacement edge is added in place of the old edge edgesToAdd.add(replacementEdge); subgraph.addEdge(replacementEdge, shutdownNotifier); CFANode dummy = replacementEdge.getSuccessor(); // Compute the program counter for the replaced edge and map the nodes to it CFANode newPredecessor = getOrCreateNewFromOld(dummy, newToOld); CFANode newSuccessor = getOrCreateNewFromOld(next, newToOld); predecessorsAndSuccessors.add(Pair.of(newPredecessor, newSuccessor)); } tmpMap.clear(); } } pGlobalNewToOld = CopyOnWriteSortedMap.copyOf(newToOld); subgraph.commit(); waitlist.addAll(newWaitlistNodes); for (Pair<CFANode, CFANode> predecessorAndSuccessor : predecessorsAndSuccessors) { CFANode predecessor = predecessorAndSuccessor.getFirst(); CFANode successor = predecessorAndSuccessor.getSecond(); registerTransitionThroughLoopHead(predecessor, successor, pNewPredecessorsToPC, pNewSuccessorsToPC); } for (CFAEdge edgeToRemove : edgesToRemove) { removeFromNodes(edgeToRemove); } for (CFAEdge edgeToAdd : edgesToAdd) { addToNodes(edgeToAdd); } } // Copy the subgraph for (CFAEdge oldEdge : subgraph.getEdges()) { addToNodes(copyCFAEdgeWithNewNodes(oldEdge, pGlobalNewToOld)); } } return pcValueOfStart; } private void registerTransitionThroughLoopHead(CFANode pPredecessor, CFANode pSuccessor, Multimap<Integer, CFANode> pPredecessorsToPC, Map<Integer, CFANode> pSuccessorsToPC) { if (!(pPredecessor instanceof CFATerminationNode)) { int pcToSuccessor = getPCValueFor(pSuccessor); pPredecessorsToPC.put(pcToSuccessor, pPredecessor); pSuccessorsToPC.put(pcToSuccessor, pSuccessor); } } private CFAEdge replaceAndCopy(CFAEdge pOriginalEdge, @Nullable Map<CFANode, CFANode> pOldToOld, Map<CFANode, CFANode> pGlobalNewToOld, Set<CFAEdge> pEdgesToRemove, Set<CFAEdge> pEdgesToAdd) { CFANode replacementPredecessor = getOrCreateNewFromOld(pOriginalEdge.getPredecessor(), pOldToOld); CFANode replacementSuccessor = getOrCreateNewFromOld(pOriginalEdge.getSuccessor(), pOldToOld); return replaceAndCopy(pOriginalEdge, replacementPredecessor, replacementSuccessor, pOldToOld, pGlobalNewToOld, pEdgesToRemove, pEdgesToAdd); } private CFAEdge replaceAndCopy(CFAEdge pOriginalEdge, CFANode pReplacementPredecessor, CFANode pReplacementSuccessor, @Nullable Map<CFANode, CFANode> pOldToOld, Map<CFANode, CFANode> pGlobalNewToOld, Set<CFAEdge> pEdgesToRemove, Set<CFAEdge> pEdgesToAdd) { pEdgesToRemove.add(pOriginalEdge); // Replace the edge in the old graph, as there is a new predecessor CFAEdge replacementEdge = copyCFAEdgeWithNewNodes(pOriginalEdge, pReplacementPredecessor, pReplacementSuccessor, pOldToOld); // The replacement edge is added in place of the old edge pEdgesToAdd.add(replacementEdge); // Create the actual edge in the new graph CFAEdge newEdge = copyCFAEdgeWithNewNodes(replacementEdge, pGlobalNewToOld); pEdgesToAdd.add(newEdge); return newEdge; } /** * Eliminates all self loops of the given nodes by introducing dummy nodes * and edges, so that at least two nodes are involved in any loop afterwards. * * @param pNodes the nodes to check for self loops. * @throws InterruptedException if a shutdown has been requested by the registered shutdown notifier. */ private void eliminateSelfLoops(Collection<CFANode> pNodes) throws InterruptedException { List<CFANode> toAdd = new ArrayList<>(); for (CFANode node : pNodes) { this.shutdownNotifier.shutdownIfNecessary(); for (CFAEdge edge : CFAUtils.leavingEdges(node)) { CFANode successor = edge.getSuccessor(); // Eliminate a direct self edge by introducing a dummy node in between if (successor == node) { removeFromNodes(edge); Map<CFANode, CFANode> tmpMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); CFANode dummy = getOrCreateNewFromOld(successor, tmpMap); tmpMap.put(node, node); CFAEdge replacementEdge = copyCFAEdgeWithNewNodes(edge, node, dummy, tmpMap); addToNodes(replacementEdge); BlankEdge dummyEdge = new BlankEdge("", edge.getFileLocation(), dummy, successor, DUMMY_EDGE); addToNodes(dummyEdge); toAdd.add(dummy); edge = dummyEdge; } // Replace obvious endless loop "while (x) {}" by "if (x) { TERMINATION NODE }" if (edge.getEdgeType() == CFAEdgeType.AssumeEdge) { CFANode assumePredecessor = edge.getPredecessor(); CFANode current = edge.getSuccessor(); FluentIterable<CFAEdge> leavingEdges; CFAEdge leavingEdge = edge; List<CFAEdge> edgesToRemove = new ArrayList<>(); edgesToRemove.add(leavingEdge); while (!current.equals(assumePredecessor) && (leavingEdges = CFAUtils.leavingEdges(current)).size() == 1 && (leavingEdge = Iterables.getOnlyElement(leavingEdges)) .getEdgeType() == CFAEdgeType.BlankEdge) { current = leavingEdge.getSuccessor(); edgesToRemove.add(leavingEdge); } if (current.equals(assumePredecessor)) { for (CFAEdge toRemove : edgesToRemove) { removeFromNodes(toRemove); } CFANode terminationNode = new CFATerminationNode(assumePredecessor.getFunctionName()); CFAEdge newEdge = copyCFAEdgeWithNewNodes(edge, assumePredecessor, terminationNode, new LinkedHashMap<CFANode, CFANode>()); addToNodes(newEdge); toAdd.add(terminationNode); } } } } pNodes.addAll(toAdd); } /** * Builds a CFA by collecting the nodes syntactically reachable from the * start node. Any nodes belonging to functions with unreachable entry nodes * are also omitted. * * @param pStartNode the start node. * @param pLoopHead the single loop head. * @param pMachineModel the machine model. * @param pLanguage the programming language. * * @return the CFA represented by the nodes reachable from the start node. * * @throws InvalidConfigurationException if the configuration is invalid. * @throws InterruptedException if a shutdown has been requested by the registered shutdown notifier. */ private MutableCFA buildCFA(FunctionEntryNode pStartNode, CFANode pLoopHead, MachineModel pMachineModel, Language pLanguage) throws InvalidConfigurationException, InterruptedException { SortedMap<String, FunctionEntryNode> functions = new TreeMap<>(); SortedSetMultimap<String, CFANode> allNodes = mapNodesToFunctions(pStartNode, functions); // Give the loop head the lowest post order id to ensure that it is always // traversed last pLoopHead.setReversePostorderId(-1); // Instantiate the transformed graph in a preliminary form MutableCFA cfa = new MutableCFA(pMachineModel, functions, allNodes, pStartNode, pLanguage); // Get information about the loop structure LoopStructure loopStructure = LoopStructure.getLoopStructureForSingleLoop(pLoopHead); cfa.setLoopStructure(Optional.of(loopStructure)); // Finalize the transformed CFA return cfa; } /** * Maps all nodes reachable from the given start node to their functions and * builds a mapping of function entry nodes to their functions. * * @param pStartNode the start node. * @param functions the found functions will be stored in this map. * * @return all nodes reachable from the given start node mapped to their * functions. * * @throws InterruptedException if a shutdown has been requested by the registered shutdown notifier. */ private SortedSetMultimap<String, CFANode> mapNodesToFunctions(FunctionEntryNode pStartNode, Map<String, FunctionEntryNode> functions) throws InterruptedException { SortedSetMultimap<String, CFANode> allNodes = TreeMultimap.create(); FunctionExitNode artificialFunctionExitNode = new FunctionExitNode( ARTIFICIAL_PROGRAM_COUNTER_FUNCTION_NAME); CFunctionDeclaration artificialFunctionDeclaration = new CFunctionDeclaration(FileLocation.DUMMY, CFunctionType.NO_ARGS_VOID_FUNCTION, ARTIFICIAL_PROGRAM_COUNTER_FUNCTION_NAME, ImmutableList.<CParameterDeclaration>of()); FunctionEntryNode artificialFunctionEntryNode = new CFunctionEntryNode(FileLocation.DUMMY, artificialFunctionDeclaration, artificialFunctionExitNode, Collections.<String>emptyList(), Optional.<CVariableDeclaration>absent()); Set<CFANode> nodes = getAllNodes(pStartNode); for (CFANode node : nodes) { for (CFAEdge leavingEdge : CFAUtils.allLeavingEdges(node).toList()) { if (!nodes.contains(leavingEdge.getSuccessor())) { removeFromNodes(leavingEdge); } } allNodes.put(node.getFunctionName(), node); if (node instanceof FunctionEntryNode) { functions.put(node.getFunctionName(), (FunctionEntryNode) node); } else if (node.getFunctionName().equals(ARTIFICIAL_PROGRAM_COUNTER_FUNCTION_NAME)) { functions.put(node.getFunctionName(), artificialFunctionEntryNode); } } // Assign reverse post order ids to the control flow nodes Collection<CFANode> nodesWithNoIdAssigned = getAllNodes(pStartNode); for (CFANode n : nodesWithNoIdAssigned) { n.setReversePostorderId(-1); } while (!nodesWithNoIdAssigned.isEmpty()) { this.shutdownNotifier.shutdownIfNecessary(); CFAReversePostorder sorter = new CFAReversePostorder(); sorter.assignSorting(nodesWithNoIdAssigned.iterator().next()); nodesWithNoIdAssigned = from(nodesWithNoIdAssigned).filter(new Predicate<CFANode>() { @Override public boolean apply(@Nullable CFANode pArg0) { if (pArg0 == null) { return false; } return pArg0.getReversePostorderId() < 0; } }).toList(); } return allNodes; } /** * Removes the given node from its graph by removing all its entering edges * from its predecessors and all its leaving edges from its successors. * * All these edges are also removed from the node itself, of course. * * @param pToRemove the node to be removed. */ private static void removeFromGraph(CFANode pToRemove) { while (pToRemove.getNumEnteringEdges() > 0) { removeFromNodes(pToRemove.getEnteringEdge(0)); } if (pToRemove.getEnteringSummaryEdge() != null) { removeSummaryEdgeFromNodes(pToRemove.getEnteringSummaryEdge()); } while (pToRemove.getNumLeavingEdges() > 0) { removeFromNodes(pToRemove.getLeavingEdge(0)); } if (pToRemove.getLeavingSummaryEdge() != null) { removeSummaryEdgeFromNodes(pToRemove.getLeavingSummaryEdge()); } } /** * Removes the given edge from its nodes. * * @param pEdge the edge to remove. */ private static void removeFromNodes(CFAEdge pEdge) { if (pEdge instanceof FunctionSummaryEdge) { removeSummaryEdgeFromNodes((FunctionSummaryEdge) pEdge); } else { pEdge.getPredecessor().removeLeavingEdge(pEdge); pEdge.getSuccessor().removeEnteringEdge(pEdge); if (pEdge instanceof FunctionCallEdge) { FunctionCallEdge functionCallEdge = (FunctionCallEdge) pEdge; FunctionSummaryEdge summaryEdge = functionCallEdge.getSummaryEdge(); if (summaryEdge != null) { removeSummaryEdgeFromNodes(summaryEdge); } } } } /** * Removes the given summary edge from its nodes. * * @param pEdge the edge to remove. */ private static void removeSummaryEdgeFromNodes(FunctionSummaryEdge pEdge) { CFANode predecessor = pEdge.getPredecessor(); if (predecessor.getLeavingSummaryEdge() == pEdge) { predecessor.removeLeavingSummaryEdge(pEdge); } CFANode successor = pEdge.getSuccessor(); if (successor.getEnteringSummaryEdge() == pEdge) { successor.removeEnteringSummaryEdge(pEdge); } } /** * Adds the given edge as a leaving edge to its predecessor and as an * entering edge to its successor. * * @param pEdge the edge to add. */ private static void addToNodes(CFAEdge pEdge) { CFANode predecessor = pEdge.getPredecessor(); if (pEdge instanceof FunctionSummaryEdge) { FunctionSummaryEdge summaryEdge = (FunctionSummaryEdge) pEdge; FunctionSummaryEdge oldSummaryEdge = pEdge.getPredecessor().getLeavingSummaryEdge(); if (oldSummaryEdge != null) { removeSummaryEdgeFromNodes(oldSummaryEdge); } oldSummaryEdge = pEdge.getSuccessor().getEnteringSummaryEdge(); if (oldSummaryEdge != null) { removeSummaryEdgeFromNodes(oldSummaryEdge); } predecessor.addLeavingSummaryEdge(summaryEdge); pEdge.getSuccessor().addEnteringSummaryEdge(summaryEdge); } else { assert predecessor.getNumLeavingEdges() == 0 || predecessor.getNumLeavingEdges() <= 1 && pEdge.getEdgeType() == CFAEdgeType.AssumeEdge || predecessor instanceof FunctionExitNode && pEdge.getEdgeType() == CFAEdgeType.FunctionReturnEdge || predecessor.getLeavingEdge(0).getEdgeType() == CFAEdgeType.FunctionCallEdge && pEdge.getEdgeType() == CFAEdgeType.StatementEdge || predecessor.getLeavingEdge(0).getEdgeType() == CFAEdgeType.StatementEdge && pEdge.getEdgeType() == CFAEdgeType.FunctionCallEdge; predecessor.addLeavingEdge(pEdge); pEdge.getSuccessor().addEnteringEdge(pEdge); } } /** * Connects the nodes leaving a subgraph to the loop head using assignment * edges setting the program counter to the value required for reaching the * correct successor in the next loop iteration. * * @param pLoopHead the loop head. * @param pNewPredecessorsToPC the nodes that represent gates for leaving * their subgraph mapped to the program counter values corresponding to the * correct successor states. * @param pPCIdExpression the CIdExpression used for the program counter variable. */ private static void connectSubgraphLeavingNodesToLoopHead(CFANode pLoopHead, Multimap<Integer, CFANode> pNewPredecessorsToPC, CIdExpression pPCIdExpression) { Map<Integer, CFANode> connectionNodes = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, CFANode> newPredecessorToPC : pNewPredecessorsToPC.entries()) { int pcToSet = newPredecessorToPC.getKey(); CFANode connectionNode = connectionNodes.get(pcToSet); if (connectionNode == null) { connectionNode = new CFANode(ARTIFICIAL_PROGRAM_COUNTER_FUNCTION_NAME); connectionNodes.put(pcToSet, connectionNode); CFAEdge edgeToLoopHead = createProgramCounterAssignmentEdge(connectionNode, pLoopHead, pPCIdExpression, pcToSet); addToNodes(edgeToLoopHead); } CFANode subgraphPredecessor = newPredecessorToPC.getValue(); CFAEdge dummyEdge = new BlankEdge("", FileLocation.DUMMY, subgraphPredecessor, connectionNode, ""); addToNodes(dummyEdge); } } /** * Connects subgraph entry nodes to the loop head via program counter value assume edges. * * @param pLoopHead the loop head. * @param newSuccessorToPCMapping the mapping of subgraph entry nodes to the * corresponding program counter values. * @param pPCIdExpression the CIdExpression used for the program counter variable. * @param pExpressionBuilder the CExpressionBuilder used to build the assume edges. */ private void connectLoopHeadToSubgraphEntryNodes(SingleLoopHead pLoopHead, Map<Integer, CFANode> newSuccessorToPCMapping, CIdExpression pPCIdExpression, CBinaryExpressionBuilder pExpressionBuilder) { List<ProgramCounterValueAssumeEdge> toAdd = new ArrayList<>(); CFANode decisionTreeNode = pLoopHead; Map<CFANode, CFANode> tmpMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (Entry<Integer, CFANode> pcToNewSuccessorMapping : newSuccessorToPCMapping.entrySet()) { CFANode newSuccessor = pcToNewSuccessorMapping.getValue(); int pcToSet = pcToNewSuccessorMapping.getKey(); /* * A subgraph root should only be entered via the loop head; * other entries must be redirected. */ if (newSuccessor.getNumEnteringEdges() > 0) { assert tmpMap.isEmpty(); ProgramCounterValueAssignmentEdge pcAssignmentEdge = pLoopHead.getEnteringAssignmentEdge(pcToSet); if (pcAssignmentEdge != null) { CFANode dummySuccessor = pcAssignmentEdge.getPredecessor(); for (CFAEdge enteringEdge : CFAUtils.allEnteringEdges(newSuccessor).toList()) { CFANode replacementSuccessor = tmpMap.get(enteringEdge.getSuccessor()); if (replacementSuccessor == null) { replacementSuccessor = getOrCreateNewFromOld(enteringEdge.getSuccessor(), tmpMap); CFAEdge connectionEdge = new BlankEdge("", FileLocation.DUMMY, replacementSuccessor, dummySuccessor, ""); addToNodes(connectionEdge); } CFAEdge replacementEdge = copyCFAEdgeWithNewNodes(enteringEdge, enteringEdge.getPredecessor(), replacementSuccessor, tmpMap); removeFromNodes(enteringEdge); addToNodes(replacementEdge); } tmpMap.clear(); } } // Connect the subgraph entry nodes to the loop header by assuming the program counter value CFANode newDecisionTreeNode = new CFANode(ARTIFICIAL_PROGRAM_COUNTER_FUNCTION_NAME); ProgramCounterValueAssumeEdge toSequence = createProgramCounterAssumeEdge(pExpressionBuilder, decisionTreeNode, newSuccessor, pPCIdExpression, pcToSet, true); ProgramCounterValueAssumeEdge toNewDecisionTreeNode = createProgramCounterAssumeEdge(pExpressionBuilder, decisionTreeNode, newDecisionTreeNode, pPCIdExpression, pcToSet, false); toAdd.add(toSequence); toAdd.add(toNewDecisionTreeNode); decisionTreeNode = newDecisionTreeNode; } /* * At the end of the decision tree, there is now an unreachable dangling * assume edge node. This does not hurt, but can be optimized out: */ if (!toAdd.isEmpty()) { if (omitExplicitLastProgramCounterAssumption) { // The last edge is superfluous removeLast(toAdd); /* * The last positive edge is thus the only relevant edge after the edge * leading to its predecessor */ CFAEdge lastTrueEdge = removeLast(toAdd); /* * The successor of the edge leading to the predecessor of the last * positive edge can thus be set to the last relevant node */ if (!toAdd.isEmpty()) { ProgramCounterValueAssumeEdge secondToLastFalseEdge = removeLast(toAdd); ProgramCounterValueAssumeEdge newLastEdge = createProgramCounterAssumeEdge(pExpressionBuilder, secondToLastFalseEdge.getPredecessor(), lastTrueEdge.getSuccessor(), pPCIdExpression, secondToLastFalseEdge.getProgramCounterValue(), false); toAdd.add(newLastEdge); } else { BlankEdge edge = new BlankEdge("", FileLocation.DUMMY, pLoopHead, lastTrueEdge.getSuccessor(), ""); addToNodes(edge); } } else { BlankEdge defaultBackEdge = new BlankEdge("", FileLocation.DUMMY, decisionTreeNode, new CFATerminationNode(ARTIFICIAL_PROGRAM_COUNTER_FUNCTION_NAME), "Illegal program counter value"); addToNodes(defaultBackEdge); } } // Add the edges connecting the real nodes with the loop head for (CFAEdge edge : toAdd) { addToNodes(edge); } } /** * Removes the last element of a list. * * @param pList the list to get the element from. * @return the last element of the list. * * @throws NoSuchElementException if the list is empty. */ private static <T> T removeLast(List<T> pList) { int index = pList.size() - 1; if (index < 0) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } return pList.remove(index); } /** * Gets all nodes syntactically reachable from the given start node. * * @param pStartNode the start node of the search. * @return all nodes syntactically reachable from the given start node. */ private static Set<CFANode> getAllNodes(CFANode pStartNode) { Set<CFANode> nodes = new LinkedHashSet<>(); Queue<CFANode> waitlist = new ArrayDeque<>(); Queue<Deque<FunctionSummaryEdge>> callstacks = new ArrayDeque<>(); waitlist.add(pStartNode); callstacks.offer(new ArrayDeque<FunctionSummaryEdge>()); Set<CFANode> ignoredNodes = new HashSet<>(); while (!waitlist.isEmpty()) { CFANode current = waitlist.poll(); Deque<FunctionSummaryEdge> currentCallstack = callstacks.poll(); if (nodes.add(current)) { for (CFAEdge leavingEdge : CFAUtils.allLeavingEdges(current)) { final Deque<FunctionSummaryEdge> newCallstack; CFANode successor = leavingEdge.getSuccessor(); if (leavingEdge instanceof FunctionCallEdge) { newCallstack = new ArrayDeque<>(currentCallstack); newCallstack.push(((FunctionCallEdge) leavingEdge).getSummaryEdge()); } else if (leavingEdge instanceof FunctionReturnEdge) { if (currentCallstack.isEmpty()) { ignoredNodes.add(successor); continue; } newCallstack = new ArrayDeque<>(currentCallstack); FunctionSummaryEdge summaryEdge = newCallstack.pop(); if (!summaryEdge.equals(((FunctionReturnEdge) leavingEdge).getSummaryEdge())) { ignoredNodes.add(successor); continue; } } else { newCallstack = currentCallstack; } ignoredNodes.addAll(CFAUtils.predecessorsOf(current).toList()); waitlist.offer(successor); callstacks.offer(currentCallstack); } } } ignoredNodes.removeAll(nodes); for (CFANode ignoredNode : ignoredNodes) { removeFromGraph(ignoredNode); } for (CFANode node : nodes) { for (CFANode predecessor : CFAUtils.predecessorsOf(node).toList()) { if (!nodes.contains(predecessor)) { assert !CFAUtils.predecessorsOf(predecessor).anyMatch(in(nodes)); removeFromGraph(predecessor); } } for (CFANode successor : CFAUtils.successorsOf(node).toList()) { if (!nodes.contains(successor)) { assert !CFAUtils.successorsOf(successor).anyMatch(in(nodes)); removeFromGraph(successor); } } } return nodes; } /** * Replaces the given old node by the given new node in its structure by * removing all edges leading to and from the old node and copying them so * that the leave or lead to the new node. * * @param pOldNode the node to remove the edges from. * @param pNewNode the node to add the edges to. */ private void replaceInStructure(CFANode pOldNode, CFANode pNewNode) { Map<CFANode, CFANode> newToOld = new LinkedHashMap<>(); newToOld.put(pOldNode, pNewNode); CFAEdge oldEdge; while ((oldEdge = removeNextEnteringEdge(pOldNode)) != null && constantTrue(newToOld.put(oldEdge.getPredecessor(), oldEdge.getPredecessor())) || (oldEdge = removeNextLeavingEdge(pOldNode)) != null && constantTrue(newToOld.put(oldEdge.getSuccessor(), oldEdge.getSuccessor()))) { CFAEdge newEdge = copyCFAEdgeWithNewNodes(oldEdge, newToOld); addToNodes(newEdge); } } /** * Returns <code>true</code>, no matter what is passed. * * @param pParam this argument is ignored. * @return <code>true</code> */ private static boolean constantTrue(Object pParam) { return true; } /** * Removes the next entering edge from the given node and the predecessor of * the edge. * * @param pCfaNode the node to remove an edge from. * * @return the removed edge. */ @Nullable private static CFAEdge removeNextEnteringEdge(CFANode pCfaNode) { int numberOfEnteringEdges = pCfaNode.getNumEnteringEdges(); CFAEdge result = null; if (numberOfEnteringEdges > 0) { result = pCfaNode.getEnteringEdge(numberOfEnteringEdges - 1); } if (result == null) { result = pCfaNode.getEnteringSummaryEdge(); } if (result != null) { removeFromNodes(result); } return result; } /** * Removes the next leaving edge from the given node and the successor of * the edge. * * @param pCfaNode the node to remove an edge from. * * @return the removed edge. */ @Nullable private static CFAEdge removeNextLeavingEdge(CFANode pCfaNode) { int numberOfLeavingEdges = pCfaNode.getNumLeavingEdges(); CFAEdge result = null; if (numberOfLeavingEdges > 0) { result = pCfaNode.getLeavingEdge(numberOfLeavingEdges - 1); } if (result == null) { result = pCfaNode.getLeavingSummaryEdge(); } if (result != null) { removeFromNodes(result); } return result; } /** * Given a node and a mapping of nodes of one graph to nodes of a different * graph, assumes that the given node belongs to the first graph and checks * if a node of the second graph is mapped to it. If so, the node of the * second graph mapped to the given node is returned. Otherwise, the given * node is copied <strong>without edges</strong> and recorded in the mapping * before it is returned. * * If the provided mapping is {@code null}, no copy but the given node itself * is returned. * * @param pNode the node to get or create a partner for in the second graph. * @param pNewToOldMapping the mapping between the first graph to the second * graph. If {@code null}, the identity is returned. * * @return a copy of the given node, possibly reused from the provided * mapping or the identity of the given node if the provided mapping is * {@code null}. */ private CFANode getOrCreateNewFromOld(CFANode pNode, @Nullable Map<CFANode, CFANode> pNewToOldMapping) { if (pNewToOldMapping == null) { return pNode; } CFANode result = pNewToOldMapping.get(pNode); if (result != null) { return result; } String functionName = pNode.getFunctionName(); if (pNode instanceof CLabelNode) { result = new CLabelNode(functionName, ((CLabelNode) pNode).getLabel()); } else if (pNode instanceof CFunctionEntryNode) { CFunctionEntryNode functionEntryNode = (CFunctionEntryNode) pNode; FunctionExitNode functionExitNode = (FunctionExitNode) getOrCreateNewFromOld( functionEntryNode.getExitNode(), pNewToOldMapping); result = functionExitNode.getEntryNode(); } else if (pNode instanceof JMethodEntryNode) { JMethodEntryNode methodEntryNode = (JMethodEntryNode) pNode; FunctionExitNode functionExitNode = (FunctionExitNode) getOrCreateNewFromOld( methodEntryNode.getExitNode(), pNewToOldMapping); result = functionExitNode.getEntryNode(); } else if (pNode instanceof FunctionExitNode) { FunctionExitNode oldFunctionExitNode = (FunctionExitNode) pNode; FunctionEntryNode precomputedEntryNode = (FunctionEntryNode) pNewToOldMapping .get(oldFunctionExitNode.getEntryNode()); if (precomputedEntryNode != null) { return precomputedEntryNode.getExitNode(); } FunctionExitNode functionExitNode = new FunctionExitNode(functionName); FunctionEntryNode oldEntryNode = oldFunctionExitNode.getEntryNode(); FileLocation entryFileLocation = oldEntryNode.getFileLocation(); final FunctionEntryNode functionEntryNode; if (oldEntryNode instanceof CFunctionEntryNode) { functionEntryNode = new CFunctionEntryNode(entryFileLocation, ((CFunctionEntryNode) oldEntryNode).getFunctionDefinition(), functionExitNode, oldEntryNode.getFunctionParameterNames(), ((CFunctionEntryNode) oldEntryNode).getReturnVariable()); } else if (oldEntryNode instanceof JMethodEntryNode) { functionEntryNode = new JMethodEntryNode(entryFileLocation, ((JMethodEntryNode) oldEntryNode).getFunctionDefinition(), functionExitNode, oldEntryNode.getFunctionParameterNames(), ((JMethodEntryNode) oldEntryNode).getReturnVariable()); } else { throw new AssertionError(); } functionExitNode.setEntryNode(functionEntryNode); pNewToOldMapping.put(pNode, functionExitNode); pNewToOldMapping.put(oldFunctionExitNode, functionEntryNode); result = functionExitNode; } else if (pNode instanceof CFATerminationNode) { result = new CFATerminationNode(functionName); } else if (pNode.getClass() != CFANode.class) { Class<? extends CFANode> clazz = pNode.getClass(); Class<?>[] requiredParameterTypes = new Class<?>[] { int.class, String.class }; for (Constructor<?> cons : clazz.getConstructors()) { if (cons.isAccessible() && Arrays.equals(cons.getParameterTypes(), requiredParameterTypes)) { try { result = (CFANode) cons.newInstance(functionName); break; } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) { result = null; } } } if (result == null) { result = new CFANode(functionName); this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Unknown node type " + clazz + "; created copy as instance of base type CFANode."); } else { this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Unknown node type " + clazz + "; created copy by reflection."); } } else { result = new CFANode(functionName); } pNewToOldMapping.put(pNode, result); return result; } /** * Copies the given control flow edge using the given new predecessor and * successor. Any additionally required nodes are taken from the given * mapping by using the corresponding node of the old edge as a key or, if * no node is mapped to this key, by copying the key and recording the result * in the mapping. * * @param pEdge the edge to copy. * @param pNewPredecessor the new predecessor. * @param pNewSuccessor the new successor. * @param pNewToOldMapping a mapping of old nodes to new nodes. * * @return a new edge with the given predecessor and successor. */ private CFAEdge copyCFAEdgeWithNewNodes(CFAEdge pEdge, CFANode pNewPredecessor, CFANode pNewSuccessor, final Map<CFANode, CFANode> pNewToOldMapping) { String rawStatement = pEdge.getRawStatement(); FileLocation fileLocation = pEdge.getFileLocation(); switch (pEdge.getEdgeType()) { case AssumeEdge: CAssumeEdge assumeEdge = (CAssumeEdge) pEdge; return new CAssumeEdge(rawStatement, fileLocation, pNewPredecessor, pNewSuccessor, assumeEdge.getExpression(), assumeEdge.getTruthAssumption()); case BlankEdge: return new BlankEdge(rawStatement, fileLocation, pNewPredecessor, pNewSuccessor, pEdge.getDescription()); case DeclarationEdge: CDeclarationEdge declarationEdge = (CDeclarationEdge) pEdge; return new CDeclarationEdge(rawStatement, fileLocation, pNewPredecessor, pNewSuccessor, declarationEdge.getDeclaration()); case FunctionCallEdge: { if (!(pNewSuccessor instanceof FunctionEntryNode)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The successor of a function call edge must be a function entry node."); } CFunctionCallEdge functionCallEdge = (CFunctionCallEdge) pEdge; FunctionSummaryEdge oldSummaryEdge = functionCallEdge.getSummaryEdge(); CFunctionSummaryEdge functionSummaryEdge = (CFunctionSummaryEdge) copyCFAEdgeWithNewNodes( oldSummaryEdge, pNewPredecessor, getOrCreateNewFromOld(oldSummaryEdge.getSuccessor(), pNewToOldMapping), pNewToOldMapping); addToNodes(functionSummaryEdge); Optional<CFunctionCall> cFunctionCall = functionCallEdge.getRawAST(); return new CFunctionCallEdge(rawStatement, fileLocation, pNewPredecessor, (CFunctionEntryNode) pNewSuccessor, cFunctionCall.orNull(), functionSummaryEdge); } case FunctionReturnEdge: if (!(pNewPredecessor instanceof FunctionExitNode)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The predecessor of a function return edge must be a function exit node."); } CFunctionReturnEdge functionReturnEdge = (CFunctionReturnEdge) pEdge; CFunctionSummaryEdge oldSummaryEdge = functionReturnEdge.getSummaryEdge(); CFANode functionCallPred = oldSummaryEdge.getPredecessor(); CFANode functionSummarySucc = oldSummaryEdge.getSuccessor(); // If there is a conflicting summary edge, never use the one stored with the function return edge if (oldSummaryEdge != functionCallPred.getLeavingSummaryEdge() && functionCallPred.getLeavingSummaryEdge() != null) { oldSummaryEdge = (CFunctionSummaryEdge) functionCallPred.getLeavingSummaryEdge(); } else if (oldSummaryEdge != functionSummarySucc.getEnteringSummaryEdge() && functionSummarySucc.getEnteringSummaryEdge() != null) { oldSummaryEdge = (CFunctionSummaryEdge) functionSummarySucc.getEnteringSummaryEdge(); } CFunctionSummaryEdge functionSummaryEdge = (CFunctionSummaryEdge) copyCFAEdgeWithNewNodes( oldSummaryEdge, pNewToOldMapping); addToNodes(functionSummaryEdge); return new CFunctionReturnEdge(fileLocation, (FunctionExitNode) pNewPredecessor, pNewSuccessor, functionSummaryEdge); case MultiEdge: MultiEdge multiEdge = (MultiEdge) pEdge; return new MultiEdge(pNewPredecessor, pNewSuccessor, from(multiEdge.getEdges()).transform(new Function<CFAEdge, CFAEdge>() { @Override @Nullable public CFAEdge apply(@Nullable CFAEdge pOldEdge) { if (pOldEdge == null) { return null; } return copyCFAEdgeWithNewNodes(pOldEdge, pNewToOldMapping); } }).toList()); case ReturnStatementEdge: if (!(pNewSuccessor instanceof FunctionExitNode)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The successor of a return statement edge must be a function exit node."); } CReturnStatementEdge returnStatementEdge = (CReturnStatementEdge) pEdge; Optional<CReturnStatement> cReturnStatement = returnStatementEdge.getRawAST(); return new CReturnStatementEdge(rawStatement, cReturnStatement.orNull(), fileLocation, pNewPredecessor, (FunctionExitNode) pNewSuccessor); case StatementEdge: CStatementEdge statementEdge = (CStatementEdge) pEdge; if (statementEdge instanceof CFunctionSummaryStatementEdge) { CFunctionSummaryStatementEdge functionStatementEdge = (CFunctionSummaryStatementEdge) pEdge; return new CFunctionSummaryStatementEdge(rawStatement, statementEdge.getStatement(), fileLocation, pNewPredecessor, pNewSuccessor, functionStatementEdge.getFunctionCall(), functionStatementEdge.getFunctionName()); } return new CStatementEdge(rawStatement, statementEdge.getStatement(), fileLocation, pNewPredecessor, pNewSuccessor); case CallToReturnEdge: CFunctionSummaryEdge cFunctionSummaryEdge = (CFunctionSummaryEdge) pEdge; return new CFunctionSummaryEdge(rawStatement, fileLocation, pNewPredecessor, pNewSuccessor, cFunctionSummaryEdge.getExpression(), (CFunctionEntryNode) getOrCreateNewFromOld(cFunctionSummaryEdge.getFunctionEntry(), pNewToOldMapping)); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported edge type: " + pEdge.getEdgeType()); } } /** * Copies the given control flow edge predecessor, successor and any * additionally required nodes are taken from the given mapping by using the * corresponding node of the old edge as a key or, if no node is mapped to * this key, by copying the key and recording the result in the mapping. * * @param pEdge the edge to copy. * @param pNewToOldMapping a mapping of old nodes to new nodes. * * @return a new edge with the given predecessor and successor. */ private CFAEdge copyCFAEdgeWithNewNodes(CFAEdge pEdge, final Map<CFANode, CFANode> pNewToOldMapping) { CFANode newPredecessor = getOrCreateNewFromOld(pEdge.getPredecessor(), pNewToOldMapping); CFANode newSuccessor = getOrCreateNewFromOld(pEdge.getSuccessor(), pNewToOldMapping); return copyCFAEdgeWithNewNodes(pEdge, newPredecessor, newSuccessor, pNewToOldMapping); } /** * Checks if the given edge is a dummy edge. * * @param pEdge the edge to check. * @return <code>true</code> if the edge is a dummy edge, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ private static boolean isDummyEdge(CFAEdge pEdge) { return pEdge != null && pEdge.getEdgeType() == CFAEdgeType.BlankEdge && pEdge.getDescription().equals(DUMMY_EDGE); } /** * Gets the program counter value for the given target CFA node. * * @param pCFANode the target CFA node. * * @return the program counter value for the given target CFA node. */ private static int getPCValueFor(CFANode pCFANode) { return pCFANode.getNodeNumber(); } /** * Creates a new program counter value assignment edge between the given * predecessor and successor for the given program counter id expression and * the program counter value to be assigned. * * @param pPredecessor the predecessor of the new edge. * @param pSuccessor the successor of the new edge. * @param pPCIdExpression the program counter id expression to be used. * @param pPCValue the program counter value to be assigned. * * @return a new program counter value assignment edge. */ private static ProgramCounterValueAssignmentEdge createProgramCounterAssignmentEdge(CFANode pPredecessor, CFANode pSuccessor, CIdExpression pPCIdExpression, int pPCValue) { return new CProgramCounterValueAssignmentEdge(pPredecessor, pSuccessor, pPCIdExpression, pPCValue); } /** * Creates a new program counter value assume edge between the given * predecessor and successor, using the given expression builder to build the * binary assumption expression of the equation between the given program * counter value and the given program counter value id expression. * * @param pExpressionBuilder the expression builder used to create the * assume expression. * @param pPredecessor the predecessor node of the edge. * @param pSuccessor the successor node of the edge. * @param pPCIdExpression the program counter id expression. * @param pPCValue the assumed program counter value. * @param pTruthAssumption if {@code true} the equation is assumed to be * true, if {@code false}, the equation is assumed to be false. */ private static ProgramCounterValueAssumeEdge createProgramCounterAssumeEdge( CBinaryExpressionBuilder pExpressionBuilder, CFANode pPredecessor, CFANode pSuccessor, CIdExpression pPCIdExpression, int pPCValue, boolean pTruthAssumption) { return new CProgramCounterValueAssumeEdge(pExpressionBuilder, pPredecessor, pSuccessor, pPCIdExpression, pPCValue, pTruthAssumption); } /** * This enum contains different strategies * that decide how large the individual parts of the body of the new loop become. */ private static enum SubGraphGrowthStrategy { /** * This growth strategy allows for infinite growth. */ MULTIPLE_PATHS { @Override public boolean isFurtherGrowthDesired(AcyclicGraph pGraph) { return true; } }, /** * This growth strategy allows for growth along an arbitrary single * finite path. */ SINGLE_PATH { @Override public boolean isFurtherGrowthDesired(AcyclicGraph pGraph) { for (CFANode node : pGraph.getNodes()) { if (node.getNumLeavingEdges() > 1) { return false; } } return true; } }, /** * This growth strategy advises against any kind of growth. */ SINGLE_EDGE { @Override public boolean isFurtherGrowthDesired(AcyclicGraph pGraph) { return false; } }; /** * Decides whether or not further growth is desired for the given graph. * * @param pGraph the current graph. * * @return {@code true} if further growth of the graph is desired, * @{code false} otherwise. */ abstract boolean isFurtherGrowthDesired(AcyclicGraph pGraph); } }