Java tutorial
/* * SonarSource :: .NET :: Shared library * Copyright (C) 2014-2017 SonarSource SA * mailto:info AT sonarsource DOT com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package org.sonarsource.dotnet.shared.sarif; import; import; import; import javax.annotation.CheckForNull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; class SarifParser01And04 implements SarifParser { private static final String FILE_PROTOCOL = "file:///"; private final JsonObject root; SarifParser01And04(JsonObject root) { this.root = root; } @Override public void accept(SarifParserCallback callback) { if (root.has("runLogs")) { JsonElement runLogs = root.get("runLogs"); for (JsonElement runLogElement : runLogs.getAsJsonArray()) { JsonObject runLog = runLogElement.getAsJsonObject(); JsonArray results = runLog.getAsJsonArray("results"); if (results != null) { handleIssues(results, false, callback); } } } else if (root.has("issues")) { JsonElement issues = root.get("issues"); handleIssues(issues.getAsJsonArray(), true, callback); } } private static void handleIssues(JsonArray issues, boolean offsetStartAtZero, SarifParserCallback callback) { for (JsonElement issueElement : issues) { JsonObject issue = issueElement.getAsJsonObject(); handleIssue(issue, offsetStartAtZero, callback); } } private static void handleIssue(JsonObject issue, boolean offsetStartAtZero, SarifParserCallback callback) { if (isSuppressed(issue)) { return; } String ruleId = issue.get("ruleId").getAsString(); String message = issue.get(issue.has("shortMessage") ? "shortMessage" : "fullMessage").getAsString(); JsonArray locationsArray = issue.getAsJsonArray("locations"); if (locationsArray.size() == 0) { callback.onProjectIssue(ruleId, message); return; } JsonObject primaryLocationObject = getAnalysisTargetAt(locationsArray, 0); if (primaryLocationObject == null) { callback.onProjectIssue(ruleId, message); return; } String primaryLocationPath = uriToAbsolutePath(primaryLocationObject.get("uri").getAsString()); Location primaryLocation = getLocation(offsetStartAtZero, primaryLocationObject, primaryLocationPath, message); if (primaryLocation == null) { callback.onFileIssue(ruleId, primaryLocationPath, message); return; } Collection<Location> secondaryLocations = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 1; i < locationsArray.size(); i++) { JsonObject secondaryLocationObject = getAnalysisTargetAt(locationsArray, i); if (secondaryLocationObject != null) { String secondaryLocationPath = uriToAbsolutePath(secondaryLocationObject.get("uri").getAsString()); Location secondaryLocation = getLocation(offsetStartAtZero, secondaryLocationObject, secondaryLocationPath, getSecondaryMessage(issue, i - 1)); if (secondaryLocation != null) { secondaryLocations.add(secondaryLocation); } } } callback.onIssue(ruleId, primaryLocation, secondaryLocations); } @CheckForNull private static String getSecondaryMessage(JsonObject issue, int index) { JsonObject properties = issue.getAsJsonObject("properties"); if (properties == null) { return null; } JsonElement messageElement = properties.get("customProperties." + index); if (messageElement == null) { return null; } return messageElement.getAsString(); } @CheckForNull private static JsonObject getAnalysisTargetAt(JsonArray locationsArray, int index) { JsonObject analysisTargetWrapper = locationsArray.get(index).getAsJsonObject(); JsonArray analysisTargetArray = analysisTargetWrapper.getAsJsonArray("analysisTarget"); if (analysisTargetArray == null || analysisTargetArray.size() == 0) { return null; } return analysisTargetArray.get(0).getAsJsonObject(); } private static Location getLocation(boolean offsetStartAtZero, JsonObject analysisTarget, String absolutePath, @Nullable String message) { JsonObject region = analysisTarget.getAsJsonObject("region"); int startLine = region.get("startLine").getAsInt(); int startLineFixed = offsetStartAtZero ? (startLine + 1) : startLine; JsonElement startColumnOrNull = region.get("startColumn"); int startColumn = startColumnOrNull != null ? startColumnOrNull.getAsInt() : 1; int startLineOffset = offsetStartAtZero ? startColumn : (startColumn - 1); JsonElement lengthOrNull = region.get("length"); if (lengthOrNull != null) { return new Location(absolutePath, message, startLineFixed, startLineOffset, startLineFixed, startLineOffset + lengthOrNull.getAsInt()); } JsonElement endLineOrNull = region.get("endLine"); int endLine = endLineOrNull != null ? endLineOrNull.getAsInt() : startLine; int endLineFixed = offsetStartAtZero ? (endLine + 1) : endLine; JsonElement endColumnOrNull = region.get("endColumn"); int endColumn; if (endColumnOrNull != null) { endColumn = endColumnOrNull.getAsInt(); } else if (endLineOrNull != null) { endColumn = endLine == startLine ? startColumn : 1; } else { endColumn = startColumn; } int endLineOffset = offsetStartAtZero ? endColumn : (endColumn - 1); if (startColumn == endColumn && startLineFixed == endLineFixed) { return null; } return new Location(absolutePath, message, startLineFixed, startLineOffset, endLineFixed, endLineOffset); } private static boolean isSuppressed(JsonObject issue) { JsonElement isSuppressedInSource = issue.get("isSuppressedInSource"); if (isSuppressedInSource != null) { return isSuppressedInSource.getAsBoolean(); } JsonElement properties = issue.get("properties"); if (properties != null && properties.isJsonObject()) { isSuppressedInSource = properties.getAsJsonObject().get("isSuppressedInSource"); if (isSuppressedInSource != null) { return isSuppressedInSource.getAsBoolean(); } } return false; } private static String uriToAbsolutePath(String uri) { if (!uri.startsWith(FILE_PROTOCOL)) { return uri; } return uri.substring(FILE_PROTOCOL.length()).replace('/', '\\'); } }