Java tutorial
/* * SonarQube, open source software quality management tool. * Copyright (C) 2008-2014 SonarSource * mailto:contact AT sonarsource DOT com * * SonarQube is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * SonarQube is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package org.sonar.server.source.index; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.elasticsearch.action.update.UpdateRequest; import org.sonar.api.utils.text.JsonWriter; import org.sonar.core.source.db.FileSourceDto; import org.sonar.server.db.DbClient; import org.sonar.server.db.ResultSetIterator; import; import org.sonar.server.source.db.FileSourceDb; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; /** * Scroll over table FILE_SOURCES and directly parse data required to * populate the index sourcelines */ public class SourceFileResultSetIterator extends ResultSetIterator<SourceFileResultSetIterator.Row> { public static class Row { private final String fileUuid, projectUuid; private final long updatedAt; private final List<UpdateRequest> lineUpdateRequests = new ArrayList<>(); public Row(String projectUuid, String fileUuid, long updatedAt) { this.projectUuid = projectUuid; this.fileUuid = fileUuid; this.updatedAt = updatedAt; } public String getProjectUuid() { return projectUuid; } public String getFileUuid() { return fileUuid; } public long getUpdatedAt() { return updatedAt; } public List<UpdateRequest> getLineUpdateRequests() { return lineUpdateRequests; } } private static final String[] FIELDS = { "project_uuid", "file_uuid", "updated_at", "binary_data" }; private static final String SQL_ALL = "select " + StringUtils.join(FIELDS, ",") + " from file_sources"; private static final String SQL_AFTER_DATE = SQL_ALL + " where updated_at>?"; public static SourceFileResultSetIterator create(DbClient dbClient, Connection connection, long afterDate) { try { String sql = afterDate > 0L ? SQL_AFTER_DATE : SQL_ALL; // rows are big, so they are scrolled once at a time (one row in memory at a time) PreparedStatement stmt = dbClient.newScrollingSingleRowSelectStatement(connection, sql); if (afterDate > 0L) { stmt.setLong(1, afterDate); } return new SourceFileResultSetIterator(stmt); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Fail to prepare SQL request to select all file sources", e); } } private SourceFileResultSetIterator(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { super(stmt); } @Override protected Row read(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { String projectUuid = rs.getString(1); String fileUuid = rs.getString(2); Date updatedAt = new Date(rs.getLong(3)); FileSourceDb.Data data = FileSourceDto.decodeData(rs.getBinaryStream(4)); return toRow(projectUuid, fileUuid, updatedAt, data); } /** * Convert protobuf message to data required for Elasticsearch indexing */ public static Row toRow(String projectUuid, String fileUuid, Date updatedAt, FileSourceDb.Data data) { Row result = new Row(projectUuid, fileUuid, updatedAt.getTime()); for (FileSourceDb.Line line : data.getLinesList()) { ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // all the fields must be present, even if value is null JsonWriter writer = JsonWriter.of(new OutputStreamWriter(bytes)).setSerializeNulls(true); writer.beginObject(); writer.prop(SourceLineIndexDefinition.FIELD_PROJECT_UUID, projectUuid); writer.prop(SourceLineIndexDefinition.FIELD_FILE_UUID, fileUuid); writer.prop(SourceLineIndexDefinition.FIELD_LINE, line.getLine()); writer.prop(SourceLineIndexDefinition.FIELD_UPDATED_AT, EsUtils.formatDateTime(updatedAt)); writer.prop(SourceLineIndexDefinition.FIELD_SCM_REVISION, line.getScmRevision()); writer.prop(SourceLineIndexDefinition.FIELD_SCM_AUTHOR, line.getScmAuthor()); writer.prop(SourceLineIndexDefinition.FIELD_SCM_DATE, EsUtils.formatDateTime(line.hasScmDate() ? new Date(line.getScmDate()) : null)); // unit tests if (line.hasUtLineHits()) { writer.prop(SourceLineIndexDefinition.FIELD_UT_LINE_HITS, line.getUtLineHits()); } else {; } if (line.hasUtConditions()) { writer.prop(SourceLineIndexDefinition.FIELD_UT_CONDITIONS, line.getUtConditions()); } else {; } if (line.hasUtCoveredConditions()) { writer.prop(SourceLineIndexDefinition.FIELD_UT_COVERED_CONDITIONS, line.getUtCoveredConditions()); } else {; } // IT if (line.hasItLineHits()) { writer.prop(SourceLineIndexDefinition.FIELD_IT_LINE_HITS, line.getItLineHits()); } else {; } if (line.hasItConditions()) { writer.prop(SourceLineIndexDefinition.FIELD_IT_CONDITIONS, line.getItConditions()); } else {; } if (line.hasItCoveredConditions()) { writer.prop(SourceLineIndexDefinition.FIELD_IT_COVERED_CONDITIONS, line.getItCoveredConditions()); } else {; } // Overall coverage if (line.hasOverallLineHits()) { writer.prop(SourceLineIndexDefinition.FIELD_OVERALL_LINE_HITS, line.getOverallLineHits()); } else {; } if (line.hasOverallConditions()) { writer.prop(SourceLineIndexDefinition.FIELD_OVERALL_CONDITIONS, line.getOverallConditions()); } else {; } if (line.hasOverallCoveredConditions()) { writer.prop(SourceLineIndexDefinition.FIELD_OVERALL_COVERED_CONDITIONS, line.getOverallCoveredConditions()); } else {; } if (line.hasHighlighting()) { writer.prop(SourceLineIndexDefinition.FIELD_HIGHLIGHTING, line.getHighlighting()); } else {; } if (line.hasSymbols()) { writer.prop(SourceLineIndexDefinition.FIELD_SYMBOLS, line.getSymbols()); } else {; }; writer.prop(SourceLineIndexDefinition.FIELD_SOURCE, line.hasSource() ? line.getSource() : null); writer.endObject().close(); // This is an optimization to reduce memory consumption and multiple conversions from Map to JSON. // UpdateRequest#doc() and #upsert() take the same parameter values, so: // - passing the same Map would execute two JSON serializations // - Map is a useless temporarily structure: read JDBC result set -> convert to map -> convert to JSON. Generating // directly JSON from result set is more efficient. byte[] jsonDoc = bytes.toByteArray(); UpdateRequest updateRequest = new UpdateRequest(SourceLineIndexDefinition.INDEX, SourceLineIndexDefinition.TYPE, SourceLineIndexDefinition.docKey(fileUuid, line.getLine())) .routing(projectUuid).doc(jsonDoc).upsert(jsonDoc); result.lineUpdateRequests.add(updateRequest); } return result; } }