Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * SonarQube
 * Copyright (C) 2009-2017 SonarSource SA
 * mailto:info AT sonarsource DOT com
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import javax.annotation.CheckForNull;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.IndexMetaData;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings;
import org.sonar.process.ProcessProperties;
import org.sonar.server.permission.index.AuthorizationTypeSupport;

import static;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;

public class NewIndex {

    private final String indexName;
    private final Settings.Builder settings = DefaultIndexSettings.defaults();
    private final Map<String, NewIndexType> types = new LinkedHashMap<>();

    NewIndex(String indexName) {
                "Index name must be lower-case: " + indexName);
        this.indexName = indexName;

    public void refreshHandledByIndexer() {
        getSettings().put("index.refresh_interval", "-1");

    public String getName() {
        return indexName;

    public Settings.Builder getSettings() {
        return settings;

    public NewIndexType createType(String typeName) {
        NewIndexType type = new NewIndexType(this, typeName);
        types.put(typeName, type);
        return type;

    public Map<String, NewIndexType> getTypes() {
        return types;

    public void configureShards(org.sonar.api.config.Settings settings, int defaultNbOfShards) {
        boolean clusterMode = settings.getBoolean(ProcessProperties.CLUSTER_ENABLED);
        int shards = settings.getInt(format("", indexName));
        if (shards == 0) {
            shards = defaultNbOfShards;

        int replicas = settings.getInt(ProcessProperties.SEARCH_REPLICAS);
        if (replicas == 0 && settings.getString(ProcessProperties.SEARCH_REPLICAS) == null) {
            replicas = clusterMode ? 1 : 0;
        getSettings().put(IndexMetaData.SETTING_NUMBER_OF_SHARDS, shards);
        getSettings().put(IndexMetaData.SETTING_NUMBER_OF_REPLICAS, replicas);

    public static class NewIndexType {
        private final NewIndex index;
        private final String name;
        private final Map<String, Object> attributes = new TreeMap<>();
        private final Map<String, Object> properties = new TreeMap<>();

        private NewIndexType(NewIndex index, String typeName) {
            this.index = index;
   = typeName;
            // defaults
            attributes.put("dynamic", false);
            attributes.put("_all", ImmutableSortedMap.of("enabled", false));
            attributes.put("_source", ImmutableSortedMap.of("enabled", true));
            attributes.put("properties", properties);

        public NewIndexType requireProjectAuthorization() {
            return this;

        public NewIndex getIndex() {
            return index;

        public String getName() {
            return name;

         * Complete the root json hash of mapping type, for example to set the attribute "_id"
        public NewIndexType setAttribute(String key, Object value) {
            attributes.put(key, value);
            return this;

         * Complete the json hash named "properties" in mapping type, usually to declare fields
        public NewIndexType setProperty(String key, Object value) {
            properties.put(key, value);
            return this;

        public NewIndexType setEnableSource(boolean enableSource) {
            attributes.put("_source", ImmutableSortedMap.of("enabled", enableSource));
            return this;

        public StringFieldBuilder stringFieldBuilder(String fieldName) {
            return new StringFieldBuilder(this, fieldName);

        public NestedFieldBuilder nestedFieldBuilder(String fieldName) {
            return new NestedFieldBuilder(this, fieldName);

        public NewIndexType createBooleanField(String fieldName) {
            return setProperty(fieldName, ImmutableMap.of("type", "boolean"));

        public NewIndexType createByteField(String fieldName) {
            return setProperty(fieldName, ImmutableMap.of("type", "byte"));

        public NewIndexType createDateTimeField(String fieldName) {
            return setProperty(fieldName, ImmutableMap.of("type", "date", "format", "date_time"));

        public NewIndexType createDoubleField(String fieldName) {
            return setProperty(fieldName, ImmutableMap.of("type", "double"));

        public NewIndexType createIntegerField(String fieldName) {
            return setProperty(fieldName, ImmutableMap.of("type", "integer"));

        public NewIndexType createLongField(String fieldName) {
            return setProperty(fieldName, ImmutableMap.of("type", "long"));

        public NewIndexType createShortField(String fieldName) {
            return setProperty(fieldName, ImmutableMap.of("type", "short"));

        public NewIndexType createUuidPathField(String fieldName) {
            return setProperty(fieldName,
                    ImmutableSortedMap.of(TYPE, STRING, INDEX, ANALYZED, ANALYZER, UUID_MODULE_ANALYZER.getName()));

        public Map<String, Object> getAttributes() {
            return attributes;

        public Object getProperty(String key) {
            return properties.get(key);

     * Helper to define a string field in mapping of index type
    public static class StringFieldBuilder {
        private final NewIndexType indexType;
        private final String fieldName;
        private boolean disableSearch = false;
        private boolean disableNorms = false;
        private boolean termVectorWithPositionOffsets = false;
        private SortedMap<String, Object> subFields = Maps.newTreeMap();

        private StringFieldBuilder(NewIndexType indexType, String fieldName) {
            this.indexType = indexType;
            this.fieldName = fieldName;

         * Add a sub-field. A {@code SortedMap} is required for consistency of the index settings hash.
         * @see IndexDefinitionHash
        private StringFieldBuilder addSubField(String fieldName, SortedMap<String, String> fieldDefinition) {
            subFields.put(fieldName, fieldDefinition);
            return this;

         * Add subfields, one for each analyzer.
        public StringFieldBuilder addSubFields(DefaultIndexSettingsElement... analyzers) {
                    .forEach(analyzer -> addSubField(analyzer.getSubFieldSuffix(), analyzer.fieldMapping()));
            return this;

         * Norms consume useless memory if string field is used for filtering or aggregations.
        public StringFieldBuilder disableNorms() {
            this.disableNorms = true;
            return this;

         * Position offset term vectors are required for the fast_vector_highlighter (fvh).
        public StringFieldBuilder termVectorWithPositionOffsets() {
            this.termVectorWithPositionOffsets = true;
            return this;

         * "index: no" -> Dont index this field at all. This field will not be searchable.
         * By default field is "not_analyzed": it is searchable, but index the value exactly
         * as specified.
        public StringFieldBuilder disableSearch() {
            this.disableSearch = true;
            return this;

        public NewIndexType build() {
            Map<String, Object> hash = new TreeMap<>();
            if (subFields.isEmpty()) {
                hash.putAll(ImmutableMap.of("type", "string", "index", disableSearch ? "no" : "not_analyzed",
                        "norms", ImmutableMap.of("enabled", String.valueOf(!disableNorms))));
            } else {
                hash.put("type", "multi_field");

                Map<String, Object> multiFields = new TreeMap<>(subFields);

                if (termVectorWithPositionOffsets) {
                    multiFields.entrySet().forEach(entry -> {
                        Object subFieldMapping = entry.getValue();
                        if (subFieldMapping instanceof Map) {
                            entry.setValue(addFieldToMapping((Map<String, String>) subFieldMapping, "term_vector",

                        ImmutableMap.of("type", "string", "index", "not_analyzed", "term_vector",
                                termVectorWithPositionOffsets ? "with_positions_offsets" : "no", "norms",
                                ImmutableMap.of("enabled", "false")));

                hash.put("fields", multiFields);

            return indexType.setProperty(fieldName, hash);

        private static SortedMap<String, String> addFieldToMapping(Map<String, String> source, String key,
                String value) {
            SortedMap<String, String> mutable = new TreeMap<>(source);
            mutable.put(key, value);
            return ImmutableSortedMap.copyOf(mutable);

    public static class NestedFieldBuilder {
        private final NewIndexType indexType;
        private final String fieldName;
        private final Map<String, Object> properties = new TreeMap<>();

        private NestedFieldBuilder(NewIndexType indexType, String fieldName) {
            this.indexType = indexType;
            this.fieldName = fieldName;

        private NestedFieldBuilder setProperty(String fieldName, Object value) {
            properties.put(fieldName, value);

            return this;

        public NestedFieldBuilder addStringField(String fieldName) {
            return setProperty(fieldName, ImmutableMap.of("type", "string", "index", "not_analyzed"));

        public NestedFieldBuilder addDoubleField(String fieldName) {
            return setProperty(fieldName, ImmutableMap.of("type", "double"));

        public NestedFieldBuilder addIntegerField(String fieldName) {
            return setProperty(fieldName, ImmutableMap.of("type", "integer"));

        public NewIndexType build() {
            checkArgument(!properties.isEmpty(), "At least one sub-field must be declared in nested property '%s'",
            Map<String, Object> hash = new TreeMap<>();
            hash.put("type", "nested");
            hash.put("properties", properties);

            return indexType.setProperty(fieldName, hash);
