Java tutorial
/* * SonarQube * Copyright (C) 2009-2016 SonarSource SA * mailto:contact AT sonarsource DOT com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package org.sonar.server.debt; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.CheckForNull; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.sonar.api.rule.RuleKey; import org.sonar.api.server.ServerSide; import org.sonar.api.server.debt.DebtRemediationFunction; import org.sonar.api.server.rule.RulesDefinition; import org.sonar.api.utils.System2; import org.sonar.api.utils.ValidationMessages; import org.sonar.api.utils.log.Logger; import org.sonar.api.utils.log.Loggers; import org.sonar.core.permission.GlobalPermissions; import org.sonar.db.DbClient; import org.sonar.db.DbSession; import org.sonar.db.MyBatis; import org.sonar.db.rule.RuleDto; import org.sonar.server.debt.DebtModelXMLExporter.RuleDebt; import org.sonar.server.rule.RuleDefinitionsLoader; import org.sonar.server.rule.RuleOperations; import org.sonar.server.rule.index.RuleIndexer; import org.sonar.server.user.UserSession; import static; @ServerSide public class DebtModelBackup { private static final Logger LOG = Loggers.get(DebtModelBackup.class); private final DbClient dbClient; private final RuleOperations ruleOperations; private final DebtRulesXMLImporter rulesXMLImporter; private final DebtModelXMLExporter debtModelXMLExporter; private final RuleDefinitionsLoader defLoader; private final System2 system2; private final UserSession userSession; private final RuleIndexer ruleIndexer; public DebtModelBackup(DbClient dbClient, RuleOperations ruleOperations, DebtRulesXMLImporter rulesXMLImporter, DebtModelXMLExporter debtModelXMLExporter, RuleDefinitionsLoader defLoader, System2 system2, UserSession userSession, RuleIndexer ruleIndexer) { this.dbClient = dbClient; this.ruleOperations = ruleOperations; this.rulesXMLImporter = rulesXMLImporter; this.debtModelXMLExporter = debtModelXMLExporter; this.defLoader = defLoader; this.system2 = system2; this.userSession = userSession; this.ruleIndexer = ruleIndexer; } public String backup() { return backupFromLanguage(null); } public String backup(String languageKey) { return backupFromLanguage(languageKey); } private String backupFromLanguage(@Nullable String languageKey) { checkPermission(); DbSession session = dbClient.openSession(false); try { List<RuleDebt> rules = newArrayList(); for (RuleDto rule : dbClient.ruleDao().selectEnabled(session)) { if (languageKey != null && !languageKey.equals(rule.getLanguage())) { continue; } RuleDebt ruleDebt = toRuleDebt(rule); if (ruleDebt != null) { rules.add(ruleDebt); } } return debtModelXMLExporter.export(rules); } finally { MyBatis.closeQuietly(session); } } /** * Reset from provided model */ public void reset() { checkPermission(); long updateDate =; DbSession session = dbClient.openSession(false); try { // Restore rules List<RuleDto> ruleDtos = dbClient.ruleDao().selectEnabled(session); if (!ruleDtos.isEmpty()) { // Load default rule definitions RulesDefinition.Context context = defLoader.load(); List<RulesDefinition.Rule> rules = newArrayList(); for (RulesDefinition.Repository repoDef : context.repositories()) { rules.addAll(repoDef.rules()); } resetRules(ruleDtos, rules, updateDate, session); } session.commit(); ruleIndexer.index(); } finally { MyBatis.closeQuietly(session); } } private void resetRules(List<RuleDto> ruleDtos, List<RulesDefinition.Rule> rules, long updateDate, DbSession session) { for (RuleDto rule : ruleDtos) { // Restore default debt definitions RulesDefinition.Rule ruleDef; Integer ruleTemplateId = rule.getTemplateId(); if (ruleTemplateId != null) { RuleDto templateRule = rule(ruleTemplateId, ruleDtos); ruleDef = ruleDef(templateRule.getRepositoryKey(), templateRule.getRuleKey(), rules); } else { ruleDef = ruleDef(rule.getRepositoryKey(), rule.getRuleKey(), rules); } if (ruleDef != null) { DebtRemediationFunction remediationFunction = ruleDef.debtRemediationFunction(); boolean hasDebtDefinition = remediationFunction != null; rule.setDefaultRemediationFunction(hasDebtDefinition ? remediationFunction.type().name() : null); rule.setDefaultRemediationGapMultiplier( hasDebtDefinition ? remediationFunction.gapMultiplier() : null); rule.setDefaultRemediationBaseEffort(hasDebtDefinition ? remediationFunction.baseEffort() : null); } // Reset overridden debt definitions rule.setRemediationFunction(null); rule.setRemediationGapMultiplier(null); rule.setRemediationBaseEffort(null); rule.setUpdatedAt(updateDate); dbClient.ruleDao().update(session, rule); } } /** * Restore model from a given XML model (characteristics and rule debt are restored from XML) */ public ValidationMessages restoreFromXml(String xml) { return restoreXmlModel(xml, null); } /** * Restore model from a given XML model and a given language (only debt of rules on given language are restored from XML) */ public ValidationMessages restoreFromXml(String xml, final String languageKey) { return restoreXmlModel(xml, languageKey); } private ValidationMessages restoreXmlModel(String xml, @Nullable final String languageKey) { checkPermission(); ValidationMessages validationMessages = ValidationMessages.create(); Date updateDate = new Date(; DbSession session = dbClient.openSession(false); try { restoreRules(rules(languageKey, session), rulesXMLImporter.importXML(xml, validationMessages), validationMessages, updateDate, session); session.commit(); ruleIndexer.index(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { LOG.debug("Error when restoring the model", e); validationMessages.addErrorText(e.getMessage()); } finally { MyBatis.closeQuietly(session); } return validationMessages; } private void restoreRules(List<RuleDto> rules, List<RuleDebt> ruleDebts, ValidationMessages validationMessages, Date updateDate, DbSession session) { for (RuleDto rule : rules) { RuleDebt ruleDebt = ruleDebt(rule.getRepositoryKey(), rule.getRuleKey(), ruleDebts); ruleOperations.updateRule(rule, ruleDebt != null ? ruleDebt.function() : null, ruleDebt != null ? ruleDebt.coefficient() : null, ruleDebt != null ? ruleDebt.offset() : null, session); rule.setUpdatedAt(updateDate.getTime()); ruleDebts.remove(ruleDebt); } for (RuleDebt ruleDebt : ruleDebts) { validationMessages.addWarningText(String.format("The rule '%s' does not exist.", ruleDebt.ruleKey())); } } private List<RuleDto> rules(@Nullable String languageKey, DbSession session) { List<RuleDto> rules = dbClient.ruleDao().selectEnabled(session); if (languageKey == null) { return rules; } return newArrayList(Iterables.filter(rules, new RuleDtoMatchLanguage(languageKey))); } @CheckForNull private static RuleDebt ruleDebt(String ruleRepo, String ruleKey, List<RuleDebt> ruleDebts) { if (ruleDebts.isEmpty()) { return null; } return Iterables.find(ruleDebts, new RuleDebtMatchRuleRepoAndRuleKey(ruleRepo, ruleKey), null); } private static RuleDto rule(int id, List<RuleDto> rules) { return Iterables.find(rules, new RuleDtoMatchId(id)); } @CheckForNull private static RulesDefinition.Rule ruleDef(String ruleRepo, String ruleKey, List<RulesDefinition.Rule> rules) { return Iterables.find(rules, new RuleDefMatchRuleRepoAndRuleKey(ruleRepo, ruleKey), null); } @CheckForNull private static RuleDebt toRuleDebt(RuleDto rule) { RuleDebt ruleDebt = new RuleDebt().setRuleKey(RuleKey.of(rule.getRepositoryKey(), rule.getRuleKey())); String overriddenFunction = rule.getRemediationFunction(); String defaultFunction = rule.getDefaultRemediationFunction(); if (overriddenFunction != null) { ruleDebt.setFunction(overriddenFunction); ruleDebt.setCoefficient(rule.getRemediationGapMultiplier()); ruleDebt.setOffset(rule.getRemediationBaseEffort()); return ruleDebt; } else if (defaultFunction != null) { ruleDebt.setFunction(defaultFunction); ruleDebt.setCoefficient(rule.getDefaultRemediationGapMultiplier()); ruleDebt.setOffset(rule.getDefaultRemediationBaseEffort()); return ruleDebt; } return null; } private void checkPermission() { userSession.checkPermission(GlobalPermissions.SYSTEM_ADMIN); } private static class RuleDtoMatchLanguage implements Predicate<RuleDto> { private final String languageKey; public RuleDtoMatchLanguage(String languageKey) { this.languageKey = languageKey; } @Override public boolean apply(@Nonnull RuleDto input) { return languageKey.equals(input.getLanguage()); } } private static class RuleDebtMatchRuleRepoAndRuleKey implements Predicate<RuleDebt> { private final String ruleRepo; private final String ruleKey; public RuleDebtMatchRuleRepoAndRuleKey(String ruleRepo, String ruleKey) { this.ruleRepo = ruleRepo; this.ruleKey = ruleKey; } @Override public boolean apply(@Nullable RuleDebt input) { return input != null && ruleRepo.equals(input.ruleKey().repository()) && ruleKey.equals(input.ruleKey().rule()); } } private static class RuleDtoMatchId implements Predicate<RuleDto> { private final int id; public RuleDtoMatchId(int id) { = id; } @Override public boolean apply(@Nonnull RuleDto input) { return id == input.getId(); } } private static class RuleDefMatchRuleRepoAndRuleKey implements Predicate<RulesDefinition.Rule> { private final String ruleRepo; private final String ruleKey; public RuleDefMatchRuleRepoAndRuleKey(String ruleRepo, String ruleKey) { this.ruleRepo = ruleRepo; this.ruleKey = ruleKey; } @Override public boolean apply(@Nonnull RulesDefinition.Rule input) { return ruleRepo.equals(input.repository().key()) && ruleKey.equals(input.key()); } } }