Java tutorial
/* * SonarQube Flex Plugin * Copyright (C) 2010 SonarSource * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02 */ package org.sonar.flex.checks.asdoc; import; import com.sonar.sslr.api.AstNode; import com.sonar.sslr.api.Trivia; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.sonar.flex.FlexGrammar; import org.sonar.flex.FlexKeyword; import org.sonar.flex.checks.ASDocCheck; import org.sonar.flex.checks.utils.Function; import org.sonar.flex.checks.utils.Modifiers; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; public class ASDocMemberCheck { public static class MethodASDoc { Set<String> parameters = Sets.newHashSet(); boolean hasReturn = false; public boolean isParameterDocumented(String paramName) { for (String param : parameters) { if (param.equalsIgnoreCase(paramName)) { return true; } } return false; } } public void visitNode(ASDocCheck check, List<AstNode> classDirectives) { checkMember(check, classDirectives); } private void checkMember(ASDocCheck check, List<AstNode> classDirectives) { for (AstNode directive : classDirectives) { AstNode annotableDirective = directive.getFirstChild(FlexGrammar.ANNOTABLE_DIRECTIVE); if (annotableDirective != null && Modifiers.isPublic(annotableDirective.getPreviousAstNode())) { AstNode annotableDirChild = annotableDirective.getFirstChild(); // Fields if ( && { checkField(check, getTrivia(directive), annotableDirChild); // Methods } else if (check.methods && { checkMethod(check, getTrivia(directive), annotableDirChild); } } } } /** * Returns class member trivia. * Handles case when there is metadata tag before method or field. */ private List<Trivia> getTrivia(AstNode directive) { // If there is no metatdata right before the method or field declaration if (directive.getToken().hasTrivia()) { return directive.getToken().getTrivia(); } AstNode current = directive; AstNode previousNode = directive.getPreviousAstNode(); while (isMetadata(previousNode)) { current = previousNode; previousNode = previousNode.getPreviousAstNode(); } return current.getToken().getTrivia(); } private boolean isMetadata(AstNode directive) { AstNode statementKind = directive.getFirstChild().getFirstChild(); return statementKind != null &&; } /** * Verifies that an ASDoc is present above the field declaration. */ private void checkField(ASDocCheck check, List<Trivia> trivia, AstNode variableDec) { if (!check.hasASDoc(trivia) && !check.containsOnOfTags(trivia, ASDocCheck.PRIVATE_TAG, ASDocCheck.INHERIT_TAG)) { check.getContext().createLineViolation(check, "Add the missing ASDoc for this field declaration.", variableDec); } } /** * <ul> Verifies: * <li> presence of ASDoc above the method declaration * <li> presence of @return tag in ASDoc * <li> presence of @param tag in ASDoc * </ul> */ private void checkMethod(ASDocCheck check, List<Trivia> trivia, AstNode functionDef) { if (check.containsOnOfTags(trivia, ASDocCheck.PRIVATE_TAG, ASDocCheck.INHERIT_TAG)) { // skip all documentation check if has @private tag return; } // General missing ASDoc for the method if (!check.hasASDoc(trivia)) { check.getContext().createLineViolation(check, "Add the missing ASDoc for this method.", functionDef); } else { MethodASDoc methodASDoc = parseASDoc(trivia); if (check.methodReturn) { checkForReturnASDoc(check, methodASDoc, functionDef); } if (check.methodParams) { checkForParametersASDoc(check, methodASDoc, functionDef); } } } /** * Report an issue if the method as a non-void return type and "@return" tag is not present in the ASDoc */ private void checkForReturnASDoc(ASDocCheck check, MethodASDoc methodASDoc, AstNode functionDef) { if (!returnsVoid(functionDef) && !methodASDoc.hasReturn) { check.getContext().createLineViolation(check, "Add the missing \"@return\" ASDoc for the return value of this method.", functionDef); } } /** * Verifies that for every method's parameter a "@param" tag followed by the parameter's name * is present in the ASDoc. */ private void checkForParametersASDoc(ASDocCheck check, MethodASDoc methodASDoc, AstNode functionDef) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (AstNode parameter : Function.getParametersIdentifiers(functionDef)) { String paramValue = parameter.getTokenValue(); if (!methodASDoc.isParameterDocumented(paramValue)) { builder.append(paramValue).append(", "); } } if (builder.length() > 0) { check.getContext().createLineViolation(check, "Add the missing \"@param\" ASDoc for: {0}.", functionDef, StringUtils.chop(builder.toString().trim())); } } private MethodASDoc parseASDoc(List<Trivia> trivia) { MethodASDoc methodASDoc = new MethodASDoc(); for (Trivia comment : trivia) { for (String line : comment.getToken().getValue().trim().split("(?:\r)?\n|\r")) { parseLine(line.trim().split(" "), methodASDoc); } } return methodASDoc; } private void parseLine(String[] line, MethodASDoc methodASDoc) { int lineLength = line.length; for (int i = 0, next = 1; i < lineLength; i++, next++) { if ("@param".equals(line[i]) && next < lineLength) { methodASDoc.parameters.add(getParamName(line[next])); } else if ("@return".equals(line[i])) { methodASDoc.hasReturn = true; } } } private boolean returnsVoid(AstNode functionDef) { AstNode returnType = functionDef.getFirstChild(FlexGrammar.FUNCTION_COMMON) .getFirstChild(FlexGrammar.FUNCTION_SIGNATURE).getFirstChild(FlexGrammar.RESULT_TYPE); if (returnType == null) { return true; } return returnType.getLastChild().is(FlexKeyword.VOID) ? true : false; } private static String getParamName(String paramDoc) { if (!paramDoc.isEmpty()) { return paramDoc.split(":")[0]; } return paramDoc; } }