Java tutorial
/* * .NET tools :: Gallio Runner * Copyright (C) 2010 Jose Chillan, Alexandre Victoor and SonarSource * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02 */ package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.sonar.api.utils.command.Command; import; import; import; /** * Class used to build the command line to run Gallio. */ public final class GallioCommandBuilder { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GallioCommandBuilder.class); private static final String DEFAULT_GALLIO_RUNNER = "IsolatedProcess"; private static final String PART_COVER_EXE = "PartCover.exe"; private VisualStudioSolution solution; private String buildConfigurations = "Debug"; // Information needed for simple Gallio execution private File gallioExecutable; private File gallioReportFile; private String filter; private File workDir; // Information needed for coverage execution private CoverageTool coverageTool; private File partCoverInstallDirectory; private String coverageExcludes; private File coverageReportFile; private GallioCommandBuilder() { } /** * Constructs a {@link GallioCommandBuilder} object for the given Visual Studio solution. * * @param solution * the solution to analyse * @return a Gallio builder for this solution */ public static GallioCommandBuilder createBuilder(VisualStudioSolution solution) { GallioCommandBuilder builder = new GallioCommandBuilder(); builder.solution = solution; return builder; } /** * Sets the install dir for Gallio * * @param gallioExecutable * the executable * @return the current builder */ public GallioCommandBuilder setExecutable(File gallioExecutable) { this.gallioExecutable = gallioExecutable; return this; } /** * Sets the report file to generate * * @param reportFile * the report file * @return the current builder */ public GallioCommandBuilder setReportFile(File reportFile) { this.gallioReportFile = reportFile; return this; } /** * Sets Gallio test filter. <br/> * This can be used to execute only a specific test category (i.e. CategotyName:unit to consider only tests from the 'unit' category) * * @param gallioFilter * the filter for Gallio * @return the current builder */ public GallioCommandBuilder setFilter(String gallioFilter) { this.filter = gallioFilter; return this; } /** * Sets the build configurations. By default, it is "Debug". * * @param buildConfigurations * the build configurations * @return the current builder */ public GallioCommandBuilder setBuildConfigurations(String buildConfigurations) { this.buildConfigurations = buildConfigurations; return this; } /** * Set the working directory * * @param workDir * the working directory */ public GallioCommandBuilder setWorkDir(File workDir) { this.workDir = workDir; return this; } /** * Sets the coverage tool to use, given its name (insensitive, for instance "ncover" or "NCover"). If none corresponding to the given name * is found, or if an empty string is passed, then no coverage tool will be used and no coverage report will be generated. <br> * <br/> * To know which tools are currently supported, check {@link CoverageTool} * * @see CoverageTool * @param coverageToolName * the name of the tool */ public GallioCommandBuilder setCoverageTool(String coverageToolName) { this.coverageTool = CoverageTool.findFromName(coverageToolName); return this; } /** * Sets PartCover installation directory. * * @param partCoverInstallDirectory * the install dir */ public GallioCommandBuilder setPartCoverInstallDirectory(File partCoverInstallDirectory) { this.partCoverInstallDirectory = partCoverInstallDirectory; return this; } /** * Sets the namespaces and assemblies excluded from the code coverage, seperated by a comma. The format for an exclusion is the PartCover * format: "[assembly]namespace". * * @param coverageExcludes * the excludes */ public GallioCommandBuilder setCoverageExcludes(String coverageExcludes) { this.coverageExcludes = coverageExcludes; return this; } /** * Sets the coverage report file to generate * * @param coverageReportFile * the report file * @return the current builder */ public GallioCommandBuilder setCoverageReportFile(File coverageReportFile) { this.coverageReportFile = coverageReportFile; return this; } /** * Transforms this command object into a Command object that can be passed to the CommandExecutor. * * @return the Command object that represents the command to launch. */ public Command toCommand() throws GallioException { List<File> testAssemblies = findTestAssemblies(); validateGallioInfo(testAssemblies); Command command = createCommand(); List<String> gallioArguments = generateGallioArguments(testAssemblies); if (CoverageTool.PARTCOVER.equals(coverageTool)) { addPartCoverArguments(command, gallioArguments); } else if (CoverageTool.NCOVER.equals(coverageTool)) { addNCoverArguments(command, gallioArguments); } else { command.addArguments(gallioArguments); } return command; } protected Command createCommand() throws GallioException { Command command = null; LOG.debug("- Gallio executable : " + gallioExecutable); if (CoverageTool.PARTCOVER.equals(coverageTool)) { // In case of PartCover, the executable is not Gallio but PartCover itself File partCoverExecutable = new File(partCoverInstallDirectory, PART_COVER_EXE); validatePartCoverInfo(partCoverExecutable); LOG.debug("- PartCover executable: " + partCoverExecutable); command = Command.create(partCoverExecutable.getAbsolutePath()); } else { command = Command.create(gallioExecutable.getAbsolutePath()); } command.setDirectory(workDir); return command; } protected List<String> generateGallioArguments(List<File> testAssemblies) { List<String> gallioArguments = Lists.newArrayList(); String runner = DEFAULT_GALLIO_RUNNER; if (coverageTool != null) { LOG.debug("- Coverage tool : {}", coverageTool.getName()); runner = coverageTool.getGallioRunner(); } LOG.debug("- Runner : {}", runner); gallioArguments.add("/r:" + runner); File reportDirectory = gallioReportFile.getParentFile(); LOG.debug("- Report directory : {}", reportDirectory.getAbsolutePath()); gallioArguments.add("/report-directory:" + reportDirectory.getAbsolutePath()); String reportName = trimFileReportName(); LOG.debug("- Report file : {}", reportName); gallioArguments.add("/report-name-format:" + reportName); gallioArguments.add("/report-type:Xml"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(filter)) { LOG.debug("- Filter : {}", filter); gallioArguments.add("/f:" + filter); } LOG.debug("- Test assemblies :"); for (File testAssembly : testAssemblies) { LOG.debug(" o {}", testAssembly); gallioArguments.add(testAssembly.getAbsolutePath()); } return gallioArguments; } protected void addPartCoverArguments(Command command, List<String> gallioArguments) { // DEBUG info has already been printed out for "--target" command.addArgument("--target"); command.addArgument(gallioExecutable.getAbsolutePath()); LOG.debug("- Working directory : {}", workDir.getAbsolutePath()); command.addArgument("--target-work-dir"); command.addArgument(workDir.getAbsolutePath()); // DEBUG info has already been printed out for "--target-args" command.addArgument("--target-args"); command.addArgument(escapeGallioArguments(gallioArguments)); // We add all the covered assemblies for (String assemblyName : listCoveredAssemblies()) { LOG.debug("- Partcover include : [{}]*", assemblyName); command.addArgument("--include"); command.addArgument("[" + assemblyName + "]*"); } // We add all the configured exclusions if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(coverageExcludes)) { for (String exclusion : StringUtils.split(coverageExcludes, ",")) { LOG.debug("- Partcover exclude : {}", exclusion.trim()); command.addArgument("--exclude"); command.addArgument(exclusion.trim()); } } LOG.debug("- Coverage report : {}", coverageReportFile.getAbsolutePath()); command.addArgument("--output"); command.addArgument(coverageReportFile.getAbsolutePath()); } private void addNCoverArguments(Command command, List<String> gallioArguments) { command.addArguments(gallioArguments); LOG.debug("- Coverage report : {}", coverageReportFile.getAbsolutePath()); command.addArgument("/runner-property:NCoverCoverageFile=" + coverageReportFile.getAbsolutePath()); String coveredAssemblies = StringUtils.join(listCoveredAssemblies().toArray(), ";"); LOG.debug("- NCover arguments : {}", coveredAssemblies); command.addArgument("/runner-property:NCoverArguments=//ias " + coveredAssemblies); } protected List<String> listCoveredAssemblies() { List<String> coveredAssemblyNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (VisualStudioProject visualProject : solution.getProjects()) { if (!visualProject.isTest()) { coveredAssemblyNames.add(visualProject.getAssemblyName()); } } return coveredAssemblyNames; } // TODO : try to refactor this protected String escapeGallioArguments(List<String> gallioArguments) { StringBuilder targetArgsBuilder = new StringBuilder(); boolean isFirst = true; for (String currentArg : gallioArguments) { if (isFirst) { isFirst = false; } else { targetArgsBuilder.append(' '); } String escapedArg = escapeQuotes(currentArg); targetArgsBuilder.append(escapedArg); } return targetArgsBuilder.toString(); } /* * Escapes the quotes of a string. TODO : try to refactor this */ protected String escapeQuotes(String input) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(input.length()); for (int idxChar = 0, len = input.length(); idxChar < len; idxChar++) { char currentChar = input.charAt(idxChar); if (currentChar == '"') { result.append('\\'); } else if (idxChar == 0) { result.append("\\\""); } result.append(currentChar); if (currentChar != '"' && idxChar == len - 1) { result.append("\\\""); } } return result.toString(); } protected String trimFileReportName() { String reportName = gallioReportFile.getName(); if (StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(reportName, ".xml")) { // We remove the terminal .xml that will be added by the Gallio runner reportName = reportName.substring(0, reportName.length() - 4); } return reportName; } protected List<File> findTestAssemblies() throws GallioException { List<File> assemblyFileList = Lists.newArrayList(); if (solution != null) { for (VisualStudioProject visualStudioProject : solution.getTestProjects()) { addAssembly(assemblyFileList, visualStudioProject); } } else { throw new GallioException("No .NET solution or project has been given to the Gallio command builder."); } return assemblyFileList; } protected void addAssembly(List<File> assemblyFileList, VisualStudioProject visualStudioProject) { File assembly = visualStudioProject.getArtifact(buildConfigurations); if (assembly != null && assembly.isFile()) { assemblyFileList.add(assembly); } } protected void validateGallioInfo(List<File> testAssemblies) throws GallioException { if (gallioExecutable == null || !gallioExecutable.isFile()) { throw new GallioException( "Gallio executable cannot be found at the following location:" + gallioExecutable); } if (gallioReportFile == null) { throw new GallioException("Gallio report file has not been specified."); } if (workDir == null || !workDir.isDirectory()) { throw new GallioException("The working directory cannot be found at the following location:" + workDir); } if (testAssemblies.isEmpty()) { throw new GallioException( "No test assembly was found. Please check your project's Gallio plugin configuration."); } } protected void validatePartCoverInfo(File partCoverExecutable) throws GallioException { if (partCoverExecutable == null || !partCoverExecutable.isFile()) { throw new GallioException( "PartCover executable cannot be found at the following location:" + partCoverExecutable); } if (coverageReportFile == null) { throw new GallioException("Gallio coverage report file has not been specified."); } } }