Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 serso aka se.solovyev * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Bundle; import android.util.Log; import android.widget.Filter; import; import; import; import; import; import org.solovyev.common.JPredicate; import org.solovyev.common.collections.Collections; import org.solovyev.common.text.Strings; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import static; import static; import static; import static; public abstract class BaseContactsAdapter extends BaseListItemAdapter<ContactListItem> { @Nonnull private static final String TAG = newTag("ContactsAdapter"); @Nonnull private static final String MODE = "mode"; @Nonnull private ContactsDisplayMode mode = Users.DEFAULT_CONTACTS_MODE; @Nonnull private String query = ""; public BaseContactsAdapter(@Nonnull Context context) { super(context, new ArrayList<ContactListItem>()); } public BaseContactsAdapter(@Nonnull Context context, boolean fastScrollEnabled) { super(context, new ArrayList<ContactListItem>(), fastScrollEnabled, true); } @Override public void onEvent(@Nonnull UserEvent event) { super.onEvent(event); Log.i(TAG, "Event received: " + event.getType()); Log.i(TAG, "Shown contacts before event: " + getCount()); final UserEventType type = event.getType(); final User eventUser = event.getUser(); switch (type) { case contact_removed: final String contactId = event.getDataAsUserId(); removeListItem(contactId); break; case contacts_added: // first - filter contacts which can be added // then - transform user objects to list items objects final List<User> contacts = event.getDataAsUsers(); if (!Collections.isEmpty(contacts)) { addAll(newArrayList(Iterables.transform(Iterables.filter(contacts, new Predicate<User>() { @Override public boolean apply(@Nullable User contact) { assert contact != null; return canAddContact(contact); } }), new Function<User, ContactListItem>() { @Override public ContactListItem apply(@Nullable User contact) { assert contact != null; return loadContactListItem(contact); } }))); } break; case changed: onContactChanged(event, eventUser); break; case unread_messages_count_changed: onContactChanged(event, eventUser); break; case contacts_changed: case contacts_presence_changed: onContactsChanged(event); break; } } @Nonnull public String getQuery() { return query; } public void setQuery(@Nullable CharSequence query) { this.query = query == null ? "" : query.toString(); } @Override public void restoreState(@Nonnull Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.restoreState(savedInstanceState); final Serializable mode = savedInstanceState.getSerializable(MODE); if (mode instanceof ContactsDisplayMode) { this.mode = (ContactsDisplayMode) mode; } } @Override public void saveState(@Nonnull Bundle outState) { super.saveState(outState); outState.putSerializable(MODE, mode); } private void onContactChanged(@Nonnull UserEvent event, @Nonnull User contact) { onContactChanged(event, contact, true); } private boolean onContactChanged(@Nonnull UserEvent event, @Nonnull User contact, boolean notifyAndRefilter) { boolean changed = false; final ContactListItem listItem = findInAllElements(contact); if (listItem != null) { switch (event.getType()) { case unread_messages_count_changed: changed = listItem.onUnreadMessagesCountChanged(event.getDataAsInteger()); break; case contacts_presence_changed: changed = listItem.onContactPresenceChanged(contact); break; default: listItem.onContactChanged(contact); changed = true; break; } if (changed) { onListItemChanged(contact); if (notifyAndRefilter) { notifyDataSetChanged(); refilter(); } } } return changed; } public void refilter() { this.getFilter().filter(getFilterText(), new Filter.FilterListener() { @Override public void onFilterComplete(int count) { Log.i(TAG, "Shown contacts after filter: " + count); } }); } private void onContactsChanged(@Nonnull UserEvent event) { boolean changed = false; final List<User> contacts = event.getDataAsUsers(); for (User contact : contacts) { changed |= onContactChanged(event, contact, false); } if (changed) { notifyDataSetChanged(); refilter(); } } @Nullable protected ContactListItem findInAllElements(@Nonnull User contact) { return Iterables.find(getAllElements(), equalTo(ContactListItem.newEmpty(contact)), null); } protected void removeListItem(@Nonnull String contactId) { final User contact = Users.newEmptyUser(contactId); removeListItem(contact); } protected void removeListItem(@Nonnull User contact) { remove(ContactListItem.newEmpty(contact)); } protected void addListItem(@Nonnull User contact) { add(loadContactListItem(contact)); } protected abstract void onListItemChanged(@Nonnull User contact); protected abstract boolean canAddContact(@Nonnull User contact); public void setMode(@Nonnull ContactsDisplayMode newMode) { boolean changed = this.mode != newMode; this.mode = newMode; if (changed) { refilter(); } } @Nonnull @Override protected Filter createFilter() { return new ContactsFilter(new AdapterHelper()); } private class ContactsFilter extends AdapterFilter<ContactListItem> { @Nonnull private ContactListItemFilter emptyPrefixFilter = new ContactListItemFilter(null, mode); private ContactsFilter(@Nonnull Helper<ContactListItem> helper) { super(helper); } @Override protected boolean doFilterOnEmptyString() { return true; } @Override protected JPredicate<ContactListItem> getFilter(@Nullable final CharSequence prefix) { if (Strings.isEmpty(prefix)) { return emptyPrefixFilter; } else { assert prefix != null; return new ContactListItemFilter(prefix.toString().toLowerCase(), mode); } } } private static final class ContactListItemFilter implements JPredicate<ContactListItem> { private final JPredicate<User> filter; private ContactListItemFilter(@Nullable String query, @Nonnull ContactsDisplayMode mode) { filter = new ContactFilter(query, mode); } @Override public boolean apply(@Nullable ContactListItem contactListItem) { return contactListItem == null || filter.apply(contactListItem.getContact()); } } }