Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 The Solmix Project * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * or see the FSF site: */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.solmix.commons.collections.DataTypeMap; import org.solmix.commons.util.Assert; import org.solmix.commons.util.DataUtils; import org.solmix.commons.util.Reflection; import org.solmix.commons.util.StringUtils; import org.solmix.commons.util.TransformUtils; import org.solmix.datax.DATAX; import org.solmix.datax.DSCallException; import org.solmix.datax.DSRequest; import org.solmix.datax.DSResponse; import org.solmix.datax.DSResponse.Status; import org.solmix.datax.DataService; import org.solmix.datax.DataServiceNoFoundException; import org.solmix.datax.DataxException; import org.solmix.datax.OperationNoFoundException; import; import; import; import; import org.solmix.datax.model.BatchOperations; import org.solmix.datax.model.DataServiceInfo; import org.solmix.datax.model.FieldInfo; import org.solmix.datax.model.FieldType; import org.solmix.datax.model.ForwardInfo; import org.solmix.datax.model.LookupType; import org.solmix.datax.model.MergedType; import org.solmix.datax.model.OperationInfo; import org.solmix.datax.model.OperationType; import org.solmix.datax.model.ParamInfo; import org.solmix.datax.model.TransactionPolicy; import org.solmix.datax.model.TransformerInfo; import org.solmix.datax.model.ValidatorInfo; import org.solmix.datax.script.VelocityExpression; import org.solmix.datax.transformer.Transformer; import org.solmix.datax.transformer.TransformerException; import org.solmix.datax.util.DataTools; import org.solmix.datax.validation.BuiltinCreator; import org.solmix.datax.validation.DefaultValidatorService; import org.solmix.datax.validation.ErrorMessage; import org.solmix.datax.validation.ValidationContext; import org.solmix.datax.validation.ValidationCreator; import org.solmix.datax.validation.ValidationEvent; import org.solmix.datax.validation.ValidationEvent.Level; import org.solmix.datax.validation.ValidationEventFactory; import org.solmix.datax.validation.ValidationException; import org.solmix.runtime.Container; import org.solmix.runtime.bean.ConfiguredBeanProvider; import org.solmix.runtime.event.EventService; import org.solmix.runtime.event.TimeMonitorEvent; import org.solmix.runtime.i18n.ResourceBundleManager; import; import org.solmix.runtime.resource.ResourceInjector; import org.solmix.runtime.resource.ResourceManager; import; import org.solmix.service.template.TemplateService; import org.w3c.dom.Element; /** * * @author * @version $Id$ 201573 */ public class BaseDataService implements DataService { public static final String PARAM_VELOCITY = VelocityExpression.class.getName() + ".param"; public static final String PARAM_VELOCITY_CONTEXT = VelocityExpression.class.getName() + ".paramCtx"; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BaseDataService.class); private static final Logger VALIDATION = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DATAX.VALIDATION_LOGNAME); private Container container; private DataTypeMap properties; private DataServiceInfo info; private DSCallFactory dsCallFactory; private EventService eventService; public BaseDataService(DataServiceInfo info, Container container, DataTypeMap prop) { Assert.assertNotNull(info); setContainer(container); = info; = prop; init(); } protected void setContainer(Container container) { Assert.assertNotNull(container); this.container = container; } protected void init() { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace((new StringBuilder()).append("Creating instance of DataSource '").append(info.getId()) .append("'").toString()); } } /** * */ @Override public void freeResources() { } @Override public String getId() { return info.getId(); } @Override public String getServerType() { return BaseDataServiceFactory.BASE; } @Override public DSResponse execute(DSRequest req) throws DSCallException { if (req == null) { return null; } req.registerFreeResourcesHandler(this); if (req.getDataService() == null && req.getDataServiceId() == null) { req.setDataService(this); } OperationInfo oi = info.getOperationInfo(req.getOperationId()); if (oi == null) { throw new OperationNoFoundException( "Not found operation" + req.getOperationId() + " in Dataservice:" + getId()); } if (oi.getBatch() != null) { DSResponse res = executeBatch(req, oi); List<ForwardInfo> forwards = oi.getBatch().getForwards(); if (forwards == null) { return res; } else { return forwardToTemplate(res, req, forwards); } } //? Map<String, ParamInfo> params = oi.getParams(); if (params != null && !params.isEmpty()) { prepareParams(req, params); } //? List<TransformerInfo> trans = oi.getTransformers(); List<Transformer> transformers = prepareTransformer(oi, req, trans); if (transformers != null && !transformers.isEmpty()) { transformRequest(req, transformers); } //? OperationType type = oi.getType(); DSResponse response = null; //?? if (type != OperationType.CUSTOM) { response = validateDSRequest(req); if (response != null) { return transformResponse(response, transformers, req, oi); } } //??? if (oi.getRedirect() != null) { Object redirect = evaluteExpression(oi.getRedirect(), req); if (redirect != null) { if (req.setOperationId(redirect.toString())) { return req.execute(); } } } req.setRequestStarted(true); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("RawValues==>> {}", req.getRawValues()); } // ?invoker? if ((!req.isInvoked()) && oi.getInvoker() != null) { response = DMIDataService.execute(container, req, req.getDSCall()); return transformResponse(response, transformers, req, oi); } else { response = executeDefault(req, type); return transformResponse(response, transformers, req, oi); } } /**?forward ????,?rawData * @throws DSCallException */ protected DSResponse forwardToTemplate(DSResponse res, DSRequest req, List<ForwardInfo> forwards) throws DSCallException { TemplateService templateService = container.getExtension(TemplateService.class); Assert.assertNotNull(templateService, "TemplateService is null"); String forward = res.getForward(); ForwardInfo selected = null; if (forward == null) { if (forwards.size() == 1) { selected = forwards.get(0); } else { selected = forwards.get(0); LOG.warn("Multi forward with null forward"); } } else { for (ForwardInfo i : forwards) { if (forward.equals(i.getName())) { selected = i; break; } } } if (selected == null) { throw new ForwardException("No found forwardinfo for :" + forward); } DSCallTemplateContext context = new DSCallTemplateContext(container, req, res); CachedOutputStream outputSteam = new CachedOutputStream(); try { String tempalte = selected.getPath(); templateService.evaluate(tempalte, context, outputSteam); res.setRawData(outputSteam); //Content-Type String type = selected.getContentType(); if (type == null) { //html type = DATAX.TEMPLATE_CONTENT_TYPE_DEFAULT; } res.setAttribute("Content-Type", type); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DSCallException("evaluate template error:", e); } return res; } /** * ??Transformers */ private List<Transformer> prepareTransformer(OperationInfo oi, DSRequest req, List<TransformerInfo> trans) { List<Transformer> transformers = null; if (trans != null) { transformers = new ArrayList<Transformer>(); for (TransformerInfo tran : trans) { Transformer transformer = null; LookupType type = tran.getLookup(); String serviceName = tran.getName(); Class<? extends Transformer> serviceClass = tran.getClazz(); if (type == LookupType.CONTAINER) { if (serviceName == null) { if (serviceClass == null || serviceClass == Transformer.class) { //validator throw new ValidationException( "transformer must specify name to determine validator service "); } else { transformer = container.getExtension(serviceClass); } } else { ConfiguredBeanProvider provider = container.getExtension(ConfiguredBeanProvider.class); if (provider != null) { transformer = provider.getBeanOfType(serviceName, serviceClass == null ? Transformer.class : serviceClass); } } } else if (serviceClass != null && type == LookupType.NEW) { try { transformer = Reflection.newInstance(serviceClass); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ValidationException("Instance object", e); } } if (transformer != null) { ResourceManager rma = container.getExtension(ResourceManager.class); ResourceManagerImpl rm = new ResourceManagerImpl(rma.getResourceResolvers()); rm.addResourceResolver(new RequestContextResourceResolver(req.getRequestContext())); rm.addResourceResolver(new DSRequestResolver(req)); ResourceInjector injector = new ResourceInjector(rm); injector.inject(transformer); transformer.init(tran); transformers.add(transformer); } } } customTransformer(transformers, req, oi); return transformers; } protected void customTransformer(List<Transformer> transformers, DSRequest req, OperationInfo oi) { } protected void transformRequest(DSRequest req, List<Transformer> trans) { for (Transformer transformer : trans) { try { Object transformedValues = transformer.transformRequest(req.getRawValues(), req); req.setRawValues(transformedValues); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TransformerException("Transformer DSRequest", e); } } } protected DSResponse transformResponse(DSResponse response, List<Transformer> transformers, DSRequest req, OperationInfo oi) throws DSCallException { List<ForwardInfo> forwards = oi.getForwards(); if (transformers != null && transformers.size() > 0) { for (Transformer transformer : transformers) { try { Object transformedObject = transformer.transformResponse(response.getRawData(), response, req); response.setRawData(transformedObject); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TransformerException("Transformer DSRequest", e); } } } if (forwards != null && forwards.size() > 0) { response = forwardToTemplate(response, req, forwards); } return response; } protected DSRequest prepareParams(DSRequest req, Map<String, ParamInfo> params) throws DSCallException { Object values = req.getRawValues(); // ??? if (values == null) { values = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); } List<?> list = null; try { if (values instanceof List<?> && values.getClass().isArray()) { list = req.getValueSets(); List<Object> afters = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (Object o : list) { afters.add(injectParma(o, params, req)); } req.setRawValues(afters); } else { req.setRawValues(injectParma(values, params, req)); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new DSCallException("Prepare params error", e); } return req; } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) private Object injectParma(Object values, Map<String, ParamInfo> params, DSRequest req) throws Exception { Map map; boolean isMap = false; if (values instanceof Map) { map = (Map) values; isMap = true; } else { map = TransformUtils.transformType(Map.class, values); } for (String name : params.keySet()) { ParamInfo param = params.get(name); if (map.containsKey(name)) { if (param.isOverride()) { map.put(name, getParamValue(param, req)); } } else { Object o = getParamValue(param, req); if (o != null) { map.put(name, o); } } } if (!isMap) { return DataUtils.setProperties(map, values); } else { return map; } } protected Object getParamValue(ParamInfo param, DSRequest req) { if (param == null) { return null; } Object o = param.getValue(); if (o != null) { return o.toString().trim(); } String expre = StringUtils.trimToNull(param.getExpression()); if (expre != null) { return evaluteExpression(expre, req); } return null; } protected Object evaluteExpression(String expression, DSRequest req) { VelocityExpression velocity = (VelocityExpression) req.getAttribute(PARAM_VELOCITY); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object> vcontext = (Map<String, Object>) req.getAttribute(PARAM_VELOCITY_CONTEXT); if (velocity == null) { velocity = new VelocityExpression(container); vcontext = velocity.prepareContext(req, req.getRequestContext()); req.setAttribute(PARAM_VELOCITY, velocity); req.setAttribute(PARAM_VELOCITY_CONTEXT, vcontext); } Object o = velocity.evaluateValue(expression, vcontext); if (o != null && o instanceof String) { return StringUtils.trimToNull((String) o); } else { return o; } } /** * ?. * * @param req * @return * @throws DataxException */ protected DSResponse executeBatch(DSRequest req, OperationInfo oi) throws DSCallException { BatchOperations bos = oi.getBatch(); MergedType merged = bos.getMergedType(); TransactionPolicy policy = bos.getTransactionPolicy(); DSCall old = DSCallUtils.getDSCall(); try { DSCall newdsc = dsCallFactory.createDSCall(policy); DSCallUtils.setDSCall(newdsc); for (OperationInfo op : bos.getOperations()) { DSRequest request = createNewRequest(req, op); newdsc.execute(request); } return newdsc.getMergedResponse(merged); } finally { DSCallUtils.setDSCall(old); } } /** * ?OperationInfo??request * * @param req * @param op * @return */ protected DSRequest createNewRequest(DSRequest req, OperationInfo op) { DSRequestImpl newreq = ((DSRequestImpl) req).clone(); newreq.setOperationId(op.getId()); return newreq; } /** * Transformer * * @param req * @return */ protected DSResponse executeDefault(DSRequest req, OperationType type) throws DSCallException { if (DataTools.isFetch(type)) { return executeFetch(req); } else if (DataTools.isRemove(type)) { return executeRemove(req); } else if (DataTools.isUpdate(type)) { return executeUpdate(req); } else if (DataTools.isAdd(type)) { return executeAdd(req); } else { return executeCustom(req); } } protected DSResponse executeCustom(DSRequest req) throws DSCallException { return notSupported(req); } /** * @param req * @return */ protected DSResponse notSupported(DSRequest req) { OperationInfo oi = info.getOperationInfo(req.getOperationId()); throw new UnsupportedOperationException(new StringBuilder().append("Default operation type '") .append(oi.getType()).append("' not supported by this DataSource (").append(getServerType()) .append(")").toString()); } /** * @param req * @return */ protected DSResponse executeAdd(DSRequest req) throws DSCallException { return notSupported(req); } /** * @param req * @return */ protected DSResponse executeUpdate(DSRequest req) throws DSCallException { return notSupported(req); } /** * @param req * @return */ protected DSResponse executeRemove(DSRequest req) throws DSCallException { return notSupported(req); } /** * @param req * @return */ protected DSResponse executeFetch(DSRequest req) throws DSCallException { return notSupported(req); } /** * @param req * @return */ protected DSResponse validateDSRequest(DSRequest req) { if (req.isValidated()) return null; req.setValidated(true); List<Object> errors = validateDSRequst(req); if (errors != null) { StringBuilder()).append("Validation error: ").append(errors).toString()); DSResponse dsResponse = new DSResponseImpl(this, req); dsResponse.setStatus(Status.STATUS_VALIDATION_ERROR); dsResponse.setErrors(errors.toArray(new Object[errors.size()])); return dsResponse; } else { return null; } } /** * @param baseDataService * @param req * @return */ @Override public List<Object> validateDSRequst(DSRequest req) throws ValidationException { if (req.getDataService() == null) { throw new DataServiceNoFoundException("Not found dataservice:" + req.getDataServiceId()); } List<FieldInfo> fields = req.getDataService().getDataServiceInfo().getFields(); //?Fields,?? if (fields == null || fields.isEmpty()) { return null; } OperationInfo oi = req.getOperationInfo(); Boolean validate = oi.getValidate(); OperationType type = oi.getType(); if (validate == null) { /*if(DataTools.isModificationOperation(type)){ validate=Boolean.TRUE; }else{??*/ validate = Boolean.FALSE; // } } if (!validate) { return null; } ValidationContext vcontext = ValidationContext.instance(); vcontext.setContainer(this.container); vcontext.setDSRequest(req); vcontext.setDSCall(req.getDSCall()); vcontext.setRequestContext(req.getRequestContext()); vcontext.setValidationEventFactory(ValidationEventFactory.instance()); vcontext.setValidatorService(DefaultValidatorService.getInstance()); vcontext.setLocale(getLocale()); vcontext.setResourceBundleManager(getResourceBundleManager()); //propertynull if (type == OperationType.UPDATE) { vcontext.setPropertiesOnly(true); } Object validated = validateRecords(req.getRawValues(), vcontext); if (oi.getUsedValidatedValues() != null && oi.getUsedValidatedValues()) { req.setRawValues(validated); } else { req.setAttribute(DATAX.AFTER_VALIDATE_VALUES, validated); } Map<String, Object> errors = vcontext.getErrors(); if (errors != null) return new ArrayList<Object>(errors.values()); else return null; } private Locale getLocale() { String locale = this.getConfigProperties().getString("locale", null); if (locale != null) { return new Locale(locale); } else { return Locale.getDefault(); } } protected ResourceBundleManager getResourceBundleManager() { return container.getExtension(ResourceBundleManager.class); } /** * @param valueSets * @param vcontext */ protected Object validateRecords(Object rdata, ValidationContext vcontext) { if (rdata == null) { return null; } long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); Object validatedObject; if (rdata instanceof List<?>) { List<?> data = (List<?>) rdata; List<Object> records = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { records.add(validateRecord(data.get(i), vcontext)); } long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); String __info = new StringBuilder().append("Done validating ").append(data.size()).append(" '") .append(getId()).append("'s at path '").append(vcontext.getPath()).append("': ") .append(end - start).append("ms").append( data.size() != 0 ? (new StringBuilder()).append(" (avg ").append((end - start) / data.size()) .append(")").toString() : "") .toString(); createAndFireTimeMonitorEvent(end - start, __info); validatedObject = records; } else { validatedObject = validateRecord(rdata, vcontext); } long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); String __info = new StringBuilder().append("Done validating ").append("at path '") .append(vcontext.getPath()).append("': ").append(end - start).append("ms").toString(); createAndFireTimeMonitorEvent(end - start, __info); return validatedObject; } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) private Object validateRecord(Object data, ValidationContext vcontext) { if (data == null) return null; if (data instanceof Element) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("data is element"); } else if (data instanceof Map<?, ?>) { vcontext.addPath(getId()); if (VALIDATION.isDebugEnabled()) { VALIDATION.debug((new StringBuilder()).append("Validating a '").append(getId()) .append("' at path '").append(vcontext.getPath()).append("'").toString()); } vcontext.addToTemplateContext(ValidationContext.TEMPLATE_DATASERVICE, this); Map<String, Object> record = (Map<String, Object>) data; for (Object key : record.keySet()) { String fieldName = (String) key; FieldInfo field = info.getField(fieldName); Object value = record.get(fieldName); if (field == null) { handleExtraValue(record, fieldName, value, vcontext); } else { record.put(fieldName, validateFieldValue(record, field, value, vcontext)); } } checkStructure(record, vcontext); vcontext.removePathSegment(); return record; } else { Map records = null; try { records = TransformUtils.transformType(Map.class, data); } catch (Exception e) { vcontext.addError( new ErrorMessage("validate value can't transform to map ,cause:" + e.getMessage())); } if (records != null) { return validateRecord(records, vcontext); } return data; } } /** * @param record * @param vcontext */ protected void checkStructure(Map<String, Object> record, ValidationContext vcontext) { List<FieldInfo> fields = info.getFields(); if (fields != null) { for (FieldInfo field : fields) { Object value = record.get(field.getName()); checkRequired(record, field, value, vcontext); } } } /** * @param record * @param field * @param value * @param vcontext */ protected boolean checkRequired(Map<String, Object> record, FieldInfo field, Object value, ValidationContext vcontext) { if (field.getRequired() != null && field.getRequired() && ("".equals(value) || value == null && (!vcontext.isPropertiesOnly() || record.containsKey(field.getName())))) { vcontext.addError(field.getName(), vcontext.localizedErrorMessage(new ErrorMessage("%validator_requiredField"))); return false; } else { return true; } } /** * ?Field */ protected Object validateFieldValue(Map<String, Object> record, FieldInfo field, Object value, ValidationContext vcontext) { return validateFieldValue(record, field, value, vcontext, null); } protected Object validateFieldValue(Map<String, Object> record, FieldInfo field, Object value, ValidationContext vcontext, ValidationCreator creator) { String name = field.getName(); vcontext.addPath(name); vcontext.addToTemplateContext(ValidationContext.TEMPLATE_FIELD, field); vcontext.addToTemplateContext(ValidationContext.TEMPLATE_RECORD, record); if (creator == null) { creator = getFieldCreator(field, vcontext); } if (creator == null && field != null) { String vinfo = (new StringBuilder()).append("No such type '").append(field.getType()) .append("', not processing field value at ").append(vcontext.getPath()).toString(); vcontext.removePathSegment(); createAndFireValidationEvent(Level.WARNING, vinfo); return value; } if (VALIDATION.isDebugEnabled()) { String vinfo = (new StringBuilder()).append("Validating field at path:").append(vcontext.getPath()) .append(" as ").append(getId()).append(".").append(name).append(" type: ") .append(creator.getName()).toString(); createAndFireValidationEvent(Level.DEBUG, vinfo); } vcontext.setCurrentRecord(record); vcontext.setCurrentDataService(this); Object res = creator.create(value, vcontext); vcontext.removePathSegment(); return res; } protected ValidationCreator getFieldCreator(FieldInfo field, ValidationContext vcontext) { String strType = field.getType().value(); boolean isEnum = false; if (field.getType() == FieldType.ENUM || field.getType() == FieldType.INT_ENUM) { isEnum = true; } List<ValidatorInfo> vls = field.getValidators(); BuiltinCreator creator = vcontext.getBuiltinCreator(field.getType(), vcontext); List<ValidatorInfo> typeVs = null; if (creator != null) { typeVs = creator.getValidatorInfos(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<ValidatorInfo> allValidators = (List<ValidatorInfo>) DataUtils.combineAsLists(typeVs, vls); if (allValidators == null) allValidators = new ArrayList<ValidatorInfo>(); if (isEnum && field.getValueMap() != null) { Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>(); properties.put("valueMapList", field.getValueMap()); ValidatorInfo vi = new ValidatorInfo("isOneOf", properties); allValidators.add(0, vi); } if (VALIDATION.isDebugEnabled()) { VALIDATION.debug((new StringBuilder()).append("Creating field validator for field ").append(getId()) .append(".").append(field.getName()).append(", of simple type: ").append(field.getType()) .append(", with inline validators: ").append(vls).append(", and type validators: ") .append(typeVs).toString()); } creator = new BuiltinCreator(strType, allValidators); return creator; } /** * ?DataService?Field? */ protected void handleExtraValue(Map<String, Object> record, String fieldName, Object value, ValidationContext vcontext) { if (value != null) { VALIDATION.debug((new StringBuilder()).append("Value provided for unknown field: ").append(getId()) .append(".").append(fieldName).append(": value is: ").append(value).toString()); } } protected void createAndFireTimeMonitorEvent(long time, String msg) { Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>(); properties.put(TimeMonitorEvent.TOTAL_TIME, time); properties.put(TimeMonitorEvent.TIME_UNIT, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS); properties.put(TimeMonitorEvent.MESSAGE, msg); TimeMonitorEvent event = new TimeMonitorEvent(properties); if (getEventService() != null) { getEventService().postEvent(event); } } protected boolean isEventEnable() { return getEventService() != null; } protected void createAndFireValidationEvent(Level levle, String msg) { ValidationEvent event = new ValidationEvent(levle, msg); if (getEventService() != null) { getEventService().postEvent(event); } else { VALIDATION.debug(msg); } } public EventService getEventService() { return eventService; } public void setEventService(EventService eventService) { this.eventService = eventService; } @Override public DataServiceInfo getDataServiceInfo() { return info; } public Container getContainer() { return container; } public DataTypeMap getConfigProperties() { return properties; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see org.solmix.datax.DataService#getProperties(java.lang.Object) */ @Override public Map<Object, Object> getProperties(Object data) { boolean dropExtra = DataUtils.asBoolean(info.getProperty("dropExtraFields")); return getProperties(data, dropExtra); } public Map<Object, Object> getProperties(Object obj, boolean dropExtraFields) { return getProperties(obj, ((Collection<String>) (null)), dropExtraFields); } public Map<Object, Object> getProperties(Object obj, Collection<String> propsToKeep) { return getProperties(obj, propsToKeep, false); } public Map<Object, Object> getProperties(Object obj, Collection<String> propsToKeep, boolean dropExtraFields) { return getProperties(obj, propsToKeep, dropExtraFields, null); } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public Map<Object, Object> getProperties(Object data, Collection<String> popToKeep, boolean dropExtraFields, ValidationContext validationContext) { if (data == null) return null; if (!dropExtraFields) { if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(data.getClass())) return Map.class.cast(data); else { Map obj = null; try { obj = DataUtils.getProperties(data); } catch (Exception e) { //INGONE; } return obj; } } Map result = new LinkedMap(); Map<Object, Object> source = null; Set<String> outProperties = new HashSet<String>(); if (popToKeep != null) outProperties.addAll(popToKeep); List<String> prop = new ArrayList<String>(); //Map<String, String> xpaths = null;--XPATH List<FieldInfo> fields = info.getFields(); if (fields == null) return Collections.emptyMap(); for (FieldInfo field : fields) { if (dropExtraFields && field.getType() == FieldType.UNKNOWN) continue; prop.add(field.getName()); /*if (field.getValueXPath() != null) { if (xpaths == null) xpaths = new HashMap<String, String>(); xpaths.put(field.getName(), field.getValueXPath()); }--XPATH*/ } if (prop != null) outProperties.addAll(prop); if (data instanceof Map<?, ?>) { source = (Map<Object, Object>) data; for (Object key : source.keySet()) { if (outProperties.contains(key)) { result.put(key, source.get(key)); } } } else { try { result = DataUtils.getProperties(data, outProperties); } catch (Exception e) { result = null; LOG.warn("transform bean object to map failed .caused by" + e.getMessage()); } } /* if (xpaths != null) { for (String key : xpaths.keySet()) { Object value = result.get(key); if (value != null) { JXPathContext context = JXPathContext.newContext(value); result.put(key, context.getValue(xpaths.get(key))); } } }--XPATH*/ return result; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see org.solmix.datax.DataService#hasRecord(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) */ @Override public boolean hasRecord(String realFieldName, Object value) { // XXX return false; } @Override public boolean canStartTransaction(DSRequest req, boolean ignoreExistingTransaction) { if (req == null) return false; if (!canJoinTransaction(req)) return false; if (req.getDSCall() == null) return false; boolean isModification = DataTools.isModificationRequest(req); TransactionPolicy policy = req.getDSCall().getTransactionPolicy(); if (isModification) { //?policy if (ignoreExistingTransaction) { return true; } if (policy == TransactionPolicy.NONE) { return false; } else { return true; } } else { if (ignoreExistingTransaction) { return false; } if (policy == null) { return false; } else { switch (policy) { case NONE: return false; case ALL: return true; case ANY_CHANGE: return req.getDSCall().queueIncludesUpdates(req); case FROM_FIRST_CHANGE: return req.getDSCall().queueIncludesUpdates(req); default: return false; } } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see org.solmix.datax.DataService#canJoinTransaction(org.solmix.datax.DSRequest) */ @Override public boolean canJoinTransaction(DSRequest req) { if (req != null && req.getDSCall() != null) { Boolean reqOvrride = req.isCanJoinTransaction(); if (reqOvrride != null) { return reqOvrride.booleanValue(); } } Boolean work = autoJoinAtOperationLevel(req); if (work == null) { // check datasource level work = autoJoinAtDataServiceLevel(); if (work == null) { if (req != null && req.getDSCall() != null) { TransactionPolicy policy = req.getDSCall().getTransactionPolicy(); if (policy == TransactionPolicy.NONE) return false; if (policy == TransactionPolicy.ALL) return true; } work = autoJoinAtProviderLevel(req); if (work == null) work = autoJoinAtGlobalLevel(req); } } if (work == null) return false; else return work.booleanValue(); } /** * ? * * @return */ protected Boolean autoJoinAtGlobalLevel(DSRequest req) { String autoJoin = getConfigProperties().getString("autoJoinTransactions"); return parseAutoJoinTransactions(req, autoJoin); } protected Boolean parseAutoJoinTransactions(DSRequest req, Object join) { if (join == null) return null; String autoJoin = join.toString(); if (autoJoin.toLowerCase().equals("true") || autoJoin.toLowerCase().equals("ALL")) return Boolean.TRUE; if (autoJoin.toLowerCase().equals("false") || autoJoin.toLowerCase().equals("NONE")) return Boolean.FALSE; if (req != null && req.getDSCall() != null) { if (autoJoin.equals("FROM_FIRST_CHANGE")) return Boolean.valueOf(req.getDSCall().queueIncludesUpdates(req)); if (autoJoin.equals("ANY_CHANGE")) return Boolean.valueOf(req.getDSCall().queueIncludesUpdates(req)); } return null; } /** * DataService * * @return */ protected Boolean autoJoinAtProviderLevel(DSRequest req) { return false; } /** * DataService? * @return */ protected Boolean autoJoinAtDataServiceLevel() { Object aj = info.getProperty("autoJoinTransactions"); if (aj == null) { return null; } else { return Boolean.valueOf(aj.toString()); } } /** * operation? */ protected Boolean autoJoinAtOperationLevel(DSRequest req) { OperationInfo oi = req.getOperationInfo(); Object aj = oi.getProperty("autoJoinTransactions"); if (aj == null) { return null; } else { return Boolean.valueOf(aj.toString()); } } //??DSrequest?????(rule)?? /* protected String getTransactionObjectKey(DSRequest req){ return null; }*/ /* protected Transaction getTransactionObject(DSRequest req) { if (req == null){ return null; } if (req.getDSCall() == null) return null; else return (Transaction) req.getDSCall().getAttribute(getTransactionObjectKey(req)); }*/ @Override public Object escapeValue(Object data, String reference) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } public void setDSCallFactory(DSCallFactory factory) { this.dsCallFactory = factory; } }