Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) Sofun Gaming SAS. * Copyright (c) Julien Anguenot <> * Copyright (c) Julien De Preaumont <> * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Julien Anguenot <> - initial API and implementation */ package org.sofun.core.kup; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.ejb.EJB; import javax.ejb.Local; import javax.ejb.Remote; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.NoResultException; import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext; import javax.persistence.Query; import javax.persistence.TypedQuery; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.sofun.core.CoreConstants; import; import org.sofun.core.api.exception.CoreException; import org.sofun.core.api.kup.Kup; import org.sofun.core.api.kup.KupRankingTable; import org.sofun.core.api.kup.KupRoles; import org.sofun.core.api.kup.KupSearchResults; import org.sofun.core.api.kup.KupService; import org.sofun.core.api.kup.KupStatus; import org.sofun.core.api.kup.KupType; import; import; import org.sofun.core.api.kup.prediction.KupPredictionPointsRule; import org.sofun.core.api.local.KupServiceLocal; import org.sofun.core.api.local.NotificationServiceLocal; import org.sofun.core.api.local.PredictionServiceLocal; import org.sofun.core.api.member.Member; import org.sofun.core.api.member.MemberAccountStatus; import org.sofun.core.api.member.MemberCredit; import org.sofun.core.api.member.MemberService; import org.sofun.core.api.member.MemberTransaction; import org.sofun.core.api.member.MemberTransactionStatus; import org.sofun.core.api.member.MemberTransactionType; import org.sofun.core.api.member.ejb.MemberServiceLocal; import org.sofun.core.api.notification.NotificationService; import org.sofun.core.api.prediction.Prediction; import org.sofun.core.api.prediction.PredictionService; import org.sofun.core.api.question.Question; import org.sofun.core.api.question.QuestionKupTiebreaker; import org.sofun.core.api.remote.KupServiceRemote; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.sofun.core.kup.points.rule.GenericRule; import org.sofun.core.kup.table.KupRankingTableImpl; import org.sofun.core.member.MemberTransactionImpl; /** * Kup Service Implementation. * * @author <a href="">Julien Anguenot</a> * */ @Stateless @Local(KupServiceLocal.class) @Remote(KupServiceRemote.class) public class KupServiceImpl implements KupService { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1008880715501446028L; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(KupServiceImpl.class); @PersistenceContext(unitName = CoreConstants.PERSISTENCE_UNIT) private transient EntityManager em; @EJB(beanName = "PredictionServiceImpl", beanInterface = PredictionServiceLocal.class) private PredictionService predictions; @EJB(beanName = "NotificationServiceImpl", beanInterface = NotificationServiceLocal.class) private NotificationService notifications; @EJB(beanName = "MemberServiceImpl", beanInterface = MemberServiceLocal.class) private MemberService members; protected static final Map<String, KupPredictionPointsRule> rulePlugins = new HashMap<String, KupPredictionPointsRule>(); public KupServiceImpl() { super(); } public KupServiceImpl(EntityManager em) { this(); this.em = em; } protected Query createQuery(String queryStr) { Query query = em.createQuery(queryStr); return query; } @Override public KupSearchResults search(Map<String, String> params) throws CoreException { List<Kup> results = new ArrayList<Kup>(); long count = 0; List<KupImpl> kups = null; int offset = 0; final String offsetStr = params.get("offset"); if (offsetStr != null) { offset = Integer.valueOf(offsetStr); } int batchSize = 10; // default batch size final String batchSizeStr = params.get("batchSize"); if (batchSizeStr != null) { batchSize = Integer.valueOf(batchSizeStr); } String queryStr = ""; TypedQuery<KupImpl> query = null; Query countQuery = null; List<Byte> kupStatus = new ArrayList<Byte>(); final String kupStatusParam = params.get("status"); if (kupStatusParam == null) { kupStatus = null; } else if (kupStatusParam.equals("ALL")) { kupStatus = null; } else if (kupStatusParam.equals("OPENED")) { kupStatus.add(Integer.valueOf(1).byteValue()); // CREATED } else if (kupStatusParam.equals("ON_GOING")) { kupStatus.add(Integer.valueOf(2).byteValue()); // ON_GOING } else if (kupStatusParam.equals("ALL_OPENED")) { kupStatus.add(Integer.valueOf(1).byteValue()); // CREATED kupStatus.add(Integer.valueOf(2).byteValue()); // ON_GOING } else if (kupStatusParam.equals("ALL_CLOSED")) { kupStatus.add(Integer.valueOf(3).byteValue()); // CLOSED kupStatus.add(Integer.valueOf(4).byteValue()); // SETTLED kupStatus.add(Integer.valueOf(5).byteValue()); // PAID OUT kupStatus.add(Integer.valueOf(4).byteValue()); // SETTLED kupStatus.add(Integer.valueOf(-1).byteValue()); // CANCELED } final String email = params.get("email"); if (email != null) { Member member = members.getMember(email); if (member != null) { String template = params.get("template"); if (template != null && template.equals("all")) { queryStr = "SELECT k FROM " + KupImpl.class.getSimpleName() + " k JOIN k.members m WHERE"; if (kupStatus != null) { queryStr += " AND k.status IN (:status)"; } queryStr += " ORDER BY k.created"; query = em.createQuery(queryStr, KupImpl.class); countQuery = em.createQuery( "SELECT count(*) " + queryStr.substring(queryStr.indexOf("FROM"), queryStr.indexOf("ORDER BY")), Long.class); query.setParameter("member_id", member.getId()); countQuery.setParameter("member_id", member.getId()); if (kupStatus != null) { query.setParameter("status", kupStatus); countQuery.setParameter("status", kupStatus); } } else { queryStr = "SELECT k FROM " + KupImpl.class.getSimpleName() + " k JOIN k.members m WHERE AND k.isTemplate=:isTemplate"; if (kupStatus != null && kupStatus.size() > 0) { queryStr += " AND k.status IN (:status)"; } queryStr += " ORDER BY k.created"; query = em.createQuery(queryStr, KupImpl.class); countQuery = em.createQuery( "SELECT count(*) " + queryStr.substring(queryStr.indexOf("FROM"), queryStr.indexOf("ORDER BY")), Long.class); query.setParameter("member_id", member.getId()); countQuery.setParameter("member_id", member.getId()); query.setParameter("isTemplate", true); countQuery.setParameter("isTemplate", true); if (kupStatus != null && kupStatus.size() > 0) { query.setParameter("status", kupStatus); countQuery.setParameter("status", kupStatus); } } // pagination query.setFirstResult(offset); query.setMaxResults(batchSize); kups = query.getResultList(); count = (Long) countQuery.getSingleResult(); if (kups != null) { results.addAll(kups); } } } else { if (kupStatusParam == null || kupStatusParam.isEmpty()) { return null; } boolean includeRoomKups = false; final String withRoomKups = params.get("withRoomKups"); if (withRoomKups != null && "1".equals(withRoomKups)) { includeRoomKups = true; } if (!includeRoomKups) { queryStr = "from " + KupImpl.class.getSimpleName() + " k where k.isTemplate=:isTemplate"; } else { queryStr = "from " + KupImpl.class.getSimpleName() + " k where IN (:teamPrivacy)"; } if (kupStatus != null) { queryStr += " AND k.status IN (:status)"; } final String name = params.get("name"); if (name != null && !"".equals(name)) { queryStr += " AND IN (:name)"; } boolean isTemplateParam = true; final String isTemplate = params.get("isTemplate"); if (isTemplate != null && !"".equals(isTemplate)) { if (!isTemplate.equals("1")) { isTemplateParam = false; } } final String kupStakeParam = params.get("stake"); if (kupStakeParam != null) { if ("FREE_FREEROLL".equals(kupStakeParam)) { queryStr += " AND k.stake=0"; } else if ("FREEROLL".equals(kupStakeParam)) { queryStr += " AND k.stake=0 AND k.type='GAMBLING_FR'"; } else if ("GAMBLING".equals(kupStakeParam)) { queryStr += " AND k.type='GAMBLING_FR' AND k.stake>0"; } else if ("FREE".equals(kupStakeParam)) { queryStr += " AND k.type='FREE'"; } else if ("ALL_GAMBLING".equals(kupStakeParam)) { queryStr += " AND k.type='GAMBLING_FR'"; } else if (kupStakeParam.isEmpty()) { return null; } } final String kupSportsParam = params.get("sports"); List<String> sportsNameParams = null; if (kupSportsParam != null) { if (kupSportsParam.isEmpty()) { return null; } List<String> sparams = Arrays.asList(kupSportsParam.split("#")); if (!sparams.contains("ALL")) { queryStr += " AND UPPER( IN (:sports)"; sportsNameParams = sparams; } } // Remove kups where player is a participant final String removeValidatedFor = params.get("removeValidatedfor"); Member removeValidatedMember = null; if (removeValidatedFor != null && !removeValidatedFor.isEmpty()) { queryStr += " AND :member NOT MEMBER OF k.participants"; removeValidatedMember = members.getMember(removeValidatedFor); } // Do not show up with no participants if (kupStatusParam != null && "ALL_CLOSED".equals(kupStatusParam)) { queryStr += " AND k.nbParticipants > 0"; } // Sorting final String sortParams = params.get("sort"); if (sortParams != null) { if (sortParams.isEmpty()) { return null; } queryStr += " ORDER BY"; List<String> sparams = Arrays.asList(sortParams.split("#")); boolean initialized = false; if (sparams.contains("START_DATE")) { if ("ALL_CLOSED".equals(kupStatusParam)) { queryStr += " k.endDate DESC"; } else { queryStr += " k.status ASC, k.startDate ASC"; } initialized = true; } if (sparams.contains("JACKPOT")) { if (initialized) { queryStr += " ,"; } queryStr += " k.guaranteedPrice DESC"; } if (sparams.contains("PARTICIPANTS")) { if (initialized) { queryStr += " ,"; } queryStr += " k.nbParticipants DESC"; } if (sparams.contains("KUP_DURATION")) { if (initialized) { queryStr += " ,"; } queryStr += " k.duration DESC"; } } else { if (kupStatusParam != null && "ALL_CLOSED".equals(kupStatusParam)) { queryStr += " ORDER BY k.endDate DESC"; } else { queryStr += " ORDER BY k.status ASC, k.startDate ASC"; } } query = em.createQuery(queryStr, KupImpl.class); countQuery = em.createQuery("SELECT count(*) " + queryStr.substring(0, queryStr.indexOf("ORDER BY")), Long.class); if (!includeRoomKups) { query.setParameter("isTemplate", isTemplateParam); countQuery.setParameter("isTemplate", isTemplateParam); } else { String[] teamPrivacy = new String[] { TeamPrivacy.PUBLIC, TeamPrivacy.PUBLIC_GAMBLING_FR }; query.setParameter("teamPrivacy", Arrays.asList(teamPrivacy)); countQuery.setParameter("teamPrivacy", Arrays.asList(teamPrivacy)); } if (kupStatus != null) { query.setParameter("status", kupStatus); countQuery.setParameter("status", kupStatus); } if (sportsNameParams != null) { query.setParameter("sports", sportsNameParams); countQuery.setParameter("sports", sportsNameParams); } if (name != null && !"".equals(name)) { final String[] names = name.split(","); query.setParameter("name", Arrays.asList(names)); countQuery.setParameter("name", Arrays.asList(names)); } if (removeValidatedFor != null && !removeValidatedFor.isEmpty()) { query.setParameter("member", removeValidatedMember); countQuery.setParameter("member", removeValidatedMember); } // pagination query.setFirstResult(offset); query.setMaxResults(batchSize); kups = query.getResultList(); count = (Long) countQuery.getSingleResult(); if (kups != null) { results.addAll(kups); } } return new KupSearchResultsImpl(offset, batchSize, count, results); } @Override public Kup getKupById(long kupId) { String queryStr = "from " + KupImpl.class.getSimpleName() + " k where"; Query query = createQuery(queryStr); query.setParameter("kupId", kupId); try { return (Kup) query.getSingleResult(); } catch (NoResultException nre) { return null; } } @Override public Map<Integer, Float> getWinningsRepartitionRulesFor(Kup kup) { final Map<Integer, Float> rule = new HashMap<Integer, Float>(); final byte type = kup.getRepartitionRuleType(); if (type == KupWinningsRepartitionRuleType.TYPE_1) { // Type 1: One (1) winner. The {@link Member} ranking #1 in the // corresponding {@link KupRankingtable} gets 100% of {@link Kup} // jackpot. rule.put(1, 100f); } else if (type == KupWinningsRepartitionRuleType.TYPE_2) { // Type 2: Two (2) winners. The 2 {@link Member} ranking #1 and #2 // in the corresponding {@link KupRankingtable} ge 50% each of the // {@link Kup} jackpot. rule.put(1, 70f); rule.put(2, 30f); } else if (type == KupWinningsRepartitionRuleType.TYPE_3) { // Type 3: Three (3) winners. The 3 {@link Member} ranking #1, #2 // and #3 in the corresponding {@link KupRankingtable} get // respectively 70%, // 20% and 10% of the {@link Kup} jackpot. rule.put(1, 50f); rule.put(2, 30f); rule.put(3, 20f); } else if (type == KupWinningsRepartitionRuleType.TYPE_4) { // Type4: Ten (10) winners. The 10 {@link Member} ranking from #1 to // #10 in the corresponding {@link KupRankingTable} get the // following: 25%, 20%, 15%, 10%, 5%, 5%, 5%, 5%, 5%, 5% rule.put(1, 25f); rule.put(2, 20f); rule.put(3, 15f); rule.put(4, 10f); rule.put(5, 5f); rule.put(6, 5f); rule.put(7, 5f); rule.put(8, 5f); rule.put(9, 5f); rule.put(10, 5f); } else if (type == KupWinningsRepartitionRuleType.TYPE_5) { // // Type5: Thirteen (13) winners. The 13 {@link Member} ranking from // #1 to #13 in the corresponding {@link KupRankingTable} get the // following: 23%, 15%, 13%, 10%, 7%, 4%, 4%, 4%, 4%, 4%, 4%, 4%, // 4%, // rule.put(1, 23f); rule.put(2, 15f); rule.put(3, 13f); rule.put(4, 10f); rule.put(5, 7f); rule.put(6, 4f); rule.put(7, 4f); rule.put(8, 4f); rule.put(9, 4f); rule.put(10, 4f); rule.put(11, 4f); rule.put(12, 4f); rule.put(13, 4f); } else if (type == KupWinningsRepartitionRuleType.TYPE_6) { // // Type6: Twenty (20) winners. The 20 {@link Member} ranking from #1 // to #20 // in the corresponding {@link KupRankingTable} get the following: // 20%, 12%, // 10%, 8%, 5%, 5%, 5%, 5%, 5%, 5%, 2%, 2%, 2%, 2%, 2%, 2%, 2%, 2%, // 2%, 2% // rule.put(1, 20f); rule.put(2, 12f); rule.put(3, 10f); rule.put(4, 8f); rule.put(5, 5f); rule.put(6, 5f); rule.put(7, 5f); rule.put(8, 5f); rule.put(9, 5f); rule.put(10, 5f); rule.put(11, 2f); rule.put(12, 2f); rule.put(13, 2f); rule.put(14, 2f); rule.put(15, 2f); rule.put(16, 2f); rule.put(17, 2f); rule.put(18, 2f); rule.put(19, 2f); rule.put(20, 2f); } else if (type == KupWinningsRepartitionRuleType.TYPE_55) { // // Type55: Five (5) winners. The 5 {@link Member} ranking from #1 to // #5 in // the corresponding {@link KupRankingTable} get the following: 30%, // 25%, // 20%, 15%, 10%. // rule.put(1, 30f); rule.put(2, 25f); rule.put(3, 20f); rule.put(4, 15f); rule.put(5, 10f); } else if (type == KupWinningsRepartitionRuleType.TYPE_30) { // // Type30: Thirty (30) winners. The 30 {@link Member} ranking from // #1 to #30 // in the corresponding {@link KupRankingTable} get the following: // <ul> // <li>1er : 15%</li> // <li>2e : 10 %</li> // <li>3e : 7%</li> // <li>4e up to 10e : 4%</li> // <li>11e up to 30e : 2%</li> // </ul> // rule.put(1, 15f); rule.put(2, 10f); rule.put(3, 7f); rule.put(4, 4f); rule.put(5, 4f); rule.put(6, 4f); rule.put(7, 4f); rule.put(8, 4f); rule.put(9, 4f); rule.put(10, 4f); rule.put(11, 2f); rule.put(12, 2f); rule.put(13, 2f); rule.put(14, 2f); rule.put(15, 2f); rule.put(16, 2f); rule.put(17, 2f); rule.put(18, 2f); rule.put(19, 2f); rule.put(20, 2f); rule.put(21, 5f); rule.put(22, 2f); rule.put(23, 2f); rule.put(24, 2f); rule.put(25, 2f); rule.put(26, 2f); rule.put(27, 2f); rule.put(28, 2f); rule.put(29, 2f); rule.put(30, 2f); } else { log.warn("Kup Winnings Type=" + String.valueOf(type) + " does not exist."); } return rule; } @Override public void placeKupBet(Member member, Kup kup) throws CoreException { // // Verify that the member account status. // final String memberStatus = member.getAccountStatus(); if (!MemberAccountStatus.getActiveStatus().contains(memberStatus)) { throw new CoreException("Member account is not active."); } // // Bets not allowed in Free Kups. // final String kupType = kup.getType(); if (KupType.FREE.equals(kupType)) { throw new CoreException("Bets not allowed in free kups."); } // // Verify that the member does not have a bet for this kup already. // if (hasBet(member, kup)) { throw new CoreException("Member already placed a bet on this Kup."); } // // Verify the user already has prediction // if (!hasPrediction(member, kup)) { throw new CoreException("Member does not have any predictions in this Kup yet."); } // // Verify that member belongs to the team in which the kup is setup // /* * Team team = kup.getTeam(); if * (!member.getMemberTeams().contains(team)) { throw new * CoreException("Member does not belong to team."); } */ // // Check if kup is opened but not started. This is a Sofun Gaming // policy. // if (kup.getStatus() != KupStatus.OPENED && kup.getStatus() != KupStatus.ON_GOING) { throw new CoreException("Kup is not opened for bets."); } if (KupType.GAMBLING_FR.equals(kupType)) { if (!MemberAccountStatus.getActiveGamblingFrStatus().contains(memberStatus)) { throw new CoreException("Member not allowed to gamble."); } final float stake = kup.getStake(); MemberCredit credit = member.getMemberCredit(); if (stake > 0 && credit.getCredit() < stake) { throw new CoreException("Credit too low to place a bet."); } // Create transaction final Date now = new Date(); MemberTransaction txn = new MemberTransactionImpl("0", "0", now, kup.getStake(), kup.getStakeCurrency(), MemberTransactionType.BET_DEBIT); txn.setDebit(true); txn.setStatusCode("00000"); txn.setStatus(MemberTransactionStatus.INTERNAL); member.addTransaction(txn); txn.setMember(member); // Record KupMemberBet bet = new KupMemberBetImpl(member, kup, txn); bet.setEffectiveDate(now); em.persist(bet); if (!kup.getMembers().contains(member)) { kup.addMember(member); } // Validate if (hasPrediction(member, kup)) { kup.addParticipant(member); bet.setEffectiveDate(txn.getDate()); } // Increase Jackpot kup.setJackpot(kup.getJackpot() + kup.getStake()); } else { throw new CoreException("Kup type not recognized. Cancelling..."); } } @Override public boolean hasPrediction(Member member, Kup kup) { return predictions.hasPredictions(member, kup); } @Override public boolean hasBet(Member member, Kup kup) throws CoreException { if (member == null || kup == null) { return false; } String queryStr = "from " + KupMemberBetImpl.class.getSimpleName() + " m where AND"; Query query = createQuery(queryStr); query.setParameter("email", member.getEmail()); query.setParameter("kup_id", kup.getId()); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Prediction> results = query.getResultList(); return results.size() > 0 ? true : false; } protected void checkForPredicton(Member member, Kup kup) throws CoreException { // // Verify that the member account status. // final String memberStatus = member.getAccountStatus(); if (!MemberAccountStatus.getActiveStatus().contains(memberStatus)) { throw new CoreException("Member account is not active."); } // // Verify that member belongs to the team in which the kup is setup // Team team = kup.getTeam(); if (!team.getMembers().contains(member)) { throw new CoreException("Member does not belong to team."); } // // Check if kup is active. // if (!(kup.getStatus() == KupStatus.OPENED || kup.getStatus() == KupStatus.ON_GOING)) { throw new CoreException("Kup is not opened for predictions."); } } @Override public void addPrediction(String type, Member member, Kup kup, TournamentGame game, List<SportContestant> contestants) throws CoreException { if (predictions.isPredictionAllowedOn(game)) { predictions.createPredictionFor(member, game, type, contestants, kup); } else { throw new CoreException("Prediction not allowed on game with uuid=" + game.getUUID()); } } @Override public void addPredictionScore(String type, Member member, Kup kup, TournamentGame game, List<Integer> score) throws CoreException { if (predictions.isPredictionAllowedOn(game)) { predictions.createPredictionScoreFor(member, game, type, score, kup); } else { throw new CoreException("Prediction not allowed on game with uuid=" + game.getUUID()); } } @Override public void addGameQuestionPrediction(String type, Member member, Kup kup, TournamentGame game, Question question, String choice) throws CoreException { if (predictions.isPredictionAllowedOn(game)) { predictions.createQuestionPredictionFor(member, game, type, question, kup, choice); } else { throw new CoreException("Prediction not allowed on game with uuid=" + game.getUUID()); } } @Override public void addPrediction(String type, Member member, Kup kup, TournamentRound round, List<SportContestant> contestants) throws CoreException { if (predictions.isPredictionAllowedOn(round)) { predictions.createPredictionFor(member, round, type, contestants, kup); } else { throw new CoreException("Prediction not allowed on game with uuid=" + round.getUUID()); } } @Override public void addPrediction(String type, Member member, Kup kup, TournamentStage stage, List<SportContestant> contestants) throws CoreException { if (predictions.isPredictionAllowedOn(stage)) { predictions.createPredictionFor(member, stage, type, contestants, kup); } else { throw new CoreException("Prediction not allowed on game with uuid=" + stage.getUUID()); } } @Override public void addPrediction(String type, Member member, Kup kup, TournamentSeason season, List<SportContestant> contestants) throws CoreException { if (predictions.isPredictionAllowedOn(season)) { predictions.createPredictionFor(member, season, type, contestants, kup); } else { throw new CoreException("Prediction not allowed on game with uuid=" + season.getUUID()); } } private static final List<Byte> toByteList(byte[] a) { final List<Byte> r = new ArrayList<Byte>(); for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { r.add(Byte.valueOf(a[i])); } return r; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<Kup> getKupsByStatus(byte[] status, String[] types) throws CoreException { final List<Byte> statusParm = toByteList(status); String queryStr = "from " + KupImpl.class.getSimpleName() + " k where k.status IN (:status)"; if (types != null) { queryStr += " AND k.type IN (:types)"; } Query query = createQuery(queryStr); query.setParameter("status", statusParm); if (types != null) { query.setParameter("types", Arrays.asList(types)); } try { return query.getResultList(); } catch (NoResultException nre) { return new ArrayList<Kup>(); } } @Override public List<Kup> getActiveKups() throws CoreException { final byte[] status = KupStatus.getActiveStatus(); return getKupsByStatus(status, null); } @Override public int getPointsPredictionFor(Kup kup, Prediction prediction) throws CoreException { // final KupPredictionPointsRule rule = // rulePlugins.get(kup.getMetaType()); // FIXME use kup meta type to deduce points computing rules. KupPredictionPointsRule rule = new GenericRule(); return rule.getPointsFor(kup, prediction, this); } @Override public void cancelKup(Kup kup) { final Date now = new Date(); kup.setStatus(KupStatus.CANCELED); final float stake = kup.getStake(); // Free roll nothing to reimbursed if (stake == 0) { return; } for (Member member : kup.getParticipants()) { MemberTransaction txn = new MemberTransactionImpl(now, stake, kup.getStakeCurrency(), MemberTransactionType.BET_CREDIT); txn.setLabel(MemberTransactionType.BET_CREDIT); txn.setCredit(true); txn.setStatusCode("00000"); txn.setStatus(MemberTransactionStatus.INTERNAL); member.addTransaction(txn); txn.setMember(member); } } @Override public Set<String> getCredentials(Kup kup, Member member) { Set<String> credentials = new HashSet<String>(); if (kup.isAdmin(member)) { credentials.add(KupRoles.ADMINISTRATOR); } if (kup.isMember(member)) { credentials.add(KupRoles.MEMBER); } if (kup.isParticipant(member)) { credentials.add(KupRoles.PARTICIPANT); } if (credentials.size() == 0) { credentials.add(TeamRoles.ANONYMOUS); } return credentials; } @Override public Kup createKupFromMeta(Kup kup, Team team, float stake, byte repartitionType) throws CoreException { Kup newKup = new KupImpl(kup, team, stake, repartitionType); team.addKup(newKup); em.persist(newKup); return newKup; } @Override public List<Prediction> getPredictionsFor(Member member, Kup kup) throws CoreException { return predictions.getPredictionsFor(kup, member); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<Kup> getKupsByName(String name) { String queryStr = "from " + KupImpl.class.getSimpleName() + " k where"; Query query = createQuery(queryStr); query.setParameter("name", name); try { return query.getResultList(); } catch (NoResultException nre) { return new ArrayList<Kup>(); } } @Override public Kup getTemplateFor(Kup kup) { if (kup == null) { return null; } if (kup.isTemplate()) { return null; } String queryStr = "from " + KupImpl.class.getSimpleName() + " k where AND k.isTemplate=:isTemplate"; Query query = createQuery(queryStr); query.setParameter("kupName", kup.getName()); query.setParameter("isTemplate", true); try { return (Kup) query.getSingleResult(); } catch (NoResultException nre) { return null; } } @Override public void syncKupsWithTemplate() throws CoreException { for (Kup kup : getActiveKups()) { // Update start date / end date (depends on events) kup.setStartDate(kup.getEffectiveStartDate()); kup.setEndDate(kup.getEffectiveEndDate()); // Update Kup search indexes. kup.setNbParticipants(kup.getParticipants().size()); // Update Kup duration search index kup.setDuration(kup.computeDuration()); Kup template = getTemplateFor(kup); if (template == null) { continue; } // Set sport kup.setSport(template.getSport()); for (Tournament tournament : template.getSportTournaments()) { kup.addSportTournament(tournament); } log.debug("Syncing Kup w/ id=" + String.valueOf(kup.getId()) + " and template w/ name=" + template.getName()); for (TournamentGame game : template.getBettableGames()) { if (TournamentGameStatus.SCHEDULED.equals(game.getGameStatus()) && !kup.getBettableGames().contains(game)) {"Adding game with uuid=" + game.getUUID() + " to kup with id=" + kup.getId()); kup.addBettableGame(game); } } for (TournamentRound round : template.getBettableRounds()) { if (TournamentRoundStatus.SCHEDULED.equals(round.getStatus()) && !kup.getBettableRounds().contains(round)) {"Adding round with uuid=" + round.getUUID() + " to kup with id=" + kup.getId()); kup.addBettableRound(round); } } for (TournamentStage stage : template.getBettableStages()) { if (TournamentStageStatus.SCHEDULED.equals(stage.getStatus()) && !kup.getBettableStages().contains(stage)) {"Adding stage with uuid=" + stage.getUUID() + " to kup with id=" + kup.getId()); kup.addBettableStage(stage); } } for (TournamentSeason season : template.getBettableTournaments()) { if (TournamentSeasonStatus.SCHEDULED.equals(season.getStatus()) && !kup.getBettableTournaments().contains(season)) {"Adding season with uuid=" + season.getUUID() + " to kup with id=" + kup.getId()); kup.addBettableTournament(season); } } for (Question question : template.getBettableQuestion()) { if (!kup.getBettableQuestion().contains(question)) {"Adding question with uuid=" + question.getId() + " to kup with id=" + kup.getId()); kup.addBettableQuestion(question); } } for (QuestionKupTiebreaker question : template.getQuestionsTiebreaker()) { if (!kup.getQuestionsTiebreaker().contains(question)) {"Adding question tie breaker with uuid=" + question.getId() + " to kup with id=" + kup.getId()); kup.addQuestionTiebreaker(question); } } } } @Override public void syncTemplates() throws CoreException { // We only interested in opened or to be opened kups. final List<Byte> kupStatus = new ArrayList<Byte>(); kupStatus.add(Integer.valueOf(0).byteValue()); // CREATED kupStatus.add(Integer.valueOf(1).byteValue()); // OPENED kupStatus.add(Integer.valueOf(2).byteValue()); // ON_GOING final String queryStr = "from " + KupImpl.class.getSimpleName() + " k where k.isTemplate=:isTemplate AND k.status IN (:status) AND k.isFinal=:isFinal"; final Query query = createQuery(queryStr); query.setParameter("isTemplate", true); query.setParameter("isFinal", false); // Only non final Kups should be // upgraded query.setParameter("status", kupStatus); // Code below will be applied only to non-final Kup's templates. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final List<Kup> kups = query.getResultList(); for (Kup kup : kups) { // Check Round's games for (TournamentRound round : kup.getBettableRounds()) { for (TournamentGame game : round.getGames()) { if (!kup.getBettableGames().contains(game)) { kup.addBettableGame(game);"Adding game with uuid=" + game.getUUID() + " to kup with id=" + kup.getId()); } } } // Check Round's stages for (TournamentStage stage : kup.getBettableStages()) { for (TournamentRound round : stage.getRounds()) { if (!kup.getBettableRounds().contains(round)) { kup.addBettableRound(round);"Adding round with uuid=" + round.getUUID() + " to kup with id=" + kup.getId()); } } } // Check Stage's seasons for (TournamentSeason season : kup.getBettableTournaments()) { for (TournamentStage stage : season.getStages()) { if (!kup.getBettableStages().contains(stage)) { kup.addBettableStage(stage);"Adding stage with uuid=" + stage.getUUID() + " to kup with id=" + kup.getId()); } } } // Update start / end date (depends on events) kup.setStartDate(kup.getEffectiveStartDate()); kup.setEndDate(kup.getEffectiveEndDate()); // Update Kup search indexes. kup.setNbParticipants(kup.getParticipants().size()); // Update Kup duration search index kup.setDuration(kup.computeDuration()); // Set Sports if not set // Lazy init. kup.getSport(); } } @Override public Date getPredictionsLastModifiedFor(Member member, Kup kup) throws CoreException { return predictions.getPredictionsLastModifiedFor(member, kup); } @Override public void invite(Kup kup, Member inviter, Map<String, String> params) throws CoreException { params.put("templateId", "kup-invite_fr"); params.put("format", "text/plain"); notifications.sendEmail(inviter, params); } @Override public int countCorrectPredictionsFor(Kup kup, Member member) throws CoreException { int nb = 0; for (Prediction p : predictions.getPredictionsFor(kup, member)) { if (p.getPoints() > 0) { nb += 1; } } // Lazy update MemberRankingTableEntry entry = kup.getRankingTable().getEntryForMember(member); if (entry != null && (entry.getCorrectPredictions() == null || entry.getCorrectPredictions() != nb)) { entry.setCorrectPredictions(nb); } return nb; } @Override public KupRankingTable getKupRanking(Kup kup, int offset, int batchSize) throws CoreException { return kup.getRankingTable(); } @Override public Date getFirstPredictionDateFor(Member member, Kup kup) throws CoreException { Date earliest = null; for (Prediction p : predictions.getPredictionsFor(kup, member)) { if (earliest == null) { earliest = p.getCreated(); } else if (p.getCreated().compareTo(earliest) < 0) { earliest = p.getCreated(); } } // Lazy update MemberRankingTableEntry entry = kup.getRankingTable().getEntryForMember(member); if (entry != null && entry.getFirstPredictions() != null && earliest != null) { entry.setFirstPredictions(earliest); } return earliest; } @Override public void updateKupStats(Kup kup) throws CoreException { if (kup == null) { return; }"Updating statistics of Kup w/ uuid=" + kup.getId()); KupRankingTable table = kup.getRankingTable(); for (Iterator<MemberRankingTableEntry> i = table.getEntries().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { MemberRankingTableEntry entry =; entry.setCorrectPredictions(countCorrectPredictionsFor(kup, entry.getMember())); if (entry.getFirstPredictions() == null) { entry.setFirstPredictions(getFirstPredictionDateFor(entry.getMember(), kup)); } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void updateKupsStats() throws CoreException { // Only kup ranking tables not marked as final should be recomputed. final String queryStr = "from " + KupRankingTableImpl.class.getSimpleName() + " k where k.fin=:final"; final Query query = createQuery(queryStr); query.setParameter("final", false); List<KupRankingTable> tables; try { tables = query.getResultList(); } catch (NoResultException nre) { // This is case should never be happening unless the shop is // closed... tables = new ArrayList<KupRankingTable>(); } for (Iterator<KupRankingTable> i = tables.listIterator(); i.hasNext();) { KupRankingTable table =; Kup kup = table.getKup(); updateKupStats(kup); byte kupStatus = kup.getStatus(); if (KupType.FREE.equals(kup.getType())) { if (KupStatus.CANCELED == kupStatus || KupStatus.SETTLED == kupStatus) { table.setFinal(true); } } else { if (KupStatus.CANCELED == kupStatus || KupStatus.PAID_OUT == kupStatus) { table.setFinal(true); } } } } @Override public void addQuestionKupTiebreaker(Member member, Kup kup, QuestionKupTiebreaker question, String choice) throws CoreException { if (predictions.isPredictionAllowedOn(kup)) { predictions.createQuestionTiebreakerPredictionFor(member, question, kup, choice); } else { throw new CoreException("Prediction not allowed on Kup with uuid=" + kup.getId()); } } @Override public Kup getKupByTransactionId(long txnId) { String queryStr = "from " + KupMemberBetImpl.class.getSimpleName() + " b where"; Query query = createQuery(queryStr); query.setParameter("txnId", txnId); KupMemberBet bet; try { bet = (KupMemberBet) query.getSingleResult(); } catch (NoResultException nre) { bet = null; } Kup kup = null; if (bet != null) { kup = bet.getKup(); } return kup; } }