Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License * Copyright (c) 2011. Artis Aizstrauts, Sociotechnical Systems Engineering Institute, * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package org.socsimnet.server; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; /** * Organization: Sociotechnical Systems Engineering Institute * www: * User: artis * Date: 2/13/11 * Time: 7:29 PM */ public class Server extends Thread { private final int DEFAULT_PORT = 1983; private int port; private ServerSocket serverSocket; private boolean stop = false; protected final String ERROR_MESSAGE_UNKNOWN_ACTION = "Error, unknown action!"; protected final String ERROR_MESSAGE_REGISTER_DATA_EMPTY_NAME = "Error, cannot register data, 'name' is empty!"; protected final String ERROR_MESSAGE_REGISTER_DATA_DUPLICATE_NAME = "Error, cannot register data! Duplicate name."; protected final String ERROR_MESSAGE_REGISTER_DATA_SYSTEM_ERROR = "Error, cannot register data! Server failure."; protected final String ERROR_MESSAGE_GET_DATA_SYSTEM_ERROR = "Error, cannot get data! Server failure."; protected final String ERROR_MESSAGE_GET_DATA_EMPTY_NAME = "Error, cannot get data, 'name' is empty"; protected final String ERROR_MESSAGE_SUBDCRIBE_DATA_EMPTY_NAME = "Error, cannot subscribe, 'name' is empty"; protected final String ERROR_MESSAGE_SUBDCRIBE_DATA_SYSTEM_ERROR = "Error, cannot subscribe, system error"; protected final String ERROR_MESSAGE_SUBDCRIBE_DATA_UNKNOWN_NAME = "Error, cannot subscribe, unregistred data name"; protected final String ERROR_MESSAGE_UNSUBDCRIBE_DATA_EMPTY_NAME = "Error, cannot unsubscribe, 'name' is empty"; protected final String ERROR_MESSAGE_UNSUBDCRIBE_DATA_SYSTEM_ERROR = "Error, cannot unsubscribe, system error"; protected final String ERROR_MESSAGE_UNSUBDCRIBE_DATA_UNKNOWN_NAME = "Error, cannot unsubscribe, unregistered data name"; protected final String ERROR_MESSAGE_SEND_DATA_DATA_EMPTY_NAME = "Error, cannot send data, empty name"; protected final String ERROR_MESSAGE_SEND_DATA_DATA_EMPTY_VALUE = "Error, cannot send data, empty value"; protected final String ERROR_MESSAGE_SEND_DATA_SYSTEM_ERROR = "Error, cannot send data! Server failure."; protected final String ERROR_MESSAGE_SEND_DATA_UNKNOWN_NAME = "Error, cannot send data! Unregistered name."; private final ConnectionDatabase cDB; private final DataDatabase dDB; private final SubscribeDatabase sDB; public Server() { this.port = DEFAULT_PORT; this.cDB = new ConnectionDatabase(); this.dDB = new DataDatabase(); this.sDB = new SubscribeDatabase(); } public Server(int port) { this.port = port; this.cDB = new ConnectionDatabase(); this.dDB = new DataDatabase(); this.sDB = new SubscribeDatabase(); } public int getPort() { return port; } public void setPort(int port) { this.port = port; } @Override public void run() { try { serverSocket = new ServerSocket(this.port); Socket client; System.out.println("Server is listening port " + this.port + "..."); while (!this.stop) { try { client = serverSocket.accept(); } catch (SocketException e) { break; } System.out.println("Client accepted " + client.toString() + " hash:" + client.hashCode()); this.cDB.put(client.hashCode(), client); new ClientHandler(this, client).start(); } System.out.println("Server shutting down..."); printCloseMessage(); serverSocket.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void printCloseMessage() { OutputStreamWriter networkPout; Socket clientSocket; String message = null; try { message = new JSONObject().put("action", "shutdown").toString() + "\r\n"; } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Set set = this.cDB.getKeySet(); for (Object aSet : set) { int clientHash = (Integer) aSet; clientSocket = (Socket) this.cDB.get(clientHash); try { networkPout = new OutputStreamWriter(clientSocket.getOutputStream()); networkPout.write(message); networkPout.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public void stopServer() { try { this.serverSocket.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } this.stop = true; //TODO if true, ClientHandler cannot accept any actions } private class ClientHandler extends Thread { private final Socket client; private final int clientHash; private final Server server; private ClientHandler(Server server, Socket client) { this.server = server; this.client = client; this.clientHash = this.client.hashCode(); } @Override public void run() { try { BufferedReader networkBin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(client.getInputStream())); OutputStreamWriter networkPout = new OutputStreamWriter(client.getOutputStream()); JSONObject jsonObject; String action; while (true) { String line = networkBin.readLine(); System.out.println("DEBUG incoming json:" + line); jsonObject = new JSONObject(line); action = jsonObject.get("action").toString(); if ((action == null) || action.equals("bye")) { break; } else if (action.equals("register_data")) { if (jsonObject.has("name")) { String returnData = registerData(jsonObject.get("name").toString()); networkPout.write(returnData + "\r\n"); networkPout.flush(); } else { JSONObject returnJSON = new JSONObject(); returnJSON.put("status", "error"); returnJSON.put("msg", server.ERROR_MESSAGE_REGISTER_DATA_EMPTY_NAME); returnJSON.put("action", action); networkPout.write(returnJSON.toString() + "\r\n"); networkPout.flush(); } } else if (action.equals("subscribe")) { if (jsonObject.has("name")) { String returnData = subscribeData(jsonObject.get("name").toString(), this.clientHash); networkPout.write(returnData + "\r\n"); networkPout.flush(); } else { JSONObject returnJSON = new JSONObject(); returnJSON.put("status", "error"); returnJSON.put("msg", server.ERROR_MESSAGE_SUBDCRIBE_DATA_EMPTY_NAME); returnJSON.put("action", action); networkPout.write(returnJSON.toString() + "\r\n"); networkPout.flush(); } } else if (action.equals("unsubscribe")) { if (jsonObject.has("name")) { String returnData = unsubscribeData(jsonObject.get("name").toString(), this.clientHash); networkPout.write(returnData + "\r\n"); networkPout.flush(); } else { JSONObject returnJSON = new JSONObject(); returnJSON.put("status", "error"); returnJSON.put("msg", server.ERROR_MESSAGE_UNSUBDCRIBE_DATA_EMPTY_NAME); returnJSON.put("action", action); networkPout.write(returnJSON.toString() + "\r\n"); networkPout.flush(); } } else if (action.equals("send_data")) { if (!jsonObject.has("name")) { JSONObject returnJSON = new JSONObject(); returnJSON.put("status", "error"); returnJSON.put("msg", server.ERROR_MESSAGE_SEND_DATA_DATA_EMPTY_NAME); returnJSON.put("action", action); networkPout.write(returnJSON.toString() + "\r\n"); networkPout.flush(); } if (!jsonObject.has("value")) { JSONObject returnJSON = new JSONObject(); returnJSON.put("status", "error"); returnJSON.put("msg", server.ERROR_MESSAGE_SEND_DATA_DATA_EMPTY_VALUE); returnJSON.put("action", action); networkPout.write(returnJSON.toString() + "\r\n"); networkPout.flush(); } String returnData = getSendData(jsonObject.get("name").toString(), jsonObject.get("value").toString()); networkPout.write(returnData + "\r\n"); networkPout.flush(); } else if (action.equals("get_data")) { if (jsonObject.has("name")) { String returnData = getRegistredData(jsonObject.get("name").toString()); networkPout.write(returnData + "\r\n"); networkPout.flush(); } else { JSONObject returnJSON = new JSONObject(); returnJSON.put("status", "error"); returnJSON.put("msg", server.ERROR_MESSAGE_GET_DATA_EMPTY_NAME); returnJSON.put("action", action); networkPout.write(returnJSON.toString() + "\r\n"); networkPout.flush(); } } else if (action.equals("get_data_list")) { String returnData = getRegistredDataList(); networkPout.write(returnData + "\r\n"); networkPout.flush(); } else if (action.equals("test")) { //TODO remove this testing case!!! networkPout .write(new JSONObject().put("msg", jsonObject.get("action")).toString() + "\r\n"); networkPout.flush(); } else { JSONObject returnJSON = new JSONObject(); returnJSON.put("status", "error"); returnJSON.put("msg", server.ERROR_MESSAGE_UNKNOWN_ACTION); returnJSON.put("action", action); networkPout.write(returnJSON.toString() + "\r\n"); networkPout.flush(); } } networkBin.close(); networkPout.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private String registerData(String name) { JSONObject returnJSON = new JSONObject(); try { if (server.dDB.hasKey(name)) { returnJSON.put("status", "error"); returnJSON.put("action", "register_data"); returnJSON.put("msg", server.ERROR_MESSAGE_REGISTER_DATA_DUPLICATE_NAME); return returnJSON.toString(); } server.dDB.put(name, ""); returnJSON.put("status", "ok"); returnJSON.put("action", "register_data"); announceNewData(name); return returnJSON.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return "{\"status\":\"error\",\"action\":\"register_data\",\"msg\":\"" + server.ERROR_MESSAGE_REGISTER_DATA_SYSTEM_ERROR + "\"}"; } } private String getRegistredDataList() { System.out.println("getRegistredDataList"); JSONObject returnJSON = new JSONObject(); Set set = server.dDB.getKeySet(); try { for (Object aSet : set) { String name = (String) aSet; returnJSON.append("data_list", (new JSONObject()).put("name", name)); } returnJSON.put("status", "ok"); returnJSON.put("action", "get_data_list"); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return returnJSON.toString(); } private String subscribeData(String key, int clientHash) { JSONObject returnJSON = new JSONObject(); try { if (!server.dDB.hasKey(key)) { returnJSON.put("status", "error"); returnJSON.put("name", key); returnJSON.put("action", "subscribe"); returnJSON.put("msg", server.ERROR_MESSAGE_SUBDCRIBE_DATA_UNKNOWN_NAME); return returnJSON.toString(); } server.sDB.put(key, clientHash); returnJSON.put("status", "ok"); returnJSON.put("name", key); returnJSON.put("action", "subscribe"); returnJSON.put("lastvalue", server.dDB.get(key)); return returnJSON.toString(); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return "{\"status\":\"error\",\"action\":\"subscribe\",\"msg\":\"" + server.ERROR_MESSAGE_SUBDCRIBE_DATA_SYSTEM_ERROR + "\"}"; } } private String unsubscribeData(String key, int clientHash) { JSONObject returnJSON = new JSONObject(); try { if (!server.dDB.hasKey(key)) { returnJSON.put("status", "error"); returnJSON.put("name", key); returnJSON.put("action", "unsubscribe"); returnJSON.put("msg", server.ERROR_MESSAGE_UNSUBDCRIBE_DATA_UNKNOWN_NAME); return returnJSON.toString(); } server.sDB.remove(key, clientHash); returnJSON.put("status", "ok"); returnJSON.put("name", key); returnJSON.put("action", "unsubscribe"); return returnJSON.toString(); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return "{\"status\":\"error\",\"action\":\"unsubscribe\",\"msg\":\"" + server.ERROR_MESSAGE_UNSUBDCRIBE_DATA_SYSTEM_ERROR + "\"}"; } } private String getSendData(String key, String value) { try { //TODO can everyone send data or just the "owner"? if (server.dDB.hasKey(key)) { server.dDB.put(key, value); sendDataToAllSubscribers(key); JSONObject returnJSON = new JSONObject(); returnJSON.put("status", "ok"); returnJSON.put("action", "send_data"); return returnJSON.toString(); } else { return "{\"status\":\"error\",\"action\":\"send_data\",\"msg\":\"" + server.ERROR_MESSAGE_SEND_DATA_UNKNOWN_NAME + "\"}"; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return "{\"status\":\"error\",\"action\":\"send_data\",\"msg\":\"" + server.ERROR_MESSAGE_SEND_DATA_SYSTEM_ERROR + "\"}"; } } private String getRegistredData(String key) { //TODO vai i funkcija atbilst merim?? JSONObject returnJSON = new JSONObject(); try { returnJSON.put("status", "ok"); returnJSON.put("action", "get_data"); returnJSON.put("name", key); returnJSON.put("value", server.dDB.get(key)); return returnJSON.toString(); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return "{\"status\":\"error\",\"action\":\"get_data\",\"msg\":\"" + server.ERROR_MESSAGE_GET_DATA_SYSTEM_ERROR + "\"}"; } } private void announceNewData(String dataName) { Set set = server.cDB.getKeySet(); Iterator i = set.iterator(); int key; OutputStreamWriter networkPout; Socket subscriber; JSONObject returnJSON = new JSONObject(); while (i.hasNext()) { key = (Integer); subscriber = (Socket) server.cDB.get(key); try { networkPout = new OutputStreamWriter(subscriber.getOutputStream()); returnJSON.put("status", "ok"); returnJSON.put("action", "new_data"); returnJSON.put("name", dataName); networkPout.write(returnJSON.toString() + "\r\n"); networkPout.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private void sendDataToAllSubscribers(String dataName) { Set set = server.sDB.get(dataName); Iterator i = set.iterator(); int key; OutputStreamWriter networkPout; Socket subscriber; JSONObject returnJSON = new JSONObject(); while (i.hasNext()) { key = (Integer); subscriber = (Socket) server.cDB.get(key); try { networkPout = new OutputStreamWriter(subscriber.getOutputStream()); returnJSON.put("status", "ok"); returnJSON.put("action", "get_data"); returnJSON.put("name", dataName); returnJSON.put("value", server.dDB.get(dataName)); networkPout.write(returnJSON.toString() + "\r\n"); networkPout.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } }