Java tutorial
/* * **************************************************************************************************************** * * * * Copyright (C) 2012 by Cognitive Medical Systems, Inc ( * * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is * * distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * * **************************************************************************************************************** * * **************************************************************************************************************** * * Socratic Grid contains components to which third party terms apply. To comply with these terms, the following * * notice is provided: * * * * TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION * * Copyright (c) 2008, Nationwide Health Information Network (NHIN) Connect. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that * * the following conditions are met: * * * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * * following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * - Neither the name of the NHIN Connect Project nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or * * promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION HOWEVER * * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * * * END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS * * * **************************************************************************************************************** */ package org.socraticgrid.kmrolib; import*; import*; import java.util.*; import*; /* */ import java.util.UUID; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; /* * A Utility for accessing a SPARQL 1.1 triple store. * * To use: * - down gson JAR and make sure it is in your classpath * - crude invocation if JAR for gson is in this file's directory * - javac -classpath 'gson-VERSION.jar' * - java -classpath '.:gson-VERSION.jar' KMROPatientTriples * * * To process JSON, this uses gson: * - * */ public class SPARQLQueryUtil_KMRO10 { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // JENA endpoint: // i.e. * {?s ?p ?o} //-------------------------------------------------------------------- private static String sparqlEP; /* 2: KMRO Danno equivalents and Best 10 KMRO */ public static String KMRO_EP = ""; public static String KMRO10_EP = ""; public String sparqlType = null; Boolean trace = false; public SPARQLQueryUtil_KMRO10() { } public SPARQLQueryUtil_KMRO10(String dataSourceURL, String dataSourceType) { this.sparqlEP = dataSourceURL; this.sparqlType = dataSourceType; } public SPARQLQueryUtil_KMRO10(String sparqlEP) { this.sparqlEP = sparqlEP; } /* * "queryTail" ie/ details of ORDER BY/LIMIT/OFFSET are added by invokers */ private static String QUERY_SFACTSOFTYPE = "PREFIX kmro: <urn:gov:hhs:fha:nhinc:adapter:fact#> SELECT ?s WHERE {?s a kmro:%s%s"; private static String QUERY_SFACTSOFTYPEBYPATIENT = "PREFIX kmro: <urn:gov:hhs:fha:nhinc:adapter:fact#> SELECT ?s WHERE {?s kmro:hasPatient <%s> ; a kmro:%s%s"; private static String QUERY_DFACTSOFTYPE = "PREFIX kmro: <urn:gov:hhs:fha:nhinc:adapter:fact#> DESCRIBE ?s WHERE {?s a kmro:%s%s"; private static String QUERY_DFACTSOFTYPEBYPATIENT = "PREFIX kmro: <urn:gov:hhs:fha:nhinc:adapter:fact#> DESCRIBE ?s WHERE {?s kmro:hasPatient <%s> ; a kmro:%s%s"; //------------------------------------------------------------ // FMQL queries //------------------------------------------------------------ private static String QUERY_DESCRIBEFACT = "DESCRIBE <%s>"; /* * Precise queries for Tia: * - distinct concepts per patient for a given domain (VITAL etc) * - distinct dates per patient for a given domain * - values of domain concept for a patient */ private static String QUERY_SCONCEPTS_BYPATIENTANDTYPE = "PREFIX kmro: <urn:gov:hhs:fha:nhinc:adapter:fact#> SELECT DISTINCT ?terminologySystemLabel ?terminologySystemCode ?conceptCode ?conceptLabel WHERE {?s kmro:hasPatient <%s> ; a kmro:%s ; kmro:hasTypeReference ?tr . ?tr kmro:terminologySystemLabel ?terminologySystemLabel ; kmro:terminologySystemCode ?terminologySystemCode ; kmro:conceptCode ?conceptCode ; kmro:conceptLabel ?conceptLabel} ORDER BY ?terminologySystemLabel ?conceptLabel"; private static String QUERY_SDATES_BYPATIENTANDTYPE = "PREFIX kmro: <urn:gov:hhs:fha:nhinc:adapter:fact#> SELECT DISTINCT ?dateTimeReported WHERE {?s kmro:hasPatient <%s> ; a kmro:%s ; kmro:dateTimeReported ?dateTimeReported} ORDER BY ?dateTimeReported"; // Need patient, domain, conceptCode and the predicate for value == hasResultValue, hasVitalSignResult private static String QUERY_SVALUES_BYPATIENTTYPECONCEPT = "PREFIX kmro: <urn:gov:hhs:fha:nhinc:adapter:fact#> SELECT ?dateTimeReported ?value ?unit WHERE {?s kmro:hasPatient <%s> ; a kmro:%s ; kmro:dateTimeReported ?dateTimeReported ; kmro:%s ?sv ; kmro:hasTypeReference ?tr . ?tr kmro:conceptCode ?conceptCode . FILTER (?conceptCode='%s') . ?sv kmro:val ?value ; kmro:unit ?unit} ORDER BY ?dateTimeReported"; /** * Need Values etc at that level: freeTextSig (string), orderStatus ( concept), numberRefillsAllowed (quan), * * NOTE: far too many levels of indirection just to get the Medication. The KMRO format is not SPARQL friendly. */ private static String QUERY_MEDORDER_BYPATIENT = "PREFIX kmro: <urn:gov:hhs:fha:nhinc:adapter:fact#> SELECT ?s ?dateTimeOfOrder ?medicationCode ?medicationLabel ?medicationTerminologyCode ?medicationTerminologyLabel ?dose ?numberOfRefillsAllowed ?sig ?statusCode ?statusTerminologyCode WHERE {?s kmro:hasPatient <%s> ; a kmro:MedicationOrder ; kmro:dateTimeOfOrder ?dateTimeOfOrder ; kmro:hasMedication ?medication . ?medication kmro:medicationProduct ?medicationProduct . ?medicationProduct kmro:hasDrugItem ?drugItem . ?drugItem kmro:conceptCode ?medicationCode ; kmro:conceptLabel ?medicationLabel ; kmro:terminologySystemCode ?medicationTerminologyCode ; kmro:terminologySystemLabel ?medicationTerminologyLabel . OPTIONAL { ?s kmro:freeTextSig ?sig} . OPTIONAL { ?medication kmro:hasDose ?hasDoseQ . ?hasDoseQ kmro:val ?dose} . OPTIONAL { ?s kmro:numberRefillsAllowed ?numberRefillsAllowedQ . ?numberRefillsAllowedQ kmro:val ?numberOfRefillsAllowed } . OPTIONAL { ?s kmro:hasOrderStatus ?hasOrderStatus . ?hasOrderStatus kmro:conceptCode ?statusCode ; kmro:terminologySystemCode ?statusTerminologyCode } } ORDER BY ?dateTimeOfOrder"; /* Add legal name with performedBy */ private static String QUERY_DISPENSATIONS_OF_MEDORDER = "PREFIX kmro: <urn:gov:hhs:fha:nhinc:adapter:fact#> SELECT ?dateTimeOrderDispensed ?dateTimeOfExpiration ?dateTimeOrderFilled ?medicationCode ?medicationLabel ?medicationTerminologyCode ?medicationTerminologyLabel ?hasFillQuantity WHERE {?s kmro:hasOriginalOrder <%s> ; a kmro:Dispensation ; kmro:dateTimeOrderDispensed ?dateTimeOrderDispensed ; kmro:dateTimeOfExpiration ?dateTimeOfExpiration ; kmro:dateTimeOrderFilled ?dateTimeOrderFilled ; kmro:medicationProduct ?medicationProduct . ?medicationProduct kmro:hasDrugItem ?drugItem . ?drugItem kmro:conceptCode ?medicationCode ; kmro:conceptLabel ?medicationLabel ; kmro:terminologySystemCode ?medicationTerminologyCode ; kmro:terminologySystemLabel ?medicationTerminologyLabel . OPTIONAL { ?s kmro:hasFillQuantity ?hasFillQuantityQ . ?hasFillQuantityQ kmro:val ?hasFillQuantity} } ORDER BY ?dateTimeOrderDispensed"; /** * By domain, return distinct concepts used for patient * * Ex/ what lab result types were taken */ public List<Map<String, String>> getConceptsOfPatientByDomain(String patientId, String domain) throws Exception { String query = String.format(QUERY_SCONCEPTS_BYPATIENTANDTYPE, patientId, domain); JsonObject listReply = this.requestJSON(query); return processListReply(listReply); } /** * By domain, return distinct dates where a patient has data * * Date xmlDateIn = sdf.parse(value) */ public List<String> getDatesOfPatientByDomain(String patientId, String domain) throws Exception { String query = String.format(QUERY_SDATES_BYPATIENTANDTYPE, patientId, domain); JsonObject listReply = this.requestJSON(query); JsonObject results = listReply.getAsJsonObject("results"); JsonArray bindings = results.getAsJsonArray("bindings"); Iterator<JsonElement> bindingsIterator = bindings.iterator(); List<String> singleValues = new ArrayList<String>(); while (bindingsIterator.hasNext()) { JsonObject binding =; Set<Map.Entry<String, JsonElement>> bindingEntries = binding.entrySet(); for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> bindingEntry : bindingEntries) { String key = bindingEntry.getKey(); JsonElement value = bindingEntry.getValue(); String stringValue = value.getAsJsonObject().getAsJsonPrimitive("value").getAsString(); singleValues.add(stringValue); } } return singleValues; } /** * By domain and conceptCode, return values a patient has, ordered by date */ public List<Map<String, String>> getValuesOfPatientByDomainAndConcept(String patientId, String domain, String conceptCode) throws Exception { String valuePredicate = "hasVitalSignResult"; if (domain != "VitalSign") valuePredicate = "hasResultValue"; String query = String.format(QUERY_SVALUES_BYPATIENTTYPECONCEPT, patientId, domain, valuePredicate, conceptCode); JsonObject listReply = this.requestJSON(query); return processListReply(listReply); } /* * Utility - turns JsonObject list into List of Maps. All values become Strings. * * TBD: could type the values */ private List<Map<String, String>> processListReply(JsonObject listReply) { JsonObject results = listReply.getAsJsonObject("results"); JsonArray bindings = results.getAsJsonArray("bindings"); Iterator<JsonElement> bindingsIterator = bindings.iterator(); List<Map<String, String>> typedBindingList = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(); while (bindingsIterator.hasNext()) { JsonObject binding =; Set<Map.Entry<String, JsonElement>> bindingEntries = binding.entrySet(); Map<String, String> typedBinding = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> bindingEntry : bindingEntries) { String key = bindingEntry.getKey(); JsonElement value = bindingEntry.getValue(); String stringValue = value.getAsJsonObject().getAsJsonPrimitive("value").getAsString(); typedBinding.put(key, stringValue); } typedBindingList.add(typedBinding); } return typedBindingList; } /* * QUERY_MEDORDER_BYPATIENT * * Note: flattens out the oh so deep arrangement of KMRO for Medication Orders */ public List<Map<String, String>> getMedicationOrdersByPatient(String patientId) throws Exception { String query = String.format(QUERY_MEDORDER_BYPATIENT, patientId); JsonObject listReply = this.requestJSON(query); return processListReply(listReply); } /* * From Order to Dispensations */ public List<Map<String, String>> getDispensationsOfMedicationOrder(String orderId) throws Exception { String query = String.format(QUERY_DISPENSATIONS_OF_MEDORDER, orderId); JsonObject listReply = this.requestJSON(query); return processListReply(listReply); } /* * DEFAULT LIMIT FOR Queries if none specified */ private static Integer DEFAULTLIMIT = 100; /** * This method will return a list of entryIds for all matching domain * records for the given patientId and domain type. * * entryId = unique across all records within this domain, for this patientId. * * - patientId == patient resource URI in triple store * ex/ 'http://.../2-224' * - domain == KMRO type label ex/ VitalSign * * Note: patientId == null => all facts of a type * */ public String getReferenceFactList(String patientId, String domain, Integer limit, Integer offset) throws Exception { String query; String queryTail = getQueryTail(limit, offset); if (patientId != null) query = String.format(QUERY_SFACTSOFTYPEBYPATIENT, patientId, domain, queryTail); else query = String.format(QUERY_SFACTSOFTYPE, domain, queryTail); JsonObject reply = this.requestJSON(query); String processedReply = this.xmlListOfType(reply, domain); return processedReply; } /** * This method will return a list of entries and the surface-level * (shallow) content for all matching domain records, for the * given patientId and domain type. * * surface-level content = * literal values * + anonymous entities (ie Concept Pointer - value/unit pair) * + reference to complex objects. */ public String getShallowFactList(String patientId, String domain, Integer limit, Integer offset) throws Exception { return getFactList(patientId, domain, limit, offset, true); } /** * This method will return a list of entries and all-level (deep) content * for all matching domain records, for the given patientId and domain type. * * all-level content = fully expanded on all nodes and branches. */ public String getDeepFactList(String patientId, String domain, Integer limit, Integer offset) throws Exception { return getFactList(patientId, domain, limit, offset, false); } private String getFactList(String patientId, String domain, Integer limit, Integer offset, boolean shallow) throws Exception { String query; String queryTail = getQueryTail(limit, offset); if (patientId != null) query = String.format(QUERY_DFACTSOFTYPEBYPATIENT, patientId, domain, queryTail); else query = String.format(QUERY_DFACTSOFTYPE, domain, queryTail); JsonObject reply = this.requestJSON(query); String processedReply = this.xmlDescriptions(reply, "", domain, true, "CONTAINS", new HashMap<String, String>(), shallow); return processedReply; } String getQueryTail(Integer limit, Integer offset) { if ((limit == null) || (offset == null)) { limit = DEFAULTLIMIT; offset = 0; } String queryTail = String.format("} ORDER BY ?s LIMIT %s OFFSET %s", limit, offset); return queryTail; } /** * This method will return a list of entries and surface-level (shallow) content * for the matching domain record, for the given patientId and domain type and entryId. * * entryId = unique across all records within this domain, for this patientId. * surface level content = * literal values * + anonymous entities (ie Concept Pointer - valu/unit pair) * + reference to complex objects. */ public String getShallowFactItem(String patientId, String domain, String entryId) throws Exception { // Note: in this triple store, entryId is globally unique. There // is no need for patientId or domain. String query = String.format(QUERY_DESCRIBEFACT, entryId); JsonObject reply = this.requestJSON(query); String processedReply = this.xmlResourceDescr(entryId, reply, "", "IMPL", entryId, new HashMap<String, String>(), true); return processedReply; } /** * This method will return a list of entries and all-level (deep) content * for the matching domain record, for the given patientId and domain type and entryId. * * entryId = unique across all records within this domain, for this patientId. * all-level content = * literal values * + anonymous entities (ie Concept Pointer - valu/unit pair) * + reference to complex objects. */ public String getDeepFactItem(String patientId, String domain, String entryId) throws Exception { // Note: in this triple store, entryId is globally unique. There // is no need for patientId or domain. String query = String.format(QUERY_DESCRIBEFACT, entryId); JsonObject reply = this.requestJSON(query); String processedReply = this.xmlResourceDescr(entryId, reply, "", "IMPL", entryId, new HashMap<String, String>(), false); return processedReply; } /* * Format == json or * * Returns a buffered reader */ public BufferedReader request(String query, String format) throws Exception { String sparqlrs = this.sparqlEP + URLEncoder.encode(query, "UTF-8"); //+ query; if (format != null) { sparqlrs = sparqlrs + "&output=" + format; } System.out.println("SPARQL= " + sparqlrs); URL sparqlr = new URL(sparqlrs); // 1. Make the query URLConnection sparqlc = sparqlr.openConnection(); // 2. Read the Response BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(sparqlc.getInputStream())); return in; } /* * Local, JSON only call */ private JsonObject requestJSON(String query) throws Exception { BufferedReader in = null; if (SPARQLQueryUtil_KMRO10.sparqlEP == KMRO_EP) in = request(query, "json"); else in = request(query, null); //FMQL does not need "output" param for json format. // 3. Parse as JSON JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); // 4. Walk the JSON JsonObject reply = parser.parse(in).getAsJsonObject(); return reply; } /* * FORM 1 RESPONSE: SPARQL DESCRIBE * * It returns one or more resource definitions as XML. Blank nodes are * treated as full resources. Optionally it can trace as it goes. * * {"resourceId": {"pred1": [{"value": "val1", "type": "pred1Type"}, ...], */ private String xmlDescriptions(JsonObject resourceDescrs, String indent, String type, boolean isList, String tagAs, HashMap<String, String> urisDescribed, boolean shallowOnly) throws Exception { String xmlReply = ""; if (isList) { xmlReply = "<FactListImpl xmlns=\"\">\n\t"; indent += "\t"; tagAs = "CONTAINS"; xmlReply += this.xmlDyInfo(indent, type, UUID.randomUUID().toString(), false); } Set<Map.Entry<String, JsonElement>> rdsMap = resourceDescrs.entrySet(); for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> rme : rdsMap) { String resourceURI = rme.getKey(); // Embed blank nodes. Don't process at the top level. if (!resourceURI.startsWith("http:")) continue; String sxmlReply = xmlResourceDescr(resourceURI, resourceDescrs, indent, tagAs, resourceURI, urisDescribed, shallowOnly); xmlReply += sxmlReply; } if (isList) xmlReply += "\n</FactListImpl>\n"; return xmlReply; } /* * A resource description is a dictionary of: * predicate: {"value": VAL, "type": TYPEOFVAL} * where VAL can be a date, an integer, a URI or a "blank node id". * * Note: one description == one uri in outer dictionary. List has many */ private String xmlResourceDescr(String resourceURI, JsonObject resourceDescrs, String indent, String tagAs, String globalId, HashMap<String, String> urisDescribed, boolean shallowOnly) throws Exception { String xmlReply = ""; String oindent = indent; JsonObject resourceDescr = resourceDescrs.getAsJsonObject(resourceURI); if (resourceDescr == null) return ""; Set<Map.Entry<String, JsonElement>> predValueMap = resourceDescr.entrySet(); // rdf:type get special treatment - a processor version of this // dumper would key off type String pred = "rdf:type"; // Assuming resource have only one type String value = resourceDescr.getAsJsonArray("").get(0) .getAsJsonObject().getAsJsonPrimitive("value").getAsString(); String typeValue = value.split("#")[1]; if (tagAs == "IMPL") // no indent if standalone and this needs full xmlns if (indent == "") xmlReply += "\n" + indent + "<" + typeValue + "Impl xmlns=\"\">"; else xmlReply += "\n" + indent + "<" + typeValue + "Impl>"; else if (tagAs == "CONTAINS") xmlReply += "\n" + indent + "<contains xsi:type=\"" + typeValue + "\" xsi=\"\">"; indent += "\t"; xmlReply += this.xmlDyInfo(indent, typeValue, globalId, false); urisDescribed.put(globalId, typeValue); for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> pvme : predValueMap) { // Handled rdf:type above. if (pvme.getKey().startsWith("")) continue; // take off: urn:gov:hhs:fha:nhinc:adapter pred = pvme.getKey().split("#")[1]; // Assuming can have > 1 value // TBD: must add configuration file to dictate whether multiple values allowed or not. JsonArray values = pvme.getValue().getAsJsonArray(); // All values in array have same type so just get from first // value JsonObject firstValue = values.get(0).getAsJsonObject(); String valueType = firstValue.getAsJsonPrimitive("type").getAsString(); String dataType = ""; if (firstValue.has("datatype")) { dataType = firstValue.getAsJsonPrimitive("datatype").getAsString(); } Iterator<JsonElement> valuesIterator = values.iterator(); while (valuesIterator.hasNext()) { xmlReply += "\n" + indent + "<" + pred + ">"; JsonObject sparqlValue =; value = sparqlValue.getAsJsonPrimitive("value").getAsString(); // A date - then type it ( if (dataType.matches("")) { // Reverting to XML time but for reference leaving what // KMR wanted ("E, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS Z"); // Day, dayno month no year no hour min sec ...SSS? Z // SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"); // Date xmlDateIn = sdf.parse(value); // sdf.applyPattern("E, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS Z"); // xmlReply += sdf.format(xmlDateIn).toString(); xmlReply += value; } // If reference to Blank Node/struct then recurse else if (valueType.matches("bnode")) { // Needs a global id String bnodeGlobalId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); String bnodeId = value; // as not explicitly tagging, don't indent for it xmlReply += xmlResourceDescr(bnodeId, resourceDescrs, indent, "", bnodeGlobalId, urisDescribed, shallowOnly) + "\n" + indent; } // Distinguish pointers/references // 200 (Agent) and 2 (Patient) are exs of referenced things. else if (valueType.matches("uri")) { if (urisDescribed.get(value) != null) xmlReply += this.xmlDyInfo(indent + "\t", urisDescribed.get(value), value, true); // will fetch: always dy info else if (shallowOnly) { JsonObject listReply = this.requestJSON("SELECT ?t WHERE {<" + value + "> a ?t}"); JsonObject results = listReply.getAsJsonObject("results"); JsonArray bindings = results.getAsJsonArray("bindings"); JsonObject binding = bindings.get(0).getAsJsonObject(); String tValue = binding.getAsJsonObject("t").getAsJsonPrimitive("value").getAsString() .split("#")[1]; xmlReply += this.xmlDyInfo(indent + "\t", tValue, value, true); urisDescribed.put(value, tValue); } else { JsonObject reply = this.requestJSON("DESCRIBE <" + value + ">"); // TBD: raise exception if no reply! String processedReply = this.xmlDescriptions(reply, indent, "", false, "", urisDescribed, shallowOnly); xmlReply += processedReply; } xmlReply += "\n" + indent; } // Inlined values: string or Integer (KMR doesn't distinguish) else xmlReply += value; xmlReply += "</" + pred + ">"; } } if (tagAs == "IMPL") xmlReply += "\n" + oindent + "</" + typeValue + "Impl" + ">"; else if (tagAs == "CONTAINS") xmlReply += "\n" + oindent + "</contains>"; return xmlReply; } /* * Creates XML of x's from a SELECT x of type y */ private String xmlListOfType(JsonObject listReply, String type) throws Exception { String xmlReply = ""; xmlReply = "<FactListImpl xmlns=\"\">\n"; String indent = "\t"; xmlReply += this.xmlDyInfo(indent, type, UUID.randomUUID().toString(), false) + "\r"; JsonObject results = listReply.getAsJsonObject("results"); JsonArray bindings = results.getAsJsonArray("bindings"); Iterator<JsonElement> bindingsIterator = bindings.iterator(); Object[] resourceDescriptions; while (bindingsIterator.hasNext()) { JsonObject binding =; Set<Map.Entry<String, JsonElement>> bindingEntries = binding.entrySet(); for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> bindingEntry : bindingEntries) { xmlReply += "\t<contains xsi:type=\"" + type + "\" xmlns:xsi=\"\">"; String key = bindingEntry.getKey(); JsonElement value = bindingEntry.getValue(); String stringValue = value.getAsJsonObject().getAsJsonPrimitive("value").getAsString(); xmlReply += this.xmlDyInfo(indent + "\t", type, stringValue, true); xmlReply += "\n\t</contains>\n"; } } xmlReply += "\n</FactListImpl>\n"; return xmlReply; } private String xmlDyInfo(String indent, String entryType, String entryId, boolean reference) { String dyXML = ""; dyXML += "\n" + indent + "<dyEntryType>" + entryType + "</dyEntryType>"; dyXML += "\n" + indent + "<dyEntryId>" + entryId + "</dyEntryId>"; dyXML += "\n" + indent + "<dyReference>" + reference + "</dyReference>"; return dyXML; } /** * Davide examples: bulk gets */ private static void runDavideExamples() throws Exception { SPARQLQueryUtil_KMRO10 KMROPatientTriples = new SPARQLQueryUtil_KMRO10(); String patientId; String domain; String factId; String xmlReply; // NOTE: runs against both KMRO and KMRO_10 patientId = ""; // use patient 224 for examples if going to KMRO; use 1 for 10 if (KMROPatientTriples.sparqlEP == KMRO_EP) patientId = ""; domain = "VitalSign"; System.out.println("\n\n=== Get Reference Fact List: " + domain + " of Patient <" + patientId + ">, first 100, triple-store order ===\n"); xmlReply = KMROPatientTriples.getReferenceFactList(patientId, domain, 10, 0); System.out.println(xmlReply + "\n==========\n"); domain = "VitalSign"; System.out.println( "\n\n=== Get Fact List (Shallow): " + domain + " of Patient <" + patientId + ">, first 10 ===\n"); xmlReply = KMROPatientTriples.getShallowFactList(patientId, domain, 10, 0); System.out.println(xmlReply + "\n==========\n"); domain = "VitalSign"; System.out.println( "\n\n=== Get Fact List (Shallow): " + domain + " of Patient <" + patientId + ">, first 10 ===\n"); xmlReply = KMROPatientTriples.getShallowFactList(patientId, domain, 10, 0); System.out.println(xmlReply + "\n==========\n"); domain = "VitalSign"; System.out.println( "\n\n=== Get Fact List (Shallow): " + domain + " of Patient <" + patientId + ">, next 10 ===\n"); xmlReply = KMROPatientTriples.getShallowFactList(patientId, domain, 10, 10); System.out.println(xmlReply + "\n==========\n"); domain = "VitalSign"; System.out.println( "\n\n=== Get Fact List (Deep): " + domain + " of Patient <" + patientId + ">, first 10 ===\n"); xmlReply = KMROPatientTriples.getDeepFactList(patientId, domain, 10, 0); System.out.println(xmlReply + "\n==========\n"); domain = "VitalSign"; if (KMROPatientTriples.sparqlEP == KMRO_EP) factId = ""; else factId = ""; System.out.println("\n\n=== Get Fact (Shallow): <" + factId + "> ===\n"); xmlReply = KMROPatientTriples.getShallowFactItem(patientId, domain, factId); System.out.println(xmlReply + "\n==========\n"); if (KMROPatientTriples.sparqlEP == KMRO_EP) factId = ""; else factId = ""; System.out.println("\n\n=== Get Fact (Deep): <" + factId + "> ===\n"); // Note: in Danno triples factId is globally unique so no need to pass in patient or domain xmlReply = KMROPatientTriples.getDeepFactItem(null, null, factId); System.out.println(xmlReply + "\n==========\n"); // For Patient References, pass in null patient id domain = "Patient"; System.out.println("\n\n=== Get Patient References, first 10 ===\n"); xmlReply = KMROPatientTriples.getReferenceFactList(null, domain, 10, 0); System.out.println(xmlReply + "\n==========\n"); // For Patient Fact List, DEEP <=> SHALLOW domain = "Patient"; System.out.println("\n\n=== Get Patient Fact List (Get Fact List (Deep)), first 10 ===\n"); xmlReply = KMROPatientTriples.getDeepFactList(null, domain, 10, 0); System.out.println(xmlReply + "\n==========\n"); // For Patient Fact Item, DEEP <=> SHALLOW System.out.println("\n\n=== Get Patient Details (Get Fact (Deep)): <" + patientId + "> ===\n"); xmlReply = KMROPatientTriples.getDeepFactItem(null, null, patientId); System.out.println(xmlReply + "\n==========\n"); domain = "LabTestResult"; System.out.println( "\n\n=== Get Fact List (Shallow): " + domain + " of Patient <" + patientId + ">, first 10 ===\n"); xmlReply = KMROPatientTriples.getShallowFactList(patientId, domain, 10, 0); System.out.println(xmlReply + "\n==========\n"); domain = "LabTestResult"; System.out.println( "\n\n=== Get Fact List (Deep): " + domain + " of Patient <" + patientId + ">, first 10 ===\n"); xmlReply = KMROPatientTriples.getDeepFactList(patientId, domain, 10, 0); System.out.println(xmlReply + "\n==========\n"); // Panels contain results - deep == get both domain = "LabPanel"; System.out.println( "\n\n=== Get Fact List (Deep): " + domain + " of Patient <" + patientId + ">, first 10 ===\n"); xmlReply = KMROPatientTriples.getDeepFactList(patientId, domain, 10, 0); System.out.println(xmlReply + "\n==========\n"); // Get Medication Orders domain = "MedicationOrder"; System.out.println( "\n\n=== Get Fact List (Deep): " + domain + " of Patient <" + patientId + ">, first 10 ===\n"); xmlReply = KMROPatientTriples.getDeepFactList(patientId, domain, 10, 0); System.out.println(xmlReply + "\n==========\n"); // Get Dispensations - will refer back to orders domain = "Dispensation"; System.out.println( "\n\n=== Get Fact List (Deep): " + domain + " of Patient <" + patientId + ">, first 10 ===\n"); xmlReply = KMROPatientTriples.getDeepFactList(patientId, domain, 10, 0); System.out.println(xmlReply + "\n==========\n"); } /** * Tia Examples: fine-grained queries */ private static void runTiaExamples() throws Exception { SPARQLQueryUtil_KMRO10 KMROPatientTriples = new SPARQLQueryUtil_KMRO10(); String patientId; String domain; patientId = ""; // use patient 224 for examples if going to KMRO; use 1 for 10 if (KMROPatientTriples.sparqlEP == KMRO_EP) patientId = ""; System.out.println("\n\n=== Get distinct Vital Sign concepts asserted for a patient ===\n"); domain = "VitalSign"; List<Map<String, String>> conceptDefinitionList = KMROPatientTriples.getConceptsOfPatientByDomain(patientId, domain); System.out.println(conceptDefinitionList); System.out.println( "\n\n=== Get distinct dates, in order, on which any vital was asserted for a patient ===\n"); List<String> datesOfDomain = KMROPatientTriples.getDatesOfPatientByDomain(patientId, domain); System.out.println(datesOfDomain); System.out.println("\n\n=== Get values of particular concept for a patient, ordered by date ===\n"); String conceptCode = "4500638"; // VA for Temperature.s List<Map<String, String>> conceptValueList = KMROPatientTriples .getValuesOfPatientByDomainAndConcept(patientId, domain, conceptCode); System.out.println(conceptValueList); System.out.println("\n\n=== For all LOINC vital types of a patient, get values, ordered by date ===\n"); Iterator<Map<String, String>> itr = conceptDefinitionList.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Map<String, String> conceptDefinition =; String terminologySystemLabel = conceptDefinition.get("terminologySystemLabel"); // only get LOINC if (!terminologySystemLabel.equals("LOINC")) continue; conceptCode = conceptDefinition.get("conceptCode"); String conceptLabel = conceptDefinition.get("conceptLabel"); List<Map<String, String>> cvl = KMROPatientTriples.getValuesOfPatientByDomainAndConcept(patientId, domain, conceptCode); System.out.println("\n\tLOINC:" + conceptLabel + ":" + conceptCode + "\n\t\t" + cvl); } System.out.println("\n\n=== Get distinct Lab concepts asserted for a patient ===\n"); domain = "LabTestResult"; conceptDefinitionList = KMROPatientTriples.getConceptsOfPatientByDomain(patientId, domain); System.out.println(conceptDefinitionList); System.out.println("\n\n=== For all LOINC labs of a patient, get values, ordered by date ===\n"); itr = conceptDefinitionList.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Map<String, String> conceptDefinition =; String terminologySystemLabel = conceptDefinition.get("terminologySystemLabel"); // only get LOINC if (!terminologySystemLabel.equals("LOINC")) continue; conceptCode = conceptDefinition.get("conceptCode"); String conceptLabel = conceptDefinition.get("conceptLabel"); List<Map<String, String>> cvl = KMROPatientTriples.getValuesOfPatientByDomainAndConcept(patientId, domain, conceptCode); System.out.println("\n\tLOINC:" + conceptLabel + ":" + conceptCode + "\n\t\t" + cvl); } System.out.println("\n\n=== Get medication orders for a patient, ordered by date ===\n"); List<Map<String, String>> medicationOrderList = KMROPatientTriples.getMedicationOrdersByPatient(patientId); System.out.println(medicationOrderList); System.out.println("\n\n=== For all med orders, get dispensations ===\n"); itr = medicationOrderList.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Map<String, String> medicationOrder =; String orderId = medicationOrder.get("s"); List<Map<String, String>> diss = KMROPatientTriples.getDispensationsOfMedicationOrder(orderId); System.out.println("\n\tOrder:" + orderId + ":" + "\n\t\t" + diss); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // runDavideExamples(); runTiaExamples(); } }