Java tutorial
/* * * * Copyright (c) 2013 Martin Burkhard and Sonja Maier. * CSCM Cooperation Systems Center Munich, Institute for Software Technology. * Bundeswehr University Munich. All rights reserved. * * This program is made available under the terms of the * Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at <>. * * The accompanying materials are made available under the terms * of Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. * You should have received a copy of the license along with this * work. If not, see <>. * * Project: FishificationFX * Author: Martin Burkhard * Date: 9/2/13 11:26 PM */ package org.sociotech.unui.javafx.engine2d; import; import javafx.animation.Animation; import javafx.animation.KeyFrame; import javafx.animation.Timeline; import javafx.animation.TimelineBuilder; import javafx.event.ActionEvent; import javafx.event.EventHandler; import javafx.scene.Group; import javafx.scene.Node; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.image.Image; import; import javafx.scene.text.Font; import javafx.scene.text.Text; import javafx.stage.Stage; import javafx.util.Duration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.commons.configuration.PropertiesConfiguration; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.logging.log4j.MarkerManager; import org.sociotech.unui.javafx.engine2d.entities.Entity; import org.sociotech.unui.javafx.engine2d.entities.EntityManager; import org.sociotech.unui.javafx.engine2d.util.ScreenshotHelper; import; import; /** * Abstract 2D-Engine World for Sprite-based Entities. */ public abstract class AbstractWorld { // JavaFX Stage private final Stage m_worldStage; private Scene m_worldCanvas; private Group m_worldNodes; // Resources private EntityManager m_entityManager; private final ResourceManager<Image> m_imageResourceManager = new ResourceManager<Image>(); private final ResourceManager<AudioClip> m_audioResourceManager = new ResourceManager<AudioClip>(); // Configuration private PropertiesConfiguration m_config = null; // Main Loop private boolean m_isPaused = false; private Timeline m_eventLoop; // FPS counter private double m_fps = 0.0; private long m_oldTime = 0; private int m_fpsCounter; // Text Font (default) private static String s_TextFontType = "Comic Sans MS"; private static int s_TextFontSize = 12; // Frames Per Second (FPS) private static boolean s_showFps = false; private Text m_fpsText; private static double s_fpsTextOffsetX = 90.0; private static double s_fpsTextOffsetY = 20.0; // Screen width and height private double m_width = 0.0; private double m_height = 0.0; private final Logger m_log = LogManager.getLogger(); protected AbstractWorld(String title, Stage worldStage) { m_worldStage = worldStage; m_worldStage.setTitle(title); } public void initialize(double width, double height) { m_width = width; m_height = height; // Init JavaFX Scene m_worldNodes = new Group(); m_worldCanvas = new Scene(m_worldNodes, width, height); m_worldStage.setScene(m_worldCanvas); // Init Entity and Button Manager m_entityManager = new EntityManager(this); // Load configuration try { m_config = new PropertiesConfiguration(""); loadConfiguration(); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { m_log.warn(MarkerManager.getMarker("EXCEPTION"), "Error reading configuration file '' from resources.", e); return; } // Initialize event loop initEventLoop(); // Initialize derived class onInitialize(); // Initialize FPS text initFpsText(); } private void loadConfiguration() { try { s_TextFontType = m_config.getString("fishification.text.font.type"); s_TextFontSize = m_config.getInt("fishification.text.font.size"); s_showFps = m_config.getBoolean(""); s_fpsTextOffsetX = m_config.getDouble("fishification.label.fps.offset.x"); s_fpsTextOffsetY = m_config.getDouble("fishification.label.fps.offset.y"); onLoadConfiguration(m_config); } catch (Exception e) { m_log.error(MarkerManager.getMarker("EXCEPTION"), "Error loading configuration.", e); } } protected abstract void onLoadConfiguration(PropertiesConfiguration config); protected synchronized PropertiesConfiguration getConfiguration() { return m_config; } private void initEventLoop() { final Duration fps = Duration.millis(1000 / (float) 60); final KeyFrame eventLoop = new KeyFrame(fps, new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() { public void handle(ActionEvent event) { // destroy entities on list getEntityManager().destroy(); updateEntities(); updateFps(); onPostUpdate(m_fps); } }); // Create Loop TimelineBuilder builder = TimelineBuilder.create(); builder.cycleCount(Animation.INDEFINITE); builder.keyFrames(eventLoop); m_eventLoop =; } private void initFpsText() { m_fpsText = new Text(); m_fpsText.setFont(Font.font(s_TextFontType, s_TextFontSize)); m_fpsText.setX(getWorldCanvas().getWidth() - s_fpsTextOffsetX); m_fpsText.setY(s_fpsTextOffsetY); addNode(m_fpsText); } private void updateFps() { // Count frames m_fpsCounter++; long nanoTime = System.nanoTime(); if (nanoTime > m_oldTime + 1000000000) { // Measure FPS m_fps = m_fpsCounter; m_fpsCounter = 0; m_oldTime = nanoTime; } } private synchronized void updateEntities() { for (Entity e : m_entityManager.getEntities()) { // Call update of every Entity e.update(getWorldCanvas(), e.getCurrentState(), m_fps); // Check collision with another Entity if (e.isCollidable()) { for (Entity e2 : m_entityManager.getEntities()) { if (e2.isCollidable()) { e.onCollisionWith(e2); } } } } } protected abstract void onInitialize(); private void onPostUpdate(double framesPerSecond) { if (s_showFps) { m_fpsText.setText(String.format("FPS: %.2f", framesPerSecond)); } } public void launch() {; } public void shutdown() { onShutdown(); if (m_eventLoop != null) { m_eventLoop.stop(); m_eventLoop = null; } if (m_entityManager != null) { m_entityManager.destroy(); m_entityManager = null; } m_worldCanvas = null; m_worldNodes = null; } protected void onShutdown() { } public synchronized double getWidth() { return m_width; } public synchronized double getHeight() { return m_height; } public synchronized EntityManager getEntityManager() { return m_entityManager; } protected synchronized Scene getWorldCanvas() { return m_worldCanvas; } public synchronized Group getWorldNodes() { return m_worldNodes; } public synchronized boolean addNode(Node node) { return m_worldNodes.getChildren().add(node); } public synchronized boolean removeNode(Node node) { return m_worldNodes.getChildren().remove(node); } public synchronized ResourceManager<Image> getImageResourceManager() { return m_imageResourceManager; } protected synchronized void addImage(String imageName) { m_imageResourceManager.put(imageName, new Image(Resources.getResource("images/" + imageName).toExternalForm())); } protected synchronized void addImage(String imageName, int width, int height) { m_imageResourceManager.put(imageName, new Image( Resources.getResource("images/" + imageName).toExternalForm(), width, height, true, true)); } synchronized ResourceManager<AudioClip> getAudioResourceManager() { return m_audioResourceManager; } protected void addAudioClip(String audioClipName) { URL bubbleAudioResource = Resources.getResource("sound/" + audioClipName); AudioClip bubbleAudioClip = new AudioClip(bubbleAudioResource.toExternalForm()); getAudioResourceManager().put(audioClipName, bubbleAudioClip); } public void playAudioClip(String audioClipName, double volume) { // Play Audio ResourceManager<AudioClip> audioResourceManager = getAudioResourceManager(); AudioClip audioClip = audioResourceManager.get(audioClipName); if (audioClip != null) {; } } /** * Takes screenshot of the World's visible contents. * * @param path Screenshot directory path * @param fileName Screenshot name added by number */ protected synchronized void takeScreenshot(String path, String fileName) { try { ScreenshotHelper.takeScreenshot(m_worldCanvas, path, fileName); } catch (IOException e) { m_log.error(MarkerManager.getMarker("EXCEPTION"), "Error creating screenshot.", e); } } public synchronized boolean togglePause() { // toggle pause m_isPaused = !m_isPaused; if (m_isPaused) { m_eventLoop.pause(); // pause event loop } else {; // continue event loop } if (m_entityManager != null) { m_entityManager.pauseEntities(m_isPaused); } onPause(m_isPaused); return m_isPaused; } protected abstract void onPause(boolean isPaused); protected synchronized void toggleFps() { s_showFps = !s_showFps; if (!s_showFps) { m_fpsText.setText(""); } } }