Java tutorial
/* * The PID webservice offers SOAP methods to manage the Handle System(r) resolution technology. * * Copyright (C) 2010-2011, International Institute of Social History * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import net.handle.hdllib.HandleException; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration; import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringJUnit4ClassRunner; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import static junit.framework.Assert.*; /** * @author Lucien van Wouw <> * @since 2011-01-01 */ @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) @ContextConfiguration(locations = { "/application-context.xml" }) // public class StubPidResourceServiceTest { @Autowired private PidResourceService pidResourceService; @Value("#{pidProperties['handle.baseUrl']}") private String handleBaseUrl = ""; final static String na = "00000.0"; @Value("#{pidProperties['clientDetails.clientId']}") private String resolveUrl; @BeforeClass public static void setup() throws Exception { if (System.getProperty("") == null) // System.setProperty("", "server/"); class Grant implements GrantedAuthority { private String authority; public Grant(String authority) { this.authority = authority; } @Override public String getAuthority() { return authority; } } final Collection<GrantedAuthority> authorities = new ArrayList(4); authorities.add(new Grant("ROLE_PID-WEBSERVICE-USER")); authorities.add(new Grant("ROLE_PID-WEBSERVICE-USER_00000.1")); authorities.add(new Grant("ROLE_PID-WEBSERVICE-USER_" + na)); authorities.add(new Grant("ROLE_PID-WEBSERVICE-USER_00000.2")); ClientToken clientToken = new ClientToken("test-client", UUID.randomUUID().toString(), null); UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken usernamePasswordAuthentication = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken( null, null, authorities); OAuth2Authentication auth2Authentication = new OAuth2Authentication(clientToken, usernamePasswordAuthentication); final SecurityContext context = SecurityContextHolder.getContext(); context.setAuthentication(auth2Authentication); } @Test public void testAutoGenerate() throws HandleException { pidResourceService.deletePids(na); PidType pidType = pidResourceService.createPid(na, getPidType(null, null, null, null)); assertNotNull(pidType); assertNotNull(pidType.getPid()); assertNotNull(pidType.getResolveUrl()); } @Test public void testCustom() throws HandleException { String pid = PidGenerator.getPid(na); String customResolveUrl = getResolveUrl(); PidType pidType = pidResourceService.createPid(na, getPidType(pid, customResolveUrl, null, null)); assertEquals(pid, pidType.getPid()); assertEquals(customResolveUrl, pidType.getResolveUrl()); PidType samePid = null; try { samePid = pidResourceService.createPid(na, getPidType(pid, customResolveUrl, null, null)); } catch (Exception e) { // Pid already exists; } assertNull("Pid already exists which is not possible using a create method.", samePid); } @Test public void testLookupResolveUrlForPidWithLid() throws Exception { String pid = PidGenerator.getPid(na); String customResolveUrl = getResolveUrl(); String lid = PidGenerator.getPid(); pidResourceService.createPid(na, getPidType(pid, customResolveUrl, null, lid)); List<PidType> handles = new ArrayList<PidType>(); pidResourceService.getPidByAttribute(handles, na, customResolveUrl); String retrievedLid = handles.get(0).getLocalIdentifier(); assertNotNull(retrievedLid); assertEquals(lid, retrievedLid); } @Test public void testCreateNewHandleWithWrongNas() throws Exception { String pid = PidGenerator.getPid(na); PidType insertedHandles = null; try { insertedHandles = pidResourceService.createPid(null, getPidType(pid, getResolveUrl(), null, null)); } catch (SecurityException e) { } assertNull("A naming authority must be present", insertedHandles); try { insertedHandles = pidResourceService.createPid(na + na, getPidType(pid, getResolveUrl(), null, null)); } catch (SecurityException e) { } assertNull("A naming authority must match the PID", insertedHandles); } @Test public void testUpdateWithEmptyPid() throws HandleException { PidType insertedHandles = null; try { insertedHandles = pidResourceService.updatePid(getPidType(null, getResolveUrl(), null, null)); } catch (SecurityException e) { } assertNull("A pid has to be supplied in order to derive the na ( and for the lookup itself ) .", insertedHandles); } @Test public void testCreatePidWithExistingPid() throws HandleException { String pid = PidGenerator.getPid(na); pidResourceService.createPid(na, getPidType(pid, getResolveUrl(), null, null)); PidType insertedHandles = null; try { insertedHandles = pidResourceService.createPid(na, getPidType(pid, getResolveUrl(), null, null)); } catch (HandleException e) { } assertNull("The same pid was offered twice and accepted. But PIDs must be unique!.", insertedHandles); } @Test public void testCreateLidWithExistingLid() throws HandleException { String lid = PidGenerator.getPid(); pidResourceService.createPid(na, getPidType(null, getResolveUrl(), null, lid)); PidType insertedHandles = null; try { insertedHandles = pidResourceService.createPid(na, getPidType(null, getResolveUrl(), null, lid)); } catch (PidException e) { } assertNull("The same lid was offered twice and accepted. But lids must be unique!.", insertedHandles); } @Test public void testUpdatePidWithAlternatingLids() { PidType pidType = getPidType(null, getResolveUrl(), null, PidGenerator.getPid(na)); try { pidResourceService.createPid(na, pidType); } catch (HandleException e) { } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { String lid = PidGenerator.getPid(); pidType.setLocalIdentifier(lid); PidType insertedHandles = null; try { insertedHandles = pidResourceService.updatePid(pidType); } catch (HandleException e) { } assertNotNull("Different LIDs ought to have been accepted.", insertedHandles); assertEquals(lid, insertedHandles.getLocalIdentifier()); } } @Test public void testUpdatePidWithExistingLid() throws HandleException { String lid = PidGenerator.getPid(); PidType pidType = getPidType(null, getResolveUrl(), null, lid); pidResourceService.createPid(na, pidType); PidType insertedHandles = null; try { insertedHandles = pidResourceService.updatePid(pidType); } catch (Exception e) { } assertNotNull("A lid can be re-declared in an update, but it was rejected.", insertedHandles); // Just add a new PID with a different lid String newLid = PidGenerator.getPid(); pidType.setLocalIdentifier(newLid); pidType.setPid(null); pidResourceService.createPid(na, pidType); // Now see if we cannot bind the lid insertedHandles = null; pidType.setLocalIdentifier(lid); // Pid, with existing lid from other pid. try { insertedHandles = pidResourceService.updatePid(pidType); } catch (PidException e) { } assertNull("A lid bound to a PID was offered to bind to a different PID and this was accepted.", insertedHandles); } @Test public void testHopePidCreate() throws HandleException { String lid = null; PidType pidType = null; try { pidResourceService.createHopePid(na, lid, getResolveUrl()); } catch (PidException e) { } assertNull(pidType); lid = PidGenerator.getPid(); pidType = pidResourceService.createHopePid(na, lid, getResolveUrl()); String pid = pidType.getPid(); assertNotNull(pid); assertNotNull(lid); assertNotNull(pidType.getResolveUrl()); PidType retrievePid = pidResourceService.getPid(pid); assertEquals(pid, retrievePid.getPid()); List<PidType> handles = new ArrayList(); pidResourceService.getPidByAttribute(handles, na, lid); final String pid2 = handles.get(0).getPid(); assertEquals(pid, pid2); } @Test public void testHopePidUpdateResolveUrl() throws HandleException { String lid = PidGenerator.getPid(); String resolveUrl = getResolveUrl(); PidType pidType = pidResourceService.createHopePid(na, lid, resolveUrl); String newResolveUrl = getResolveUrl(); pidResourceService.createHopePid(na, lid, newResolveUrl); List<PidType> handles = new ArrayList(); pidResourceService.getPidByAttribute(handles, na, lid); PidType updatedPidType = handles.get(0); final String localIdentifier = updatedPidType.getLocalIdentifier(); assertEquals("The local identifier should never change.", lid, localIdentifier); assertEquals("The PID should be the same after a resolveUrl update.", pidType.getPid(), updatedPidType.getPid()); assertFalse("The old and new resolve URLs should not be the same.", resolveUrl.equals(updatedPidType.getResolveUrl())); } @Test public void testHopePidUpdateResolveUrlWithEmptyUrl() throws HandleException { String lid = PidGenerator.getPid(); PidType pidType = pidResourceService.createHopePid(na, lid, null); String newResolveUrl = getResolveUrl(); pidResourceService.createHopePid(na, lid, newResolveUrl); List<PidType> handles = new ArrayList(); pidResourceService.getPidByAttribute(handles, na, lid); PidType updatedPidType = handles.get(0); final String localIdentifier = updatedPidType.getLocalIdentifier(); assertEquals("The local identifier should never change.", lid, localIdentifier); assertEquals("The PID should be the same after a resolveUrl update.", pidType.getPid(), updatedPidType.getPid()); } @Test public void testUpsertPidCreate() throws HandleException { // update with LID.... first should succeed... second and third fail... final String pid = PidGenerator.getPid(na); String url = getResolveUrl(); String lid = PidGenerator.getPid(); PidType pidType = pidResourceService.upsertPid(na, getPidType(pid, url, null, lid)); assertNotNull(pidType); PidType retrievePid = pidResourceService.getPid(pid); assertEquals(pid, retrievePid.getPid()); // Update String new_Url = getResolveUrl(); pidResourceService.upsertPid(na, getPidType(pid, new_Url, null, lid)); assertNotNull(pidType); assertEquals(pidType.getPid(), pid); assertEquals(pidType.getLocalIdentifier(), lid); // Should fail PidType newPidType = null; final String newPid = PidGenerator.getPid(na); try { newPidType = pidResourceService.upsertPid(na, getPidType(newPid, url, null, lid)); } catch (PidException e) { } assertNull(newPidType); } @Test public void testUpsertPidCreateNoPid() throws HandleException { // update with LID.... first should succeed... second and third fail... String url = getResolveUrl(); String lid = PidGenerator.getPid(); PidType pidType = pidResourceService.upsertPid(na, getPidType(null, url, null, lid)); assertNotNull(pidType); PidType retrievePid = pidResourceService.getPid(pidType.getPid()); assertEquals(pidType.getPid(), retrievePid.getPid()); // Update String new_Url = getResolveUrl(); pidResourceService.upsertPid(na, getPidType(null, new_Url, null, lid)); retrievePid = pidResourceService.getPid(pidType.getPid()); assertEquals(retrievePid.getLocalIdentifier(), lid); assertEquals(retrievePid.getResolveUrl(), new_Url); // Should fail PidType newPidType = null; final String newPid = PidGenerator.getPid(na); try { newPidType = pidResourceService.upsertPid(na, getPidType(newPid, url, null, lid)); } catch (PidException e) { } assertNull(newPidType); } private PidType getPidType(String pid, String resolveUrl, LocAttType locAttType, String localIdentifier) { PidType pidType = new PidType(); pidType.setPid(pid); pidType.setResolveUrl(resolveUrl); pidType.setLocAtt(locAttType); pidType.setLocalIdentifier(localIdentifier); return pidType; } private String getResolveUrl() { return "http://" + resolveUrl + "/" + PidGenerator.getPid(); } }