Java tutorial
/* * The PID webservice offers SOAP methods to manage the Handle System(r) resolution technology. * * Copyright (C) 2010-2011, International Institute of Social History * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import net.handle.hdllib.HandleException; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration; import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringJUnit4ClassRunner; import org.springframework.util.Assert; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import java.util.List; import static junit.framework.Assert.*; /** * @author Lucien van Wouw <> * @since 2011-01-01 */ @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) @ContextConfiguration(locations = { "/application-context.xml" }) /** * In these test units we operate the handleDao and it's methods directly. * * This means we need to supply na, pids and resolveUrl's, which would have been supplied by the * StubPidResourceService layer. */ // public class HandleDaoImplTest { final private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()); @Value("#{pidProperties['handle.baseUrl']}") private String handleBaseUrl = ""; @Autowired private HandleDao handleDao; @Autowired private MappingsServiceImp pidResourceService; final String na = "00000.0"; final String resolveUrl = ""; @BeforeClass public static void setup() throws Exception { if (System.getProperty("") == null) System.setProperty("", "server/"); } @Test public void testUpsertHandle() throws HandleException { handleDao.deletePids(na); // Not really a test... but used to remove all pids."Create New Handle with upsert"); final String[] pids = { PidGenerator.getPid(na), PidGenerator.getPid(na), PidGenerator.getPid(na) }; { for (String pid : pids) {"Create New Handle"); final List<Handle> insertedHandles = handleDao.upsertHandle(na, getPidType(pid, resolveUrl, null, null)); assertNotNull(insertedHandles); assertEquals(2, insertedHandles.size()); String returnPid = insertedHandles.get(0).getHandle();"Created Handle ID: " + returnPid); assertEquals("The inserted PID is different from the returned one. Impossible.", pid, returnPid); } // create a it: // Lookup... we should have three documents: for (String pid : pids) { final List<Handle> retrieven_handles = handleDao.fetchHandleByPID(pid); assertNotNull(retrieven_handles); assertEquals(2, retrieven_handles.size()); assertEquals(pid, retrieven_handles.get(0).getHandle()); } // update with new URL String url = resolveUrl + PidGenerator.getPid(); for (String pid : pids) { final List<Handle> insertedHandles = handleDao.upsertHandle(na, getPidType(pid, url, null, null)); assertNotNull(insertedHandles); assertEquals(2, insertedHandles.size()); List<Handle> retrieve_handles = handleDao.fetchHandleByPID(insertedHandles.get(0).getHandle()); assertEquals(url, retrieve_handles.get(0).getDataAsString()); } } } @Test public void testCreateNewHandle() throws Exception { handleDao.deletePids(na); // Not really a test... but used to remove all pids."Create New Handle"); String pid = PidGenerator.getPid(na); final List<Handle> insertedHandles = handleDao.createNewHandle(na, getPidType(pid, resolveUrl, null, null)); assertNotNull(insertedHandles); assertEquals(2, insertedHandles.size()); String returnPid = insertedHandles.get(0).getHandle();"Created Handle ID: " + returnPid); assertEquals("The inserted PID is different from the returned one. Impossible.", pid, returnPid); } @Test public void testReverseLookup() throws Exception { String pid = PidGenerator.getPid(na); String lid = "I am local id: 12345" + PidGenerator.getPid();"Create New Handle with local id " + lid); final List<Handle> insertedHandles = handleDao.createNewHandle(na, getPidType(pid, resolveUrl, null, lid)); assertNotNull(insertedHandles); assertEquals("Expected three handles: one for the pid and lid each; and the hs_admin", 3, insertedHandles.size()); String returnPid = insertedHandles.get(0).getHandle();"Created Handle ID: " + returnPid);"Attempting reverse lookup with " + lid); final List<Handle> retrieveHandles = handleDao.fetchHandleByAttribute(na, lid, "LID"); assertFalse(retrieveHandles.size() == 0); if (retrieveHandles.size() != 2) log.warn("More than one handle was found. This is possible with a reverse lookup."); for (Handle retrieveHandle : retrieveHandles) {; } } @Test public void testCreateNewHandleAllParams() throws Exception {"Create New Handle"); String pid = PidGenerator.getPid(na); final LocAttType locAttType = new LocAttType(); final LocationType locationType1 = new LocationType(); locationType1.setHref(resolveUrl + PidGenerator.getPid()); locationType1.setId("11"); locationType1.setCountry("gb"); locAttType.getLocation().add(locationType1); final LocationType locationType2 = new LocationType(); locationType2.setHref(resolveUrl + PidGenerator.getPid()); locationType2.setId("21"); locationType2.setCountry("nl"); locationType2.getOtherAttributes().put(new QName("a"), "b"); locAttType.getLocation().add(locationType2); final List<Handle> insertedHandles = handleDao.createNewHandle(na, getPidType(pid, resolveUrl, locAttType, null)); assertNotNull(insertedHandles); LocAttType locAtt = null; while (insertedHandles.iterator().hasNext()) { Handle h = insertedHandles.iterator().next(); if (h.getIndex() == 1000) { locAtt = pidResourceService.getLocations(h); break; } } assertNotNull("Expected to see locations", locAtt); List<LocationType> locations = locAtt.getLocation(); assertEquals( "When a URL is added plus two locations, we must have three locations returned. The third location is the URL", 3, locations.size()); boolean hasUrl = false; for (LocationType location : locations) { if (location.getHref().equals(resolveUrl)) { hasUrl = true; assertEquals("The resolve URL's value must be identical to the supplied resolve url.", resolveUrl, location.getHref()); } } assertEquals("A default location was expected", true, hasUrl); } @Test public void testFetchHandleByPID() throws Exception { String knownPid = PidGenerator.getPid(PidGenerator.getPid(na)); final List<Handle> insertedHandles = handleDao.createNewHandle(na, getPidType(knownPid, resolveUrl, null, null)); assertNotNull(insertedHandles); final List<Handle> retrieven_handles = handleDao.fetchHandleByPID(knownPid); assertEquals("HandlePid should be the same", knownPid, retrieven_handles.get(0).getHandle()); final String unknownPid = PidGenerator.getPid(); final List<Handle> handleList = handleDao.fetchHandleByPID(unknownPid); assertEquals("HandlePid ought to be empty when supplied an unknown pid.", 0, handleList.size()); } @Test public void testFetchHandleByAttribute() throws Exception { String pid = PidGenerator.getPid(na); String[] testRefUrls = { resolveUrl + PidGenerator.getPid(), resolveUrl + PidGenerator.getPid(), resolveUrl + PidGenerator.getPid() }; final LocAttType locationAttributes = new LocAttType(); for (String testRefUrl : testRefUrls) { final LocationType location = new LocationType(); location.setHref(testRefUrl); location.setId("41"); location.setCountry("gb"); locationAttributes.getLocation().add(location); } final List<Handle> insertedHandles = handleDao.createNewHandle(na, getPidType(pid, resolveUrl, locationAttributes, null)); assertNotNull(insertedHandles); for (String testRefUrl : testRefUrls) { final List<Handle> retrieven_handles = handleDao.fetchHandleByAttribute(na, testRefUrl, null); assertNotNull(retrieven_handles); final String returnPid = retrieven_handles.get(0).getHandle(); assertEquals("HandlePid should be the same", pid, returnPid); } } @Test public void testUpdateHandleNoLID() throws Exception { String pid = PidGenerator.getPid(na); handleDao.createNewHandle(na, getPidType(pid, resolveUrl, null, null)); PidType pidType = new PidType(); pidType.setPid(pid); String newResolveUrl = resolveUrl + PidGenerator.getPid(); pidType.setResolveUrl(newResolveUrl); final List<Handle> updatedHandles = handleDao.updateHandle(na, pidType); assertNotNull(updatedHandles); assertEquals("URL", updatedHandles.get(0).getTypeAsString()); final String updatedUrl = updatedHandles.get(0).getDataAsString(); assertEquals("updated URL should be the same", newResolveUrl, updatedUrl); assertNotSame("updated URL should be different from the previous one", resolveUrl, updatedUrl); } @Test public void testUpdateHandleWithLID() throws Exception { String pid = PidGenerator.getPid(na); String lid = PidGenerator.getPid(); handleDao.createNewHandle(na, getPidType(pid, resolveUrl, null, lid)); PidType update = new PidType(); update.setPid(pid); String lidUpdate = PidGenerator.getPid(); update.setLocalIdentifier(lidUpdate); String updatedResolveUrl = resolveUrl + PidGenerator.getPid(); update.setResolveUrl(updatedResolveUrl); final List<Handle> updatedHandles = handleDao.updateHandle(na, update); assertEquals("There should be two handles: for the URL and the LID; and the HS_ADMIN", 3, updatedHandles.size()); boolean hasLID = false; for (Handle handle : updatedHandles) { hasLID = (handle.getTypeAsString()).equals("LID"); if (hasLID) { assertEquals("The local identifier ought to be changed during an update that included a new LID.", lidUpdate, handle.getDataAsString()); break; } } assertTrue("There must be a LID.", hasLID); } @Test public void testUpdateHandleWithChangedLID() throws Exception { String pid = PidGenerator.getPid(na); String lid = PidGenerator.getPid(); handleDao.createNewHandle(na, getPidType(pid, resolveUrl, null, lid)); String newLid = PidGenerator.getPid(); PidType pidType = new PidType(); pidType.setPid(pid); pidType.setLocalIdentifier(newLid); String updatedResolveUrl = resolveUrl + PidGenerator.getPid(); pidType.setResolveUrl(updatedResolveUrl); final List<Handle> updatedHandles = handleDao.updateHandle(na, pidType); final Handle handle = updatedHandles.get(1); assertEquals("LID", handle.getTypeAsString()); final String updatedLid = handle.getDataAsString(); assertEquals(newLid, updatedLid); assertNotSame("The local identifier ought to be different from the new one.", lid, updatedLid); } @Test public void testUpdateHandleWithLIDAndLocations() throws Exception { String pid = PidGenerator.getPid(na); String lid = PidGenerator.getPid(); String[] testRefUrls = { resolveUrl + PidGenerator.getPid(), resolveUrl + PidGenerator.getPid(), resolveUrl + PidGenerator.getPid() }; final LocAttType locationAttributes = new LocAttType(); for (int i = 0; i < testRefUrls.length; i++) { String testRefUrl = testRefUrls[i]; final LocationType location = new LocationType(); location.setHref(testRefUrl); location.setId("41"); location.setCountry("gb"); location.setView("a_view_" + i); locationAttributes.getLocation().add(location); } handleDao.createNewHandle(na, getPidType(pid, resolveUrl, locationAttributes, lid)); PidType update = new PidType(); update.setPid(pid); update.setLocalIdentifier(lid); String updatedResolveUrl = resolveUrl + PidGenerator.getPid(); update.setResolveUrl(updatedResolveUrl); final List<Handle> updatedHandles = handleDao.updateHandle(na, update); final Handle handle = updatedHandles.get(1); assertEquals("LID", handle.getTypeAsString()); assertEquals("The lid ought to be same.", lid, handle.getDataAsString()); for (Handle h : updatedHandles) { if (h.getTypeAsString().equals("10320/loc")) { throw new AssertionError("The location attributes should have been removed ( was null in update )"); } } update.setLocalIdentifier(null); final List<Handle> reUpdatedHandles = handleDao.updateHandle(na, update); assertEquals("The lid has been removed. There should only be two handles. ", 2, reUpdatedHandles.size()); } @Test public void testUpdateHandleNonExistentPid() throws HandleException { PidType pidType = new PidType(); pidType.setPid(PidGenerator.getPid(na)); List<Handle> updatedHandles = null; try { updatedHandles = handleDao.updateHandle(na, pidType); assertEquals("You cannot update a non existent Pid.", 0, updatedHandles.size()); } catch (HandleException e) { } assertNull("You cannot update a non existent Pid.", updatedHandles); } @Test public void testDeletePid() throws HandleException { final String pid = PidGenerator.getPid(na); handleDao.createNewHandle(na, getPidType(pid, resolveUrl, null, null)); boolean deleted = handleDao.deletePid(pid); Assert.isTrue(deleted); final List<Handle> retrieven_handles = handleDao.fetchHandleByPID(pid); assertEquals(0, retrieven_handles.size()); handleDao.createNewHandle(na, getPidType(pid, resolveUrl, null, null)); deleted = handleDao.deletePid(pid + "abc"); Assert.isTrue(!deleted); } @Test public void testCountDeletions() throws HandleException { handleDao.deletePids(na); int t = 5; for (int i = 0; i < t; i++) { String pid = PidGenerator.getPid(na); String lid = PidGenerator.getPid(); handleDao.createNewHandle(na, getPidType(pid, resolveUrl, null, lid)); } long count = handleDao.deletePids(na); assertTrue("We deleted " + t + " PIDs... number should be the same.", t == count); } private PidType getPidType(String pid, String resolveUrl, LocAttType locAttType, String localIdentifier) { PidType pidType = new PidType(); pidType.setPid(pid); pidType.setResolveUrl(resolveUrl); pidType.setLocAtt(locAttType); pidType.setLocalIdentifier(localIdentifier); return pidType; } }