Java tutorial
/** * #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=# * This file is part of the Smart Developer Hub Project: * * * Center for Open Middleware * * #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=# * Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Center for Open Middleware. * #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=# * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=# * Artifact : org.smartdeveloperhub.vocabulary:sdh-vocabulary:0.3.0 * Bundle : sdh-vocabulary-0.3.0.jar * #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=# */ package org.smartdeveloperhub.vocabulary.util; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.smartdeveloperhub.vocabulary.util.Module.Format; import; import; public final class SerializationManager { private static final class SerializationHelper { private final ModuleHelper helper; private final Path where; private final String fileName; private final Module module; SerializationHelper(final Module module, final Path where) throws IOException { this.module = module; this.where = where; this.helper = getHelper(module); this.fileName = MorePaths.getFileName(module.location()); } Path serialize(final Format format) throws IOException { if (format.equals(this.module.format())) { return copyCanonicalSerialization(); } else { return transformCanonicalSerialization(format); } } private Path transformCanonicalSerialization(final Format format) throws IOException { final Path target = this.where.resolve(this.fileName + "." + format.fileExtension()); try { final String transformed = this.helper.export(format); Files.copy(new ByteArrayInputStream(transformed.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)), target, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); return target; } catch (final IOException e) { throw new IOException("Could not copy " + format.getName() + " serialization of module " + this.module.location() + " [" + this.module.format().getName() + "] to " + target, e); } } private Path copyCanonicalSerialization() throws IOException { final Path target = this.where .resolve(this.fileName + "." + MorePaths.getFileExtension(this.module.location())); try { Files.copy(this.module.location(), target, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); return target; } catch (final IOException e) { throw new IOException("Could not copy canonical serialization of module " + this.module.location() + " [" + this.module.format().getName() + "] to " + target); } } private static ModuleHelper getHelper(final Module module) throws IOException { ModuleHelper helper; try { helper = new ModuleHelper(module.location()).load(module.locationNamespace(), module.format()); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new IOException( "Could not load module " + module.location() + " [" + module.format().getName() + "]", e); } return helper; } } private static final class SerializationKey { private final String module; private final String format; private final String charset; private SerializationKey(final String module, final String format, final String charset) { this.module = module; this.format = format; this.charset = charset; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(this.module, this.format, this.charset); } @Override public boolean equals(final Object obj) { boolean result = false; if (obj instanceof SerializationKey) { final SerializationKey that = (SerializationKey) obj; result = Objects.equals(this.module, that.module) && Objects.equals(this.format, that.format) && Objects.equals(this.charset, that.charset); } return result; } @Override public String toString() { return this.format + " [" + this.charset + "] serialization for module " + this.module; } static SerializationKey create(final Module module, final Format format, final Charset charset) { return new SerializationKey(module.implementationIRI(), format.getName(), charset.toString()); } } private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SerializationManager.class); private final Path location; private final Map<Path, Map<Format, Path>> serializations; private final Map<SerializationKey, Lock> serialLocks; private final Map<SerializationKey, Path> serialFiles; private SerializationManager(final Path where, final Map<Path, Map<Format, Path>> serializations) { this.location = where; this.serializations = serializations; this.serialFiles = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); this.serialLocks = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); } public Path location() { return this.location; } public Path getSerialization(final Module module, final Format format) { Map<Format, Path> moduleSerializations = this.serializations.get(module.location()); if (moduleSerializations == null) { moduleSerializations = Collections.emptyMap(); } return moduleSerializations.get(format); } public Path getSerialization(final Module module, final Format format, final Charset targetCharset) throws IOException { final SerializationKey key = SerializationKey.create(module, format, targetCharset); Lock lock = null; synchronized (this) { final Path path = this.serialFiles.get(key); if (path != null) { LOGGER.debug("Found {}: {}", key, path); return path; } lock = this.serialLocks.get(key); if (lock == null) { lock = new ReentrantLock(); this.serialLocks.put(key, lock); LOGGER.debug("Scheduled creation of {}", key); } } lock.lock(); try { final Path target = generateSerialization(module, format, targetCharset); if (target != null) { synchronized (this) { LOGGER.debug("Created {}: {}", key, target); this.serialFiles.put(key, target); } } return target; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } private Path generateSerialization(final Module module, final Format format, final Charset targetCharset) throws IOException { final Path source = getSerialization(module, format); Path target = null; if (source != null) { if (StandardCharsets.UTF_8.equals(targetCharset)) { target = source; } else { target = source.getParent().resolve(MorePaths.getFileName(source) + "." + + "." + MorePaths.getFileExtension(source)); IOUtil.transcode(source, StandardCharsets.UTF_8, target, targetCharset); target.toFile().deleteOnExit(); } } return target; } private static Map<Format, Path> generate(final Module module, final Path where) throws IOException { createDirectory(where); final SerializationHelper helper = new SerializationHelper(module, where); final ImmutableMap.Builder<Format, Path> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (final Format format : Format.values()) { builder.put(format, helper.serialize(format)); } return; } private static Map<Path, Map<Format, Path>> generate(final Catalog catalog, final Path where) throws IOException { createDirectory(where); final ImmutableMap.Builder<Path, Map<Format, Path>> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (final String moduleId : catalog.modules()) { final Module module = catalog.get(moduleId); final Path moduleParent = module.location().getParent(); final Path relativeModuleParent = catalog.getRoot().relativize(moduleParent); final Path target = where.resolve(relativeModuleParent); try { builder.put(module.location(), generate(module, target)); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new IOException("Could not generate serializations for module " + module.location() + " [" + module.format().getName() + "]", e); } } return; } private static void createDirectory(final Path where) throws IOException { final File file = where.toFile(); if (!file.exists()) { if (!file.mkdirs()) { throw new IOException("Could not create target directory '" + where + "'"); } } else if (!file.isDirectory()) { throw new IOException("Target path '" + where + "' points to an existing file, not a directory"); } } public static SerializationManager create(final Module module, final Path location) throws IOException { final Map<Path, Map<Format, Path>> serials = ImmutableMap.<Path, Map<Format, Path>>builder() .put(module.location(), generate(module, location)).build(); return new SerializationManager(location, serials); } public static SerializationManager create(final Catalog catalog, final Path location) throws IOException { return new SerializationManager(location, generate(catalog, location)); } }