Java tutorial
package org.smap.sdal.managers; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.smap.sdal.model.TaskFeature; import org.smap.sdal.model.TaskListGeoJson; import org.smap.sdal.model.TaskProperties; import com.itextpdf.text.BaseColor; import com.itextpdf.text.Document; import com.itextpdf.text.Font; import com.itextpdf.text.FontFactory; import com.itextpdf.text.PageSize; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.AcroFields; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.BaseFont; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfContentByte; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfImportedPage; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPTable; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPageEventHelper; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfReader; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfStamper; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfWriter; /***************************************************************************** This file is part of SMAP. SMAP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. SMAP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with SMAP. If not, see <>. ******************************************************************************/ /* * Manage the creation of PDFS on usage */ public class MiscPDFManager { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(MiscPDFManager.class.getName()); private ResourceBundle localisation = null; private String tz; int marginLeft = 36; int marginRight = 36; int marginTop_1 = 300; int marginBottom_1 = 200; int marginTop_2 = 50; int marginBottom_2 = 50; class PageSizer extends PdfPageEventHelper { int pagenumber = 0; public void onStartPage(PdfWriter writer, Document document) { pagenumber++;"Page number: " + pagenumber); document.setMargins(marginLeft, marginRight, marginTop_2, marginBottom_2); } public void onEndPage(PdfWriter writer, Document document) { //Rectangle rect = writer.getBoxSize("crop"); //System.out.println(rect == null ? "null" : rect.toString()); //ColumnText.showTextAligned(writer.getDirectContent(), // Element.ALIGN_CENTER, new Phrase(String.format("page %d", pagenumber)), // (rect.getLeft() +rect.getRight()) / 2, rect.getBottom() - 18, 0); // //100, 100, 0); } } public static Font Symbols = null; public static Font defaultFont = null; public static BaseColor VLG = new BaseColor(0xE8, 0xE8, 0xE8); public MiscPDFManager(ResourceBundle l, String tz) { localisation = l; if (tz == null) { tz = "UTC"; } = tz; } /* * Call this function to create a PDF * Return a suggested name for the PDF file derived from the results */ public void createUsagePdf(Connection sd, OutputStream outputStream, String basePath, HttpServletResponse response, int o_id, int month, int year, String period, String org_name) { PreparedStatement pstmt = null; if (org_name == null) { org_name = "None"; } try { String filename; // Get fonts and embed them String os = System.getProperty("");"Operating System:" + os); if (os.startsWith("Mac")) { FontFactory.register("/Library/Fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf", "Symbols"); FontFactory.register("/Library/Fonts/Arial Unicode.ttf", "default"); FontFactory.register("/Library/Fonts/NotoNaskhArabic-Regular.ttf", "arabic"); FontFactory.register("/Library/Fonts/NotoSans-Regular.ttf", "notosans"); } else if (os.indexOf("nix") >= 0 || os.indexOf("nux") >= 0 || os.indexOf("aix") > 0) { // Linux / Unix FontFactory.register("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/fontawesome-webfont.ttf", "Symbols"); FontFactory.register("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf", "default"); FontFactory.register("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/NotoNaskhArabic-Regular.ttf", "arabic"); FontFactory.register("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/NotoSans-Regular.ttf", "notosans"); } Symbols = FontFactory.getFont("Symbols", BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.EMBEDDED, 12); defaultFont = FontFactory.getFont("default", BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.EMBEDDED, 10); filename = org_name + "_" + year + "_" + month + ".pdf"; /* * Get the usage results */ String sql = "SELECT as id," + "users.ident as ident, " + " as name, " + "(select count (*) from upload_event ue, subscriber_event se " + "where ue.ue_id = se.ue_id " + "and se.status = 'success' " + "and se.subscriber = 'results_db' " + "and extract(month from upload_time) = ? " // current month + "and extract(year from upload_time) = ? " // current year + "and ue.user_name = users.ident) as month, " + "(select count (*) from upload_event ue, subscriber_event se " + "where ue.ue_id = se.ue_id " + "and se.status = 'success' " + "and se.subscriber = 'results_db' " + "and ue.user_name = users.ident) as all_time " + "from users " + "where users.o_id = ? " + "and not users.temporary " + "order by users.ident;"; pstmt = sd.prepareStatement(sql); pstmt.setInt(1, month); pstmt.setInt(2, year); pstmt.setInt(3, o_id);"Get Usage Data: " + pstmt.toString()); // If the PDF is to be returned in an http response then set the file name now if (response != null) {"Setting filename to: " + filename); setFilenameInResponse(filename, response); } /* * Get a template for the PDF report if it exists * The template name will be the same as the XLS form name but with an extension of pdf */ String stationaryName = basePath + File.separator + "misc" + File.separator + "UsageReportTemplate.pdf"; File stationaryFile = new File(stationaryName); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = null; ByteArrayOutputStream baos_s = null; PdfWriter writer = null; /* * Create document in two passes, the second pass adds the letter head */ // Create the underlying document as a byte array Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4); document.setMargins(marginLeft, marginRight, marginTop_1, marginBottom_1); if (stationaryFile.exists()) { baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); baos_s = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, baos); } else { writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, outputStream); } writer.setInitialLeading(12); writer.setPageEvent(new PageSizer());; // Write the usage data ResultSet resultSet = pstmt.executeQuery(); PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(4); // Add the header row table.getDefaultCell().setBorderColor(BaseColor.LIGHT_GRAY); table.getDefaultCell().setBackgroundColor(VLG); table.addCell("User Id"); table.addCell("User Name"); table.addCell("Usage in Period"); table.addCell("All Time Usage"); table.setHeaderRows(1); // Add the user data int total = 0; int totalAllTime = 0; table.getDefaultCell().setBackgroundColor(null); while ( { String ident = resultSet.getString("ident"); String name = resultSet.getString("name"); String monthUsage = resultSet.getString("month"); int monthUsageInt = resultSet.getInt("month"); String allTime = resultSet.getString("all_time"); int allTimeInt = resultSet.getInt("all_time"); table.addCell(ident); table.addCell(name); table.addCell(monthUsage); table.addCell(allTime); total += monthUsageInt; totalAllTime += allTimeInt; } // Add the totals table.getDefaultCell().setBackgroundColor(VLG); table.addCell("Totals: "); table.addCell(" "); table.addCell(String.valueOf(total)); table.addCell(String.valueOf(totalAllTime)); document.add(table); document.close(); if (stationaryFile.exists()) { // Step 2 - Populate the fields in the stationary PdfReader s_reader = new PdfReader(stationaryName); PdfStamper s_stamper = new PdfStamper(s_reader, baos_s); AcroFields pdfForm = s_stamper.getAcroFields(); Set<String> fields = pdfForm.getFields().keySet(); for (String key : fields) {"Field: " + key); } pdfForm.setField("billing_period", period); pdfForm.setField("organisation", org_name); s_stamper.setFormFlattening(true); s_stamper.close(); // Step 3 - Apply the stationary to the underlying document PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(baos.toByteArray()); // Underlying document PdfReader f_reader = new PdfReader(baos_s.toByteArray()); // Filled in stationary PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, outputStream); PdfImportedPage letter1 = stamper.getImportedPage(f_reader, 1); int n = reader.getNumberOfPages(); PdfContentByte background; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { background = stamper.getUnderContent(i + 1); if (i == 0) { background.addTemplate(letter1, 0, 0); } } stamper.close(); reader.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "SQL Error", e); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception", e); } finally { try { if (pstmt != null) { pstmt.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { } } } /* * Call this function to create a PDF with the list of tasks in it */ public void createTasksPdf(Connection sd, OutputStream outputStream, String basePath, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, int tgId) { try { // Get fonts and embed them String os = System.getProperty("");"Operating System:" + os); if (os.startsWith("Mac")) { FontFactory.register("/Library/Fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf", "Symbols"); FontFactory.register("/Library/Fonts/Arial Unicode.ttf", "default"); FontFactory.register("/Library/Fonts/NotoNaskhArabic-Regular.ttf", "arabic"); } else if (os.indexOf("nix") >= 0 || os.indexOf("nux") >= 0 || os.indexOf("aix") > 0) { // Linux / Unix FontFactory.register("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/fontawesome-webfont.ttf", "Symbols"); FontFactory.register("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf", "default"); FontFactory.register("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/NotoNaskhArabic-Regular.ttf", "arabic"); FontFactory.register("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/NotoSans-Regular.ttf", "notosans"); } Symbols = FontFactory.getFont("Symbols", BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.EMBEDDED, 12); defaultFont = FontFactory.getFont("default", BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.EMBEDDED, 10); /* * Get the tasks for this task group */ String urlprefix = request.getScheme() + "://" + request.getServerName(); TaskManager tm = new TaskManager(localisation, tz); TaskListGeoJson t = tm.getTasks(sd, urlprefix, 0, tgId, 0, false, 0, null, "all", 0, 0, "scheduled", "desc"); PdfWriter writer = null; String filename = "tasks.pdf"; // If the PDF is to be returned in an http response then set the file name now if (response != null) {"Setting filename to: " + filename); setFilenameInResponse(filename, response); } Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4); document.setMargins(marginLeft, marginRight, marginTop_1, marginBottom_1); writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, outputStream); writer.setInitialLeading(12); writer.setPageEvent(new PageSizer());; PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(4); // Add the header row table.getDefaultCell().setBorderColor(BaseColor.LIGHT_GRAY); table.getDefaultCell().setBackgroundColor(VLG); table.addCell("Form Name"); table.addCell("Task Name"); table.addCell("Status"); table.addCell("Assigned To"); table.setHeaderRows(1); // Add the task data table.getDefaultCell().setBackgroundColor(null); for (TaskFeature tf : t.features) { TaskProperties p =; table.addCell(p.survey_name); table.addCell(; table.addCell(p.status); table.addCell(p.assignee_name); } document.add(table); document.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "SQL Error", e); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception", e); } } /* * Add the filename to the response */ private void setFilenameInResponse(String filename, HttpServletResponse response) { String escapedFileName = null;"Setting filename in response: " + filename); if (filename == null) { filename = "survey"; } try { escapedFileName = URLDecoder.decode(filename, "UTF-8"); escapedFileName = URLEncoder.encode(escapedFileName, "UTF-8"); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Encoding Filename Error", e); } escapedFileName = escapedFileName.replace("+", " "); // Spaces ok for file name within quotes escapedFileName = escapedFileName.replace("%2C", ","); // Commas ok for file name within quotes response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + escapedFileName + "\""); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); } }