Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012-2013 inBloom, Inc. and its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import static org.slc.sli.modeling.xml.XmlTools.collapseWhitespace; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import; import; import; import; import org.slc.sli.modeling.psm.PsmDocument; import org.slc.sli.modeling.psm.helpers.TagName; import org.slc.sli.modeling.uml.AssociationEnd; import org.slc.sli.modeling.uml.Attribute; import org.slc.sli.modeling.uml.ClassType; import org.slc.sli.modeling.uml.DataType; import org.slc.sli.modeling.uml.EnumLiteral; import org.slc.sli.modeling.uml.EnumType; import org.slc.sli.modeling.uml.Generalization; import org.slc.sli.modeling.uml.Identifier; import org.slc.sli.modeling.uml.ModelElement; import org.slc.sli.modeling.uml.Multiplicity; import org.slc.sli.modeling.uml.Occurs; import org.slc.sli.modeling.uml.Range; import org.slc.sli.modeling.uml.SimpleType; import org.slc.sli.modeling.uml.TagDefinition; import org.slc.sli.modeling.uml.TaggedValue; import org.slc.sli.modeling.uml.Type; import org.slc.sli.modeling.uml.UmlPackage; import org.slc.sli.modeling.uml.index.ModelIndex; import org.slc.sli.modeling.xml.IndentingXMLStreamWriter; import org.slc.sli.modeling.xsd.WxsNamespace; import org.slc.sli.modeling.xsd.XsdAttributeName; import org.slc.sli.modeling.xsd.XsdElementName; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Writes a UML {@link Model} to a file (by name) or {@link OutputStream}. */ final class Uml2XsdWriter { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Uml2XsdWriter.class); private static final String NAMESPACE_XS = WxsNamespace.URI; private static final String PREFIX_XS = "xs"; private static final String QUALIFIED = "qualified"; private static final String UNQUALIFIED = "unqualified"; private static final void closeQuiet(final Closeable closeable) { IOUtils.closeQuietly(closeable); } public Uml2XsdWriter() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } private static final Iterable<SimpleType> combine(final Iterable<DataType> dataTypes, final Iterable<EnumType> enumTypes) { final List<SimpleType> simpleTypes = new LinkedList<SimpleType>(); for (final DataType dataType : dataTypes) { simpleTypes.add(dataType); } for (final EnumType enumType : enumTypes) { simpleTypes.add(enumType); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(simpleTypes); } private static final Identifier getBase(final Identifier type, final ModelIndex lookup) { final List<Generalization> generalizationBase = lookup.getGeneralizationBase(type); if (generalizationBase.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { if (generalizationBase.size() == 1) { return generalizationBase.get(0).getParent(); } else { throw new AssertionError(type); } } } private static final QName getQName(final SimpleType simpleType, final ModelIndex lookup) { final Identifier id = simpleType.getId(); for (final ModelElement whereUsed : lookup.whereUsed(id)) { if (whereUsed instanceof UmlPackage) { final UmlPackage pkg = (UmlPackage) whereUsed; return new QName(pkg.getName(), simpleType.getName()); } } return new QName(simpleType.getName()); } /** * This is a hack while we don't have a ready way to get the package name. */ private static final boolean isW3cXmlSchemaDatatype(final String localName) { if (localName.equals(WxsNamespace.BOOLEAN.getLocalPart())) { return true; } else if (localName.equals(WxsNamespace.DATE.getLocalPart())) { return true; } else if (localName.equals(WxsNamespace.DOUBLE.getLocalPart())) { return true; } else if (localName.equals(WxsNamespace.INT.getLocalPart())) { return true; } else if (localName.equals(WxsNamespace.INTEGER.getLocalPart())) { return true; } else if (localName.equals(WxsNamespace.STRING.getLocalPart())) { return true; } else { return localName.equals(WxsNamespace.TIME.getLocalPart()); } } private static final boolean isW3cXmlSchemaType(final QName name) { final String namespace = name.getNamespaceURI(); return namespace.equals(NAMESPACE_XS); } private static final void maxOccurs(final Occurs value, final XMLStreamWriter xsw) throws XMLStreamException { xsw.writeAttribute(XsdAttributeName.MAX_OCCURS.getLocalName(), toString(value)); } private static final void minOccurs(final Occurs value, final XMLStreamWriter xsw) throws XMLStreamException { xsw.writeAttribute(XsdAttributeName.MIN_OCCURS.getLocalName(), toString(value)); } private static final void occurrences(final Multiplicity multiplicity, final XMLStreamWriter xsw) throws XMLStreamException { final Range range = multiplicity.getRange(); if (!range.getLower().equals(Occurs.ONE)) { minOccurs(range.getLower(), xsw); } if (!range.getUpper().equals(Occurs.ONE)) { maxOccurs(range.getUpper(), xsw); } } private static final <T> List<T> sort(final Iterable<T> elements, final Comparator<? super T> comparator) { final List<T> copy = new LinkedList<T>(); for (final T element : elements) { copy.add(element); } Collections.sort(copy, comparator); return Collections.unmodifiableList(copy); } private static final String toString(final Occurs value) { if (value == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("value"); } switch (value) { case ZERO: { return "0"; } case ONE: { return "1"; } case UNBOUNDED: { return "unbounded"; } default: { throw new AssertionError(value); } } } private static final String typeLexicalName(final QName name, final XMLStreamWriter context) { final NamespaceContext namespaceContext = context.getNamespaceContext(); final String namespace = name.getNamespaceURI(); if (namespace.length() > 0) { final String prefix = namespaceContext.getPrefix(namespace); if (prefix == null || prefix.length() == 0) { return name.getLocalPart(); } else { return prefix.concat(":").concat(name.getLocalPart()); } } else { return name.getLocalPart(); } } private static final void writeAssociationElements(final ClassType complexType, final ModelIndex lookup, final Uml2XsdPlugin plugin, final XMLStreamWriter xsw) throws XMLStreamException { for (final AssociationEnd element : lookup.getAssociationEnds(complexType.getId())) { plugin.writeAssociation(complexType, element, lookup, new Uml2XsdPluginWriterAdapter(xsw, PREFIX_XS)); } } private static final void writeAttribute(final XsdAttributeName attributeName, final QName name, final XMLStreamWriter xsw) throws XMLStreamException { xsw.writeAttribute(attributeName.getLocalName(), typeLexicalName(name, xsw)); } private static final void writeBaseAttribute(final Type type, final Uml2XsdPlugin plugin, final XMLStreamWriter xsw) throws XMLStreamException { // The problem with the UML structure is that it's hard to get the // package. // For now we'll just hack the case of W3C XML Schema data-types. final String localName = type.getName(); if (isW3cXmlSchemaDatatype(localName)) { writeAttribute(XsdAttributeName.BASE, new QName(WxsNamespace.URI, localName), xsw); } else { final QName name = plugin.getTypeName(localName); writeAttribute(XsdAttributeName.BASE, name, xsw); } } private static final void writeAttributeElements(final ClassType complexType, final ModelIndex lookup, final Uml2XsdPlugin plugin, final XMLStreamWriter xsw) throws XMLStreamException { for (final Attribute element : complexType.getAttributes()) { writeElement(complexType, element, lookup, plugin, xsw); } } private static final void writeBaseAttribute(final QName name, final XMLStreamWriter xsw) throws XMLStreamException { writeAttribute(XsdAttributeName.BASE, name, xsw); } private static final void writeComplexType(final ClassType classType, final ModelIndex lookup, final Uml2XsdPlugin plugin, final XMLStreamWriter xsw) throws XMLStreamException { writeStartElement(XsdElementName.COMPLEX_TYPE, xsw); try { writeNameOfSchemaType(classType.getName(), xsw); final Identifier baseId = getBase(classType.getId(), lookup); if (baseId != null) { final Type base = lookup.getType(baseId); writeStartElement(XsdElementName.COMPLEX_CONTENT, xsw); try { writeStartElement(XsdElementName.EXTENSION, xsw); writeBaseAttribute(base, plugin, xsw); try { writeElements(classType, lookup, plugin, xsw); } finally { writeEndElement(xsw); } } finally { writeEndElement(xsw); } } else { writeElements(classType, lookup, plugin, xsw); } } finally { writeEndElement(xsw); } } private static final void writeDocumentation(final TaggedValue taggedValue, final XMLStreamWriter xsw) throws XMLStreamException { writeStartElement(XsdElementName.DOCUMENTATION, xsw); try { xsw.writeCharacters(collapseWhitespace(taggedValue.getValue())); } finally { writeEndElement(xsw); } } private static final void writeElement(final ClassType complexType, final Attribute element, final ModelIndex model, final Uml2XsdPlugin plugin, final XMLStreamWriter xsw) throws XMLStreamException { writeStartElement(XsdElementName.ELEMENT, xsw); try { final QName name = plugin.getElementName(element.getName(), false); writeElementName(name, xsw); final Identifier elementTypeId = element.getType(); final Type elementType = model.getType(elementTypeId); final String localName = elementType.getName(); if (isW3cXmlSchemaDatatype(localName)) { writeTypeAttribute(new QName(WxsNamespace.URI, localName), xsw); } else { final QName type = plugin.getElementType(localName, false); writeTypeAttribute(type, xsw); } occurrences(element.getMultiplicity(), xsw); writeStartElement(XsdElementName.ANNOTATION, xsw); try { for (final TaggedValue taggedValue : element.getTaggedValues()) { final TagDefinition tagDefinition = model.getTagDefinition(taggedValue.getTagDefinition()); if (TagName.DOCUMENTATION.equals(tagDefinition.getName())) { writeDocumentation(taggedValue, xsw); } else { plugin.writeAppInfo(taggedValue, model, new Uml2XsdPluginWriterAdapter(xsw, PREFIX_XS)); } } } finally { writeEndElement(xsw); } } finally { writeEndElement(xsw); } } private static final void writeElementName(final QName name, final XMLStreamWriter xsw) throws XMLStreamException { xsw.writeAttribute(XsdAttributeName.NAME.getLocalName(), name.getLocalPart()); } private static final void writeElements(final ClassType complexType, final ModelIndex lookup, final Uml2XsdPlugin plugin, final XMLStreamWriter xsw) throws XMLStreamException { /** * We are virtually forced to write all the elements inside the * xs:sequence compositor because of the restrictions on xs:all: 1) * xs:all is not a particle so it cannot be embedded inside a * compositor. 2) xs:all does not accept elements whose occurences are * greater than one. */ writeStartElement(XsdElementName.SEQUENCE, xsw); try { writeAttributeElements(complexType, lookup, plugin, xsw); writeAssociationElements(complexType, lookup, plugin, xsw); } finally { writeEndElement(xsw); } } private static final void writeEndElement(final XMLStreamWriter xsw) throws XMLStreamException { xsw.writeEndElement(); } private static final void writeFacet(final XsdElementName name, TaggedValue taggedValue, final XMLStreamWriter xsw) throws XMLStreamException { writeStartElement(name, xsw); try { writeValueAttribute(collapseWhitespace(taggedValue.getValue()), xsw); } finally { writeEndElement(xsw); } } private static final void writeFormDefaultForAttributes(final boolean qualified, final XMLStreamWriter xsw) throws XMLStreamException { xsw.writeAttribute(XsdAttributeName.ATTRIBUTE_FORM_DEFAULT.getLocalName(), qualified ? QUALIFIED : UNQUALIFIED); } private static final void writeFormDefaultForElements(final boolean qualified, final XMLStreamWriter xsw) throws XMLStreamException { xsw.writeAttribute(XsdAttributeName.ELEMENT_FORM_DEFAULT.getLocalName(), qualified ? QUALIFIED : UNQUALIFIED); } private static final void writeNameOfSchemaType(final String name, final XMLStreamWriter xsw) throws XMLStreamException { xsw.writeAttribute(XsdAttributeName.NAME.getLocalName(), name); } public static final void writeSchema(final List<PsmDocument<Type>> elements, final ModelIndex model, final Uml2XsdPlugin plugin, final File file) { try { final OutputStream outstream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)); try { writeSchema(elements, model, plugin, outstream); } finally { closeQuiet(outstream); } } catch (final FileNotFoundException e) { LOG.warn(e.getMessage()); } } public static final void writeSchema(final List<PsmDocument<Type>> documents, final ModelIndex model, final Uml2XsdPlugin plugin, final OutputStream outstream) { final XMLOutputFactory xof = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance(); try { final XMLStreamWriter xsw = new IndentingXMLStreamWriter(xof.createXMLStreamWriter(outstream, "UTF-8")); xsw.writeStartDocument("UTF-8", "1.0"); try { writeSchema(documents, model, plugin, xsw); } finally { xsw.writeEndDocument(); } xsw.flush(); // We close the stream writer knowing (from the documentation) that it will not close // the underlying output stream. xsw.close(); } catch (final XMLStreamException e) { throw new XsdGenRuntimeException(e); } } public static final void writeSchema(final List<PsmDocument<Type>> elements, final ModelIndex model, final Uml2XsdPlugin plugin, final String fileName) { try { final OutputStream outstream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(fileName)); try { writeSchema(elements, model, plugin, outstream); } finally { closeQuiet(outstream); } } catch (final FileNotFoundException e) { LOG.warn(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Writes the UML model to the XML stream in XSD format. * * @param model * The UML model. * @param xsw * The XML stream. * @throws XMLStreamException * if anything bad happens. */ private static final void writeSchema(final List<PsmDocument<Type>> elements, final ModelIndex lookup, final Uml2XsdPlugin plugin, final XMLStreamWriter xsw) throws XMLStreamException { writeStartElement(XsdElementName.SCHEMA, xsw); try { xsw.writeNamespace(PREFIX_XS, NAMESPACE_XS); final Map<String, String> prefixMappings = plugin.declarePrefixMappings(); for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entry : prefixMappings.entrySet()) { final String namespace = entry.getValue(); if (namespace == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("namespace declared by plugin is null."); } if (namespace.trim().length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("namespace declared by plugin is the empty string."); } xsw.writeNamespace(entry.getKey(), namespace); } final String targetNamespace = plugin.getTargetNamespace(); if (targetNamespace == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("targetNamespace declared by plugin is null."); } if (targetNamespace.trim().length() > 0) { xsw.writeAttribute("targetNamespace", targetNamespace); writeFormDefaultForElements(plugin.isElementFormDefaultQualified(), xsw); writeFormDefaultForAttributes(plugin.isAttributeFormDefaultQualified(), xsw); } for (final PsmDocument<Type> element : elements) { writeTopLevelElement(element, lookup, plugin, xsw); } for (final SimpleType simpleType : sort(combine(lookup.getDataTypes().values(), lookup.getEnumTypes()), TypeComparator.SINGLETON)) { writeSimpleType(simpleType, lookup, plugin, xsw); } for (final ClassType enumType : sort(lookup.getClassTypes().values(), TypeComparator.SINGLETON)) { // DE2424 exclude creating a ComplexType with no name if ("".equals(enumType.getName()) == false) { writeComplexType(enumType, lookup, plugin, xsw); } } } finally { xsw.writeEndElement(); } } private static final void writeSimpleType(final SimpleType simpleType, final ModelIndex lookup, final Uml2XsdPlugin plugin, final XMLStreamWriter xsw) throws XMLStreamException { if (!isW3cXmlSchemaType(getQName(simpleType, lookup))) { writeStartElement(XsdElementName.SIMPLE_TYPE, xsw); try { writeNameOfSchemaType(simpleType.getName(), xsw); writeStartElement(XsdElementName.ANNOTATION, xsw); try { for (final TaggedValue taggedValue : simpleType.getTaggedValues()) { final TagDefinition tagDefinition = lookup.getTagDefinition(taggedValue.getTagDefinition()); final String name = tagDefinition.getName(); if (TagName.DOCUMENTATION.equals(name)) { writeDocumentation(taggedValue, xsw); } } } finally { writeEndElement(xsw); } writeStartElement(XsdElementName.RESTRICTION, xsw); try { final Identifier baseId = getBase(simpleType.getId(), lookup); if (baseId != null) { final Type base = lookup.getType(baseId); writeBaseAttribute(base, plugin, xsw); } else { if (simpleType instanceof EnumType) { writeBaseAttribute(WxsNamespace.TOKEN, xsw); } else { writeBaseAttribute(WxsNamespace.STRING, xsw); } } for (final TaggedValue taggedValue : simpleType.getTaggedValues()) { final TagDefinition tagDefinition = lookup.getTagDefinition(taggedValue.getTagDefinition()); final String name = tagDefinition.getName(); if (TagName.MAX_LENGTH.equals(name)) { writeFacet(XsdElementName.MAX_LENGTH, taggedValue, xsw); } else if (TagName.MIN_LENGTH.equals(name)) { writeFacet(XsdElementName.MIN_LENGTH, taggedValue, xsw); } else if (TagName.MAX_INCLUSIVE.equals(name)) { writeFacet(XsdElementName.MAX_INCLUSIVE, taggedValue, xsw); } else if (TagName.MIN_INCLUSIVE.equals(name)) { writeFacet(XsdElementName.MIN_INCLUSIVE, taggedValue, xsw); } else if (TagName.MAX_EXCLUSIVE.equals(name)) { writeFacet(XsdElementName.MAX_EXCLUSIVE, taggedValue, xsw); } else if (TagName.MIN_EXCLUSIVE.equals(name)) { writeFacet(XsdElementName.MIN_EXCLUSIVE, taggedValue, xsw); } else if (TagName.TOTAL_DIGITS.equals(name)) { writeFacet(XsdElementName.TOTAL_DIGITS, taggedValue, xsw); } else if (TagName.FRACTION_DIGITS.equals(name)) { writeFacet(XsdElementName.FRACTION_DIGITS, taggedValue, xsw); } else if (TagName.LENGTH.equals(name)) { writeFacet(XsdElementName.LENGTH, taggedValue, xsw); } else if (TagName.PATTERN.equals(name)) { writeFacet(XsdElementName.PATTERN, taggedValue, xsw); } } for (final EnumLiteral literal : simpleType.getLiterals()) { writeStartElement(XsdElementName.ENUMERATION, xsw); writeValueAttribute(collapseWhitespace(literal.getName()), xsw); xsw.writeEndElement(); } } finally { writeEndElement(xsw); } } finally { writeEndElement(xsw); } } } private static final void writeStartElement(final XsdElementName name, final XMLStreamWriter xsw) throws XMLStreamException { xsw.writeStartElement(PREFIX_XS, name.getLocalName(), NAMESPACE_XS); } private static final void writeTopLevelElement(final PsmDocument<Type> document, final ModelIndex lookup, final Uml2XsdPlugin plugin, final XMLStreamWriter xsw) throws XMLStreamException { plugin.writeTopLevelElement(document, lookup, new Uml2XsdPluginWriterAdapter(xsw, PREFIX_XS)); } private static final void writeTypeAttribute(final QName name, final XMLStreamWriter xsw) throws XMLStreamException { writeAttribute(XsdAttributeName.TYPE, name, xsw); } private static final void writeValueAttribute(final String value, final XMLStreamWriter xsw) throws XMLStreamException { xsw.writeAttribute(XsdAttributeName.VALUE.getLocalName(), value); } }