Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012-2013 inBloom, Inc. and its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.slc.sli.ingestion.processors; import*; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.apache.camel.Exchange; import org.apache.camel.Processor; import org.apache.camel.ProducerTemplate; import org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultProducerTemplate; import; import; import org.slc.sli.ingestion.tenant.TenantDA; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import org.slc.sli.common.util.logging.LogLevelType; import org.slc.sli.common.util.logging.SecurityEvent; import org.slc.sli.common.util.tenantdb.TenantContext; import org.slc.sli.ingestion.BatchJobStageType; import org.slc.sli.ingestion.BatchJobStatusType; import org.slc.sli.ingestion.FaultType; import org.slc.sli.ingestion.FileFormat; import org.slc.sli.ingestion.WorkNote; import org.slc.sli.ingestion.model.Error; import org.slc.sli.ingestion.model.Metrics; import org.slc.sli.ingestion.model.NewBatchJob; import org.slc.sli.ingestion.model.ResourceEntry; import org.slc.sli.ingestion.model.Stage; import org.slc.sli.ingestion.model.da.BatchJobDAO; import org.slc.sli.ingestion.queues.MessageType; import org.slc.sli.ingestion.util.BatchJobUtils; /** * Writes out a job report and any errors/warnings associated with the job. * * @author bsuzuki * */ @Component public class JobReportingProcessor implements Processor { public static final BatchJobStageType BATCH_JOB_STAGE = BatchJobStageType.JOB_REPORTING_PROCESSOR; private static final String BATCH_JOB_STAGE_DESC = "Writes out a job report and any errors/warnings associated with the job"; public static final String JOB_STAGE_RESOURCE_ID = "job"; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JobReportingProcessor.class); private static final List<String> ORCHESTRATION_STAGES_LIST = Arrays.asList("PersistenceProcessor", "TransformationProcessor", "WorkNoteSplitter"); public static final String ORCHESTRATION_STAGES_NAME = "OrchestrationStages"; public static final String ORCHESTRATION_STAGES_DESC = "Transforms and persists records to sli database"; public static final String ERROR_FILE_TYPE = "error"; public static final String WARNING_FILE_TYPE = "warn"; @Value("${sli.ingestion.topic.command}") private String commandTopicUri; @Autowired private TenantDA tenantDA; @Autowired private BatchJobDAO batchJobDAO; @Value("${sli.ingestion.errorsCountPerInterchange}") private int errorsCountPerInterchange; @Value("${sli.ingestion.warningsCountPerInterchange}") private int warningsCountPerInterchange; @Override public void process(Exchange exchange) { WorkNote workNote = exchange.getIn().getBody(WorkNote.class); if (workNote == null || workNote.getBatchJobId() == null) { missingBatchJobIdError(exchange); } else { processJobReporting(exchange, workNote); } } private void processJobReporting(Exchange exchange, WorkNote workNote) { Stage stage = Stage.createAndStartStage(BATCH_JOB_STAGE, BATCH_JOB_STAGE_DESC); String batchJobId = workNote.getBatchJobId(); NewBatchJob job = null; try { populateJobBriefFromStageCollection(batchJobId); job = batchJobDAO.findBatchJobById(batchJobId); TenantContext.setTenantId(job.getTenantId()); boolean hasErrors = writeErrorAndWarningReports(job); writeBatchJobReportFile(exchange, job, hasErrors); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Exception encountered in JobReportingProcessor. ", e); } finally { performJobCleanup(exchange, workNote, stage, job); } } private void populateJobBriefFromStageCollection(String jobId) { NewBatchJob job = batchJobDAO.findBatchJobById(jobId); Map<String, Stage> stageBriefMap = new HashMap<String, Stage>(); if (job != null) { List<Stage> stages = batchJobDAO.getBatchJobStages(jobId); Iterator<Stage> it = stages.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Stage stageChunk =; // Account for special case of orchestration stages. String stageName = ORCHESTRATION_STAGES_NAME; String stageDesc = ORCHESTRATION_STAGES_DESC; if (!ORCHESTRATION_STAGES_LIST.contains(stageChunk.getStageName())) { stageName = stageChunk.getStageName(); stageDesc = stageChunk.getStageDesc(); } Stage stageBrief = stageBriefMap.get(stageName); if (stageBrief != null) { if (stageBrief.getStartTimestamp() != null && stageBrief.getStartTimestamp() .getTime() > stageChunk.getStartTimestamp().getTime()) { stageBrief.setStartTimestamp(stageChunk.getStartTimestamp()); } if (stageBrief.getStopTimestamp() != null && stageBrief.getStopTimestamp().getTime() < stageChunk.getStopTimestamp().getTime()) { stageBrief.setStopTimestamp(stageChunk.getStopTimestamp()); } stageBrief.setElapsedTime( stageBrief.getStopTimestamp().getTime() - stageBrief.getStartTimestamp().getTime()); } else { stageBrief = new Stage(stageName, stageDesc, stageChunk.getStatus(), stageChunk.getStartTimestamp(), stageChunk.getStopTimestamp(), null); stageBrief.setJobId(stageChunk.getJobId()); stageBrief.setElapsedTime(stageChunk.getElapsedTime()); stageBrief.setProcessingInformation(""); stageBriefMap.put(stageName, stageBrief); } } Iterator<Entry<String, Stage>> iter = stageBriefMap.entrySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Entry<String, Stage> temp =; job.addStage(temp.getValue()); } batchJobDAO.saveBatchJob(job); } else { LOG.warn("Couldn't find job {}", jobId); } } private void writeBatchJobReportFile(Exchange exchange, NewBatchJob job, boolean hasErrors) { PrintWriter jobReportWriter = null; try { File file = getLogFile(job); BufferedOutputStream outputStream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file), 65536); jobReportWriter = new PrintWriter(outputStream); writeInfoLine(job, jobReportWriter, "jobId: " + job.getId()); long recordsProcessed = writeBatchJobPersistenceMetrics(job, jobReportWriter); writeBatchJobProperties(job, jobReportWriter); writeDuplicates(job, jobReportWriter); if (!hasErrors) { writeInfoLine(job, jobReportWriter, "All records processed successfully."); job.setStatus(BatchJobStatusType.COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY.getName()); } else { writeInfoLine(job, jobReportWriter, "Not all records were processed completely due to errors."); job.setStatus(BatchJobStatusType.COMPLETED_WITH_ERRORS.getName()); } writeInfoLine(job, jobReportWriter, "Processed " + recordsProcessed + " records."); String purgeMessage = (String) exchange.getProperty("purge.complete"); if (purgeMessage != null) { writeInfoLine(job, jobReportWriter, purgeMessage); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Unable to write report file for: {}", job.getId()); } finally { cleanupWriter(jobReportWriter); } } private void writeBatchJobProperties(NewBatchJob job, PrintWriter jobReportWriter) { if (job.getBatchProperties() != null) { for (Entry<String, String> entry : job.getBatchProperties().entrySet()) { writeInfoLine(job, jobReportWriter, "[configProperty] " + entry.getKey() + ": " + entry.getValue()); } } } private boolean writeErrorAndWarningReports(NewBatchJob job) { boolean hasErrors = false; for (ResourceEntry resource : job.getResourceEntries()) { hasErrors |= writeUserLog(job, resource, FaultType.TYPE_ERROR, errorsCountPerInterchange); writeUserLog(job, resource, FaultType.TYPE_WARNING, warningsCountPerInterchange); } //It is possible that some errors dont have resourceId. //Reporting such errors. hasErrors |= writeUserLog(job, null, FaultType.TYPE_ERROR, errorsCountPerInterchange); return hasErrors; } private boolean writeUserLog(NewBatchJob job, ResourceEntry resource, FaultType severity, int logRecordsLimit) { String resourceId = resource != null ? resource.getResourceId() : null; Iterable<Error> errors = batchJobDAO.getBatchJobErrors(job.getId(), resourceId, severity, logRecordsLimit); if (errors.iterator().hasNext()) { PrintWriter errorWriter = null; try { String fileType = FaultType.TYPE_ERROR.equals(severity) ? ERROR_FILE_TYPE : WARNING_FILE_TYPE; errorWriter = getErrorWriter(fileType, job, resource); for (Error error : errors) { writeErrorLine(errorWriter, severity.getName(), error.getErrorDetail()); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Unable to write error file for: {}", job.getId(), e); } finally { cleanupWriter(errorWriter); } return true; } return false; } private PrintWriter getErrorWriter(String type, NewBatchJob job, ResourceEntry resource) throws IOException { String errorFileName = null; if (resource == null) { errorFileName = JOB_STAGE_RESOURCE_ID + "_" + type + "-" + job.getId() + ".log"; } else { errorFileName = type + "." + resource.getResourceId() + "-" + job.getId() + ".log"; } return new PrintWriter( new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(createFile(job, errorFileName)), 65536)); } /** * Returns a for a log file to be used to report BatchJob * status/progress. The file will be created if it does not yet exist. * * @return File object */ public File getLogFile(NewBatchJob job) throws IOException { String fileName = "job-" + job.getId() + ".log"; return createFile(job, fileName); } /** * @param job * @param fileName * @return * @throws IOException */ public File createFile(NewBatchJob job, String fileName) throws IOException { File f = FileUtils.getFile(job.getTopLevelSourceId(), fileName); if (!f.exists()) { f.createNewFile(); } return f; } private void writeDuplicates(NewBatchJob job, PrintWriter jobReportWriter) { Map<String, Map<String, Long>> combinedMetrics = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Long>>(); List<Metrics> deltaStageMetrics = new ArrayList<Metrics>(); List<Stage> deltaStages = batchJobDAO.getBatchJobStages(job.getId(), BatchJobStageType.DELTA_PROCESSOR); for (Stage stage : deltaStages) { for (Metrics metric : stage.getMetrics()) { if (metric.getDuplicateCounts() != null) { deltaStageMetrics.add(metric); } } } if (deltaStageMetrics != null) { for (Metrics metrics : deltaStageMetrics) { String resourceId = metrics.getResourceId(); Map<String, Long> combinedDuplicateCounts = combinedMetrics.containsKey(resourceId) ? collateDuplicateCounts(combinedMetrics.get(resourceId), metrics.getDuplicateCounts()) : metrics.getDuplicateCounts(); combinedMetrics.put(resourceId, combinedDuplicateCounts); } } for (Entry<String, Map<String, Long>> entry : combinedMetrics.entrySet()) { String resource = entry.getKey(); Map<String, Long> duplicates = entry.getValue(); if (duplicates != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, Long> dupEntry : duplicates.entrySet()) { Long count = dupEntry.getValue(); if (count > 0) { writeInfoLine(job, jobReportWriter, resource + " " + dupEntry.getKey() + " " + count + " deltas!"); } } } } } private Map<String, Long> collateDuplicateCounts(Map<String, Long> currentCounts, Map<String, Long> metricsCount) { Map<String, Long> combinedCounts = new HashMap<String, Long>(); combinedCounts.putAll(currentCounts); for (Map.Entry<String, Long> entry : metricsCount.entrySet()) { Long count = combinedCounts.containsKey(entry.getKey()) ? combinedCounts.get(entry.getKey()) + entry.getValue() : entry.getValue(); combinedCounts.put(entry.getKey(), count); } return combinedCounts; } private long writeBatchJobPersistenceMetrics(NewBatchJob job, PrintWriter jobReportWriter) { long totalProcessed = 0; List<Stage> stages = batchJobDAO.getBatchJobStages(job.getId(), BatchJobStageType.PERSISTENCE_PROCESSOR); stages.addAll(batchJobDAO.getBatchJobStages(job.getId(), BatchJobStageType.EDFI_PARSER_PROCESSOR)); Iterator<Stage> it = stages.iterator(); Stage stage; List<Metrics> metrics; Map<String, Metrics> combinedMetricsMap = new HashMap<String, Metrics>(); while (it.hasNext()) { stage =; metrics = stage.getMetrics(); for (Metrics m : metrics) { if (combinedMetricsMap.containsKey(m.getResourceId())) { // metrics exists, we should aggregate Metrics temp = new Metrics(m.getResourceId()); temp.setResourceId(combinedMetricsMap.get(m.getResourceId()).getResourceId()); temp.setRecordCount(combinedMetricsMap.get(m.getResourceId()).getRecordCount()); temp.setErrorCount(combinedMetricsMap.get(m.getResourceId()).getErrorCount()); temp.setValidationErrorCount( combinedMetricsMap.get(m.getResourceId()).getValidationErrorCount()); temp.setDeletedCount(combinedMetricsMap.get(m.getResourceId()).getDeletedCount()); temp.setDeletedChildCount(combinedMetricsMap.get(m.getResourceId()).getDeletedChildCount()); temp.setDeletedChildCount(temp.getDeletedChildCount() + m.getDeletedChildCount()); temp.setDeletedCount(temp.getDeletedCount() + m.getDeletedCount()); temp.setErrorCount(temp.getErrorCount() + m.getErrorCount()); temp.setRecordCount(temp.getRecordCount() + m.getRecordCount()); temp.setValidationErrorCount(temp.getValidationErrorCount() + m.getValidationErrorCount()); combinedMetricsMap.put(m.getResourceId(), temp); } else { // adding metrics to the map Metrics aggregatedMetrics = new Metrics(m.getResourceId(), m.getRecordCount(), m.getErrorCount(), m.getDeletedCount(), m.getDeletedChildCount()); aggregatedMetrics.setValidationErrorCount(m.getValidationErrorCount()); combinedMetricsMap.put(m.getResourceId(), aggregatedMetrics); } } } Collection<Metrics> combinedMetrics = combinedMetricsMap.values(); for (Metrics metric : combinedMetrics) { ResourceEntry resourceEntry = job.getResourceEntry(metric.getResourceId()); if (resourceEntry == null) { LOG.error("The resource referenced by metric by resourceId " + metric.getResourceId() + " is not defined for this job"); continue; } logResourceMetric(job, resourceEntry, metric.getRecordCount(), metric.getErrorCount(), metric.getValidationErrorCount(), metric.getDeletedCount(), metric.getDeletedChildCount(), jobReportWriter); totalProcessed += metric.getRecordCount(); totalProcessed += metric.getValidationErrorCount(); // update resource entries for zero-count reporting later resourceEntry.setRecordCount(metric.getRecordCount()); resourceEntry.setErrorCount(metric.getErrorCount()); resourceEntry.setValidationErrorCount(metric.getValidationErrorCount()); } writeZeroCountPersistenceMetrics(job, jobReportWriter); return totalProcessed; } private void writeZeroCountPersistenceMetrics(NewBatchJob job, PrintWriter jobReportWriter) { // write out 0 count metrics for the input files for (ResourceEntry resourceEntry : job.getResourceEntries()) { if (resourceEntry.getResourceFormat() != null && resourceEntry.getResourceFormat().equalsIgnoreCase(FileFormat.EDFI_XML.getCode()) && resourceEntry.getRecordCount() == 0 && resourceEntry.getErrorCount() == 0 && resourceEntry.getValidationErrorCount() == 0) { logResourceMetric(job, resourceEntry, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, jobReportWriter); } } } private void logResourceMetric(NewBatchJob job, ResourceEntry resourceEntry, long numProcessed, long numFailed, long numFailedValidation, long numDeleted, long numDeletedChild, PrintWriter jobReportWriter) { String id = "[file] " + resourceEntry.getExternallyUploadedResourceId(); writeInfoLine(job, jobReportWriter, id + " (" + resourceEntry.getResourceFormat() + "/" + resourceEntry.getResourceType() + ")"); long numPassed = numProcessed - numFailed - numDeleted; writeInfoLine(job, jobReportWriter, id + " records considered for processing: " + numProcessed); writeInfoLine(job, jobReportWriter, id + " records ingested successfully: " + numPassed); writeInfoLine(job, jobReportWriter, id + " records deleted successfully: " + numDeleted); // TODO uncomment if/when cascade deletes are supported // writeInfoLine(job, jobReportWriter, id + " child records deleted successfully: " + numDeletedChild); writeInfoLine(job, jobReportWriter, id + " records failed processing: " + numFailed); writeInfoLine(job, jobReportWriter, id + " records not considered for processing: " + numFailedValidation); } private void missingBatchJobIdError(Exchange exchange) { exchange.getIn().setHeader("IngestionMessageType",; LOG.error("No BatchJobId specified in " + this.getClass().getName() + " exchange message."); } private void writeInfoLine(NewBatchJob job, PrintWriter jobReportWriter, String string) { writeLine(jobReportWriter, "INFO", string); writeSecurityLog(job, LogLevelType.TYPE_INFO, string); } private void writeErrorLine(PrintWriter jobReportWriter, String severity, String string) { writeLine(jobReportWriter, severity, string); } private void writeLine(PrintWriter jobReportWriter, String type, String text) { jobReportWriter.write(type + " " + text); jobReportWriter.println(); } private void cleanupWriter(PrintWriter reportWriter) { if (reportWriter != null) { reportWriter.flush(); reportWriter.close(); } } private void performJobCleanup(Exchange exchange, WorkNote workNote, Stage stage, NewBatchJob job) { if (job != null) { BatchJobUtils.completeStageAndJob(stage, job); batchJobDAO.saveBatchJob(job); broadcastFlushStats(exchange, workNote); cleanUpLZ(job); } TenantContext.setJobId(null); } private void writeSecurityLog(NewBatchJob job, LogLevelType messageType, String message) { byte[] ipAddr = null; try { InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); // Get IP Address ipAddr = addr.getAddress(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { LOG.error("Error getting local host", e); } String edOrg = tenantDA.getTenantEdOrg(job.getTopLevelSourceId()); if (edOrg == null) { edOrg = ""; } List<String> userRoles = Collections.emptyList(); SecurityEvent event = new SecurityEvent(); event.setTenantId(""); // Alpha MH (tenantId - written in 'message') event.setUser(""); event.setUserEdOrg(edOrg); event.setTargetEdOrgList(edOrg); //@TA10431 - change targetEdOrg from scalar to list event.setActionUri("writeLine"); event.setAppId("Ingestion"); event.setOrigin(""); if (ipAddr != null) { event.setExecutedOn(ipAddr[0] + "." + ipAddr[1] + "." + ipAddr[2] + "." + ipAddr[3]); } event.setCredential(""); event.setUserOrigin(""); event.setTimeStamp(new Date()); event.setProcessNameOrId(ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName()); event.setClassName(this.getClass().getName()); event.setLogLevel(messageType); event.setRoles(userRoles); event.setLogMessage(message); audit(event); } /** * broadcast a message to all orchestra nodes to flush their execution stats * * @param exchange * @param workNote */ private void broadcastFlushStats(Exchange exchange, WorkNote workNote) { try { ProducerTemplate template = new DefaultProducerTemplate(exchange.getContext()); template.start(); template.sendBody(this.commandTopicUri, "jobCompleted|" + workNote.getBatchJobId()); template.stop(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error sending `that's all folks` message to the orchestra", e); } } private void cleanUpLZ(NewBatchJob job) { String sourceId = job.getSourceId(); if (sourceId != null) { File dir = new File(sourceId); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(dir); } } public void setCommandTopicUri(String commandTopicUri) { this.commandTopicUri = commandTopicUri; } public void setBatchJobDAO(BatchJobDAO batchJobDAO) { this.batchJobDAO = batchJobDAO; } public void setTenantDA(TenantDA tenantDA) { this.tenantDA = tenantDA; } }