Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012-2013 inBloom, Inc. and its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringStyle; import; import org.slc.sli.api.util.SecurityUtil; import org.slc.sli.common.constants.EntityNames; import org.slc.sli.common.constants.ParameterConstants; import org.slc.sli.domain.Entity; import org.slc.sli.domain.NeutralCriteria; import org.slc.sli.domain.NeutralQuery; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; /** * Validates the context of a staff member to see the requested set of students. Returns true if the * staff member can see ALL of the students, and false otherwise. */ @Component public class StaffToStudentValidator extends AbstractContextValidator { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StaffToStudentValidator.class); @Autowired private GenericToProgramValidator programValidator; @Autowired private GenericToCohortValidator cohortValidator; @Autowired private EdOrgHelper edorgHelper; @Override public boolean canValidate(String entityType, boolean isTransitive) { return EntityNames.STUDENT.equals(entityType) && isStaff(); } @Override public Set<String> getValid(String entityType, Set<String> studentIds) { LOG.trace(">>>StaffToStudentValidator.getValid(?)", entityType); LOG.debug(" studentIds: {}", (studentIds == null) ? "null" : studentIds.toString()); // first check if the entire set is valid. if not, check id by id. //return (validate(entityType, studentIds)) ? studentIds : super.getValid(entityType, studentIds); return validate(entityType, studentIds); } @Override public Set<String> validate(String entityType, Set<String> studentIds) throws IllegalStateException { LOG.debug(">>>StaffToStudentValidator.validate(?)", entityType); LOG.debug(" studentIds: {}", (studentIds == null) ? "null" : studentIds.toString()); if (!areParametersValid(EntityNames.STUDENT, entityType, studentIds)) { LOG.debug(" !areParametersValid"); return new HashSet<String>(); } return validateStaffToStudentContextThroughSharedEducationOrganization(studentIds); } private Set<String> validateStaffToStudentContextThroughSharedEducationOrganization(Collection<String> ids) { LOG.trace(">>>StaffToStudentValidator.validateStaffToStudentContextThroughSharedEducationOrganization()"); LOG.debug(" ids: {}", (ids == null) ? "null" : ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(ids, ToStringStyle.DEFAULT_STYLE)); // lookup current staff edOrg associations and get the Ed Org Ids Set<String> staffsEdOrgIds = getStaffCurrentAssociatedEdOrgs(); // lookup students Iterable<Entity> students = getStudentEntitiesFromIds(ids); Set<String> validIds = new HashSet<String>(); if (students != null && students.iterator().hasNext()) { LOG.debug(" Iterating on each student entity."); for (Entity entity : students) { LOG.debug(" student: " + ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(entity, ToStringStyle.DEFAULT_STYLE)); Set<String> studentsEdOrgs = getStudentsEdOrgs(entity); Set<String> validPrograms = programValidator.validate(EntityNames.PROGRAM, getValidPrograms(entity)); Set<String> validCohorts = cohortValidator.validate(EntityNames.COHORT, getValidCohorts(entity)); LOG.debug(" # studentsEdOrgs: {}", (studentsEdOrgs == null) ? "null" : studentsEdOrgs.size()); LOG.debug(" # validPrograms: {}", (validPrograms == null) ? "null" : validPrograms.size()); LOG.debug(" # validCohorts: {}", (validCohorts == null) ? "null" : validCohorts.size()); boolean hasStaffStudentIntersection = isIntersection(staffsEdOrgIds, studentsEdOrgs); LOG.debug(" hasStaffStudentIntersection = " + hasStaffStudentIntersection); if ((hasStaffStudentIntersection || !validPrograms.isEmpty() || !validCohorts.isEmpty())) { validIds.add(entity.getEntityId()); } } } return validIds; } private Set<String> getValidPrograms(Entity entity) { NeutralQuery basicQuery = new NeutralQuery(new NeutralCriteria(ParameterConstants.STUDENT_ID, NeutralCriteria.OPERATOR_EQUAL, entity.getEntityId())); Set<String> programs = new HashSet<String>(); Iterable<Entity> spas = getRepo().findAll(EntityNames.STUDENT_PROGRAM_ASSOCIATION, basicQuery); for (Entity spa : spas) { if (isFieldExpired(spa.getBody(), ParameterConstants.END_DATE, true)) { continue; } programs.add((String) spa.getBody().get(ParameterConstants.PROGRAM_ID)); } return programs; } private Set<String> getValidCohorts(Entity entity) { NeutralQuery basicQuery = new NeutralQuery(new NeutralCriteria(ParameterConstants.STUDENT_ID, NeutralCriteria.OPERATOR_EQUAL, entity.getEntityId())); Set<String> cohorts = new HashSet<String>(); Iterable<Entity> scas = getRepo().findAll(EntityNames.STUDENT_COHORT_ASSOCIATION, basicQuery); for (Entity sca : scas) { if (isFieldExpired(sca.getBody(), ParameterConstants.END_DATE, true)) { continue; } cohorts.add((String) sca.getBody().get(ParameterConstants.COHORT_ID)); } return cohorts; } //TODO And, this is where a proper implementation in the bean of both equals and hashcode is critical... private boolean isIntersection(Set<String> setA, Set<String> setB) { boolean isIntersection = false; for (Object a : setA) { if (setB.contains(a)) { isIntersection = true; break; } } return isIntersection; } private Set<String> getStudentsEdOrgs(Entity studentEntity) { return new HashSet<String>(edorgHelper.getDirectSchoolsLineage(studentEntity, true)); } private Iterable<Entity> getStudentEntitiesFromIds(Collection<String> studentIds) { LOG.debug("StaffToStudentValidator.getStudentEntitiesFromIds()"); LOG.debug(" studentIds: {}", (studentIds == null) ? "null" : ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(studentIds, ToStringStyle.DEFAULT_STYLE)); NeutralQuery studentQuery = new NeutralQuery(new NeutralCriteria(ParameterConstants.ID, NeutralCriteria.CRITERIA_IN, new ArrayList<String>(studentIds))); studentQuery.setEmbeddedFieldString("schools"); Iterable<Entity> students = null; students = getRepo().findAll(EntityNames.STUDENT, studentQuery); if (students == null) { LOG.debug(" students NOT found in Repo."); } else { LOG.debug(" students WERE found in Repo."); } return students; } /** * @param programValidator * the programValidator to set */ public void setProgramValidator(GenericToProgramValidator programValidator) { this.programValidator = programValidator; } /** * @param cohortValidator * the cohortValidator to set */ public void setCohortValidator(GenericToCohortValidator cohortValidator) { this.cohortValidator = cohortValidator; } @Override public SecurityUtil.UserContext getContext() { return SecurityUtil.UserContext.STAFF_CONTEXT; } }